I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL TO THE MANY PEOPLE WHO helped bring One Dharma to completion. My heartfelt thanks to Harriet Barlow and the staff at Blue Mountain Center for creating an ideal retreat for artists and writers in the Adirondack Mountains of New York; to Diane Gedymin, whose great interest in the book was an impetus to proceed; to Hal Ross, who facilitated the initial meetings with Harper San Francisco and provided exemplary editing skills throughout the process of creating the manuscript—his enthusiasm has been contagious; to Eric McCord, who did the painstaking work of getting permissions for the various quotations; to Gyano Gibson for her unfailing, loving support throughout this endeavor; and to Reid Boates, my agent, whose good humor, steadfast encouragement, and many suggestions were tremendously helpful.

Many thanks also to my colleagues and friends who reviewed certain chapters and gave wise and incisive feedback. They helped fine-tune my understanding of One Dharma: Sarah Doering, Guy Armstrong, Rodney Smith, Sharda Rogell, Myoshin Kelley, Kate Wheeler, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Lama Surya Das, Sam Harris, and Erik Schmidt. And to my Insight Meditation Society three-month-course teaching compatriots for the innumerable dharma discussions and debates that have kept us all on our toes: Sharon Salzberg, Carol Wilson, Michele McDonald Smith, Steven Smith, Kamala Masters, Steven Armstrong, Marcia Rose, Myoshin Kelley, and Guy Armstrong.

I’m grateful to Mu Soeng and Andrew Olendzki, directors and core faculty at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, for clarifying feedback, particularly on the historical material. They helped me to get it straight.

Particular thanks to Liz Perle, my editor at Harper San Francisco, whose fine eye for both structure and content improved the book immeasurably. Her suggestions were always right on the mark. Also, thank you to Terri Leonard and Calla Devlin of Harper San Francisco.


Insight Meditation Society
1230 Pleasant Street
Barre, Massachusetts 01005

For more information about Joseph Goldstein’s other books and his teaching schedule, visit: