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Tuesday Night
Beast and Wolf sat in the blacked out SUV parked a few spaces away from Laney’s piece of shit car and waited. Brandi had gone into the club and Scar had followed her in. She wasn’t aware that she was being watched and as Laney had never seen Scar before he could easily get up close. With the tiny camera in a button on his shirt they were able to watch as he sat at the bar, two stools away from the bitches. Brandi was playing it easy, letting Laney lead the night. They drank, they danced and it was when they came to sit at the bar again that Laney sat down next to Scar and started to flirt with him. Their man flirted right back and as he drew her attention Brandi dropped the liquid they had given her into Laney’s drink.
She stayed all flirty and bouncy for a while before she started to droop and slur. Brandi played the concerned friend and assured the security who came over to check on her that she would take her friend home. She just had too much to drink. Scar stayed at the bar and finished his drink ensuring that enough time passed between the women leaving and his leisurely exit.
It was easy after that.
Brandi helped Laney into the passenger seat of her car then got in and drove out of the parking lot to where the black van was waiting. Scar exited the club several minutes after the women had left and even stopped to have a chat with the bouncer, cracking some jokes, before he strolled towards the SUV, got into the driver’s seat and sedately drove out.
Once out of sight of the bouncers and cameras around the club he sped up and they pulled into the empty lot where the others were waiting.
Brandi and Laney were transferred into the black panel van and driven back to the compound. The plan was going like clockwork.
Terror wearing gloves and a black beanie drove her car to the building where she had a flat and parked it in her space. They were waiting in the SUV and picked him up. There were no cameras at the rundown building and no one saw them driving in or leaving. Mission accomplished.
Laney didn’t wake until hours later. She was groggy and disorientated until she focused on the black clad man in front of her. Then she screamed.
It didn’t help her at all. All those watching didn’t feel a thing.
Laney’s head jerked to the side as Crow smacked her, open palmed then turned to Beast.
“I heard one has to smack it when it screeches. Looks like it works.” Crow hissed coldly.
Beast grinned, stepped forward and jerked Laney’s head back by her hair. “Welcome to hell, bitch.” He pushed her head forward so violently that her chin smacked into her breastbone and she whimpered in pain and fear.
Crow gave a hissing little laugh. “That’s nice, you warmed it up for me. Now step back and let me work, Beastie.”
Beast retreated, rested his back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. Along with Hawk, Ice, Kid, Sin, Wolf and Scar he watched as the Crow got to work.
Crow carefully cut the tight dress the bitch was wearing from her body. It hung in long strips to the floor leaving Laney tied to the chair wearing only tiny panties. Seeing her like that did nothing for Beast, in all the time she had been at the clubhouse he had never touched her. She tried. He hadn’t been interested then and he wasn’t interested now.
He was here to watch the Crow work and after it was done he would dispose of the left overs. Nothing more nothing less. They were heading deep into the darkness that swirled inside both of them. A darkness they were both very comfortable with. Beast knew it disturbed his boss and his brothers to watch the Crow work. It was only when he surfaced from that dark space that he felt a bit of remorse, well, maybe not remorse, it was more like washing what was done from his mind. And that he found very easy to do. Had been doing it for years and would be doing it for years to come. Until he retired from his position in the club.
“Tell me a story, whore.” I hissed at the whore as I sat down in the chair in front of her.
“I don’t know what you want. Why am I here? You already kicked me out. Why am I here?”
“Tell me a story, whore.” I hissed, my black eyes focused on the prey tied to the chair.
“I don’t know anything. I have nothing to say.” She tried but failed to get any reaction.
“Good. I like that, I like that a lot.” I tipped my head to the side and grinned, so sad she couldn’t see that grin.
“Beastie, hand me my fillet knife please. I feel a nice little pattern coming on.” I hissed out a creepy laugh at my own joke.
I handed him the heavier knife and took the long thin bladed knife and twirled it around close to her face and she flinched back, but of course, she couldn’t go very far.
Pressing the knife to the top of her thigh I started cutting. Such a lovely little curvy pattern. The knife slid through her flesh so easily, so gently. I ignored the screams. Concentrated on the pattern I drew on her thigh. Pretty.
Holding the hand without the knife to the side, I hissed my next order. “Tequila, Beastie, I need some tequila.”
An opened bottle of silver Patròn was slapped into my hand and I took a quick sip before I poured a thin stream over the prey’s leg. She screeched and writhed and blood ran in beautiful little rivulets down her leg and dripped onto the black plastic. So pretty.
“Tell me a story.” I hissed and took another sip of tequila through my mask before setting it down next to my chair.
“Anything, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“Good. Who are you working for?” I watched her closely and saw the minute she chose to lie.
“I work for Snake. I dance and turn tricks at his club.” She gasped out.
I looked over at Hawk and shook my head. He really had bad taste in bitches. Turning back I lost all patience at taking it easy with the whore. She deserved everything I was about to dish out.
Not saying another word I started cutting a zigzag pattern on the opposite thigh. I ignored her screams, just stopping to drizzle tequila over the growing pattern decorating her thigh. Tipping my head to the side I nodded as if satisfied.
Not even close. I needed more, so much more. Her blood called to the darkness inside.
Lifting my eyes from her legs I looked at her face. Tears ran in black rivers down her cheeks and dripped onto the tops of her hugely enhanced tits.
Tipping my head from side to side I studied those tits, mapping out the lines that were going to decorate them. Tits Hawk had most probably paid for and enjoyed. I was going to take it away from her and from him. No one will ever look at her tits and not be horrified.
I started at the collarbone, cutting a wavy line across her chest as she screamed and screamed and screamed.
“Please, stop, please. Anything, anything you want, I’ll tell you.”
I just nodded and drew two quick bloody lines around her nipples. Next came two fine zigzagging lines then two wavy lines. Lastly was the head of a screaming crow, repeated over and over and over. Sitting back I admired my work then splashed her tits with tequila and hissed out a laugh when she screamed with pain.
“This is so amusing. No one is going to be sucking alcohol off your tits today, maybe not ever. Going to make them so very pretty now.” Setting the tequila down I stood and sauntered over to the table and picked up the small spray bottle I had prepared earlier.
Hawk met my eyes and his narrowed, trying to read me. For some reason I was furious with him, he was to blame for this. He brought this down on the one I protected so fiercely. I felt her stirring but I pushed her back into the dark and focused on my work. My beautiful deadly work.
Sitting down I showed the whore the little bottle and her eyes widened and she started shaking her head. “No, please, no. Don’t do it. Please. Anything, I’ll give you anything.”
I tilted my head and looked over my work. “Who do you work for?” I hissed out softly, so very softly.
“Jane, I work for Jane.” She gasped.
Nodding I lifted the bottle and carefully sprayed the ink over her left tit and she howled with pain and shock. I heard Hawk’s harsh intake of breath and the whisper of his clothes as he started to move. I repeated the process with tit number two. Ignoring him, I knew the minute Beast took hold and restrained him.
“What else?”
“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, what have you done to me? What have you done?” She whispered in shock. “Hawk, baby, please, help me. Help me! Don’t let him do this to me. Please!”
Rage boiled through me and I turned into ice.
“Made your fake tits pretty. Don’t you like it? Too bad, can’t change anything now, it’s done. Will try to do better with your diseased twat.” Crow tipped her head towards Hawk. “He should like it just fine, judging by you and your friends he really doesn’t have very discerning tastes when it comes to whores.”
Crow heard Hawk’s shocked intake of breath and grinned. Score.
Leaning forward I looked right into her terrified eyes and hissed my demand.
“Tell me what I want to know. Now.”
She nodded wildly. “Just don’t cut me again. Please don’t cut me again.”
Crow shrugged and leant back in the chair and waved a hand at the whore to continue. From the corner of her vision she saw that Hawk was back in place but Beast and Ice were standing on either side of him. Ready if he should move again.
“After...after Ice threw us out of the clubhouse and we started working for Snake she came to see me. She told me I had to find girls to replace us inside the clubhouse. I tried but only Brandi was willing to work with us. I have two more girls willing to work at the clubhouse as club whores and Brandi was going to introduce them tomorrow night.”
“So, they were only going to suck and fuck and get information. Is that what you’re telling me?”
She nodded but then continued talking fast. “Once they were settled in three more would join them and so on. We were going to flood the club with our people and when the time came they would drug all the men, even the ones at the gate and on the walls. They would open the gates and everyone would have been taken care of.”
The bitch gasped as Crow shot up in the chair. “And the children?” Crow hissed angrily.
Now the whore seemed more than terrified. “They...they would be picked up by someone else. Jane’s boss wants them and some of the women.”
“Names, give me names.” Crow hissed and drew two quick lines between her tits and collarbone and sprayed ink all over.
“No, no, no! Don’t, please, no more.” The whore sobbed. “DC, River, Genna, Gail, Vash. They want the family and old ladies, I don’t know why.”
“All the men will be killed?” Crow asked quietly.
“No, they want Hawk and his officers alive. The rest will be killed. Beast has been traded to Bettie and her club. She gets him.”
Crow threw a quick glance at Beast and he gave her a slight tip of his chin.
“What do you know about Beast and his ex whore?”
“We...we helped her. The...the night she...she raped him. We helped. He kept losing his...erection. We took turns sucking him until he was ready to come. She slammed down on him and took care of the rest.” Her voice was low and if Crow could believe it, ashamed.
“Names. Give me names.”
She did, immediately. “Bettie, Me, Brandi and Jane.”
“What about Lizzy?”
She shook her head wildly. “She didn’t know. She would have told Hawk. She loved him and would have told him.”
“Has Bettie been part of the plan from the start?”
“No. She just wants her girls and Beast. She’s obsessed with him. She thinks if she has him locked up he will take her back because she has his girls. Everyone knows his girls are his weakness. Everyone.”
Crow silently stared at the crying and blubbering whore.
“You do know that you’re fucked up, right? What you did and what you were planning to do to people who have never harmed you is sick.” Crow waved a languid hand at the slut’s body. “That there on your body is nothing compared to the suffering you were so eager to deal out to the women and children of this club. They might not want to deal with your betrayal but the Crow is more than willing to oblige.”
“Please, I told you everything I know.”
Before any of the men could move the Crow ripped the mask from her head and hissed right in the whore’s shocked and terrified face.
“And now you know even more. Look at me, bitch. Look at me and listen very, very carefully.” Crow hissed. “I am going to kill Jane. Slowly. Carving into her until not a single piece of skin remains unmarked. She will be marked with my ink, like you are. She will heal. She will be put in a cage and the Demon will take her apart, bit by bit by bit until all that is left is a pile of bleeding broken bones.”
“Who...who are you? What are you?” She whispered her eyes never leaving Crow’s icy black eyes.
“I am the Crow and the Demon. I am the terror that stalks you in the night.” Crow gave an evil laugh. “And sometimes in the day. I like the daylight because you think you’re safe. You are never safe. No one is ever safe. Touch my family and I will exact my vengeance, slowly, painfully and eternally.”
“Wha...what?” She was so stupid and confused.
“You aren’t leaving my lair, whore. This is home from now on. You are mine now.”
Crow grabbed the tequila took a deep drink then held it out towards Beast. He took it and took a deep slug himself before he handed it over to Hawk. Everyone drank.
Beast stalked over to the sobbing bitch grabbed her hair and dragged her head back. “When is this plan set to go?”
“Not for the next two weeks. I have to get the women inside the clubhouse first.”
Beast nodded and let her go and stepped back to his place against the wall.
While they watched Crow cleaned up the mess on the whore’s chest, smeared ointment over it then taped it closed. The cuts on her thighs got the same treatment.
No one said a word as the Crow silently walked to the door and out, holding her mask in one hand. Hawk followed her immediately.
Ice looked at Beast. “Get this shit cleaned up and put her in her cell. I’ll see you all upstairs once you’re done.” He and Kid walked out the door and left them with the clean-up.
They accomplished it with as little hassle as possible. Throwing a clean t-shirt and shorts at the bitch then locking her in her cell.
It was as they walked into their Sanctuary’s great room that Scar stopped and turned to face them all.
“What I just saw, that was the fucking scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. And I have seen a lot of scary shit during my time in the military. But this, this was way worse.” He turned to Beast and suddenly grinned. “You and the Crow, you have a connection that she doesn’t have with her old man. And he fucking hates it.”
Beast shrugged and nodded because it was the truth.
“Okay. That’s all I wanted to say. Let’s go drink.”
Beast held a hand up. “Before we go, you are now part of my team and what you saw tonight stays here, between us. Her secret stays here, with us.”
Scar nodded in agreement. They walked out in silence and ascended the stairs to the upper level.
Standing at the bar they each had a shot of Patròn plus a beer in front of them. They shot the tequila then picked up their beers and moved to a couch set in a shadowed spot against the far wall.
Scar sat forward and held his beer out for a toast and they all clicked the necks together. “To us, a murder of crows.” He said with a grin and they laughed as they drank.
And yes they were, they belonged to the Crow and were a part of her flock.
And as her flock they would protect her with their lives.
As they would protect every single woman tied to their club.