“I’M SURE KEEPER IS NOT MEANT TO SPEND THE REST OF HIS DAYS IN A shelter,” Macey said as they climbed into Ben’s truck. “He’s already been through so much. Can you imagine? Losing an owner who loved him enough to pay for an expensive surgery? There must still be something good in store for him . . . and maybe it is us. Maybe we are the plan.”

Ben looked over. He loved seeing her smile and sounding like her old self, but he still wasn’t sure this was the answer. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Where was the adoption event?” he asked, turning the key.

“Home Depot.”

“Do we have time to grab some breakfast sandwiches first?” he asked, realizing as he backed down the driveway that he’d only gulped down a cup of coffee.

Macey shook her head. “I’m not very hungry, and I think we should go right there before someone else takes him.”

“I think, if we are the plan, he can wait till after breakfast—I mean he’s already waited two years. Another hour wouldn’t hurt.”

Macey shook her head again. “Let’s just go.”

Ben sighed. One thing hadn’t changed—once his girl got an idea lodged in her head, nothing would shake it loose.

Macey gazed out the window as they drove, lost in her own thoughts, but when Ben pulled into the Home Depot parking lot, she perked up and pointed to the tent. He drove over slowly and parked nearby while Macey tried to see if the big golden was still there. “There he is,” she said, pointing again. Keeper was asleep in the same sunny spot, and as they approached, he opened his eyes and swished his tail. The volunteer looked up, too, and immediately recognized Macey. “I thought you might be back,” she said, smiling.

“You did?”

She nodded. “I had a feeling.”

Macey smiled. “Can we come in?”

“Of course.”

When they stepped inside, Keeper pulled himself up and hopped over, wagging his tail. “I think he likes you,” the volunteer said, laughing.

Macey cradled the big golden’s noble head in her hands and looked into his sweet brown eyes. “Do you?” she whispered, and he wagged his tail harder and pushed his head into her chest. She turned to Ben. “Isn’t he beautiful?”

Ben nodded, watching the dog balance his massive chest on one leg.

“You are beautiful,” Macey whispered, kissing his copper forehead and then turning back to Ben. “What do you think?”

He reached out to stroke Keeper’s wispy fur. “Hey, fella,” he said softly as the dog licked his hand. “He is beautiful, Mace . . . and he’s sweet . . . but I’m still not sure.”

“Why’d you say you’d come see him then?” Macey asked, frowning.

“I don’t know . . . I’m just not sure. I want you to be happy, but I’m just not convinced this is the answer. I mean, we both work all day and—”

“Ben,” Macey interrupted, her voice insistent, “if we had a baby, we’d have to figure something out. At least a dog can be left alone.”

Ben took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“It’s inhumane to make him spend his days in a shelter,” she added softly.

“Lots of dogs spend their lives in shelters, Mace. I know it’s sad, but it’s reality.”

“I’m so tired of reality, and I think we can make a difference by doing this. It’s not like we have any other responsibilities,” she added.

Ben was quiet. He could hear the sad, almost bitter edge to her voice. Finally, he relented. “Well, I’m sure we can’t just walk out of here with him,” he said. “There must be some paperwork involved and, hopefully, a waiting period. It will give us a little more time to think.”

Macey nodded. It wasn’t the resounding yes she was hoping for, but it wasn’t no, either. Deep down, she wasn’t sure, either, but at least she was willing to take a chance. She walked over to where the volunteers were sitting. “Hi—uh . . . are there any forms involved in adopting?”

“Yes, we have an application, and we do a background check,” one of the volunteers said, handing Macey a clipboard and pen. “It takes about a week.”

Macey carefully filled out the form and handed it back to her. “I hope he doesn’t get adopted by someone else before we’re approved.”

“No worries—if someone is interested, we put the pet on hold until the family has time to be approved.” She looked over at Ben, who was scratching Keeper’s long belly, and then smiled at Macey. “I think it’s meant to be. We’re going to miss him—he’s such a sweetheart.”