Chapter Twelve



At home, Gabby had beaten the rugs and replaced them, then hung a load of wash on the line. She picked the garden too. She was in the garden when Ray Grayson came riding into the yard.

She kept on pulling vegetables, thinking he wasn't there to see her.

He came to stand by the fence.

"Nice to see you again, Gabby."

She nodded. "Ben's out in the north meadow, branding."

"I stopped off to say hello to you."

"That's nice. Helena's got coffee on the stove."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Ray asked coming closer.

Dismayed at his arrogance, she continued to pick vegetables from the garden, almost to the point of ignoring him. "No, I'm just busy gathering food for supper." She turned and looked at him.

He was dressed nicely, in slacks and shirt with a tie.

"Don't you work?" She asked.

"Yes, I work for a bank actually."

"Is it closed today?" She mumbled under her breath.

Not at all taken aback, he leaned on the fence negligently. "I came to see if you'd like to go riding with me one day." He asked staring at her. "Today perhaps?"

"Riding?" she resounded. "Mr. Grayson, I'm afraid there's a lot of chores to do around here. I don't have much time for riding." She excused herself. "And if I did it would be with my husband. I barely know you."

"Has Ben even bothered to show you around the property yet?" He inquired.

"No." She shrugged. "We haven't gotten around to that yet, I'm afraid. But since," she rose up and glared at him now. "Your deliberately being nosey, I guess it's up to me to set you straight. No, I do not want to go riding with you, and it is none of your business what Ben and I do."

He raised one arrogant brow. "Your right to the point of things, aren't you. But you don't know how much property belongs to you?"

"And, I don't really care…" She turned to look at him. "What are you trying to say, exactly?"

"Well, nothing except…you've married into a wealthy rancher's estate. I'd think you'd want to know how big it is. Or do you already know?"

"Are you under the impression I married my husband for money?" She stared at him trying to gauge him, her brows knitting.

"Didn't you?" Ray shot her a sardonic glance. Her rudeness had automatically allowed him to be just as rude.

About to offer him a retort, Helena ventured out in the garden. "Ray, I'm surprised to see you here, this time of day. Isn't the bank open today?"

"No, they are auditing today, we are closed."

Gabby came up to him and gave him one glance. She noted his finely tailored clothes, his high swept hair, and his menacing brown eyes with indifference. "For your information, my husband is one of the finest men I know. I’m madly in love with him. Have been for years. Does that answer your questions?"

Ray frowned. "You might fool him into believing that, but you'll never fool me."


She turned about to go into the house. "I'm not trying to fool you!"

He glanced at Helena who was smiling and then got on his horse and rode off.

"What did he want?"

"To stir up trouble, I imagine." Gabby muttered matter-of-factly.

"He fancies himself as a ladies man…" Helena stared at his retreating figure.

"To each his own, I guess." Gabby continued her chore. "Too fancy for me."

"Well, I must say, he didn't impress you much, did he?"

"I've known a few Ray's in my time." Gabby smirked. "In the mining town we lived in, there were men like Ray Grayson. I began to cringe every time one came around me."

"Why?" Helena's face screwed up.

"Because Frank would beat the heck out of me every time. Claiming I was flirting with them. I finally learned to completely ignore them including Frank…"

"He won't be coming back; he doesn't like to be put in his place." Helena smiled.

"I sensed Ben didn't like him on our wedding day. And if he doesn't like him, then I don't either." Gabby assured her.

"Wow, you got a little sass in you, don't you?"

"I guess I do!" Gabby chuckled. "It does upset me that people think I'm only here to milk the money out of the Wyler's. And yet, I know I can't convince them any differently. So there's no use trying."

"People will always think what they want. Don't let it bother you, or rob you of happiness."

"I'll try."

She was tired, but eager to help Helena finish dinner up so they could set it on the table. The men had come in and washed up.

Gabby offered a simple prayer for the meal and Helena joined them at the table as she brought the cornbread and butter.

"So, how was your trip to the Hodges?" Ben asked trying to hold a straight face as he watched his father who looked remarkably uncomfortable. He saw a smudge of read on the back of his cheek too.

"You were certainly right about Mrs. Hodges. She was all over me. It was downright embarrassing. I wouldn't have believed it until I saw it. Poor Joe. I left as soon as I could. Man, that woman is bad off. Too bad her husband doesn't know about her. And she doesn't take no for an answer. Somebody is going to get killed over there. Maybe we should send Pedro over next time. He's a bachelor and quite unspoken for."

"Pedro might be the one man that could set her straight." Helena chuckled.

"That was my thinking, exactly." Jason smiled at her.

Ben chuckled. "You want to be the one to tell her husband?"

"Uh…no, sooner or later she'll get caught in her own web." Jason smirked.

"Mama, I saw baby calves today." Jimmy offered.

"Oh how wonderful, were they pretty?"

Jimmy wrinkled his nose, "Cows aren't pretty, Mama."

Gabby laughed.

"All of you leave some room for apple pie." Helena joined in the conversation.

"Apple pie, why Helena, you've outdone yourself." Jason smiled at her.

"Thanks to Gabby I had time to make it." Helena gestured. "Oh, and Ray stopped by."

"What the hell did he want?" Ben frowned.

"I think he was flirting with me." Gabby implied shyly.

"What happened?"

Helena laughed, "She put him in his place, is what she done. He took off like a wounded rabbit too."

"Good for you Gabby." Jason smiled. "Ray thinks highly of himself. It's time someone brought him down to earth."

"Then why on earth did you invite him to be my best man?" Ben grumbled.

"He's part of your mother's family. I thought the Grayson's should be included. Besides, I knew you could handle him." Jason snickered.

"He's handsome, on the outside. But I got a feeling there's not much to him on the inside." Gabby chortled.

Everyone stared at her.

Gabby blushed when all heads turned to her. "Don't look at me, I just beat the rugs around here. It's a very healthy chore. You can take out your animosity on it and no one is the wiser." She chuckled.

"Beat the rugs, washed a load of clothes, dusted the house and helped me get the rest of dinner on the table after checking the garden for me. I haven't had this much help since I've been here." Helena cheered her on.

"It's as it should be. The men do the ranching business, the women run the house." Gabby replied modestly.

"That's a pretty fair estimate." Jason smiled. "How far did you get with the branding?" He looked at Ben.

"Another week and we should be ready to work on those mustangs Pedro gathered." Ben assured him. "Gotta a small line of castrating to do after the branding, but that shouldn't take more than a day or two.


"I branded too." Jimmy looked at his mother with big eyes.

"You did?" Gabby glanced at Ben.

"He sure did. His first calf." Ben rubbed his head.

"So what did you name your horse?" Gabby asked.

"Sugarfoot." He glanced at her and smiled.

Helena smiled, "That's a cute name…"

"It's what I used to call Jimmy, when he was little." Gabby smiled at her son who was beaming with pride.

"Oh, by the way, Butch was kind of limping today, gonna have Pedro check him out." Ben announced.

"That old dog has sure been a good one. But he's getting old. We could use a young pup around here."

Jimmy's face lit up, but he didn't say anything, Gabby noticed he was beginning to relax and talk more with everyone. She was glad of that. He seemed to learn a lot every day, and Gabby was fascinated that he had such an interest in the ranch and the animals at such a young age.

Small talk floated around the room and Ben's face seemed almost melancholy as he glanced at everyone.

That evening as Gabby was about to go to bed Ben stopped her on the stairs.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked as he took her arm and pulled her toward the couch.

"Sure…" She looked hesitant. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing at all. I just hadn't had a chance to talk with you. You know…you've brought something to this old house again and I couldn't help noticing it at the table. First you invite Helena to join us…"

"Oh…was that wrong?" She touched her chest, hoping she hadn't overstepped herself.

"No, of course it wasn't wrong. It was right. We should have invited her to join us long ago. But men tend to overlook things you'll have to excuse us."

"Oh…" She let out a breath.

"Gabby." He took her hands in his and rubbed the top of them. She was beginning to like that particular kind of touch. "You're my wife now, and I want what is best for you and Jimmy. I don't want to offend you in any way, but as your husband, I want you to have what you need." He began.

"Oh…I have everything I need." She started.

"No, you don't." He affirmed.

"I don't?" She looked puzzled.

"I want you and Helena to go into town tomorrow, and I want you to buy yourself and Jimmy some clothes." He suggested softly, so as not to offend.

Gabby felt uncomfortable. "I don't have money for nice clothes."

"I know that. But I do. As your husband, it's my duty to provide for you and for Jimmy. I can afford to provide for anything you need or want, so I want to do this, and I don't want you to feel like your taking charity. You see, out here, a man is sometimes judged by the way he keeps his place, the way his wife and kids dress and such things. That's why I waited so late to talk to you. It's our business, not everyone else's. I want you to feel comfortable here, and I want you to have nice things, Gabby."

"Helena had mentioned I should dress as a rancher's wife would."

"Dress whatever way you want, but get rid of those old and tattered clothes. Buy yourself some pretty ones, and some other things for everyday. So I want you to buy several dresses, things you need here on the ranch. Pretty dresses, good solid working clothes and nice things, and for Jimmy too. Also a couple of riding outfits too."

"Oh but…" She stopped and took a breath. "I won't need much."

"Need isn't what I'm talking about. I'd like you to indulge yourself a bit. Enjoy it, Gabby; I can afford to support you in the style you want."

"I'm a very practical woman," she began.

"You don't want to be beholden, right?"

"How did you know?" She looked incredulous at him.

"I'm beginning to know you a little. This isn't charity, Gabby. But as your husband, I'd like to think I'm the provider of the family. As such, I'm entitled to spend money on you and Jimmy, and don't worry, I have plenty of money. I've opened an account for you in town, and I want you to buy what you want and need. When Jimmy starts school, he'll need decent clothes to wear and you are my wife, I want you to have things, nice things. If it bothers you, then start small, but build up a wardrobe that befits your living day to day and buy a party dress or two as we occasionally have dances."

Gabby grimaced. "This is gonna sound funny to you, but, store bought clothes don't fit me well. They make dresses for women who have a lot of curves. I'm built like a tall boy." She glanced self-consciously at herself.

"You're built like a beautiful young stallion, lean and youthful. And your hair…and eyes…my God." He breathed as he reached for a curl and fingered it. There was something about curling her hair around his finger that pleasured him.

The intimacy of touching her hair like he did had her flustered. It wasn't just the touching so much, as the way he looked at it. As though he thought it beautiful. Her mouth fell open in awe.

Coming to her senses, she swallowed hard. No one had ever talked to her like this. It was intimate and it gave her a small shot of courage.

"I'm too tall for a woman. Most store bought dresses look too short on me and too big."

"Oh I don't know, when we danced, your head came right up on my shoulder. It fit, Gabby." He smiled into her shy eyes. "Not many women fit me…and as for the dresses being too short, perhaps Helena can help. She's quite a seamstress."

She blushed profusely. "You're being very kind."

"You take care of your clothes any way you want, but spend some money on yourself and Jimmy. It will make you feel good about yourself and give you a little more confidence. You're my wife now; I want you to have clothes, and food and anything you like…"

"You're worried because I'm too skinny, aren't you? I try to eat better but…it hurts to eat too much at a time. It's not that I don't want to eat, it's that it hurts."

"Do you need to see a doctor about it?"

"N-no…it should improve in time. But…I'll never be voluptuous."

"It's okay, honey. I wouldn't change the way you look, but I am concerned that you eat like a bird. Gabby, I don't mean this to sound pitiful, but I like you just the way you are. I'm just concerned for your health. Keep trying to eat more though…I don't want you to get sick…" His voice seemed to rattle with emotions not spoken.

Then it hit her. He thought she was unhealthy and afraid she might get sick and die on him, like his mother and sister did. She realized that he was genuinely concerned about her.

"I promise, to try. It might take a while to have a normal appetite though." She remarked.

"You really came close to starving to death, didn't you?"

She reddened. This was something she'd kept secret and wished was not exposed.

"I'll bet you gave Jimmy your own food a lot of the time, didn't you?"

She opened her mouth to refute it, but bit her lip.

"I thought so. Honey, you nearly starved to death. The fact that you still can't eat much tells me this. But all of that is changed now, and I want you to have the things you want and need."

She nodded shyly.

"And remember one thing." He looked at her closely, staring into her azure eyes.

"What…" she asked breathlessly.

"You are a beautiful woman, Gabby, never doubt that."

She blushed and when he stared, she looked confused. "No one has ever said that to me. I know you are probably just trying to make me feel better about myself, but…thank you."

He leaned toward her, and before she knew what he was trying to do, he kissed her lightly. "You don't have to thank me…it's the truth." His lips brushed hers gently once more. "If you remember, I was fascinated with your hair a long time ago."

Gabby chuckled.

Gabby savored his kisses. She was beginning to enjoy them too much. She was beginning to have feelings for Ben, and she wasn't sure that was wise. Ben was the nicest, kindest man she had ever met. Still, there was so much she didn't know or understand. She stood up and paced the area in front of the cowhide sofa. "I don't feel right about using your money…"

"Didn't Frank buy you clothes?" He asked.

"Well…at first, yes…"

"I intend buying your clothes and Jimmy's for the rest of your life…" Ben insinuated quietly. "I want to provide you with pretty things, good things."

"That's very generous of you, but…I haven't earned any of it." She protested.

"Gabby you aren't an employee here. You're my wife. And…you are a very beautiful woman. I want you to have nice things, Gabby. I can well afford it. I want to show you off to my friends and neighbors." Ben assured her. "So get yourself some pretty things, practical things, things you need. You see, you aren't poor any more, Gabby. Those days are gone. You don't have to pinch pennies, or save or worry about what I can or cannot afford. So for me…buy yourself and Jimmy some things."

"Why are you so generous with me?" She asked. "People will think I did marry you for your money."

"Let them think what they want. Who cares."

"I don't want to be bought and paid for." Gabby insisted, turning to look at him.

"I'm not trying to buy you Gabby. I'm taking care of my responsibilities. Don't let your pride keep you from being the woman you were meant to be." He advised, staring at her. "Look at it from my end. I'm the son of one of the wealthiest men in Texas, and I can well afford to support you. What would people think if you continue to wear the same clothes day after day, worn and tattered? That I can't support you? That's what they'd think. That isn't true. I can. And not only that, but I want to. So please, buy yourself some pretty things, be happy for a change. Allow yourself to be happy. You've sure brought a lot of happiness to this house. I was noticing it at supper. We all talked and chatted about our day and we shared. I like that. It's the way it used to be. Its home again."

Gabby raised her eyes to him; one tear in the corner of her eyes told him how grateful she was, but her pride told him it took something out of her too. "I-I am happy."

"Good, so will you do this for me?"

"Alright Ben, if you insist." She murmured.

"I do." He smiled at last.

"But…I didn't marry you for money, riches, or pretty clothes…"

"I know that. Maybe someday, we can sit down and talk about why you did marry me." Ben smiled sexily at her and she felt that same tingle he always ignited in her. "But it's hard to go from one extreme to the other. I'm trying to ease you into this. You and Jimmy are my family now and I want to provide pretty and nice things for you both. However, don't misunderstand, you can make even a worn out, faded robe beautiful. Just by wearing it. You can bring sunshine into a room, just by smiling. A man can look at you and see the beauty within. Jimmy's a good boy, and I'm proud to call him my son. The two of you have brought the sunshine back into this house. You smile, you laugh, you care, and you love, you even pray, that's what makes you so beautiful."

His words filled her with a strange awe. She hadn't expected to hear such praise.

"Thank you, I'll buy the clothes." She sighed. "If you'll quit trying to build me up."

"Come closer," he reached for her hand, as she seemed to be backing away.

Her hand trembled in his.

He pulled her to the sofa. "Tell me about your day."

She looked perplexed by his request. "My day?"

"What did you do? Was it a good day or a bad. Did you enjoy yourself, laugh a little?"

She knew he was trying to bring back things that he enjoyed long ago with his mother and sister. It pleased her that she had helped.

"Well, let's see…I beat the rugs," She looked at him and suddenly a giggle burst from her. "I picked the garden. I washed a few clothes. And then Helena and I fixed supper. Things I would do if I had a home."

"That's just it." Ben's frowned shocked her. "You have a home Gabby…here."

"It's just hard to imagine this grand place being part of my life. Like you said, it's hard to go from rags to riches."

"Beat rugs? Tell me more…" he smiled and pulled her to him. She heard him sigh and relax.

She realized something that made her feel better than anything he had said directly. Sunshine! She'd brought sunshine back into his home. That made her proud. He didn't kiss her again, but he put his arm around her and pulled her against him, cocooning her in his arms. It was a comfortable feeling, and she began to relax. She realized how safe she felt.

She leaned her head against his arm and almost snuggled in his arms. She told him about the things she thought about while beating the rugs, and how she'd pulled tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. He listened with a quietness that had her relaxing.

He squeezed her once when she told him everything, then he pulled her closer and told her about his day. How he enjoyed watching Jimmy among his men and how he was hesitant to brand the calf. He told her about how Jimmy rushed to go with Jason to see the new calves, and how he felt about Jimmy.

They relaxed so much; they were almost asleep, when he started snoring.

She nudged him in the ribs, playfully.

"I don't snore," he protested when she told him it was loud enough to bring the house down.

"You do too." She giggled, but upon sobering, she defended him. "I'm sure you had a busy day…and you are tired."

"A good day." He reflected enjoying her in his arms.

"I should go to bed…" She glanced at him.

"Thanks for sharing it with me…I want you to share every day with me." He suddenly reached and pulled a ringlet around his finger, then looked into her eyes. "Can I get a goodnight kiss?"

"You are a rascal, Ben Wyler…" She threw a pillow at him. "You can have just about anything you want, and you know it."

"Can I?" His eyes sparkled into hers.

Blinking hard, she rose up, leaned to kiss him on the nose and stood up. "Goodnight…"

Ben sat smiling into the fire long after she left him. He really liked his wife.