Dear Readers,
Writing the first novel in the Hidden Mickey series, HIDDEN MICKEY 1: Sometimes Dead Men DO Tell Tales!, was an adventure for both of us. No one could have predicted the interest and success it has received since its release in 2009. From Disney fans to Mystery/Adventure fans, Sometimes Dead Men DO Tell Tales! has found a following among almost everyone who has read the book! Yet, this is just the beginning. To us, the book was our way of sending readers on a nostalgic—if not just plain fun—adventure as they visited places in Disneyland, relived their youth, and shared in the common goal of keeping Walt Disney’s legacy alive. The sequel, HIDDEN MICKEY 2: It All Started… turned out to be every bit as much fun to write...and, we hope, as much fun for all who read it.
Because the Hidden Mickey series of novels are mysteries, for the best reading experience we recommend readers begin with this novel first. Then continue by moving to the second book, then third, etc. In this way one would get the most enjoyment out of the series. However, each novel was also written to stand on its own. After each novel, readers may be left with unanswered questions. We are happy to say that customarily these questions are answered in the following book of the series.
So, sit back, get comfortable, and dig into the quest for Hidden Mickeys!
Best Wishes,
Nancy Temple Rodrigue
David W. Smith