


Ag Shame  -  Oh shame or Oh poor you. (Often used in a derogatory sense)

Amarula  -  Liqueur made from the fruit of the Marula tree only found in Southern Africa

Baba boep  -  Baby bump, baby belly

Bakkie  -  Slang for a pickup van/LDV. But it is also a small bowl

Berg  -  Mountain; Drakensberg mountain range, mostly referred to as ‘the Berg’

Bloody  -  Used along with hell instead of curse words, like damn, fuck

Boet  -  Brother

Boeta  -  Brother

Bokke  -  An abbreviation of Springbokke - The SA National Rugby Team

Broer  -  Brother

Broers  -  Brothers

Bro, Bra, Bru,  -  All slang for brother used in different parts of SA

Boerewors  -  A type of sausage but no translation available, just known as boerewors

Boykie  -  Slang for little boy. Sometimes used to show affection between male friends

Braai  -  Barbeque

Braaivleis  -  Barbequed meat

Buffel  -  African Buffalo

Bundu  -  South African slang for uninhabited wild regions far from towns and cities

Bundu bashing  -  Slang for off roading in uninhabited areas

Dankie  -  Thank you

Duikertjies  -  Small African antelope

Durbs  -  Slang for Durban

Eina  -  Ouch, ow

Eish  -  Used to convey amazement, similar to ‘oh wow’ or disbelief

Ek  -  I

Foeitog  -  Poor you; shame

Fok; my fok  -  Fuck

Fokken  -  Fucking

Hemel  -  Heaven

In  -  In

Ja right  -  As if

Ja  -  Yes

Jy  -  You

Joburg; Jozi  -  Slang for Johannesburg

Kak  -  Shit

Kind  -  Child

Klap  -  Smack, hit

Klippies  -  Gravel, small stones, or as used in the book, slang for Klipdrift Brandy

Klim  -  Climb

Klim in  -  Get in, climb in

Klub  -  Club

Kosmos  -  Cosmos

Krappie  -  Small fast moving crab

Krokodil  -  Crocodile

Lewe  -  Life

Lief  -  Love

Liefie  -  Lovey

Liewe Hemel  -  Good Heavens, Dear Heaven

Maklik  -  Easy

Meerkat  -  Meercat; Suricate, South African Mongoose

My  -  My

Myne  -  Mine

Nee  -  No

No worries  -  Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry

Ons  -  We

Padda  -  Frog

Parra  -  Slang for Pussy

Plakkies  -  Flip flops

Rantjies  -  Hills

Ratel  -  Cape Honey Badger

Saam  -  Together

Skaam  -  Shy or slang for having no shame or slang for shameless

Skapie  -  Slang for lamb. Is often used as an endearment

Skinner  -  Gossip

Sies  -  Yuck; Yucky; Yuk; Yukky

Siestog  -  What a pity; Shame; Poor you

Slim  -  Intelligent, clever

Slimjannie  -  Intelligent, clever, a little bit of a know it all

Spook  -  Ghost

Springbok  -  Springbok. The name of the SA National Rugby tea

Springbokkie  -  A shot in the colours of the national team - green and gold

Staan  -  Stand

Steenbokkies  -  Small South African antelope

Stukkend  -  Broken, but also slang for drunk

Tekkies, Tackies  -  Running shoes, trainers

Thank the Pope  -  Thank goodness

Tjommie, Tjomma  -  Slang for friend, alternative spelling - Chommie, Chomma

Veldt  -  South African elevated open grasslands

Some words haven’t been used in the book but I added them as a kind of reference.

Make your own Springbokkie (Careful, it kicks!)

In a tall shot glass pour the following:

3 Parts Peppermint Liqueur

1 Part Amarula Liqueur

Pour the Amarula so it floats on top of the Peppermint Liqueur

You know what to do next!


As ever, standing in my corner and cheering me on are my amazing three. You have been my biggest fans and supporters from the very start. Love you to the outer universe and back. Having you all home for Christmas is the best present ever!

A huge hug and a very big thank you to Danielle Burrows, my daughter, for the teasers and cover design. Once again they blew my socks off.

Thanks to my betas, Mari and Pieter. I can’t do this without your help. Thank you.

Thank you to Unsplash and all the photographers for allowing free use of their photos. Their generosity made the teasers and cover possible.

A huge thank you to my fellow South African and International authors for their support and encouragement and making this journey so much more fun.

A huge, huge, HUGE, thank you to the pimp groups who have been spreading the word about my books. Especially to you, Fabiola Cadet-Destil, girl you seriously rock!

To the readers, thank you for giving the Iron Dogz MC your support. The Iron Dogz love and appreciate those reviews and ratings and so do I!