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I woke up with a heavy arm around my waist, a hairy thigh shoved between my legs, and very snug against my pussy. It took everything to lie quietly and not rub myself on that thigh. Even though I was aroused my poor pussy was sore and would definitely not be up for another round.
Beast was deeply asleep as I slid out underneath his arm and off the bed. He grumbled once, drew my pillow into his face and settled back down. I virtually tiptoed into the bathroom, took care of business and as I was washing my hands I looked into the mirror above the basins and gasped. Dearest virgin queen I had the worst bedhead ever.
Finding my brush in the drawer under the basin I grimaced as I worked the knots out of my hair, twisted it up and secured it with a clip at the back of my head. After our activities last night I needed a shower and I didn’t hesitate. The water was hot and I hummed appreciatively as I let the water cascade over my body, washing the evidence of our passion plus my aches away. Wrapped in a big bath sheet I moisturised and then covered my body in sunscreen. I was a redhead and my skin didn’t tan, it just burned, so sunscreen was a must every day.
Beast was still sleeping as I slipped into the humungous dressing room and got dressed and slipped my feet into my plakkies. I approached the bed quietly and stood looking down at my man sleeping with my pillow clasped in his arms. The only time he looked peaceful was when he was asleep, like now.
Whispers came through the baby monitor next to the bed and I quickly grabbed it and turned it off. The girls were awake. Leaving my man to get a little more sleep I left to go take care of his baby girls.
We were deciding on outfits for the day when the man in our lives walked through the door and I glanced up with a smile. A smile that froze when I took in the new look my man was rocking.
Holy shit he had trimmed his beard, and not just trimmed, it was styled. Oh boy. Without that wild beard the handsome man was suddenly revealed. The damned club sluts were going to go freaking wild over him.
And then I grinned. No, they wouldn’t because my man had the best cold and deadly look I had ever seen.
“Morning, baby, what is that look for?” He questioned as he bent and kissed me.
I couldn’t answer because the girls were suddenly there and jumping around their dad.
“Your face, Daddy! Where’s your beard?” Jossy shouted and jumped to try and reach. Beast immediately crouched down and both girls tackled him, their little hands going for the sexy short beard he now sported.
“I likes it.” Ellie said shyly as she patted his cheek.
“Don’t I get a morning kiss?” Beast asked jokingly and both girls showered his face with kisses while he laughed.
Dearest virgin queen, he looked so happy and carefree with a girl in each arm while laughing with them.
“Toree, Daddy gots a pretty face.” Ellie patted Beast’s cheek as she glanced back at me and I cracked up.
I nodded. “Yes, baby, Daddy does have a pretty face.”
The girls giggled wildly as Beast shoved his face in their necks and blew raspberries against their skin.
“Daddy, we’re getting dressed with Tori and we’re having breakfast. Are you having breakfast?” Jossy ran to her bed to show her daddy the outfit she had picked for the day.
“Sorry, girls, I have to get to the clubhouse. Uncle Hawk needs to talk to me. I’ll just grab a muffin on my way out. You girls be good for Tori.” He kissed them both on the forehead and stood. “Can you girls get dressed while I talk to Tori quickly?”
“Yes, Daddy.” They both chorused
Tilting his head towards the passage I walked out with him following. Pulling me into his arms he grinned then kissed me silly. I hadn’t seen him smile, grin and laugh so much in all the time I had been at the Iron Dogz clubhouse.
“Walk me to the door, baby. The girls will be fine. Sassy will watch over them.” And it was only then that I saw her patiently sitting next to the door. Beast gave her a signal and she immediately got up and walked into the girls’ room where excited chatter burst out again.
I walked downstairs with him and into the kitchen where Rider stood with a muffin in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other. He grinned when we walked in and nodded a greeting, his mouth filled with muffin. Tilting his head to the island I saw he had set out another mug and a muffin. So this was their morning routine, meeting in the kitchen, drinking coffee and eating muffins before going to the clubhouse.
My eyes widened as the two wolfed down the muffins, drank their coffee in what seemed to be two or three large gulps, washed their mugs and set them on the drying rack. Wow.
Rider tipped his head my way in a sort of greeting and headed out the kitchen.
“You’re favouring your leg this morning, baby. Why don’t you take it easy today and go back to the studio tomorrow?” His voice was worried and I realised what he had said was true. I had been favouring my leg.
“I think that’s a good idea. I’ll hang out with Penny and the girls and just have a relaxing day.”
Beast frowned. “The girls were going to go to Aunt Suzy’s place this morning. Are you sure you’ll be okay with watching them?”
“Go, we’ll be fine. We’ll have breakfast and hang out with Penny and Delene. Maybe River and Duncan can come over for a visit later. We’ll just see how the day goes.” I reassured him as we walked to the front door which stood open and I could hear Rider’s bike rumbling outside. “Rider’s waiting for you, go, we’re good.”
His answer was a soul searing kiss before he pulled his beanie on and walked out. I leant against the doorjamb watching as he slung a long heavily muscled leg over his bike and sat down. He looked at me and smiled then drew his bandanna up over his mouth and walked his bike back. Both of them gave me one of those low biker finger flicks. Weird how all bikers seem to do that.
With a roar they rode down the driveway to the gates that were slowly opening. I watched until they disappeared down the road then headed back inside and upstairs to the girls.
Penny and I spent a relaxed morning on the deck after feeding the kids and letting them loose on the back yard while Sassy took up position midway between the deck and the sandpit where the girls were building castles and things.
Penny and I were chatting about the house when I told her I had a house full of stuff sitting unused in Cape Town. She insisted that I had to call Pixie right there and then and make arrangements for my things to be packed and shipped to Johannesburg.
And strangely I didn’t hesitate. I called my bestie and she immediately agreed. I wondered why she was being so agreeable and I didn’t have to wonder long. She wanted me safe out of Cape Town and if the Iron Dogz could keep me safe she was all for it. She promised to put Rooster on the job and would call me with an update later.
“Done. Pixie is getting Rooster to arrange it for me.”
“We need to get your stuff up here so we can get rid of the last of the slut stuff. I hate knowing there are things in this house that has slut cooties all over them.” Penny gave an exaggerated shudder and pulled a nasty face.
“Oh, lordy, your face, it’s like you’re smelling something really bad. Did you know them? Is that the reason you want the place cleaned out?” I was laughing as she once again shuddered.
“Unfortunately I did know them. Jane was the worst of the lot; she was after Rider even though he was only a prospect. I almost walked away from him when she blindsided me with her lies. But Rider, he just kept on repeating that he loved me and would never, ever put his dick anywhere near her diseased twat.” Penny shook her head sadly. “It all happened right there in the common room in front of his club brothers and not one of them stood up to take his back. They laughed. I didn’t come back to the club for a very long time. I didn’t attend his patching in party or any other parties because they were absolutely disgusting. And then Hawk met DC and everything changed.”
“How? How did it change?” I was curious to hear the story of how my friend tamed the wild man it seemed Hawk used to be.
“Oh, it’s the best story ever.” Penny clapped her hands in enthusiasm as she bounced in her seat. “DC came to the club for business and Jane disrespected her in front of the entire club. So guess what DC did?” I shrugged, giving her enquiring eyes.
“She challenged Jane to a cage fight at a fight club run by her club, the Road Warriors.” Penny said with an evil grin.
“Oh shit, she fought at Underground?” My mouth was hanging open.
“You know about Underground? How?” Penny gave me wide shocked eyes.
“I grew up in Cape Town and, as you know, my best friend is Pixie Maingarde and the Road Warriors are her adopted family and friends of mine. Rooster explained about Underground and their other fight clubs around the country. I asked if women fought and he said, and I quote, ‘Fuck, no. It’s men only.’ I’m glad to hear it changed. Now tell me everything about DC’s fight.”
Penny sat forward in her chair, grinning. “Well, firstly, Rider and I weren’t there because I was having a tough pregnancy and he stayed home with me. He did bring a video of the fight home that we watched. But hang on, I’m getting ahead of myself.”
She rubbed her hands together like and evil genius or something.
“So, the slut thought she was going to wipe the floor with DC and apparently told anyone who would listen how she was going to kick her ass. The night of the fight Hawk was called into the dressing room by the Road Warriors’ club president and DC’s trainer and they accused Jane of attempting to cheat. When her coach wrapped her hands they had hidden stuff in the wrappings that could have seriously injured DC. Hawk was furious and agreed that the wrappings would come off and be redone while they watched.”
Penny pulled a face. “She was such a poser, she even had music for when she walked out of the dressing room. And I’ll give you two guesses as to which music.”
I just knew and was already sniggering and shaking my head. “Not ‘Eye of the Tiger’ please tell me it wasn’t that one.”
Penny snorted with laughter and nodded.
“Oh yes, it was. We’ll watch the video one day when the girls aren’t around. But anyway, she strutted around like she’s all that, which she isn’t. She was still strutting around the cage when the next minute the place was thundering with drums and then DC appears and stalks and dances towards the cage to Disturbed’s song The Sickness. It must have been freaking awesome because the Road Warriors were all up and stamping their feet and singing and screaming Demon, Demon, Demon.” Penny held out her arm to me. “Look at this, it’s giving me goosies all over again just thinking about it. It was freaking awesome, and I only saw the video of it. The next time she fights I’m there, I don’t care who I have to bribe to babysit.”
“So what happened then?” I was totally hanging on her words.
“DC stands there and her guys take off the gown thingy she’s wearing and there’s her fighter name embroidered on her pants and it’s Demon. Only then did I get the song and the crowd shouting Demon. So she listens to her coach talking to her and just nods while her eyes are lazered onto the bitch in the cage. All I can say is that when DC gets in the cage she’s no longer DC, she’s Demon and she’s freaking scary. She beat Jayne, who was a MMA champion fighter, to a pulp. Broke her leg and everything.”
My mouth was gaping open. “Holy shit, and then?”
“At the end of the fight DC jumps up on the bars of the cage and ran around like a monkey until she stopped right in front of Hawk and she laughed at him, her mouth and mouthguard bloody and her eyes all black and glittering. It was like she was challenging him or something. Whoever took the video zoomed in on his face and he just stood there, staring up at her.” Penny shook her head. “I’m telling you girl, your friend is my freaking hero since that night because Hawk kicked Jane out and went after DC and things slowly started to change at the club. It went from a dirty sluts only club to a family orientated club.”
I narrowed my eyes as I tried to remember when DC used to live in Cape Town during her apprenticeship. “You know, now that I’m sitting here thinking about it, I think Rooster lied to me. Those dickheads, they always looked at me like I was this delicate little thing they had to protect. If they only knew how tough I really was.” I shook my head at their stupidity. “I don’t think any of them would last a day on the schedule I used to be on every single day of my life. I did see DC fight once, it was at an event at a gym and it was so freaking exciting, I think I screamed a lot.”
“Men are stupid creatures.” Penny agreed. “They assume all women are the same but we’re not. Some of us are fighters. Strong and resilient.”
“And you two are gossiping like little old ladies.” A laughing voice suddenly spoke right behind us and Penny and I jumped almost right out of our chairs in fright.
“DC! You almost gave me a heart attack.” I scolded as she laughed and sank into the chair next to me.
“The two of you were so deep into your skinner (gossip) session you didn’t even hear me coming in or noticed that Sassy was watching me as I came out onto the deck. That’s not good, ladies. You need to be aware of your surroundings, all the time. Yes, you have the guys protecting the gate and watching over you out here but it’s not enough. You have to do your part to keep yourselves and the girlies safe.” She lectured with a small frown.
“You’re right, I was so into listening to how you beat the slut bag to a pulp that everything disappeared. Except the girlies, I kept my eye on them all the time.” I lifted my shoulders in apology.
“Anyway, I’m not here to scold. River asked me to collect the two of you and the kids for afternoon tea and swimming at her place. Everyone is going to meet there, so let’s get to it. Chop-chop.”
An hour later we were lazing around the pool while the kids were playing in the shallow end. I didn’t know if the girlies could swim or not so insisted on arm bands and staying on the wide step. They were quite happy to do so because all the other kids were doing the same.
All the women were there. Aunt Suzy, Aunt Beryl, Gail, Genna, DC, Penny, River and I. According to Aunt Beryl we were the only old ladies on the property at present but she told us that Kahn and his old lady, Vash, would soon be moving to the property as well. Vash was nervous living so far away from the clubhouse and the protection it offered her and her kids. They were buying one of those mobile homes to set up between our house and the clubhouse until their house could be built.
“They should just turn that piece of land into one of those mobile home park things like they have in the States.” I threw into the conversation and DC pointed a finger at me and nodded.
“That’s a very good idea. I’m going to mention it to Hawk later. He was saying that they were looking to house all the brothers and their families on the property if possible. He’s worried about them travelling between their homes and the clubhouse on their own.”
“Ja, I can’t wait for this nonsense with the Maingarde’s to be over.” Aunt Suzy said. “That damn family has caused enough harm to the club.”
I couldn’t let that go. The Maingardes weren’t the problem, it was the bitch using their name that was the fly in the ointment.
“I need to explain something. The Maingarde family consists of only two people, Dominick and Pixie. That vile old woman stole their company, most of their money and their name and turned it into something horrible. Dom is a good man and Pixie is my best friend, they didn’t cause your club any harm. The way I understood it, it’s one of your own and the old bitch that’s causing the problems for the club.” I could see in the eyes of the older women that they did not believe me but I didn’t give a shit. I knew DC wasn’t as blind to the reality of the situation in Cape Town. She wouldn’t allow Hawk to strike out against Pixie or Dom.
“How can you be so sure of that?” Genna asked carefully because she saw I was upset.
“I grew up with Pixie and Dominick. Pixie shielded me from the bullies at school and Dominick made sure we were both protected.”
“Then how were you beaten up if you were protected?” Gail asked quietly after a quick glance at the kids.
“I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and heard something I shouldn’t have. And instead of running to Dominick I ran home. The old slut bag’s men did that to me, not Dominick. He rescued me and two of his men were killed in the process. So no one had better say one word against my family, because that’s what they are, they are my family.” I glanced at DC and she nodded.
“Sorry, sweetheart, our men didn’t explain how the Maingarde family is put together.” Aunt Suzy said with a frown.
All I could do was nod. I didn’t want to discuss it anymore. It would just piss me off. As soon as I could I was going to talk to Beast about it.
River changed the subject and the tension that had risen around us slowly subsided. Penny quietly reached over and squeezed my clenched hand and I gave her a grateful smile.
Talk changed to wedding plans because apparently River and Ice were tying the knot on the 24th of December at the clubhouse. River was adamant that it would be club and family only. She wasn’t having any sluts or hangarounds at her wedding. Good for her.
The talk about Pixie and Dominick had soured the afternoon for me and I quietly watched as everyone got involved with wedding planning, until River turned to me and asked for an enormous favour.
“I will be a few weeks away from my due date on the 24th and there’s no way I’m going to do more than shuffle across the floor when we have to dance. Would you please, pretty, pretty please dance for us?”
Oh shit. I took a deep breath and tried to explain. “It’s customary for a couple to dance at a wedding and I don’t have a partner to dance with. I don’t know of any male dancers here in South Africa who’s free over December.”
DC, the shit, of course threw a spanner in my carefully worded refusal. “Beast can do it. I’ve seen him dance at a few club parties and the man can move.” She said with an evil grin.
Shit. I’ve danced with Beast, many years ago. But it was nothing like an exhibition dance that River seemed to want.
“Let me think about it and talk to Beast. I’ll let you know as soon as we’ve talked.”
What else could I say?
On the ride home I bitched at DC and the prospect driving the SUV had to clear his throat loudly to disguise his laughter. The little shit. He didn’t think my big man could move. If we did this they were all in for a freaking big surprise.
Shit, I would do it just to watch the freaking smirks disappear off their faces. But convincing Beast would be another story.
As we lay in bed that night I broached the subject and explained what River wanted. My man lay in stunned silence and then he adamantly refused.
“No fucking way.”
And the way he said it I knew I would have a job and a half convincing him to do it. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted us to do it.
I shoved it to the back of my mind and fell asleep on my man’s wide chest.
Saturday arrived bright and clear and we were out of the house early to help with the preparations at the clubhouse.
We drove through the front gates that had two massive South African flags draped over them and all along the wall flags waved in the breeze.
Aunt Beryl ruled the kitchen and we all just fell in with her.
A huge big screen with a sound system had been set up at the back of the clubhouse and benches and tables arranged in a semi-circle facing it. South African flags and Springbok pennants were everywhere. The prospects were setting up the bar and Chris and Grietjie would be manning the bar wearing their Springbok support t-shirts. I was wearing the Springbok jersey Beast had given me last night and the girls were in tiny little support t-shirts and I couldn’t resist taking a photo of the three of them. Of course Beast, like all the other men, had his kutte on over his jersey.
I really didn’t know much about the game but became as crazy as everyone else as the Springboks showed the world exactly what we were made of. A diverse country that pulled together when it mattered the most.
The celebrations when the final whistle blew were absolutely crazy. Trays with shots called Springbokkies appeared at the tables and everyone drank and shouted with joy. The champagne and alcohol flowed but Aunt Beryl and her crew were right there setting platters piled high with nibbles while the prospects started the fires.
Earlier I had seen the piles of meat marinating in tubs in the walk-in fridge and couldn’t wait to enjoy my very first braai (BBQ) since coming back to South Africa with the club.
We spent the day hanging out under the trees and the kids, with Jagger keeping a concerned eye, tried out the club’s new pool. I went along to watch over my girls and gasped in wonder when we finally walked out of the trees and into a clearing that nestled at the bottom of a rocky incline. The pool was unlike anything I had ever seen. It felt like we had wandered into a forest and found a clearing where a waterfall splashed into a clear sandy bottomed pool surrounded by ferns, water lilies and big flat rocks.
I stood with my mouth open, totally speechless as I took in the beauty.
“This is the most beautiful pool I have ever seen. Is it natural? And how are you going to clean it?”
Jagger got all technical and I just nodded along as I sat down on one of the flat rocks and just stared. The girls came and sat with me and dabbled their legs in the water watching the older kids swimming.
We returned home late that evening with filthy dirty little girls fast asleep in their car seats. They didn’t even wake up when we washed them, dressed them and put them to bed. Beast and I enjoyed a long lusty shower and fell into bed as well. It had been a long day in the hot sun.
It was the best day I had had in a very long time.
If I had known what awaited us I would maybe have taken more time to enjoy the peace.