The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
accessus introduction, prologue
actor writer, in contrast with auctor
affectus affections, disposition
affirmare to affirm
affirmator one who affirms
allegoria allegory. See General Index s.v. allegory
ante opus before the work (series of headings)
ars dictaminis art of letter-writing
artes praedicandi arts of preaching
artifex master, practitioner, craftsman
aspectus gaze of the intellect
finis aspectus objective of looking
assertio assertion
assertor one who asserts
auctor and auctoritas author and authority, major definitions
auctoritas in sense of extract from an auctor
cantus song
capitula chapter-divisions
capitulum chapter-summary
carmen song, poem
carminis species species of poetry
causa, causae cause, causes
causa scribendi cause of the writing
causae libri causes of the book
causae operis causes of the work
causa distinctionis case of the divisions
causa frequentationis case of frequent use
causa inscriptionis cause of the title
causa nominis case of the name
causa propinqua immediate or near cause
causa quantitatis case of the quantity
causa remota remote or far cause
causae introductoriae introductory causes, being the Aristotelian four causes
causa efficiens efficient cause
causa effectiva librorum effective cause of the books
causa efficiens extra external efficient cause
causa efficiens intra internal efficient cause
causa efficiens principalis principal efficient cause
duplex causa efficiens twofold efficient cause
quadruplex causa efficiens fourfold efficient cause
triplex causa efficiens threefold efficient cause
causa finalis final cause
causa formalis formal cause
causa materialis material cause
causae moventes ad scribendum causes moving one to write
causae moventes ab intrinsecol ab extrinseco causes moving from within/from outside
characteres scripturae styles of writing (exegematic, dramatic, and mixed)
circa artem, circa librum concerning the art, concerning the book (two series of headings)
circumstantia litterae circumstances of the letter
circumstantiae circumstances, summaries
collectio literary collection
collectio ratiocinative ‘gathering together’
collector collector
commentator commentator
compilatio compilation
compilator compiler
conquestio complaint
continuatio syntactical structure
cui parti philosophiae supponitur which branch of learning the text pertains to
definitio definition
delectare to delight
delectatio delight
distinctio distinction
divisio division of a subject into parts
divisio libri division of the book
divisio textus division of the text
dramatica dramatic poems
editor editor
elegia elegies
ethice supponitur it pertains to ethics
exempla examples. See General Index s.v. exemplification
explanatio explanation
expositio litterae exposition of the letter
extrinsecus and intrinsecus extrinsic and intrinsic, being two kinds of introduction:
fabula fable, myth:
figura figure. See General Index s.v. prefiguration
finis end, objective:
forma form:
duplex forma twofold form:
forma tractandi form of treatment:
forma tractatus form of the treatise:
formaprophetialis literary form of prophecy. See modus prophetialis s.v. modus agendi
genera dicendi kinds of speaking (the high, middle, and low styles):
grammaticus grammarian:
historia history:
nuda historia plain/bare history:
See also General Index s.v. history and historical context
in ipso opere in the work itself (a series of headings):
indignatio indignation:
ingressus introduction, prologue:
inscriptio operis title of the work:
inspirator inspirer:
integumentum fictional garment:
intellectus intellect:
intentio intention, purpose:
communis intentio common intention:
generalis intentio general intention:
intentio extrinseca extrinsic intention:
intentio intrinseca intrinsic intention:
prima intentio primary intention:
specialis intentio special intention:
intentiones chapter-summaries:
inter lineas ipsas within the lines themselves (re positioning of authors’ names):
introitus introduction, prologue, lecture:
lectoris arbitrium freedom of the reader:
locus place (of composition):
materia material:
communis materia common material:
materia extrinseca extrinsic material:
materia intrinseca intrinsic material:
principalis materia principal material:
materia material, in sense of introduction, prologue:
mens auctoris mind/purpose of the author:
mensprophetiae mind/purpose of the prophet:
modus agendilprocedendilscribendil tractandi mode of literary treatment/procedure:
modus abbreviationis mode of abbreviation:
modus affectivus, desiderativus et contemplativus affective, desiderative, and contemplative mode:
modus argumentativus argumentative mode:
modus definitivus, divisivus et collectivus definitive, divisive, and collective mode:
modus disputativus disputative mode:
modus dramatis dramatic mode:
modus excerptoris mode of the excerptor:
modus exemplorum suppositivus mode of applying examples:
modus exhortativus exhortative mode:
modus historicue et exemplificativus historical and exemplifying mode:
modus lamentativus lamentative mode:
modus laudis et orationis mode of praise and prayer:
modus narrativus narrative mode:
modus orativus orative, praying mode:
modus parabolicus mode of parable:
mode poetice poetic mode:
modus poeticus, fictivus, descriptivus, etc. poetic, fictive, descriptive . . . mode:
modus praeceptivus perceptive mode:
modus praeceptivus, exemplificativus, exhortativus, etc. preceptive, exemplificative, exhortative . . . mode:
modus probativus et improbativus mode of proving and disproving:
modus prophetialis mode of prophecy:
modus revelativus revelatory mode:
modus sacrae poetriae mode of sacred poetry: multiplex modus multiple mode:
uniformis modus uniform mode:
modus docendi mode of teaching:
modus exponendi mode of exposition:
modus legendi mode of reading:
modus praedicandi mode of preaching:
nomen auctoris name of the author:
nomen interpretatoris name of the interpreter:
nomen libri name of the book:
nomen libelli name of the little book:
nomen scribentis name of the writer:
numerus librorum number of books:
officium office:
officium praedicatoris office of preacher:
ordinatio partium organisation/arrangement of parts:
ordo literary order:
ordo tractandi order of treatment:
ordo tractatus order of the treatise:
ordo artificialis artificial order
ordo naturalis natural order
originalia originals (authoritative texts in their entirety)
pars philosophiae part/branch of learning
pars/genus prophetiae type of prophecy
persona person, character
persona person responsible for a work
philomites lover of myth
philosophi the philosophers
prelectio lecture, explanatory reading
principia inaugural lectures
prodesse to profit
prolusio introductory lecture
qualitas carminis quality of the poem
recitare to report, repeat
recitatio reporting, repeating
reportatio reporting
salutatio salutation
satira satire
scriptor scribe
scriptus intus et foris written within and without
secundum proprietatem sermonis according to the proper meaning of speech
sensus sense, meaning
sensus auctoris sense of the author
sensus litteralis literal sense. See General Index s.v. literal sense
sententia deep meaning, profound saying
sermones ad status sermons for different states
tempus time (of composition)
theologia theology, science of
tituli chapter-headings
tituli psalmorum titles of the psalms
titulus operis/libri title of the work/book
translatio transference
utilitas usefulness, utility
vita auctoris life of the author