Special thanks to the following carnies who ran away to join my circus: Rex “the Ringmaster” Ogle, Laura “the Lion Tamer” Nolan, Zoë “the Mentalist” Chapin, Dan “the Ventriloquist” Poblocki, Lissy “the Tattooed Woman” Marlin and Kyle “the Tattooed Man” Hilton, Damian “the Magician’s Assistant” Acosta, Shea “the Strong Man” Martin, Chelsea “the Mistress of Promotion” Hayes, David “the Bull Handler” Burtka, and all the Gandy Dancers at Little, Brown, especially Megan Tingley, Karina Granda, and Alvina Ling.
Lastly, thanks to the staff at Fool’s Paradise, the magic shop I went to when I was a kid. Its doors have long since closed, but its secrets will stay with me forever.
And lastly lastly, to Ed Alonzo, my own personal Mr. Vernon and the original Misfit of Magic.