Thank you:
Bethany House Publishers: Your compassionate heart toward stepfamilies has helped thousands become stronger. Your vision and willingness to reach out to this audience will reap vast rewards in this world and the next.
Sister stepmoms: Your willingness to share struggles, fears, hopes, wisdom, and victories makes my writing endeavors and ministry more than it could ever be without you. Personally, I am blessed more than you will ever know.
Ron Deal: Your offer to coauthor The Smart Stepmom opened an entire new world for me. Although in the beginning I was terrified, I am now exceedingly grateful. Thank you for seeing my potential as a stepmom mentor when I could not see it myself.
Prayer team: Your relentless, faithful, tenacious, and compassionate prayers to our heavenly Daddy undergird the strength beneath all that I do.
Precious husband, Steve: I love you for letting me use my gifts, even when it means a financial sacrifice to our family. Your support and encouragement are the reasons I am able to continue this outreach to stepfamilies. No one has ever loved me, or believed in me, like you do. I am so grateful that God sent you into my life.
Stepfamily Scott, Julie, and Colin; Todd, Jamie, and Erin: Your willingness to let me share our stepfamily journey makes it easier for me to be sincere and transparent. Even though I write the books, the expedition is a part of us all.
Glorious God: You took a suicidal, wounded, drunk, self-loathing, desperate woman and turned her into a vessel where people find help, hope, and healing. How can I ever say thank you? There are no words, so I offer you the only thing I can—my life.