the time to start taking risks and planning for your future is now

Before we end, I gotta take a poll. Did you buy this book because you were given a sell by/use by date? Did you relapse and, like Cher, are on yet another farewell tour? Did your doctor suggest that you get your affairs in order; make a nice list of things you’d like to do before you pass? Well, when that happened to me, I gave everyone the bird and I got myself a nice mortgage! Your future isn’t a luxury. There are no crystal balls, and magic carpets are just too hard to clean, so stop wasting time and start having fun! Cancer or not, we all know what it’s like to long for something. Most of us spend the better part of our twenties and thirties longing for Mr. or Ms. Right and the perfect job. Once we nab that, it’s off to pining for that dream house (or apartment for you urban dwellers out there). How many times do we think of our lives as really starting when “this” happens? Why does it take a challenge to our survival for us to give ourselves permission to really live? Why don’t we accept the gift of life as our birthright? You are an extremely creative person. (I know because I’ve been secretly reading your journal—just kidding!) Set yourself up for the future that you want. This is very different from living in the future. One is a day dream, the other is a plan.

Bye for Now

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, I think lemons work better. For one, they are highly alkalizing. But more importantly, this lovely little citrus reminds us to take lemons and make champagne. Rave it up! Plan a yearly party and invite your friends over to celebrate the new and improved you. Don’t forget to serve hors d’oeuvres that encourage health. And above all, wear body glitter.

Penny-toss wishes for a happy and harmonious life, my friends. Thank you for going to your edge and curtsying with me. Hug yourself right now. Wrap your arms around your body and say I love awesome-delicious me.

CanSer Cowgirls and dudes are cut from a different cloth. We are enrolled in the highly competitive PhD program of life; we are one step away from Buddha-hood. What is this coiled cobra at the base of your spine trying to teach you? Only you will know. When we die, all we have is memories. Make lots of them. Go to India, even if it’s just for a moment in your mind’s eye. Travel there. Send me a postcard. Don’t forget your crazy sexy mission . . .

1. Get real

2. Eat smart

3. Shake your ass

4. Live like you mean it

5. Educate yourself

6. Go quietly inward yet speak up

7. Get involved

8. Don’t sweat the small stuff

9. Focus on healing vs. curing

10. Plan for a long future BUT live in the moment

Oh and one more—MAKE JUICE NOT WAR!

Peace & veggies,

