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Sitting at the battered and scarred table in their chapel Hawk went over the points he wanted to discuss with his brothers. He was sick and tired of putting out the fires their enemies started. Tired of his club and their women suffering through attack after attack. It was time for the club to stop being on the defensive. It was time for the Iron Dogz MC to show their enemies their fucking teeth.
But first he had to get through the day to day business.
Lifting the gleaming hammer he smacked it down on the square of steel in front of him and silence immediately descended in the room.
Hawk didn’t delay in getting started. “We haven’t had the time to sit down and discuss club business because we’ve been taking care of other shit. Today we’re going to be doing just that. We’re going to take care of club business. We need to keep on top of our businesses and our side work so we don’t drop the ball and either lose customers or paint a bigger fucking target on our backs.”
His brothers nodded in agreement and waited for him to continue. “First up, Jagger. Where are we on the dog situation? I know we’ve got the brothers you selected going through the training. This is taking too long, brother. When will the family dogs arrive?”
Jagger nodded. “I agree, Prez, it has taken way too fucking long but we had shit going down and I had to change training timelines. The last two brothers finished training yesterday and the kennels we built will be ready by this afternoon.” Jagger held up a hand as several of the brothers started to protest. “Brothers, these are guard dogs, not pets. They have been raised and lived in kennels since they were born. Yes, they are bonding with their handlers and will most probably end up sleeping in their fucking rooms, but we all need to remember that they are here for the protection of our club. The kennels are for when we need to keep the dogs in a safe, secure and controlled environment. Those of you who have come to look over the kennels know it’s nothing like those open kennels you see at the SPCA or some of the boarding or breeding facilities. Our dogs will each have their own room with his or her shit in it and a doggy door which will allow them access to the outside runs. We have a small clinic, a bath facility, a small kitchen with a laundry room, an obstacle course and play area for the dogs and a shallow pool for exercise and relaxation.” Jagger grinned. “I know it sounds like a lot of shit for a few dogs, but there are reasons for it. We don’t want to wash their blankets and crap in the same machines we use and we need a place to prepare their food. And if they get sick I want them to have the best care we can possibly give them right here on our property. I’ve made arrangements with a local Vet for their care. She’s happy to come and see them here, so there will be no need to take them off the property.”
“How old is this lady Vet?” Spook asked with a sly grin and the brothers laughed.
“Sorry, Spook, she’s about fifty five or so, but still a looker. She must have been something else when she was young.” Jagger grinned.
“Hey, I like banging hot older women. You should try it sometime, fucking awesome.” Spook grinned knowingly.
“Enough with trying to bang the Vet.” Hawk knew it would not deter Spook. The fucker really did like older women. “What about the family dogs, Jagger? My old lady is bending my ear constantly about wanting her dog to come home with her. When can we expect that to happen?”
Jagger gave a quick look around the table before looking at Hawk. “All the dogs will be delivered tomorrow, Boss. I opted for delivery because we don’t have enough pet carriers to transport them yet. I have them on order but it’s taking longer than expected.”
Hawk looked around the room. “Everyone will be here tomorrow when we take delivery of the animals. I want eyes everywhere. I’m not taking any chances with some fucker sneaking in with the dogs.”
“Is that everything, Jagger?” Hawk asked.
“Yes, Prez, I’ve got nothing more to add.”
Spider suddenly tapped on the table. “I have a question.” He gave an evil smile. “Who will be cleaning out the kennels and picking up the dog shit?”
“Jesus, Spider.” Ice growled. “You volunteered to be a handler so you’ll be picking up your dog’s shit and cleaning his or her kennel.”
“Why can’t the prospects do it?”
Jagger tapped the table and Hawk tipped his chin to give him the table. “The prospects will be helping with the dogs, cleaning the runs and washing blankets, that kind of shit. But for the rest it’s the job of every handler to clean up after his dog. You’ve been doing it throughout your training so it’s nothing new.” Jagger pointed at Spider and wagged a knowing finger. “And don’t you try and get out of it. You volunteered for this so suck it up, brother.”
Spider just laughed, he had just been stirring shit with Jagger. Like always.
“Let’s move on.” Hawk said and silence once again descended. “What is the latest on the sale of old man Bekker’s property, Spider? Do we have a date on that?”
“Yes, Prez.” Spider sat forward in his chair and looked around the table. “We’ve negotiated a price with old man Bekker and put in an offer through one of our shell companies. He accepted our offer and terms. He will live out his life at the main house while the cottages will be rented to club members and family only. He gave his tenants notice two months ago and they have all moved out. We are ready to start renovations, and as soon as the sale is through we’ll go ahead. We estimate the first cottage will be ready for occupation in about four to six weeks and the rest following weekly thereafter.”
“What about the access road between the properties?” Sin wanted to know because as Road Captain it was his job to oversee everything regarding the movements of the club. “When can we start on that?”
“The same, as soon as the sale goes through. You can start building this side of the fence and when it’s through carry on to the other side.” Spider advised and Sin nodded in agreement.
Going through the list in his head Hawk turned to Beast. “Give us your report on the Brandi and Laney Wills situation.”
Beast, as usual, was leaning back in his chair, a dark lethal presence. “Brandi is having some serious personal shit that is definitely going to impact the club. She has a three year old kid, not a brother’s kid, so fucking calm down.” He snarled as the angry murmurs started. “She was raped by Kobus Pretorius, a prominent piece of shit at his bachelors’ party. He recently found out his bitch can’t have kids, so now he wants Brandi’s boy. He’s been threatening her with court but he’s shit out of luck. We have the paperwork from the clinic proving she was raped. He and his society bitch will be getting a visit soon and we’ll get them to back off or we go to social fucking media.” Beast cracked his knuckles and smirked. “I hope the fucker disagrees.”
“Good, keep us up to date on developments. What about Laney Wills, do you have anything on her?”
“Ja, the whore is dancing at some dive that belongs to the Evil Disciples MC and they are required to turn tricks as part of the service to customers. She blames the Iron Dogz for falling into the hands of those fuckers.” Beast snorted in derision. “She’s after Brandi and has been milking her for information about what’s happening at the clubhouse. Brandi has talked to her but she hasn’t given her anything that isn’t general knowledge.”
“We’ve kicked Brandi out, haven’t we?” Dollar asked quietly.
“No, not yet, brother.” Beast shook his head. “We need to know why that Laney bitch is back in our business. Is she working with the Maingarde Organisation and Jane Warne or is this her personal shit with Hawk? I suggest we leave Brandi in place to get as much information as possible. It might even be worth our while to bring the bitch in and asking her some questions. I wouldn’t mind having her in a chair in front of me.” Beast lifted a lip in disgust.
Hawk made a quick decision. “All those in favour of Brandi staying and working with Beast to find out why Laney Wills is back stirring shit with us, raise your hands.”
Every single hand rose in the air.
“So Noted.” Kahn wrote furiously in his notebook.
“We are still at war with the Maingarde Organisation but at least we now know Dominick Maingarde is actively working against his grandmother. Her mistake was targeting one of Pixie’s friends and Dom’s people. He lost men in the attack on his safe house and he’s not happy. The old bitch’s men are dying and no one is taking responsibility. We suspect it’s Dom cleaning house but it hasn’t been confirmed, yet.” Everyone started speaking at once but when Hawk held up a hand, silence fell instantly. “We are in the unique position of being able to strengthen ties with Dominick Maingarde because of Victoria Keating. He asked us to keep her safe. Not the Road Warriors or the Sinners Sons or even one of his trusted business partners. He asked the Iron Dogz MC.” Looking at his men Hawk nodded when he saw realisation dawning in their eyes. “He trusts us to ensure her safety. That means he trusts us at his back. Up to now we have moved his cargo, whatever it may be, and kept out of his business. Him approaching us and asking for a personal favour puts us in a bargaining position. A position we need desperately. We can’t take on the entire Maingarde Organisation and expect to come out of it alive. They are too fucking big. We need an ally.” Again Hawk paused to let it sink in.
“If we back Dominick Maingarde, the true heir to the Maingarde Organisation, we are no longer standing alone. We will have one of the most dangerous men in the world taking our backs and in return he would expect us to take his when asked. That would be the good part of reaching a mutual agreement with him. The bad part is us getting mixed up in Dom’s dark business. What if he asked us to do something we find morally reprehensible?” Hawk shook his head. “I’m not saying the guy is into the same shit the old bitch is, but we don’t know exactly what we are letting ourselves in for. The reason I’m bringing this to the table is the following. We need to make a decision on whether we want to be affiliated to Dominick Maingarde or not. And this is not a decision we can make easily or at the drop of a hat. We need to consider it carefully. Ice, Jagger and Ziggy, you will get us all the information we need to make an informed decision. Have it ready by next week Friday when we’ll meet again.”
“Okay, Prez, I’ll get right on it.” Ziggy gave him a nod and so did Jagger and Ice.
“By now you have all seen or met our guest from Cape Town, Tori Keating. And we’ve all heard how our brother Beast over there claimed her as his old lady. Fuck, none of us saw that shit coming.” Hawk laughed as Beast gave him a glare and the brothers all joined in.
“Stop laughing you fucking hyenas.” Beast snarled.
“No, brother, this is too good. Remember, not long ago you sat at the bar and declared that if you ever lost your head and took an old lady, which you said would never fucking happen, she would have to be a good girl. Everyone can see Tori is a good woman but she’s a fucking spitfire, brother. There will be none of that peace and love shit happening in your house. She’s going to give you fucking grey hairs with that fiery attitude of hers.”
Beast allowed a small very pleased grin to tip his lips and shrugged. “Been tied to her for the last twelve years, brother, not ever going to cut those ties. And that fiery temper works for me, I fucking like it.”
“You wily old dog.” Spider teased with a laugh before throwing his head back and howling.
Howls rang through the room as the brothers teased Beast and Hawk joined them, throwing his head back and howling right along with the brothers, teasing Beast.
It felt good to relax the tension in the room just a little bit, but he couldn’t let it go on for too long. The tapping of the hammer on the block of steel had everyone quieting and focusing on him again.
“What are the arrangements for Tori’s next visit to her specialist?”
The atmosphere in the room changed immediately. It went from relaxed to concerned.
“She has an appointment next week Wednesday and Kid, Jagger and I have a plan. The appointment was made weeks ago and we’re going to be cautious. We’ll change it at the last minute to either earlier in the day or another day entirely if we have to. Ziggy has been tracking the specialists’ computer and we have a camera in the reception, so far nothing has us worried. But I’m not taking any chances with my woman’s life. I’ll select a team closer to the time and let you know.”
“Good, keep me informed.”
Leaning back in his chair Hawk stretched his neck and listened to it cracking. He needed one of his old lady’s massages. Tonight.
“We have two more pieces of business.” He sat forward and leant his forearms on the table. “I got a call from Hotdog asking for a favour. I won’t lie, it’s a totally fucked up situation. A brother needs a place to lick his wounds and get his head straight.”
His men were listening intently and Hawk decided to let them in on the fucked up situation.
“Some of you know our brother, Scar. He’s a trusted lieutenant and has been moving up in the Durban chapter. He was headed for a seat at the Durban chapters’ table. His youngest brother patched into the club about two years ago, he was sponsored by Claw, their Road Captain.” Hawk sighed. “And here is the problem. Two weeks ago Scar came home early from a run to PE, walked into his house and found Pesto, his little brother, fucking his wife.” Growls of outrage erupted around the table and Hawk held a hand up for silence. “He went ballistic and beat the shit out of his brother and kicked his wife out of the house. Threw her shit all over the front lawn. The pigs got involved. Hotdog called Rick for help and he got the pigs to back off our brother. Pesto refused to press charges and his wife, who is soon to be his ex-wife, moved in with his parents.” There were confused looks and even more pissed off growls.
“Yes, you heard that right. She moved in with his fucking parents. Along with the little fucker who stuck his dick in his brother’s wife. Scar has cut off his family and doesn’t want to stay in Durban, fuck, who can blame him. He wanted to go Nomad but Hotdog persuaded him to wait. He asked if we would take him in, give him a place in our chapter.”
When the men started to talk Hawk held his hand up, he had more to say.
“This is how I feel about this situation. Scar is a valuable part of this club and was voted into the lieutenants’ position not very long after earning his patch. He’s well liked, good at his job and loyal to his brothers and his club. We only have three lieutenants at the moment and we need more. I want to bring him on board in the same position he had in Durban. Ziggy, did you find anything?”
Ziggy had been tapping on his laptop while Hawk spoke and everyone looked at him as he started speaking.
“Joshua “Scar” Quinn is thirty four and has been married to Gigi Quinn for six years. She’s a receptionist at a local gym and looking at her photos it very clear she’s one of those gym bunnies. She’s been fucking the brother for a while now. Earlier our Prez asked me to check it out and I hacked into the gym’s system and found some footage their security guy backed up of her banging the brother. It goes back six months. I’ll have to dive in deeper if you want to know more about the slut. Our brother Scar will be an asset to the club. He’s former Navy and special forces, well trained and loyal. I say yes.”
After Ziggy’s revelation the hands went up and Scar was accepted and voted in unanimously. Now all that remained was telling the brother he had a new home, a new family.
“Dizzy, organise a few of the bitches to clean a room for our new brother close to the other lieutenants.”
“No problem, Prez.” Dizz smiled.
“That brings us to the last piece of business. Wrench will be patching in as soon as he’s back home and Sam and Terror are ready to be patched in as well. That leaves us with two prospects and that’s not enough. I want everyone to consider the most promising hangarounds and bring those names to Ice to be put on the list. On the other hand, if you know of someone who would be an asset to our club and who would survive the prospecting period give the name to Ziggy to do a background check. Everyone will be subjected to a very thorough background check so if there are any skeletons in the closets of your choices you need to warn them in advance that they will be found and it will be put on the table in front of the brothers.” Hawk pointed at Beast. “No more fuckers surprising us with long lost old ladies or any of that shit.”
Beast shook his head, his face cold and blank, while his brothers howled with laughter.
“To finalise out last piece of business. I’m pleased to announce that three brothers have been selected as prospective Lieutenants. Voting will take place at a special meeting the date of which hasn’t been decided yet. If your name is called please stand and stay standing until the last name is called. Bulldog, go ahead, brother.”
Deathly silence had descended on the room and the patched brothers looked at each other in shocked surprise because only the officers had been in on the selection this time.
“Thanks for this opportunity, Prez. The brothers selected are as follows. Dizzy, Rider and Buzz.” Bulldog looked at the shocked faces of the three men and smiled. “The three of you have impressed the officers with your willingness to learn, to take on crap jobs and to do what has to be done under difficult conditions. I hope to see all three of you standing here to receive your flashes once the voting is done.”
Howling broke out as the brothers celebrated the selection of the three brothers and Hawk had to smack his hand on the top of the table more than once before they calmed down. Dizzy and Rider were very popular with the brothers and Buzz had started to make a place for himself at the club as well.
“I almost forgot, one more thing. We’ll be watching the Bokke (Springbok Rugby team) beat the shit out of the English in the Rugby World Cup final here at the clubhouse on Saturday morning. Because there will be kids around it will be family only. There will be a braai after the game to celebrate our boys bringing the cup home. Once the kids go home you can party as usual.”
“How do you know we’re going to win, Prez?” Bullet shouted over the howls.
“We don’t lose finals, brother. That’s it. Anyone got anything they want to add? No?” Before Hawk could smack the hammer down Jagger tapped the table.
“I forgot an important piece of business, Boss.” He paused and grinned at everyone. “Brothers, on Saturday we will officially declare our new pool ready for use. Just remember it’s an eco-pool so there’s going to be rocks and plants and shit around the edges. Don’t fuck around in it or with it, please. There will definitely be no pissing, fucking or drinking in the pool. Remember it’s an eco-system that only stays healthy if we abide by the rules. If you have to drink or fuck in water, which is fucking stupid, use the Jacuzzis which are fucking easier to maintain. The original pool will still be available for your use and the same rules apply. Remember, we have children using the pool.”
Hawk gave everyone the evil eye then brought the hammer down. “What Jagger said goes for me too. Now get out of here you bastards. Keep your eyes open and watch your fucking backs out there.”
The chapel quickly emptied as the men streamed out, everyone discussing either the vote that was coming up or the rugby.
At least that kept their minds off the fucked up shit that awaited them outside their gates. Hawk wished it would keep his mind off the decisions he would have to make for his club. They were standing at a crossroads and taking the wrong road would lead them back into the dark shit they had fought so hard to get out of.
His officers hadn’t moved, they sat looking at him as if waiting for something as the door swung closed behind Wolf, the last brother to leave.
“Go on, you bastards, let’s get out of here. We’ve all got shit to do.” Hawk started to stand but Ice held up a hand and he sank back down. What now?
“I spoke to Wrench last night, Boss. He’s doing his nut staying with his folks, he wants to come home. Today.”
Hawk frowned. “Is the fucker even well enough to move? There’s no one here I would trust to take care of him.”
“He’s fine, Boss. River wants to go pick him up and bring him home. We’ll take a cage and slip out the back way, pick him up and slip back in.” Ice shook his head. “I heard his mother in the background while he was talking to me and he needs out of there, Boss. Before he says something he shouldn’t. He’s got a good relationship with his folks but they have gone into over protective mode and he’s not happy about it. And his mother blames River and the club for him getting hurt.”
Jesus. More fucking problems.
“Get it done. Jagger, tell Grietjie to prepare a room for him. Appoint her as his caregiver or whatever the fuck you want to call it. But warn her under no circumstances is she allowed to jump on his cock. That boy has a long road to recovery before he can start playing with his dick.”
His men burst out laughing and Hawk had to join them.
“Jesus. Since when did I become the fucking dick police?” He asked rhetorically but he got an answer anyway.
“Since the minute you started caring more about your brothers and the club than about yourself, Prez.” Spider tapped his finger on the table in a fast rhythm. “That’s why you have us.” He spun a finger around the table. “We’re here to see to it that you take some time for you. We’ve got our assignments for the day, why don’t you spend the day with your old lady? Both of you are getting a tiny bit on our nerves lately, no offence, just putting it out there.” Spider gave him a shit eating grin.
Shaking his head Hawk had to smile. “You fuckers are something else. My old lady and I are good, there’s just a lot of shit on our minds lately. And DC’s pissed because I refused to let the Crow spend some time with Brandi.”
“She’s going to need some kind of outlet soon, Boss. You have to let her do what she needs to do. She has to fight. You know it, we all know it. She can’t carry on wound up as tight as she is. Sparring no longer releases enough of the tension.” Beast quietly but firmly stated the obvious.
He had been an ass. For some fucked up reason he didn’t want to see his woman fighting in the cage. And it was fucked up because it turned him on to see her fight.
Letting go of a deep sigh Hawk nodded. “I know. I’ll call Grizz and ask him to set it up. Fuck. I have no idea why I’ve been such a fucking pussy about this. She’s fucking lethal in that cage, we all saw it, but I don’t want some bitch stepping in there and breaking her. I’ll lose my shit and kill her right in front of all those fucking witnesses.”
“And there’s the reason you’ve been stalling on her going back to fighting.” Sin quietly pointed out to him. “You’re scared you would be the one losing control. This isn’t about her, Prez, it’s about you. And believe me, we get it. You need to trust us and trust her. Between the Dogz and the Warriors we’ve got this. No bitch is going to step into that cage and hurt our president’s old lady. Not happening.”
Rubbing his hands over his eyes Hawk sat back and nodded. “You’re right about everything. I’ll deal with it when the time comes.”
Beast cleared his throat and Hawk’s narrowed eyes swung to him and his enforcer shrugged. “She’s agreed to a fight the week after next, Boss. Some bitch from a fight club in East London. She’s a regular fighter, unlike DC, and has been trying to get a fight against the Demon for a long time. DC has been refusing requests for a fight, until now. I asked her why she agreed to the fight. She shrugged and said ‘if she wants to die who am I to deny her’ and Boss, it was the Crow looking at me out of her eyes. The fight is going to be violent and bloody and your old lady needs it. The Crow is restless because she’s been unable to get what she needs. You’re going to have to suck it up and support her need to fight, or, you’re going to have to give her subjects to interrogate and work her need for blood out on.”
Beast stared him right in the eyes and Hawk saw the same darkness in his eyes that he saw in the eyes of his old lady. And that’s the reason he had tapped his enforcer as the man to spar against his woman. They both hid the darkness deep in their souls. Beast understood her better than most.
“I know. I’ve known for a while now.” Hawk sighed. “I’m fine with the fight. Ziggy, I want everything on the bitch she’s fighting. Every-fucking-thing. And look into everyone she has contact with. My old lady doesn’t need any surprises once they’re locked in that cage.”
“I’m on it, Prez.” Ziggy agreed with a nod and a frown, his mind already on the job.
“I hope like fuck this is all you bastards wanted to talk about because I need coffee, lots of fucking coffee.” Hawk shoved his chair back and stood.
His men laughed and stood with him.
He walked out and went looking for his old lady, but she had already left for her shop. She had earned herself a bit of an ass spanking for not coming to him with her needs.
Next time she would, he would make sure of that. Hawk grinned as he got on his bike to go and deal with his woman.