First and foremost, to my soul mate, Tammy. We’ve come a long way from where we started and we have a long way yet to go. But, I draw strength, comfort, and courage from knowing you are at my side, every step of the way.
To my boys, Andrew, Michael, and Thomas, I love you all so very much. I am very proud of each of you and look forward to seeing the men you will become.
To Dad, thanks for the encouragement, the guidance, and the support along the way.
To the awesome team at Ulysses Press, thank you for the many opportunities you’ve given me.
To Chris Golden, my mentor, my advisor, and most of all, my friend. Thank you for all you’ve done to guide me and for never blowing me off when I’ve e-mailed or called in a panic.
To Sean Neeld, thank you for all you do behind the scenes. It is all very much appreciated.
To my good friend, Chance Sanders, thank you for taking the time to answer my many questions.
Special thanks to Mike Mullin for writing the foreword for this book. I owe you one, buddy!
Finally, to my readers. When I originally posted the Countdown to Preparedness on back in 2012, many of you clamored for a book version. This one is for you, folks. Enjoy.