Chapter Fifteen



The next morning Helena was talking to her as Jimmy had gone out with the men again. He was really enjoying going, it made him feel a part of the place too and Gabby realized just how deep she and Jimmy were meshing into this family. It delighted and scared her.

"Ben wants me to get some clothes…." Gabby began as they cleaned up the breakfast dishes. "I just feel so…mixed up about it. I didn't marry him for his money…He doesn't need to spend a lot of money on me."

"That is wonderful, I'm so glad he thought of it." Helena smiled at her. "And of course you didn't marry him for his money, but you must be presentable."

Gabby looked at her. "Look at me Helena."

"What is wrong?"

"I'm too thin…no dresses in the stores will fit me." There were tears in her eyes. "Even as a kid, when I had new clothes they swallowed me." She complained. "And I'm too tall. I've never been able to walk into a store and find clothes that fit me right. I'm so different from most women, too tall, too thin…"

Helena eyed her again. "Then I will make them for you. I will make them fit you, and you will look lovely."

"Oh…oh, thank you, but I cannot ask such a thing of you." Gabby nearly cried at her offer.

"You must. I cannot allow you to go naked. Of course, if I am to do that much sewing, I will need some time for it. So you'll have to handle things for me every now and then. We'll buy some patterns, and materials and make you anything you need or want. And you can quit fretting it will be cheaper this way too. We'll get Jimmy some clothes too, for school and for play." Helena smiled. "It will be so much fun. Can you sew?"

"Not much…no."

"Then I will teach you, and you can help."

"It will be a lot of work. I feel guilty."

"Don't, I enjoy sewing more than anything except dancing."

"You like to dance?" Gabby smiled.

"Love it."

Gabby remembered dancing with Ben in the barn, it was so personal, so endearing, and she was really falling in love with her husband.

"Do you go to the dances when they have them?"

"I haven't in a while."

"I'll bet you are the bell of the ball." Gabby laughed.

"Jason doesn't think so. At least he never says anything."

"What do you mean?" Gabby's brows met in a frown.

"He never asks me to dance."

"Why ever not?"

"Because he is in mourning and it wouldn't be proper I'm his housekeeper." Helena sighed heavily. "And I'm Mexican…"

"So what? You are a beautiful woman. Nonsense. The man cannot live without you. And the next dance, I'll see that he asks you." Gabby laughed.

"Oh…" Helena grabbed her and hugged her to her. "You are such a Godsend. What would I ever do without you?"

"This will be so much fun." Gabby clapped her hands and smiled.

"Do we need to stop off and get Jimmy?" Helena asked when they had gotten the wagon ready to go into town.

"I'd like him to try a few things on; he's grown a little since he's been here." Gabby admitted. "And filled out some too."

"Si, then we will ride out to the meadow where they are working and pick him up." Helena nodded as Gabby got up on the seat with her.

"He won't like being taken away from the cowboys."

Helena laughed. "He can endure it for one day. He sure does like Ben. I'm so glad.

"Me too." Gabby smiled. "When we first came here, I didn't know how he would like it. I was afraid he'd rebel and want to go home. But he loves it here."

"Si, he has adjusted well." Helena smiled. "I can tell Ben is very proud of him. He's going to make a wonderful father."

"Do you think he wants children?" Gabby asked turning to look at Helena.

"Before you came, I would have said never. But now, I think he would love to have children, lots of them." Helena smiled. "And you, do you want more?"

"Children bring sunshine into a home. Maybe, someday…" She admitted to her. "Soon…" she added under her breath.

Helena paused and then stared into her eyes. "You've brought sunshine into the house of darkness. You've changed a man who didn't know how to stop grieving, and you ask if you've changed? You and Ben will make many children."

Gabby blushed. "Not the way we are headed."

"So…you are anxious to take your place with him, are you not?"

"In a way, but…not until I'm sure that's what he wants." Gabby told her. "Helena, you know as well as I that he didn't want to marry me, at first. I'm not sure why he did. So I won't pressure him about it. I'll wait and see how things work out."

"Then my best advise to that is, enjoy the ride. Take one day at a time, and savor it. You and Ben are wise to get to know one another first. It will be a beautiful coming together I can tell you that. But…meantime, enjoy the joy in your heart, and open it for the love to come…" Helena smiled.

Gabby chuckled. "You're such a romantic. But, how do you know when you are really in love?"

"I think your heart will tell you." Helena laughed.

It was mid morning when they arrived at the branding camp. The men were working hard at it. Ben saw them and wiped his hands on his pants and came toward them. "What brings you two lovely ladies out here?"

Gabby stared at him, unable to admit to herself that she was hungry for the sight of him. She was growing very fond of her husband. Now that he knew her greatest fear, she wasn't as afraid.

"We need to pick Jimmy up as we are going to have to fit him for clothes. He's grown so much." Gabby explained.

He reached to lay his hand on hers, and smiled. Just that simple action, said so much to her. That he would openly display his fondness.

"Fine, I'll go get him." Ben nodded.

Pedro came up to the wagon. "Ladies. Nice day isn't it?"

"Si, Pedro, how are you?" Helena asked.

"Pretty good, it's hot and dusty here, but I enjoy this part of spring. Are you headed for town?"


"May I ask, if you could get some disinfectant for Butch. Jim forgot it the other day and Butch needs it right away."

"Certainly, I'll take care of it." Helena offered.

"Thank you. Well, you ladies have a good trip."

"Thanks." Gabby smiled and nodded to him.

"He's a nice man."

"Si, he's my cousin." Helena stared after him.

"Your cousin? Did he come here when you did then?" Gabby asked curiously.

"No, he was here before me. He recommended me for the job of housekeeper. Mrs. Wyler rode all the way to the border to bring me here."

"She must have been a wonderful woman." Gabby thought about it a minute.

"She was. I loved her. But she was much different than you."

"How?" Gabby was curious about the famous Mrs. Wyler.

"She was like the queen of this place. Everyone respected and loved her. But she was more like royalty. She would not lower herself to do menial chores. She came from a very rich and old southern family. I loved her, but not like I love you." Helena patted her hand.

Ben strolled up with Jimmy by his side. Jimmy saw them and pouched out his lower lip. "Do I gotta go, Pa?"

"'Fraid so, son." Ben smiled at Gabby. "You've got to be measured for clothes that fit. So you can go to school soon when it's time. Don't worry, you can come back tomorrow."

"I don't want to go to school," He protested.

"Well say, you don't want to grow up ignorant, do you?" Ben asked. "Besides, you aren't old enough yet, but it won't be that long."

"No…I guess not."

"Then you have to go to school. But don't fret, not for a while yet. We just want you prepared for when you do."

Jimmy climbed up the wagon and got in the back.

"Say, why don't you take Butch with you. He's not up to a day's work today. Pedro can doctor him tonight; meanwhile he'll get a little rest."

"Can I?" Jimmy's eyes widened.

"Sure, I'll see Sugarfoot gets back to the ranch alright."

"Thanks Pa." Jimmy smiled when he whistled for Butch and he came running up to the wagon. Ben motioned for him to jump up and he did, and then lay down beside Jimmy. His tail was wagging and he stared at them with his tongue hanging out.

"Alright, be careful…"

"Si!" Helena whipped the horses into a turn around and they were off. Jimmy waved at him until he was out of sight.

As they drove into town Helena was about to get down and hobble the horses in front of the General Store, but Gabby laid a hand on hers.

"That's Colby Newman," Gabby gasped aloud, turning her head away when she recognized the man across the street getting off his horse.

"Who's Colby Newman?" Helena asked.

"The man that killed my husband." Gabby uttered, trying to keep Jimmy from getting out of the wagon.

Helena's head jerked about and she stared at the man who wore his gun low on his hip. "What's he doing here?" Helena glanced at the big man with the long mustache and rifle in hand.

"I don't know. But it can't be for good…"

"He's gone into the gunsmith's." Helena told her. "Gabby, you're shaking, what's wrong?"

"For one thing, Colby isn't from around here though, and I can't imagine he just wandered down from Colorado. He's here for some reason." Gabby explained.

"Are you afraid of this man?" Helena frowned.

"Yes. After he was cleared of killing my husband he made threats…"

"What kind of threats?" Helena's eyes widened.

"He thinks my husband stole his money."

"Did he?"

"I don't know."

"Gabby, let's get into the store…" Helena advised. "Quickly."

"Yes…" Gabby gathered Jimmy in her arms and lifted him over the wagon and onto the ground, then took his hand and practically ran into the General Store.

However, the last thing Gabby wanted to do was shop for clothes since she saw Colby. She thought she'd left all the troubles behind her. But for some reason Colby was here, and it wasn't a coincident.

Helena tried to distract her. "Let's get Jimmy fitted and then we'll look at patterns."

Gabby nodded, glancing out the window for Colby.

A small petite woman of about fifty came out from the back and looked at them. "Helena, how are you?"

"Fine thank you Mrs. Saunders. You know Gabby, Ben's wife, of course."

"Yes, I was at the wedding. How are you?"

"Fine thank you, we came for some clothes for Jimmy and…some patterns." Gabby explained.

"Well Jimmy, how old are you now?" Mrs. Saunders asked.

"I'll be five in July." He announced proudly.

"Five…my, let me get my measure and we'll see what sizes we need." The lady took Jimmy's measurements while Jimmy squirmed about.

"Okay, his sizes are going to be right here. What exactly are you looking for?" Mrs. Saunders asked.

"Just regular everyday clothes, he'll be going to school next year, I'm sure. Make them sturdy ones that will hold up, he's quite active," Gabby chortled and then glanced out the window.

After Jimmy tried on a couple of things, Gabby and Helena went about gathering some clothes for him and putting them in a basket.

Then Helena asked for the patterns.

"Oh yes, of course."

They rummaged through a catalogue full of them and decided on four different dresses, two for every day, one for parties and a riding outfit.

"Do you think that will be enough?" Helena asked.

"For now, yes." Gabby insisted.

"Alright, let's look at some material."

Mrs. Saunders pointed them in the right direction.

Gabby picked out two ginghams, a lovely silk, and some suede leather for a riding outfit. After gathering all the necessary things, Gabby found Jimmy over at the candy jars. He'd never seen so much candy in his life.

"Mama, can I have a piece of candy?"

"I suppose one wouldn't hurt." Gabby smiled at him.

He picked a long peppermint stick.

Helena watched them and shook her head. "We'll take a small sack of them, please."

"Oh but…."

"Quit fretting. Please put this on Ben Wyler's account Mrs. Saunders, if you will."

"Oh…yes, of course." Mrs. Saunders looked at the two of them. "But…why didn't you just buy one of the ready-mades?"

"I'm hard to fit. But that reminds me…I need a gown and robe."

"Oh yes, and slippers too." Helena smiled at her. "Glad you thought of that. What about Jimmy does he need a night shirt?"

"Yes, that would be great." Gabby nodded.

But as they were about to leave, Colby came out of the gunsmith's shop and spotted her.

He came right up to her. "Mrs. Campbell?"

"No…I've remarried. Whatever are you doing here in Pecos, Colby? Thought you had a mine to work."

He eyed her with a snide smile. "My partner's taking care of that. I got other things to finish up with. So you remarried, did ya?"

"Yes…What are you doing here?"

"That was fast. Didn't grieve much for Frank, I see. Not that I blame you a bit. Well, I'm just passin' through. Never thought I'd run into you though?"

"Neither did I."

"Hope he's better than the last fella." Colby blurted and tipped his hat to Helena.

Gabby waited until they were on the road then she put her hand over Helena's. "Don't tell anyone about Colby. I don't want to make any trouble."

"But…what if there is trouble?" Helena asked.

"Then we'll deal with it…" Gabby explained.