

ALEXANDER OF HALES. Commentary on St John’s Gospel. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS Lat. 14438.

ANONYMOUS. Commentary on Juvenal’s Satires. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Auct. F.6.9.

—. Distinctions on the Psalter. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 217.

—. Liber judiciorum. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 581.

—. The Poor Caitiff. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C.69.

COMESTOR, PETER. Commentary on St John’s Gospel. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 494.

—. Commentary on St Matthew. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud. Misc. 291.

COSSEY, HENRY. Commentary on the Psalter. Cambridge, Christ’s College, MS 11.

DOCKING, THOMAS. Commentary on St Paul’s epistle to Galatians. Oxford, Magdalen College, MS 154.

GILBERT OF POITIERS. Commentary on the Pauline Epistles. Oxford, Magdalen College, MS 118.

—. Commentary on the Psalter. Oxford, Balliol College, MS 36. Also, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Auct. D.2.1.

GORRAN, NICHOLAS. Commentary on the Psalter. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 246.

HIGDEN, RALPH. Ars componendi sermones. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 5.

HUGUTIO OF PISA. Magnae derivationes. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 376.

JOHN OF WALES. De quattuor predicabilibus. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 571.

LANGTON, STEPHEN. Commentary on Exodus. Oxford, Trinity College, MS 65.

—. Commentary on Machabees. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud. Misc., 149

—. Commentary on Numbers. Oxford, Trinity College, MS 65.

—. Commentary on the Song of Songs (reportatio). Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 528.

—. Commentary on the Song of Songs (another reportatio). Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 87.

—. Commentary on the Twelve Minor Prophets. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson G. 427.

NECKAM, ALEXANDER. Distinctions verborum. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hatton 101.

PETER OF POITIERS. Distinctions on the Psalter. Oxford, Corpus Christi College, MS 48.

PETER THE CHANTER. Commentary on Genesis. London, British Library, MS Royal 2. C. VIII.

—. Commentary on the Four Evangelists. London, British Library, MS Royal 10.C.V.

—. Commentary on the Psalter. Oxford, Corpus Christi College, MS 49.

—. Verbum abbreviatum. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS Lat. 15565.

PRAEPOSITINUS. Summa super Psalterium. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS Lat. 454.

RUSSEL, JOHN. Commentary on the Apocalypse. Oxford, Merton College, MS 172.

TREVET, NICHOLAS. Commentary on Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae. Typescript of unfinished ed. by the late E. T. Silk.

—. Commentary on Seneca’s Declamations. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawl. G. 186.

—. Literal commentary on the Psalter. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 738.

WHETELEY, WILLIAM. Commentary on Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae. Oxford, New College, MS C.264.

WILLIAM OF ARAGON. Commentary on Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae. Cambridge, University Library, MS Ii.3.21 (part 2).

WILLIAM OF CONCHES. Commentary on Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae. London, British Library, MS Royal 15.B.III.

WILLIAM OF LIDLINGTON. Commentary on the Evangelists. Oxford, New College, MS 47.

WILLIAM OF MIDDLETON. Commentary on the Twelve Minor Prophets. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud. Misc. 160.


ABELARD, PETER. Historia calamitatum, ed. J. Monfrin, 2 ed. (Paris, 1962).

—. Opera theologica, ed. E. M. Buytaert, CCCM, xi—xii (1969).

—. Peter Abelard’s Ethics, ed. D. E. Luscombe (Oxford, 1971).

—. Sic et non, pr. PL, clxxviii, 1337–1610.

ALAN OF LILLE. Contra haereticos, pr. PL, ccx, 305–430.

ALBERIC OF MONTE CASSINO. Flores rhetoricii, ed. D. M. Inguanez and H. M. Willard, Miscellanea Cassinese, xiv (Montecassino, 1938).

ALBERT THE GREAT, ST. Opera omnia (Aschendorff, 1951– ).

ALCUIN. The Rhetoric of Alcuin and Charlemagne, ed. W. S. Howell (Princeton, 1941).

ALEXANDER OF HALES. Glossa in quattuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi, Bibliotheca Franciscana scholastica medii aevi, xii—xv (Quaracchi, 1951–7).

—. Summa theologica (Quaracchi, 1924–48).

ALEXANDER OF VILLA DEI. Ecclesiale, ed. L. R. Lind (Lawrence, Kansas, 1958).

AMBROSE, ST. De apologia prophetae David, ed. C. Schenkl, CSEL, xxxii (1897), 299–355.

—. Apologia David altera, ed. C. Schenkl, CSEL, xxxii (1897), 359–408.

—. Enarrationes in XII psalmos Davidicos, pr. PL, xiv, 963–1238.


ANONYMOUS. An English Fourteenth-Century Apocalypse Version with a Prose Commentary, ed. E. Fridner, Lund Studies in English, xxix (Lund and Copenhagen, 1961).

—. Everyman, ed. A. C. Cawley (Manchester, 1961).

—. Incerti auctoris impugnationes contra Aegidium Romanum contradicentem Thomae super primum sententiarum, ed. G. Bruni, Bibliotheca Augustiana medii aevi, ser. 1, Textus theol. et phil., i (Rome, 1942).

—. Ovide moralisé, vol. i, ed. C. de Boer, Verhandelingen der Koninkijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afdeeling Letterkunde, deel xv (Amsterdam, 1915).

? ANSELM OF LAON. Enarrationes in cantica canticorum, pr. PL, clxii, 1187–1592.

AQUINAS, ST THOMAS. Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, trans. R. J. Blackwell, R. J. Spath and W. E. Thirlkel (London, 1963).

—. Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle, trans. J. P. Rowan (Chicago, 1961).

—. Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics, trans. C. I. Litzinger (Chicago, 1964).

—. In metaphysicam Aristotelis commentaria, ed. M.-R. Cathala (Turin, 1935).

—. Opera omnia, ed. S. E. Frette, apud L. Vivès (Paris, 1871–80).

—. Opuscula omnia, vi, ed. P. Mandonnet (Paris, 1927).

—. Quaestiones quodlibetales, 8 ed., ed. R. Spiazzi (Marietti, 1949).

—. Scriptum super libros sententiarum (Paris, 1927–47).

—. Summa theologiae, Blackfriars ed. (London and New York, 1964–81).

—. Summa theologiae, Iterata editio (Madrid, 1955–8).

—. Super epistolas S. Pauli lectura, ed. P. R. Cai (Marietti, 1953).

—. The Division and Methods of the Sciences, trans. A. Maurer, 3 ed. (Toronto, 1963).

ARISTOTLE. The Politics, trans. T. A. Sinclair (Harmondsworth, 1962).

—. The Works of Aristotle translated into English, ed. W. D. Ross (Oxford, 1928–52).

ARNULF OF ORLEANS. Glosule super Lucanum, ed. B. M. Marti, Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, xviii (Rome, 1958).

AUGUSTINE, ST. Contra Cresconium, ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL, lii (1909), 325–582.

—. Contra mendacium, ed. I. Zycha, CSEL, xli (1900), 469–528.

—. De civitate Dei, ed. E. Hoffmann, CSEL, xl (1899–1900).

—. De consensu Evangelistarum, ed. F. Weihrich, CSEL, xliii (1904).

—. De doctrina Christiana, ed. G. M. Green, CSEL, lxxx (1963).

—. De Genesi ad litteram, ed. I. Zycha, CSEL, xxviii (1894), 3–435.

—. Enarrationes in psalmos, ed. E. Dekkers and J. Fraipont, CCSL, xxxviii—xl (1956).

—. Epistola xciii, pr. PL, xxxiii, 321–47.

—. Soliloquia, pr. PL, xxxii, 869–904.

(Pseudo-) AUGUSTINE, ST. De spiritu et anima, pr. PL, xl, 779–832.

AURIOL, PETER. Compendium Biblie totius (unloc., 1514).

AVERROES. Commentarium medium in Aristoteles poetriam, ed. W. F. Boggess (unpub. Ph.D. thesis, University of N. Carolina, 1965).

—. Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s ‘Poetics’, trans. C. E. Butterworth (Princeton, 1986).

AVICENNA. Commentary on the ‘Poetics’ of Aristotle, ed. I. M. Dahiyat (Leiden, 1974).

BARTHOLOMEW THE ENGLISHMAN. De proprietatibus rerum (Lyon, 1481).

BEDE. De arte metrica, ed. H. Keil, Grammatici Latini, vii (Leipzig, 1880).

—. Explanatio Apocalypsis, pr. PL, xciii, 129–206.

(Pseudo-) BEDE. In psalmorumlibrumexegesis, pr. PL, xciii, 477–1098.

BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, ST. S. Bernardi opera, ed. J. Leclercq et al. (Rome, 1957– ).

BERNARD SILVESTER. Commentum quod dicitur Bernardi Silvestris super VI libros Eneidos, ed. J. W. Jones and E. F. Jones (Lincoln, Nebraska, and London, 1977).

BERSUIRE, PIERRE. Reductorium morale (Venice, 1583).

—. Reductorium morale, liber xv: Ovidius moralizatus, cap.i: De formis figurisque deorum, ed. J. Engels (Utrecht, 1966).

BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Decameron, trans. C. H. McWilliam (Harmondsworth, 1972).

—. De genealogie deorum gentilium libri, ed. V. Romano (Bari, 1951).

—. Il Comento alla Divina Commedia e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante, i, ed. D. Guerri (Bari, 1918).

—. Opere, ed. C. Segre, 4 ed. (Milan, 1967).

—. Teseida, ed. S. Battaglia (Florence, 1938).

BOETHIUS. In Isagogen Porphyrii commenta, ed. S. Brandt, CSEL, xlviii (1906).

—. In Topica Ciceronis commentaria, pr. PL, lxiv, 1039–1174.

(Pseudo-) BOETHIUS. De disciplina scolarium, ed. O. Weijers (Leiden, 1976).

BOKENHAM, OSBERN. Legendys of Hooly Wummen, ed. M. S. Serjeantson, EETS (OS), ccvi (Oxford, 1938).

—. Mappula angliae, ed. C. Horstmann, Englische Studien, x(1887), 1–34.

BRADWARDINE, THOMAS. Sermo epinicius. ed. H. A. Oberman and J. A. Weisheipl, AHDLMA, xxv (1958), 295–329.

BRITO, WILLIAM. Summa Britonis sive Guillelmi Britonis expositiones vocabulorum Biblie, ed. L. W. Daly and B. A. Daly, Thesaurus mundi, xv (Padua, 1975).

BRUNETTO LATINI. Li Livres dou Tresor, ed. F. J. Carmody (Berkeley, 1948).

?BRUNO THE CARTHUSIAN, ST. Expositio in psalmos, pr. PL, clii, 637–1420.

BURLEY, WALTER. Liber de vita et moribus philosophorum mit einer altspanischen Übersetzung der Eskurialbibliothek, ed. H. Knust, Bibliothek des Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, clxxvii (Tübingen, 1886).

BURY, RICHARD OF. Philobiblon, trans. E. C. Thomas and ed. M. MacLagan (Oxford, 1960).

CAMBRIDGE COMMENTATOR’, Commentarius Cantabrigiensis in epistolas Pauli, ed. A. Landgraf, Notre-Dame University publications in Medieval Studies, ii (Notre Dame, Indiana, 1937–45).

CASSIAN, ST JOHN. Conlationes, ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL, xiii (1886).

CASSIODORUS, Expositio psalmorum, ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL, xcvii–xcviii (1958).

—. Institutiones, ed. R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1937).

—. Institutiones, trans. L. W. Jones, An Introduction to Divine and Human Readings by Cassiodorus (New York, 1946).

CAXTON, WILLIAM. The Metamorphoses, translated by W. Caxton, 1480 (New York, 1968).

—. The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton, ed. W. J. B. Crotch, EETS (OS) clxxvi (Oxford, 1928).

CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. The Ellesmere Chaucer reproduced in Facsimile (Manchester, 1911).

—. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. F. N. Robinson, 2 ed. (Oxford, 1957).

CHRISTIAN OF STAVELOT. Expositio in Matthaeum, pr. PL, cvi, 1261–1504.

CICERO. Brutus, Orator, ed. H. H. Hubbell (London and Cambridge, Mass., 1939).

—. De oratore, ed. H. Rackham (London and Cambridge, Mass., 1942).

DANTE ALIGHIERI. Epistolae, ed. P. Toynbee, 2 ed. by C. G. Hardie (Oxford, 1966).

—. Le Opere latine, ed. G. Giuliani (Florence, 1878–1882).

DIONYSIUS THE CARTHUSIAN. Opera omnia (Tournai, 1906).

DONATUS, TIBERIUS CLAUDIUS. Interpretationes Vergilianae, ed. H. Georgii (repr. Stuttgart, 1969).

DURAND OF ST POURÇAIN. In sententias theologicas Petri Lombardi (Venice, 1571).

FISHACRE, RICHARD. Commentary on the Sentences, prologue, ed. R. J. Long, ‘The Science of Theology according to Richard Fishacre’, Med. Stud., xxxiv (1972), 71–98.

FITZRALPH, RICHARD. Summa in quaestionibus Armenorum (Paris, 1512).

GEOFFREY OF AUXERRE. Expositio in cantica canticorum, ed. F. Gastaldelli (Rome, 1974).

GEOFFREY OF VITRY. The commentary of Geoffrey of Vitry on Claudian de raptu Proserpinae, ed. A. K. Clarke and P. M. Giles (Leiden, 1973).

GERHOH OF REICHERSBERG. Commentarium in psalmos, pr. PL, cxci, 619–1814.

—. Letter to Pope Hadrian about the Novelties of the Day, ed. N. M. Häring (Toronto, 1974).

GILES OF ROME. De erroribus philosophorum, ed. J. Koch (Milwaukee, 1944).

GIOVANNI DE’BALBI. Catholicon (Venice, 1495).

Glossa Ordinaria, pr. PL, cxiii–cxiv.

GODFREY OF ST VICTOR. Fons philosophiae, ed. P. Michaud-Quentin, Analecta Mediaevalia Namurcensia, viii (Namur, 1956).

GORRAN, NICHOLAS. In acta apostolorum et singulas apostolorum (Antwerp, 1620).


GOWER, JOHN. The English Works, ed. G. C. Macaulay, EETS(ES) lxxxi–lxxxii (Oxford, 1900–1).

—. The Major Latin Works, trans. E. W. Stockton (Seattle, 1962).

—. Works, ed. G. C. Macaulay (London, 1899–1902).

GREGORY THE GREAT, ST. Dialogorum libri quatuor, in PL, lxxvii, 149–430.

—. Homilia in Ezechielem prophetam, PL, lxxvi, 785–1072.

—. Moralia in Job, pr. PL, lxxv, 509–1162.

GUIBERT OF NOGENT. Liber quo ordine sermo fieri debeat, pr. PL, clvi, 19–32.

GUIDO DA PISA. Expositiones et glose super Comediam Dantis, ed. V. Cioffari (Albany, New York, 1974).

GUNDISSALINUS. De divisione philosophiae, ed. L. Baur (Munster, 1903).

(Pseudo-) HAIMO OF HALBERSTADT. Explanatio in psalmos, pr. PL, cxvi, 191–696.

HARVEY OF NEDELLEC. In quatuor libris sententiarum commentaria (Paris, 1647).

HENRY OF GHENT. Summa quaestionum ordinariarum (Paris, 1520).

HENRYSON, ROBERT. The Poems and Fables, ed. H. H. Wood, 2 ed. (Edinburgh, 1958).

HERMAGORAS. Fragmenta, ed. D. Matthes (Leipzig, 1962).

HERMANN THE GERMAN. Averrois Corubensis commentarium medium in Aristoteles poetriam, trans, by Hermannus Alemannus, ed. W. F. Boggess (Ph.D. thesis, University of N. Carolina, 1965). Pub. by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

HIGDEN, RALPH. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden; together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century, ed. C. Babington and J. R. Lumby (London, 1865–86).

HOCCLEVE, THOMAS. The Minor Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall and I. Gollancz, EETS (ES) lxi and lxxiii (Oxford, repr. 1970).

HOLCOT, ROBERT. Sapientiae regis Salomonis praelectiones (Basel, 1586).

—. Super librum Ecclesiastici (Venice, 1509).

HONORIUS ‘OF AUTUN’, Expositio in cantica canticorum, pr. PL, clxxii, 347–496.

—. Expositio psalmorum, pr. PL, clxxii, 269–312.

HUGH OF ST CHER. Opera omnia in universum Vetus et Novum Testamentum (Venice, 1754).

HUGH OF ST VICTOR. Desacramentischristianaefidei, PL, clxxvi, 173–618.

—. De tribus maximis circumstantiis gestorum, ed. W. M. Green in Speculum, xviii (1943), 484–93.

—. Didascalicon, ed. C. H. Buttimer, Catholic University of America, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Latin, x (Washington, 1939).

—. Didascalicon, trans. J. Taylor (New York and London, 1961).

—. Expositio in hierarchiam coelestem, pr. PL, clxxv, 923–1154.

—. Opera exegetica, pr. PL, clxxv.

HUMBERT OF ROMANS. Opera de vita regulari, ed. J. J. Berthier (Rome, 1888–9).


ISIDORE OF SEVILLE. Etymologiae, ed. W. M. Lindsay (Oxford, 1911).

JACQUES OF VITRY. The Exempla or illustrative storiesfrom the Sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, Folk-Lore Society (London, 1890).

JEAN DE MEUN. Roman de la Rose, ed. E. Langlois, Société des anciens textes français (Paris, 1914–24).

—. The Romance of the Rose, trans. R. W. Robbins and ed. C. W. Dunn (New York, 1962).

JEROME, ST. Commentaria in Isaiam prophetam, pr. PL, xxiv, 18–900.

—. Commentarius in Ecclesiasten, ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL, lxxii (1959), 248–361.

—. Epistola xxx, pr. PL, xxii, 441–5.

—. Epistola cxl, pr. PL, xxii, 1166–1179.

—. Liber Hebraicarum quaestionum in Genesim, pr. PL, xxiii, 983–1062.

–. Praefatio in librum psalmorum iuxta Hebraicam veritatem, pr. PL, xxviii, 1123–8.

JOHN OF GARLAND. Parisiana Poetria, ed. T. Lawlor (New Haven and London, 1974).

JOHN OF ROCHELLE. Inception Lectures, ed. M. Delorme, ‘Deuxleçons d’ouverture de cours biblique données par Jean de la Rochelle’, La France franciscaine, xvi (1933), 345–60.

JOHN OF SALISBURY. Metalogicon, ed. C. C. J. Webb (Oxford, 1929).

—. Policraticus, ed. C. C. J. Webb (Oxford, 1909).

JOHN OF WALES. Communiloquium (Lyon, 1511).

—. Compendiloquium, ed. L. Wadding (Rome, 1655).

KILWARDBY, ROBERT. De natura theologiae, ed. F. Stegmüller, Opuscula et textus historiam ecclesiae illustrantia, xvii (Aschendorff, 1935).

—. De ortu scientiarum, ed. A. G. Judy, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, iv (Oxford, 1976).

LATHBURY, JOHN, In threnos Ieremiae (Oxford, 1482).

LETBERT OF LILLE. In Psalmos LXXV commentarius, pr. PL, xxi, 641–960. Falsely attributed to Rufinus.

LOMBARD, PETER. Collectanea in Epist. d. Pauli, pr. PL, cxci, 1297–1696; PL, cxcii, 9–520.

—. Commentarius in psalmos Davidicos, pr. PL, cxci, 61–1296.

—. Sententiae in IV libros distinctae, i, pars 1, ed. I. Brady, Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, iv (Grottaferrata, 1971).

MALORY, SIR THOMAS. Works, ed. E. Vinaver, 2 ed. (Oxford, 1971).

MAP, WALTER. De nugis curialium, ed. M. R. James, Anecdota Oxoniensia, xiv (Oxford, 1914).

—. Dissuasio Valerii ad Rufinum, pr. PL, xxx, 254–61.

—. Walter Map: Of Courtiers’ Trifles, trans. F. Tupper and M. B. Ogle (London, 1924).

NECKAM, ALEXANDER. Sacerdos ad altare, ed. C. H. Haskins in Studies in the History of Medieval Science (Cambridge, Mass., 1924), pp. 372–6.

ORIGEN. Commentarium in cantica canticorum, in Origenes Werke, viii, ed. W. A. Baehrens, Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, xxx (Leipzig, 1925), 61–241.

—. Origen: The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies, trans. R. P. Lawson, Ancient Christian Writers, xxvi (Westminster, Maryland, and London, 1957).

PAPIAS. De linguae latinae vocabulis (unloc., 1476).

PECOCK, REGINALD. Donet, ed. E. V. Hitchcock, EETS (OS) clvi (Oxford, 1918).

—. Folewer to the Donet, ed. E. V. Hitchcock, EETS (OS) clxiv (Oxford, 1923).

—. Reule of Cristen Religioun, ed. W. C. Greet, EETS (OS), clxxi (Oxford, 1926).

PETER OF POITIERS. Allegoriae super tabernaculum Moysi, ed. P. S. Moore and J. A. Corbett (Notre Dame, Indiana, 1938).

PETER OF TARANTASIA. Innocentius V sententiarum commentaria (Toulouse, 1652).

—. In omnes d. Pauli epistolas elucidatio authore Nicolao Gorrano (Antwerp, 1617). Falsely attributed to Nicholas Gorran.

PETER THE VENERABLE. The Letters of Peter the Venerable, ed. G. Constable (Cambridge, Mass., 1967).

PETRARCH, FRANCIS. Epistolae de rebus familiaribus, ed. I. Fracassetti (Florence, 1859–63).

—. Petrarch’s Letters to Classical Authors, trans. M. E. Cosenza (Chicago, 1910).

PHILIP OF HARVENGT. Commentaria in cantica canticorum, pr. PL, cciii, 181–490.

QUINTILIAN. Institutio oratoria, ed. H. E. Butler (London and New York, 1921–2).

REMIGIO DEI GIROLAMI OF FLORENCE. Per lo studio di Fra Remigio dei Girolami († 1319): Contra falsos ecclesie professores cc. 5–37, ed. E. Panella, Memorie Domenicane, n.s., ix (Pistoia, 1979).

REMIGIUS OF AUXERRE. Commentarium in cantica canticorum, pr. PL, cxvii, 295–358.

—. Commentum in Martianum Capellam, ed. C. Lutz (Leiden, 1962).

—. Enarratio in duodecim prophetas minores, pr. PL, cxvii, 9–294.

—. Expositio in apocalypsin, pr. PL, cxvii, 937–1220.

—. In Artem Donati minorem commentum, ed. W. Fox (Leipzig, 1892).

—. In d. Pauli epistolas expositio, pr. PL, cxvii, 361–938.

(Pseudo-) REMIGIUS OF AUXERRE. Enarrationes in psalmos, pr. PL, cxxxi, 133–844.

RICHARD OF ST VICTOR. In cantica canticorum explicatio, pr. PL, cxcvi, 405–524.

RIDEVALL, JOHN. Fulgentiusmetaforalis, ed. H. Liebeschütz (Leipzig, 1926).

RINGSTEAD, THOMAS. In proverbia Salomonis (Paris, 1515). Falsely attributed to ‘Robert Holcot or Thomas Waleys’.

ROGERIUS. Summa codicis des Irnerius, ed. H. Fitting (Berlin, 1894). Falsely ascribed to Irnerius.

ROLLE, RICHARD. English Writings, ed. H. E. Allen (Oxford, 1931).

RUFINUS. Summa decretorum des Magister Rufinus, ed. H. Singer (Paderborn, 1902).

RUPERT OF DEUTZ. De trinitate et operibus eius, pr. PL, clxvii, 199–1828.

—. De victoria verbi Dei, pr. PL, clxix, 1215–1502.

SCOTUS, SEDULIUS. In Donati artem minorem, etc., ed. B. Löfstedt, CCCM, xlc (1977).

—. In Maiorem Donatum grammaticum, ed. D. Brearley, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Studies and Texts, xxvii (Toronto, 1975).

SERVIUS. In Vergilii carmina commentarii, ed. G. Thilo and H. Hagen (Leipzig, 1881).

—. In Vergilii carmina commentariorum, Harvard Edition (1946).


STEPHEN OF BOURBON. Anecdotes historiques, légendes et apologues tirés du recueil inédit d’Étienne de Bourbon, ed. A. Lecoy de la Marche, Société de l’histoire de France (Paris, 1877).

THIERRY OF CHARTRES. Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and his School, ed. N. M. Häring, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Studies and Texts, xx (Toronto, 1971).

THOMAS OF CITEAUX. Commentarii in cantica canticorum, PL, ccvi, 17–862.

THOMAS OF IRELAND. Flores omnium pene doctorum collecti per Thomam Hibernicum (Lyon, 1555).

THOMAS OF STRASSBURG. Thomae ab Argentina commentaria in IV libros sententiarum (Venice, 1564).

TREVET, NICHOLAS. Commentarius literalis in Psalterium iuxta Hebreos S. Hieronymi, selections, ed. B. P. Shields (Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers, 1970). Pub. by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

—. Il Commento di Nicola Trevet al Tieste di Seneca, ed. E. Franceschini, Pubb. dell’ Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Orbis Romanus (Milan, 1938).

—. Nicolai Treveti expositio Herculis furentis, ed. V. Ussani, Biblioteca degli Scrittori Greci e Latini (Rome, 1959).

—. Nicolai Treveti expositio Senecae Agamemnonis, ed. P. Meloni, Università di Cagliari, Facoltà di Lettere e di Magistero, iii (Sassari, 1961).

—. Nicholai Treveti expositio Senecae Herculis oetaei, ed. P. Meloni, Univ. di Cagliari, Fac. di Lett., vii (Rome, 1962).

TREVET, NICHOLAS and WALEYS, THOMAS. In libros B. Augustini de civitate Dei commentaria (Toulouse, 1488).

TREVISA, JOHN. On the Properties of Things: John Trevisa’s Translation of Bartholomaeus Anglicus de proprietatibus rerum, ed. M. C. Seymour et al. (Oxford, 1975).

—. See also HIGDEN, RALPH.

ULRICH OF STRASSBURG. Summa de bono, lib.i, ed. J. Daguillon, Bibliothèque Thomiste, xii (Paris, 1930).

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