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Relaxing on the chaise longue next to the pool I sipped my iced tea and ran over the arrangements I had to make over the next few days. Ice was insisting that I stopped working now that Slim was here. Her qualifications made her ideally suited to take over for me. It rankled a bit because I would have to hand my baby over to someone else. Someone I knew could take care of my shop just like I would but it still pissed me off ever so slightly. Why couldn’t I just move a lounger into the shop and hang out there while keeping an eye out?
I snorted and shook my head. I knew very damned well why I couldn’t. Fumes, lots and lots of fumes. And I wouldn’t stay put. I knew it, Ice knew it and my dad knew it. And that brought me to why I was lounging next to the pool and not in my workshop.
Twinges, I had a couple of twinges in my lower back this morning and Ice freaked. He called Dr Strauss and she ordered me to take it easy and if the twinges continued to immediately go to the hospital. According to her I had most probably been overdoing it at work. And to be totally honest I had been worried about getting the bikes out as promised.
Seb and Jannie had been helping out in between their jobs and honestly, the shop wasn’t that backed up, but it still worried me. At least I now had Slim taking over for me and soon Wrench would be strong enough to start doing a few hours at the shop. I had asked Slim to watch him carefully once he was back and to send him home if it looked like he was in pain or over tired.
I was totally pulling the older sister card with him. I took another sip and sighed.
“Stop with the sighs, baby. You know this is what’s best for you and for the babies. I don’t want to lose the boys or you, so we’re going to follow the docs’ orders.” Ice spoke in my ear and I nearly dropped my glass of tea in my lap. I had been so wrapped up in my head I hadn’t seen or heard him approach.
“Shit!” I gasped and the bastard laughed as he took my glass, set it on the side table and made himself comfortable on the lounger next to my feet.
Oh God. The sweet man lifted those aching lumps into his hands and started to massage my fat feet. I still had three months and a bit of this pregnancy to go and my poor feet were swollen and aching. And that’s why I was on the lounger with a cushion under my feet and why every afternoon I rested with my feet raised higher than my head. Ugh. The joys of housing not one but two big boys in my poor uterus.
“I know I’ve been acting like a spoilt brat and I’m sorry. I don’t want to lose our boys either. Slim is settling in and I’m sure Wrench is going to want to go back to work as soon as he’s well enough. As soon as he no longer has his mother hovering around him and treating him like a helpless invalid he’ll get stronger quicker.” I really didn’t like the way his mum had been acting around him. Almost as if he was no longer the man he used to be and needed to be taken care of twenty four seven.
“Hawk gave his okay for us to bring him home. Bulldog and I will be fetching him later today. Grietjie is busy getting a room ready for him and she will be around if he needs help.”
I was happy about Wrench coming home, not so happy about the club girl. “As long as that girl stays away from his dick while he’s still recovering. I don’t want him to do shit that’s going to push his recovery back.” I growled.
Freaking Ice laughed. “It’s like you and Hawk had the exact same thought. He ordered her to stay away from his dick and it pissed the boss off to do it. Fuck, it was funny.”
“As long as she follows his orders. It won’t be so funny if Wrench tore his wounds open while trying to nail a club girl.” I griped.
“Let’s stop talking about that shit, baby. There’s something else I want to talk to you about, and with Duncan visiting my mum I thought now would be the ideal time.”
Nodding I waited for him to tell me what’s been running through that hard head of his. The one on top of his shoulders, not the other one, I knew exactly what the other wanted. I struggled to hide my grin and only succeeded because he was looking down at my feet.
“Remember when I asked you to marry me and told you I wanted us married before the boys were born?”
I laughed. “You never asked me to marry you, you told me I was going to marry you. Then you gave me this beautiful ring and promised me a romantic getaway after the wedding.”
My man smiled that wide smile that I loved so much. “I remember and I remember you agreeing to stay in bed with me for the entire time we’re on our romantic getaway.”
Ice crawled up my legs, kissed my belly twice and continued on until he was hovering over me, his face in front of mine. “I love you, Blue, so fucking much. I love our boys, all three of them and I want all of you to belong to me, legally.” He softly kissed me while looking into my eyes then pulled away slowly, leaving me wanting more.
“I called Dagger this morning and told him I was marrying you and that I wanted to adopt Duncan.” He totally stole my breath away. All I could do was stare at him with wide eyes.
“He said as long as we incorporate Sparrow’s surname in Duncan’s names he was okay with it. He wanted my word that Duncan would grow up knowing his dad, and that the Sinners Sons would always be his family. I gave it to him. If Duncan decides to patch into the Sinners when he’s old enough it would most likely piss me off but it’s his birth right and his decision to make.” What had I done to deserve two good men in my lifetime? I didn’t know, I just knew that I loved them both equally, but different. If that even made sense.
“You want our boys to have the same surname in order for Duncan to never feel left out. That’s what it is, isn’t it?” I asked softly.
Ice shook his head. “No, Blue, I want him to have my surname because he’s my son.”
And there came the tears. I reached out and pulled Ice to me and kissed both of us silly. I loved that while he kissed me he balanced himself on one hand while the other cupped my big belly. He pulled away but not far and opened his eyes.
“Marry me, Blue.” He whispered.
“Yes.” I whispered back.
“On the 24th of December.” He whispered.
I didn’t whisper back. I screeched. “What! The day before Christmas? Are you crazy!”
“No, baby, I’m not crazy. Just think about it. Every year for the rest of our lives we won’t just be celebrating Christmas we’ll be celebrating our love.”
“But it’s the day before Christmas. Your club brothers won’t be here, they will be with their families. Don’t you want them at our wedding?” I was confused, very confused.
“I do want them at the wedding, baby. Christmas is a very quiet time at the clubhouse because most of the brothers go home to their families. Only the men without family stay behind. They have lunch with the club girls and party, that’s what used to happen. Most of us who lived close would spend time with our families and then come back to join the party. We had some wild times.” I knew exactly what those wild times would have included. Naked freaking sluts everywhere. Men were so very predictable.
“This year there won’t be a party. Aunt Beryl, nixed it. Instead she wants the families to celebrate Christmas together at the clubhouse. And that brings me to our wedding. The brothers will be here and they need a party, baby. So let’s give them a Christmas Eve party no one will ever forget. Our wedding, in the back yard of the club. What do you say?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. This was too organised, too sneaky. “You’ve already got all of them busy with wedding shit, don’t you?”
My man gave an unapologetic grin. “Guilty as charged. Beast started work on the gazebo a while back and we’ll use the club’s marquee and shit. We’ve got it all stored in a unit at the offices. You don’t have to do anything but look beautiful on the day. Everything is being taken care of.”
“What did you do?”
Again the grin. “Your girls are going to call. They’ve got this, baby and they will help us to have the best fucking wedding ever.”
I was going to kill those bitches. “I spoke to Mari this morning and she didn’t say a word. And Krissie texted me and not a word about this either. I’m going to kill them.”
Ice laughed. “You can’t, Blue. I asked them to wait until I’ve spoken to you. Call them when I leave and start organising our wedding. And don’t let anyone force you into doing what you don’t want to do. This is our wedding. We do it our way. Okay?”
How do you stay pissed off after all that? Quick answer, you don’t. Sigh.
“Okay, baby, but no more freaking surprises. And just saying, I don’t want some huge freaking wedding where I don’t know anybody. I want it to be family and club and a few invited friends from outside the club. Okay?”
“Anything you want, baby. This is your wedding.”
He kissed me and the world disappeared as he sank into my mouth. I don’t know how he managed it but we ended up lying on our sides with our fronts squished together. My baba boep (baby belly) taking up most of the space.
“I hate to kiss and leave but I’ve got club shit to take care of. We’ll get back to this later. Stay out of the sun and keep those legs raised.” Ice kissed my nose and then he was striding away down the path and a few seconds later I heard his bike start up and listened as the deep thrum of the engine faded into the distance.
I reached for my phone, it was time to lay down the law to my traitorous friends.
I watched as Hawk stormed into the studio and thank the goddess I had just finished my last client and was busy cleaning my station. Kid, Dollar and Ratel walked in behind him and all of them gave me big eyes behind his back. My man was pissed and I knew Beast had spilled the beans about my decision.
“DC, get your ass into the office.”
My man was a serious alpha badass but he knew better than to speak to me like I was one of his little fuck toys.
“Go ahead, I’ll be there now. I just want to finish here first.”
He huffed, the man freaking huffed! I shook my head as he stormed past and down to the back. He didn’t slam the door but it was close.
“Ooh girl, I think you’re in deep shit.” Nadja teased as she led her next piercing victim past me to her room.
I shrugged and continued cleaning. But I couldn’t stall for too long, I knew my man, he would storm out here, throw me over his shoulder and take me back to the office. I didn’t want that.
Taking a deep breath and straightening my shoulders I walked to the office to face my man’s anger. Oh yes, he was angry and I really couldn’t blame him. I should have told him about my decision first.
So that’s what I did. I walked through the door and immediately apologised.
“I’m sorry. You should have been the first I told about my plans. I shouldn’t have been such a pussy and let Beast break the news to you.” I touched his clenched fist. “I can take her, baby. She’s big, she’s a brute, but she’s blind to her own limitations. Grizz has someone following her fights and recording them. It won’t be easy but I promise you , I can take her.”
He wasn’t pleased, if possible, it pissed him off even more.
“I don’t give a fuck whether you can take her or not, DC. You should have come to me, you didn’t. What does that mean? Don’t you trust me to understand or have your back?” He didn’t give me a chance to answer. He just kept right on laying it out.
“It fucking pisses me off that after all the shit we’ve gone through you still keep a part of you hidden away from me. I fucking love you, all of you, not just the parts you show the rest of the fucking world. I want you to get it. I love it when you expose your soft side to me, I love it when you show me the darkness living inside you. Nothing you do or say will fucking ever disgust me or cause me to walk away from you. Never going to happen, little bird. You’re mine until the day I die. I will fucking never let you go.”
My mouth flapped open and closed but I could not get any words past my tight throat. Tears stood in my eyes and all I could do was nod.
“Next time you decide to do something that endangers your fucking life, you run it by me first. And only then do you approach others with your fucking plans. Do you get me?”
And there he went and pissed me off again.
“Don’t you start that ‘do you get me’ shit with me. I love you to freaking distraction and I’m sorry I didn’t come to you, that was disrespectful and it won’t happen again.” He tried to interrupt but I waved him to silence. “I’m going to fight at Underground, not just this one time, but other times as well. I don’t want to be a regular fighter but I need the release that I get through fighting. If I don’t fight I have to find another way to ease the pressure or my dark side will find it for me. Neither one of us want that to happen.”
Hawk stared at me silently for several nail biting seconds before he spoke. “I am very aware that you need to fight to release the pressure, but I was under the mistaken impression that sparring with Beast was enough of a release. Now I know it’s not enough and I’ll deal with it. Deal with my woman climbing into a cage and beating her opponent bloody for fun. As long as you keep me in the loop, little bird, I’m there with you all the way.”
I was about to answer when his lips slammed down over mine and he scrambled every single thought I had in my head. All I knew was the feel of his body against mine and the taste of him exploding over my tongue. It was heady, addicting and I wanted more.
And I was going to get more. Hawk lifted his head, gave me an evil smile, swung me around and pushed me down over my desk. Oh shit.
“I’m going to fuck you over your desk, little bird, and you’re going to have to be quiet. Going to fuck you so hard and deep, baby, you’re going to want to scream. But you can’t scream, you have to be very, very quiet.” He whispered against the back of my neck.
All I could think about was that I was so glad I decided to wear a skirt today. I moaned softly as he lifted my skirt and stroked his hard, callused hand over the cheeks of my ass then dipped down and stroked a finger over the gusset of my already damp panties. He pulled it out of his way and those wonderful fingers were right where I needed them, sliding up and down my slit, getting coated in my arousal. Two fingers slid up and deep into me while he used his free hand to undo his belt and unbutton his jeans. I listen to the clink of his belt buckle against the buttons and shivered. I was already close.
Suddenly his fingers were gone and his big hard cock slammed into me. Muffling my moans against the back of my hands as he gripped my hips and started powering into me. I freaking loved what he did to me.
“Play with yourself, baby. Get yourself there because this is going to be fucking quick.” Hawk growled against the back of my neck as he draped himself over me, still fucking me hard, deep and fast. I didn’t say a word, just reached down and ran a finger over my swollen clit. Pleasure streaked through me as his big cock and my clit started to work together to bring me a freaking huge orgasm.
I felt it approaching and started working my clit faster and harder. And then it streaked through me, curling my toes and clamping my pussy down over his cock that was still powering hard into me. It didn’t take long before he shot deep inside of me, coating my insides with his come. Marking me as his.
He pushed deep and held himself there as his cock jerked and I slowly pulled my hand away from my clit and groaned.
“That was freaking amazing but now I’m all messy and sticky.” I moaned.
The bastard chuckled against my neck and I shuddered in reaction, with him every part of me was sensitive to him, his voice, his touch, his smell.
“I like you messy and sticky, baby. I like knowing you’ll be feeling me inside and outside you for the rest of the day.”
I groaned as he slowly pulled out then reach over and pulled a bunch of tissues from the box on my desk and gently cleaned me then dropped them into the bin next to the desk. He pulled my panties back over my pussy and my skirt back over my ass before gently helping me up. I was still as limp as a freaking noodle and he gave me a grin of male satisfaction. I watched as he swiped a tissue over his cock then pushed it back into his pants and buttoned up. Commando as usual. And just watching him handling his cock stirred me up again and I licked my lips as I looked up into his eyes.
“My baby likes watching me touch my cock.” He said softly as he bent over and softly kissed me. “I’ll give it to you tonight, baby. I’ll play with my cock while I watch you make yourself come.”
He gave me another quick kiss and then he was opening the door and ushering me out. Holy shit, this man of mine was dangerous. I tried to hide the fact that I had just had a massive orgasm and that my man had purposely turned me on before we came out of the office.
It was going to be a long day. Thank heavens I had a pair of clean panties in my back pack because there was no way I could go through the day wearing the pair I had on now.
I watched as he sauntered through the studio and out the door. Never looking back. It was only as he sat on his bike that he looked back, winked and flicked his fingers at me in a wave.
And then he was gone.
And I was turned on again. Damn.
I looked at the row of little girls and one boy standing barefoot in front of me and smiled. They all had come to ‘spin’ with me.
“We’re going to dance and spin and I want you to just have fun. Don’t worry about anything, just have fun. I’m going to dance with you and if you want you can do what I do. Okay?”
They all nodded and I clicked the music on and slipped the remote back into my pocket. These were bikers’ kids so I had no worries about playing rock music for them to dance to. Ellie immediately started twirling and everyone followed her example. They were so damned sweet.
I had been in the studio since early this morning and had warmed up, done my physical therapy and had carefully danced a few steps. As I had expected my muscles and toes were aching from the workout I had given them yesterday but I ignored it and pushed through.
The kids, River, Genna, Aunt Suzy and Penny walked in when I was still dancing and they quietly sat down in the chairs against the wall until the music came to an end.
Jossy and Ellie flew out of their chairs and rushed to me, clasping me around my legs and I bent over to give them hugs and kisses.
“Morning sweet girls.” I greeted them and sank down to hug them.
“Ellie wanted to spin. She was being a handful.” Jossy said. She obviously quoted one of women and I hid my smile and nodded.
And that’s how we got to where we were now. A bunch of little kids and I were swirling around the floor giggling and having fun. But I kept my eye on Ellie. She was lost in a world of her own, feeling the music and swaying her little booty along with the beat, perfectly in time. Watching her I knew, as young as she was, she would either become a dancer or do something involving music when she was older.
I would teach my little girl all about dancing, preparing her for the big bad world out there.
My brain stuttered to a stop. I had just called her my little girl. Standing there watching the children having fun jumping and twirling and watching themselves in the mirrors I knew I wasn’t going to leave.
Beast and his girls were my new future and the Iron Dogz right along with them.
The club had given me a safe haven when I needed it so very badly. DC had given me this studio. Oh I knew it was a bribe to get me to stay, but what a hell of a bribe. And then there was the welcome I had received from the old ladies and their families, unbelievably warm and caring.
I now had more friends than I had ever had before. During my career as a dancer I had very few friends and as I moved up, and they didn’t, they fell away until there was only Ilya. He had been my best friend, my confidant, and my harshest critic.
If he had still been alive I knew exactly what he would have said to me.
“Stop fucking second guessing yourself, Tor. Grab life with both hands and live it.”
And that’s exactly what I was going to do. I was going to grab hold of this new life I had been given and live it.
I was going to live it with my very unusual new family, the Iron Dogz MC.
With the man who should have been by my side from the start, and his little girls.
And maybe, one day, I would have a baby of my own with him to add to our family.
Life was so strange. It took with one hand and gave with the other. It took Ilya and my career and gave me a chance at a normal life. Well, not exactly normal but it was close enough.
Leaving the children I picked up my sweat pants and fleece, pulled them on then joined the women in the chairs.
I sat on the floor in front of them slowly stretching my body as we watched the kids.
And for once all I felt was peace.