THE MOMENT HER MOTHER’S WHITE Camry comes into view, Allie crushes her cigarette on the step below her. She doesn’t even take a last drag. Or pinch off the end for later use.

“Damn.” She will always be her mother’s daughter, always seek her mother’s approval. Lord, she hopes her girls never get this way.

Mother pulls up to the curb. She is a careful driver. She doesn’t get out right away, though. Her attention is drawn by the kids in the front yard of the Humphreys’ townhouse. Becca is showing Ben how to do cartwheels and Matt is alternating between goading his brother and encouraging Glory to join in. But cartwheels have never been Glory’s thing. Although her middle child could easily talk Ben through the steps.

Glory’s laughter is free and easy, something that has come more and more since the end of school. She is leaning into Matt. Are they holding hands? She doesn’t shift to get a better view.

The slamming car door brings Allison’s attention back to her mother’s unannounced visit. And that is more than a little nerve-wracking. Mother is wearing a light pink pantsuit. In this heat. Lord, she has got to be hot. Her hair is ash blonde. Dyed.

“Allison.” The greeting is cool. Mother’s eyes drop to the crushed cigarette. “Really.”

Allison tucks her wayward strands behind her ears. She hasn’t run a brush through her hair yet this morning. “Mother.” She tries not to respond in the same brisk manner.

“Who are those boys the girls are with?”

“Those are the Humphreys brothers. They moved in there a couple of months ago.” She doesn’t bother to shove over. Mother will not sit on the concrete stoop.

“They moved in just before the end of the school year?” Mother’s shoulders are stiff. She works the strap of her handbag, a slightly darker shade of pink than her suit, as she stares at the activity in the other yard.


“Who would move so late into the school year?”

“Their father, I guess.”

Mother’s light blue eyes are judging. “They have no mother?”


“You shouldn’t allow the girls to play with them then. You don’t know how they will behave with no mother to guide them, teach them. Motherless boys are rudderless.”

Guide them? Teach them? She shakes her head.

Mother raises her left eyebrow.

She has never seen the right eyebrow go up.

“Call the girls over to say hello,” Mother says. There is still no warmth in her voice.

“Hey, girls!” she yells. “Grandma’s here.”

Becca is the first to start in their direction, but she stops, motions to the boys. “Come on. Come meet our grandma.”

“That’s okay.” Matt shakes his head.

Ben hovers between following Becca and staying with Matt.

“Come on,” Glory says. She stands, tugs Matt up with her.

He shakes loose and grimaces. But he follows.

Allison can’t help but grin. Have to give the boy credit. Looks like he would rather face a pride of lions. Well, so would she.

“Hello, Grandma.” Becca pecks her on the cheek. They are almost the same height. Glory stands back with the boys.

“Come here, Glory.” Mother beckons with her hand.

Glory touches her lips to Grandma’s cheek, too.

“And who are these two young gentlemen?”

Allison steps forward, settles her hand on Ben’s shoulder. “Mother, these are the Humphreys. This is Ben and his brother, Matt. Boys, this is my mother, Mrs. Patterson.”

“Hello, Mrs. Patterson,” Ben says, flicks a smile.

Matt nods.

“Well, it’s nice to see someone has manners.” Mother’s voice is tight. She holds her eyes on Matt.

Oh, yes, there is no way Matt will pass Mother’s inspection. The boy makes no effort either. He stands taller, clear that he does not need this woman’s approval. Allison wants to shake him, tell him to help himself out, help Glory out, too. But maybe he knows it will make no difference what he does or says, judgment has already come down.

“Mother, would you like to come in, have a glass of iced tea with me?”

Mother looks from Matt to Glory. “You need to be more vigilant, Allison.”


“You need to protect your children from outsiders.”


Mother purses her lips. “At least Lyne is with the Jeffries’ boy.”


“Is there no other word in your vocabulary, Allison?”

“Jesus,” Matt mutters.

Mother’s head snaps back to Matt. “What did you say, young man?”

“Mother!” Allison steps in quickly, firmly grips the older woman above the elbow. “Come in and have some iced tea.”

“Allison!” Mother shakes free. “You have to pay attention!” She pushes past, up the stairs and into the house.

“Come on, girls, come visit with your grandmother.” She holds the door open for Glory and Becca to enter first. It is mean but she needs the shield. She takes a moment to watch the boys trudge back to their yard. Their voices carry on the air.

“I think Dad’s mom was like that,” Ben says.


“I think she must have been like Becca’s grandma.”

“Yeah?” Matt says.

“That’s why Dad is mean,” Ben says.