“Laura Petherbridge has hit a home run with 101 Tips for the Smart Stepmom! As someone who has walked a mile in stepmom shoes, Laura accurately provides wisdom, help, and hope for any woman dating, engaged, or married to a man with kids. There’s a good reason why she’s called The Smart Stepmom!”
—Brenda Ockun, publisher, StepMom Magazine
“Across all families, a stepmom’s role is among the most challenging. She is easily sabotaged, frequently confused, and often isolated. Like a warm blanket on a winter night, this book will wrap you in hope and provide practical tools for your survival toolbox. A seasoned, experienced stepmom, Laura Petherbridge is the best author and speaker I know for stepmoms; reading this book is like having her over for coffee and being mentored by her practical wisdom and insight. Buy it . . . read it . . . and share it with a friend.”
—Ron L. Deal, director, FamilyLife Blended™ and bestselling author of The Smart Stepfamily and The Smart Stepdad
“101 Tips for the Smart Stepmom is packed full of experiences from a stepmom who knows the excruciating pain and the exhilarating joy of embracing the role of motherhood with children she did not birth, but longs to nurture. If you have questions, the answers are here! This extraordinary resource is also excellent for Christian leaders who minister to blended families. Laura Petherbridge has written a book that every stepmom should read. Don’t miss it.”
—Carol Kent, speaker and author, Unquenchable: Grow a Wildfire Faith That Will Endure Anything (Zondervan)
“The role of a stepmom is vital—but sometimes difficult. Laura Petherbridge offers time-tested tips and words of wisdom and encouragement to help a stepmom walk with love through the maze of blended-family living.”
—Pam Farrel, coauthor of Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti and author of Becoming a Brave New Woman