Special Thanks
ALTHOUGH it should be clear by now that I am talented and beautiful, I also endeavor to surround myself with talented, beautiful people. Without them, this book would not be what it is today, and I would most certainly be a puddle of crazy-beautiful-talent, oozing on the hardwood floors. These people are all amazing and they deserve as many thanks as I can give them, which alas, are limited to two pages:
My family, and in particular my parents, who have supported me above and beyond the call of any parents throughout this whole “I’m going to be a writer” fantasy. My mother has probably read more drafts of this book than I have, correcting and commenting late into the night.
And my agent, Joy, who is family as well at this point. No one fights harder with me, and no one fights harder for me, whether I made the changes or not. She is my paladin. No one looks out for me like she does.
My editor, Liz, who not only made my sentences clear and readable, but helped me craft the best version of the book I wanted, and didn’t give up even when the Technical Difficulties began.
Leslie, not just for being amazing, but also for her feedback, and also for explaining to me, very slowly, every minute detail of the business and helping me through more than one crazy moment.
Robin, Paula, Laura, Holly, and Stella, who have pored over this manuscript countless times and given me constant feedback, support, and humor, not just in regards to writing this book, but in regards to writing in general.
Cassie, for all the amazing work getting my book out there, and also showing me how to dress.
Sam, Alexis, and Logan, not just for their excellent feedback, but for explaining how science works, and how I can best defeat it.
Jackie, Rebecca, Aire, Mary, Rora, Christina, Angela, and Barry, for their invaluable and brilliant feedback, finessing, and advice.
Barry and Desiree, for making me look way better than I do in real life, and Elyn and Macie, for the support and encouragement.
Dan, for doing what everyone above has done, and also telling me I should maybe, possibly be a writer to begin with (no taking it back now).
Larabell, Antonella, Allie, and everyone at David Black, for all the hard work they’ve put into this, and how universally awesome and funny they all are.
Bridget, Aubrey, Irene, Patti, Miriam, and everyone at Tor, for being so warm, welcoming, and dedicated.
Max, for being my go-to Latin Scholar, and for letting me flirt quite outrageously with him.
And Chris, for just being Chris.