Do you believe in magic? Hi there. Yes, I’m talking to you. Well, do you? Do you believe in magic?
If you’re anything like the boy in this book, you might say no. But I assure you, there is magic all around you. It’s true. Don’t believe me? Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t see magic!
See what I did there? Eyes… i’s…
(You can stop laughing. I wasn’t that funny, was I?)
But let’s be serious for a moment.
Magic can mean different things to different people. For some, it is pulling a rabbit from a top hat or sawing a person in half and then (hopefully) putting them back together again. For others, magic is a crisp autumn’s day or a tender hug from a loved one. For me, magic can be a story, a game, a puzzle, or a surprise that takes my breath away in a single, furious gulp.
You see, magic comes in all shapes and sizes and colors and tastes and smells and feelings. Magic may even come in the shape of a book—perhaps the very one you’re holding now. Or not. I don’t want to get ahead of myself.
But sometimes you might have a hard time remembering to seek out the magic in the world, just like the boy in this book. You might be too busy twirling cotton candy or too distracted by birds sitting on the windowsill or too tired from organizing the attic to notice—but I assure you, magic does exist. You just have to know where to look. (Use your nose! Or your tongue! Or your eyes! Or your brain!) Of course, sometimes you can make it happen yourself.
Would you like to learn about magic? I thought you might. Very well. Repeat after me: SIM SALA BAM!
I’m sorry—I don’t think you actually said that out loud. Please. Repeat. After. Me: SIM SALA BAM!
Brilliant. You’re proving to be a good student.
Now turn the page.…
Silly me. I think I must have mesmerized myself with all those i’s earlier. I almost forgot one last vital thing before we get into the meat and potatoes of our magical story. (Drumroll, please!) First, I must explain.…