PART FOUR: Jesus, Buddha, Elvis, Etc.

When we take the one seat on our meditation cushion we become our own monastery. We create the compassionate space that allows for the arising of all things; sorrows, loneliness, shame, desire, regret, frustration, happiness.


What is prayer, how do I do it, when do I know if it’s working, how long will this take me, and who the heck do I dial for a chat? Come on, I’m a modern woman and I want results!

When I first started thinking about “God,” it felt very limiting. I was still confused, and the thought of saddling up to one dude/holy lady seemed like a mistake. What if God preferred to be called the Universe, Great Spirit, Goddess, the Light, or Herbie?

For years I let myself get so caught up in the correct salutation for the divine that I’d never get to the chatting. I would call the Big Whateva every name I could think of just in case. By the time I was done with the list, I barely remembered my prayer. After thirty-six years I finally surrendered to the word God. What a relief.

Does any of this sound familiar? What, how, and who you do it with are all irrelevant. The important thing is that you let yourself find the path that works best for you. Jump in, dabble, visit, read, write. Don’t be a spiritual couch potato!