No! Don’t go yet! The book isn’t over. I have one more trick to teach you before you leave. Also, have I mentioned this is only the first book in the series? There are three more tales to go, each one bigger and grander than the previous. And in each, you’ll learn even more magic. Dare I say by the end of this series—if you’ve practiced, practiced, practiced—you’ll be a true magician! I’m rambling, aren’t I? Where was I? Oh yes, another magic trick!
In the Magic Misfits’ next adventure, they shall encounter a dangerous villain who claims to have psychic powers.
I’m not going to declare that there are—or are not—people who can actually read your mind. But I can tell you that with a little know-how, you too can learn how to READ SOMEONE ELSE’S MIND! Yes, you read that right.
Here’s how to know the number that someone is thinking! You can do this with anyone and with any number. All you need are these instructions and a little math! (You may even use this to boggle your math teacher! Though he or she may say, “I told you so.… Math is useful!”)
Paper and pencil–unless you’re really good at math.
You can also use a calculator!
1. Ask someone to think of a number. Any number! Make sure they write it down and put it in their pocket. (You can also do this trick over the phone.)
2. Now tell that friend to subtract 1 from that number.
3. Have them multiply that number by 2.
4. Then have your friend add their original number to that new number.
5. Now have him or her reveal that new number to you.
**Secret magician math: Now, as quick as you can (this is where those math classes come in handy): In your head, take that new number, and add 2.
**Second secret magician math: Then, in your head, divide that number by 3.
6. Finally, you can announce their original number, and they will think you are AMAZING. TA-DA!
You are now a psychic—or really good at math. (Or both!) Either way, you’re well on your way to being the next great magician. Now what do you need to do? That’s right: Practice, practice, practice. (And then nap and snack and practice again. I shouldn’t even have to say it at this point, should I?)
When the Misfits return, they’ll be bringing more magic with them! Be ready.…