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He was fucking tired but it was a good kind of tired. His shit was in his house and between his brothers and Penny everything was now in place.
Penny had been a lifesaver. With what they had she was turning the pussy house into a home. The house was fucking huge but his oversized furniture looked right in the lounge and they had moved Penny and Riders’ couches into the TV room along with two of the chairs Penny had decided to keep until they could replace them. She had what she called ‘throws’ draped over them. Why, he didn’t fucking know.
When they had pulled up outside the house after collecting his shit they had come to a shocked stop.
Penny had emptied the house.
Everything was out on the front lawn. Carpets, Beds, lounge furniture, dining room furniture, even the loungers from the back deck. And there were packed boxes out there as well. Looking at that shit Beast knew the house was going to be empty for a while but when his old lady moved in they would go shopping for what was needed. He had the money to spend on making their house a home.
What Beast hadn’t expected was three of the club girls working right beside Penny scrubbing the house down. Grietjie and Lori worked in the kitchen while Melly was helping Penny to scrub the lounges and the entrance hall. The house smelt fresh and clean and even though Beast knew Hawk had the place cleaned out before Rider and his woman moved in he liked that Penny had decided to clean it out again.
“Thanks for all of this, girl.” He gave Penny a hug that made her blush.
“I’ve always wanted to scrub it down and with nothing in the way it was so much easier. I hope you don’t mind that I had thrown the carpets out.” She gave a little shudder. “All I could see in my mind were those sluts rolling all over them and being nasty.”
Fuck he had never even thought about that. Jesus, no wonder Penny had kept the girls out of the lounges, she hadn’t wanted their bare feet on those carpets.
“Fuck, I never even thought about that. Thank you for keeping my babies away from that nasty shit.”
She smiled sweetly and shrugged. “I’m just happy we have such a pretty home. I like living with you and the girls. It makes me feel safe to have Rider and you here.”
Nodding he followed as she beckoned him inside and upstairs. The incredibly shy girl he had first met was blossoming in front of his eyes.
“We emptied and cleaned your rooms first. Grietjie and Lori scrubbed the room and the bathroom and it’s ready to move your things in. I didn’t want to separate your girls so we cleaned the room across from yours and it’s ready for their beds and furniture.” She held up a hand as he started to speak. “I know you’re worried about the dreams and stuff so Genna went and bought a baby monitor and night lights for them. River and I would like to decorate their room for them if you would be okay with it. I’ve been talking to your girls and have a really good idea about what they would like.”
Beast sighed. “I’m not sure if they’re ready for this, Penny. Fuck, they still have those nightmares, not all the time, but they still have them.”
“That’s why we got the baby monitor and the night lights, Beast. Try it for one night and see how it goes. They are going to be so excited about a new room and all the new stuff I think they’ll sleep without dreaming about the bad things.”
“What new stuff? Their stuff from my place isn’t new.” He frowned in confusion.
Penny laughed and shook her head. “You should know the Walker women by now. They freaking shopped online like there’s no tomorrow and stuff has been arriving here for the last few days. I have been keeping it in one of the empty rooms downstairs.”
Jesus. And suddenly it clicked. Those damned women had been asking his girls about what they liked ever since they arrived. They had planned to do this shit from the start.
Bloody hell it was good to be a part of this family. Without thinking about it Beast grabbed Penny and gave her a big hug and she squeaked with shock.
“Thanks, girl. Thank you for being so good to my girls and allowing us to move in here with you and Rider and your baby girl.”
Suddenly Penny hugged him back and whispered. “And thank you for being a big brother to my man. He respects you so much and is thrilled to be part of your family.”
“When are you going to allow him to make you a part of our family, sweetheart?” Beast asked softly and she answered as softly.
“As soon as he asks me again. I love him and I love this family he’s found.”
“Good, that’s very good.” He would be giving his brother a heads up later.
The next two hours was taken up with moving shit around and setting up his girls’ rooms and his own. He left the rest to Penny, she had it all in hand anyway. Unpacking boxes with the club girls, making beds and shit.
He had to leave because he still had a job waiting for him at the clubhouse. For the bitch’s sake he hoped she had used the time to consider her fucking options. Talk or get hurt.
Twenty minutes later Beast rode into the compound with Sin and Wolf. They walked their bikes back into their designated spaces and parked. Beast was wearing his usual beanie and bandanna but both Sin and Wolf were wearing helmets as they had been on public roads during the day.
They avoided the front entrance because music was thumping and they didn’t want unnecessary attention to fall on the three of them and went around the side of the clubhouse to the back. The kitchen was empty and they quickly moved out and down the passage to the hidden door that would take them down into the basement dungeon where the bitch was waiting.
Beast keyed in his code and the door swung open silently. They quietly walked down the stairs and Will stood waiting as they walked in. He wordlessly pointed down the left hand passage and Beast nodded and proceeded towards the cell that held their prisoner.
He stopped in front of the floor to ceiling bars and stared at the bitch sitting on the cold floor with her head on her knees. At least she was wearing fucking panties now.
“You ready to tell me what I want to know?” His voice was harsh and cold and her head snapped up, eyes fearful as she nodded.
“That’s good because you do not want me to come in there with you.”
She nodded violently. “I’m sorry, Beast, so very sorry. I had been drinking and I was just pissy because I have some personal shit I have been dealing with and I took it out on your old lady. It’s no excuse, I know, but I am sorry, so very sorry. I should never, ever have said what I did. Please don’t kill me, please. I have people at home who need me. Please, Beast.”
Beast shook his head. “Not going to fucking kill you, bitch. I just need to know who the fuck you’ve been talking to about club shit. And don’t fucking try denying it. We have someone who says he heard you gossiping about club shit. You know the rules. No fucking talking about shit that happens on Iron Dogz property.”
The bitch frowned and then her eyes went wide. “Oh fuck.” She whispered. “I didn’t think, oh Jesus. I didn’t think.” She jumped up and started pacing. “When she first called me to come out for a drink I said no. But she kept calling and when my personal shit became so damned heavy I gave in and had a couple of drinks with her.”
She looked at Beast then Sin and Wolf. “I had a couple of drinks with her, maybe twice and I now realise she had been pumping me for information all the time. Thank fuck I knew nothing because for some damned reason I told her everything I knew.” By now she had her hands in her hair and was pulling at it in what looked like anger at herself. She looked like she had forgotten about them standing outside the cell watching her rant. “I’ve been with the club for years. For heaven’s sake, I’ve been dancing in your clubs since I was eighteen years old, first at Moonlight and now at Iron Kisses. I should have known better. Over the years I’ve been approached by plenty of assholes fishing for information about the club, pigs and our enemies both, and I have never said a fucking word. I don’t get it, I just don’t get it. Why did I talk to her? Why?”
At last she wound down and Beast stepped closer to the bars. “Who did you talk to, Brandi?”
She rubbed a hand over her forehead as if she had a headache. “Laney. It was Laney Wills.”
Glancing at his brothers he raised his eyebrows and Wolf immediately walked back down the passage. He would be calling their Prez from the central room to give him the news.
“Is she still calling you?” Sin wanted to know.
Brandi nodded. “She called me yesterday, actually. Said she missed the club and just wanted to talk to a friendly face. Apparently they’re not doing so well with the ED’s.”
“Did you agree to another meet?”
“No, I said I was busy with my family and work and had to be at the club later for dinner. We didn’t set up another drinks date or anything. I was calling my mother when I walked out the club and Owen took my phone.” She looked Beast right in the eyes. “She’s going to be so worried and my boy is only three, Beast. Please let me call them and tell them I’m okay, please.”
“Jesus, Brandi. Since when do you have a kid? It’s not in your file.” Hawk suddenly said from behind them, and Wolf watching from the shadows.
“Because I was hiding him from the club.” She whispered. A very bad feeling curled through Beast’s gut.
“What the fuck? Is his father one of the brothers? Is that why you’re hiding him from us?”
She swallowed and looked away and slowly shook her head from side to side.
“You’re not getting out of here until you fucking tell me what I want to know.” Hawk threatened.
Again she shook her head but it only lasted until Hawk inclined his head towards Beast and he stretched his arm out towards the keypad.
“Okay, okay. About four years ago I did something stupid. I took a gig off the books to do a bachelors party. The groom-to-be thought the fact I was stripping for them meant that I would agree to other shit. He raped me while his friends watched and egged him on. He kept me for hours and raped me again before they let me go. I went to the clinic the next morning, took the freaking pills but his damned swimmers didn’t die like they should have. And I now have a three year old boy that’s my entire world.”
Hawk frowned in confusion. “Then why the fuck would you jeopardise it all by talking to Laney and talking shit to Beast’s old lady? I just don’t get it Brandi.”
Tears started running down her cheeks. “Because the raping bastard is back and he’s trying to take my boy. His wife can’t have kids and now they want mine. And I’m a fucking stripper and a club whore and he’s threatening to take me to court if I don’t give him my boy. Oh God, what am I going to do? He’s going to take my sweet little baby and I won’t be able to stop him.”
They looked at each other and Beast sighed then nodded. He would talk to his woman, but he knew without even talking to her that she would immediately feel sorry for the damned bitch.
“Why the fuck didn’t you come and see me when he first appeared? We could have been on top of this from the start.”
“Because it was my fault, I should never have taken an off the books job. We all know not to do it. But they offered so much money and my sister was short on her University fees, so I did it to help her out.”
The more she explained the clearer it became that this wasn’t as clear cut as they had at first thought. Brandi had always been loyal to the club but between the rapist and Laney they had worked her perfectly. The fucker was going to regret ever touching Iron Dogz MC property. Beast looked at Sin and they both grinned. They knew what would be coming next.
And Hawk didn’t disappoint.
“I need a name.”
And neither did Brandi.
“Kobus Pretorius.”
To say they were shocked was not even close.
“Are you fucking with me? He’s a fucking household name and a local hero. What the fuck, Brandi?”
“I told you he was going to take my baby and now you know he can. He’s a famous rugby player and I’m a stripper and a club slut.”
Sin laughed, and shook his head. “No, you’re wrong. He used to be a famous rugby player. He’s not anymore. Him and that socialite bitch of his love the limelight too much to go to court. They’re hoping you’re going to cave to the pressure and give them what they want. But we’re not going to do that.”
Looking at their Prez Sin smiled but it wasn’t a nice smile. “I have a plan, just give me a minute to put it all together, Prez. She might be fucked up but she’s part of our club and we do not let bastards like him walk all over what belongs to us. She’s ours which means her boy is ours.”
Hawk stared at Sin then looked at Brandi again. “You cooperate with Sin and I might revisit your blacklisting. But hear me, bitch , and hear me well, if we smooth this over for you we own you until we are done with you. Do you get me?”
She nodded. “Anything, Prez, anything at all, I’ll do it. For my son, I’ll do it.”
Hawk walked out without another word and Sin got right to business.
“You said you went somewhere to get the morning after pill after you were raped. Where did you go and did they do a rape kit?”
Nodding her head she rolled her lips, biting them before she spoke. “I went to our usual clinic and they insisted on a rape kit and photographs. He beat me when I resisted. Dr Louise wanted to report him but I was scared and she said the file would be there if I changed my mind.”
“Good, this is very, very good.” Sin said softly. “We are going to let you go home. You carry on with your life as normal and fucking avoid Laney Wills like the fucking plague. Do not go for drinks, do not talk to her. We will be dealing with her, not you. Are we clear?”
“Yes, anything, Sin, anything you want. All I want is to go home to my boy and my mum. I’ll do my job and you won’t have any more problems with me, I give you my word.”
Beast keyed in the code for the cell door and waved her out. The bitch nervously sidled out then speed walked down the passage.
“What’s the plan?” Beast asked quietly as the three of them watched the bitch disappearing.
“We’re going to get hold of the file and then we’re going to visit Mr and Mrs Pretorius. A nice, friendly visit with hardly any violence. How does that sound to you?”
Beast grinned. “Excellent, it sounds fucking excellent.”
“I totally agree, brother, it’s going to be fucking excellent.” Sin gave an evil grin as they walked out.
Beast wasn’t ready to go home to his girls yet, he wanted to see his old lady before he left. He wanted to check if she was okay after her meltdown in the studio this morning. Fuck, she must have loved that fucker of a Russian more than he had thought. But he shoved that thought from his mind as he walked into the clubhouse and into the usual shit that went down most nights. There were brothers fucking bitches in the darker corners but fucking Army had a bitch on her knees sucking him off on one of the couches while his brothers watched. In all the years he had been a patched member Beast had never had a blowjob in front of an audience or fucked a bitch where he could be seen. Just wasn’t his thing. If a brother was into that shit it was his choice and had fuck all to do with Beast.
Dizzy was sitting at the bar with Buzz and Ratel, their backs to the room, hanging out and talking to Chris. She saw him come in and her smile slipped and she immediately dropped her head, avoiding his eyes. It made him feel like fucking shit. She wasn’t a bad bitch and this bullshit was as much his fault as it was hers.
Walking through the common room he gave chin lifts to the brothers who met his eyes as he headed for the stairs. He took the stairs two at a time and walked down the passage to his woman’s room, anticipation curling in his gut. Sam stood as he approached and grinned. “Is it okay if I take a break while you’re here, Boss?”
“Go, I’ll call when I leave.” Beast knocked once and opened the door.
The sound of the shower running had him grinning as he silently closed the door and walked over to the bed, pulled off his beanie dropped it on the bedside table and lay down. Fuck, he was tired, but lying on his woman’s bed with her scent filling his lungs his body came alive. His cock was rock hard and he clasped a hand over it and squeezed, a groan rumbled in his chest. It felt fucking good, would feel even better if he had her little hands on him. He groaned again, this was not why he had come to see her. But, fuck, he wanted her, so fucking badly. The water shut off and his cock jerked as he imagined her water slicked body stepping out of the shower. He had to stop this or he was going to jump on her the minute she walked out the door.
Removing his hand from his cock he clasped his hands behind his head and waited. When she walked out of the bathroom there was no way she would miss the giant hard ridge in his jeans. Beast grinned and kept his eyes on the door.
The door swung open and his woman stepped through in the sweetest but at the same time sexiest little outfit he had ever seen. She was dressed in tiny black short shorts and a black strappy top with lace inserts along the sides. And she wasn’t wearing a bra, not that she needed to wear one, her tits were small and perky and needed no support.
Her reaction when she walked into the room did not disappoint. Her eyes went wide, her mouth dropped open as she swept her eyes over his body and stopped on his hard cock. The little siren licked her lips and his cock jerked visibly, she gasped and her eyes shot up to meet his.
“What are you doing in my room?” She asked softly.
“Waiting for you, baby. I wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened today.” Beast held a hand out to her and held his breath, he wasn’t sure if she would take it or not.
And then she did. She stepped up to the side of the bed and took his hand. Pulling her closer Beast sat up, scooped her up then lay back and settled her on top of him. With a deep sigh he wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her to him while his hand cupped her face and he looked up into her beautiful green eyes.
“Fuck, baby, I missed this. I’ve missed you, so fucking much.”
And with those words he pulled her head down to his, holding her eyes he kissed her soft and slow. No tongue at first, just moving his lips over hers, feeling her, soft and giving. Pulling her head back he looked at her and smiled.
“Heaven, Ladybug, your lips are heaven.” Then he dove back in and this time his tongue duelled with hers. He couldn’t stand not feeling her beneath him and he rolled them. Her legs fell open and he settled himself between her thighs. They didn’t align perfectly because he was too tall and she was so short, but for now, while he kissed her as if his life depended on it, it was good, so fucking good to have her body against his again. He pressed his aching dick into the bed then slowly lifted his head.
His girl looked up at him, her eyes hazy with lust, and her lips swollen, red and shiny. Her bright dark red hair was still tied back and Beast made quick work of pulling the hair tie out and threw it over his shoulder. Sinking his hands into all that bright hair he carefully pulled it out and spread it out over the pillow.
“I’ve forgotten how hard and thoroughly you kiss.” She said and a pale pink blush tinged her neck and cheeks.
“I never forgot how soft and sweet you kiss, baby. I never forgot you. Never.” Beast held her eyes and saw the slight narrowing of her eyes which let him know she wasn’t sure if she could believe him.
She sighed, looked down and rested her forehead against his chin. “You broke me, Beast. It took a long time to get over you, but I did. I did and I tried to move on, but I found it wasn’t easy because I found it hard to trust. I still do.”
She was fucking breaking his heart all over again. “I’m sorry, baby, so fucking sorry.” And even though it would most probably hurt her he asked the question that had been eating at his gut. “What about Ilya? Was he your lover and did he have your trust?”
Lifting her head she smiled, a beautiful smile. “Ilya was special. He had a very bad reputation with women and I tried to ignore his interest at first but he wouldn’t let me. Whenever I turned around he was there, dragging me out to have coffee or dinner with him and the other dancers. Everyone warned me that once he got what he wanted he would be gone. That didn’t happen. He became my best friend.” Tears suddenly appeared in her eyes. “I miss him so much.”
“Aw, baby.” Beast murmured and pulled her head down into his neck and rolled them so he was on his back with her on his chest. She wept quietly and he stared up at the ceiling as he stroked his hand over her hair, holding her to him.
And wouldn’t you know, holding his woman in his arms and having her talk about and cry for another man took care of his hard on. Bloody hell.
Tori raised her head and swiped a hand over her cheeks and sniffed. “I’m sorry, I got your t-shirt all wet.” She looked at him with red rimmed wet eyes. “I loved him, as a friend, and yes, we had been lovers for a while. It didn’t last long, it just didn’t seem right to either of us.”
Cupping her head in his hands he wiped his thumbs over her cheeks, wiping the tears away. “I’m a fucking asshole saying this, but knowing he wasn’t your man eases something inside me. Anytime you want to talk about him I’m here, baby. I’ll listen. I’m not good at the soft shit but for you I’ll try.”
“That is so not true. Remember, I’ve seen you with your girls and you’re a total softy with them.” She frowned her disagreement at him.
Shaking his head Beast tried to explain but at the same time he didn’t want to scare her. “My girls and you are the only softness in my life, Ladybug. The man I used to be when you first met me no longer exists. I had to change to survive the life I had chosen for myself.” Her expression changed and he lifted his head and pressed a hard kiss against her tightly closed lips. “Don’t get pissed, baby, we all have to adapt to fit into the lives we choose. That’s the reality of life.” Relaxing in his arms his woman ran her fingers softly over his lips and Beast knew he had to end this or he would not leave until he had his cock deep inside her tight little pussy. But he couldn’t stay, he had to get home.
He swept her hair away from her face and stroked down over her back then tightened his arms around her. “I wish I could stay here with you tonight but my girls are moving into their own room tonight and I have to be there for them.”
Sweeping a hand over her hair he pulled her head down and sealed his lips over hers, pushing his tongue into her welcoming mouth. Her taste exploded on his tongue and he fought a useless battle against his hardening cock, and against the little witch grinding her hot pussy over him while moaning in his mouth.
Fuck. He very reluctantly set her away from him and rolled them again until they were both on their sides. Her arms were around his neck, her eyes at half-mast.
“Give them a hug from me and tell them we’ll dance again soon.”
He took her mouth again and sinking deep had both his hands under her top when he stopped himself with a groan.
“Fuck, baby, I have to go.” Gently setting her away he rolled off the bed and stood looking down at the sight she made stretched out on the bed.
She was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
“I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll pick up where we left off. Be ready, baby, because next time I’m not stopping.”
He adjusted his hard dick, picked up his beanie dragged it on then walked out without looking back, because if he did he knew he would not be leaving until she came on his cock. Over and over and over again.
All night long.