It feels like a busy time. Yet, there’s nothing much to do. Young knows everything that needs to be done, and has it all in hand. Other people run around carrying out the orders he gives them. He sits back and waits to hear the results. Always safe. Never directly involved. There are so many people between Young and the person who carries out the order. Usually they have no idea who they’re working for. Young is the last in a long line of gatekeepers before you reach Jamieson. He’s never felt this bored by the job before.
In the old days, it was different. Old days. That’s a laugh. Young’s only forty-three, Jamieson a couple of years older. Nonetheless, they’ve been at this for nearly twenty-five years. They’ve always been good at it. Young’s strategic brain, Jamieson’s guts and personality. In the beginning Young thought his brain was their best asset. He learned different soon enough. Jamieson mattered most. People wanted to work for him. They wanted to be a part of the things he was doing. It’s still that way. No jealousy, though. Just a little disappointment that he doesn’t have a more exciting role to play right now.
It’s a curious time. This Shug thing is a drain. An annoyance. They need to deal with it, sure, but it isn’t exciting. It’s street stuff out of proportion. It’s just a matter of when they crush him, not if. If it wasn’t for the Frank issue, it would be done by now. Jamieson knows how to deal with it, but he needs a second gunman he can trust. Calum plus one. Then on to something bigger. That’s what Young’s looking forward to. It’s what he’s always lived for. The great leap forward. One after another. They’re due another one. They’ve been flatlining for a while. Working out of the club because it’s still the biggest business they have. Biggest legit business, anyway. That’ll change when they take another leap. They’ll find an opponent and go to war. They’ll take them down. It’ll be a constant struggle. Day after day. Always something happening. Always something that you need to do. News to react to. Waking every morning knowing something’s going to come out of the blue. Thinking on your feet. Young can’t wait. They just need to resolve this irritating Frank issue first, and then stamp on Shug.
He needs two gunmen. There are two people Young would like for the job. Trouble with both. The best candidate would be George Daly. He’s smart and tough, certainly not squeamish. He’s been loyal to them for years now. Started out as a teenager doing the crappiest of jobs. Never baulked. That was nine years ago. Now he’s the best muscle they have. Best by a considerable distance, it’s worth adding. A little bit of a playboy at times, but he knows where to draw the line. Throw in the fact that he’s about the only friend Calum has, and he’s perfect. Except he won’t do it. Not willing to take the responsibility. Not willing to accept the sacrifices. A great candidate who doesn’t want the job. That leaves one other person in Young’s mind. A good gunman. An awkward situation. Awkward timing, anyway. That’s for another day.
There’s something else to ponder. It’s Jamieson and his gut instincts. Still refuses to accept that Calum can be trusted. He’s convinced Calum’s going to do a runner or turn his back in some way. Young’s told him umpteen times that you have to be patient. It takes time to build trust in a business like this. Jamieson hasn’t known Calum long. So the boy doesn’t look happy. So what? Miserable sod never did. Not even when he was freelance. Okay, there’s a commitment issue there, but Young can work on that. In fact, that’s a little job to pass the time with, until something better comes along. He needs to put a little pressure on Calum. Not too much. Carrot and stick. They got him into the Davidson mess. Well, Young did. They cleaned it up, though. Looked after him, and looked after him well. Found him a new place to live. Did all they could to provide comfort. Let him take all the time he needed. First job back, he proves what a good investment that was. So now Young’s checking up, making sure there’s nothing else they can do for him.
Ringing his flat. Why shouldn’t he? They’re acquaintances, of sorts. The one worry is that the police might check the phone records of the club. That might lead them back to Calum. They’re going to find him eventually. If they haven’t already. Just a question of what they’re able to do with him when they do. Young will need to talk to Calum again about Frank. Let him know that Frank’s taking a backward step. That Frank might not like it. Gunmen are a tight group. They all know each other, or know of each other. Mostly all loners. Most don’t like people poking about in their business. Don’t like giving away detail. Frank won’t want anyone knowing that he’s being pushed aside. Not even the guy taking his place. It’s not a question of honour. Never is in this business. It’s a question of mentality. Someone’s going to have to keep an eye on Frank.
The phone’s ringing. Young’s waiting, expecting to hear the now almost familiar voice. Young but flat. Never betraying emotion. Always disinterested. But that’s not the voice that says hello. The voice that says hello is young, perky and female. The girlfriend. It could only be.
‘Hello, is Calum there, please?’ He’s being polite, not looking for general conversation. How much has Calum told her? Almost certainly nothing. He’ll be playing her along, giving nothing away. He’ll be safe when it comes to work. A smart gunman is always secretive. So she knows nothing. At least, very little. She won’t know who Young is.
‘No, he just went out. Can I take a message?’
Engage with her or not? It’s worth finding out how involved she is with Calum. Women were never an issue with Frank. By the time he came to work for them, Frank had resigned himself to isolation.
That’s what Calum should be doing now. This is the price of youthful talent, Young’s realizing. They’re still working out how they’re going to live the life. Still learning from their mistakes.
‘I’m sorry, who am I talking to?’ Young’s asking. Drag it out a little. Let’s hear how smart she is. She’s a student, he knows that. Doesn’t tell him anything. He’s seen some students being indescribably stupid in his time. There’s quite a difference between being well educated and being intelligent.
‘I’m Emma; I’m Calum’s… friend.’
Okay, so they’re not yet at the point where they’re declaring a relationship to all and sundry. That’s good. But the fact that she’s alone in his flat suggests they’re getting there.
‘Ah, Emma,’ he’s saying, as though he’s heard of her. Which he has, of course, but Calum doesn’t know that. ‘Just tell him John called. It’s not important. I’ll catch up with him in the next few days.’
He’s waiting for her to say okay and hang up. That would be the decent thing to do. She’s not, though. She has something she wants to ask.
‘Are you a friend of Calum’s?’
That’s a little forward. Well, of course he’s going to say yes. ‘That’s right.’
‘George’s too?’ she’s asking.
Now she’s interesting. She’s trying to plant him in the same circle as those two. So she knows something. Not everything, or she wouldn’t be fishing for info now.
‘I know George.’
‘Uh-huh,’ she’s saying, and she’s trying to sound knowing.
You know nothing, girl, he’s thinking. If you sound disapproving now, you wouldn’t be there at all if you knew the truth. That’s positive. She doesn’t know anything dangerous yet. Yet. ‘It was nice to talk to you,’ he’s saying. Just enough sarcasm to be noticeable, not so much that it provokes a response. ‘You’ll let Calum know I called.’
‘I will.’
He’s hung up the phone and he’s sitting back in the chair in his living room, smiling. This is something to do. Something that needs doing. Part of his responsibilities involves stopping problems before they appear. This girl Emma could be a problem. They have one gunman, and one young woman looking to lead him astray. A little game to play while passing the time. How to break up the happy couple. She must come to no harm, that’s obvious. The last thing he wants is this little project drawing police attention. Break them up without her feeling any need to make a noise. Probably won’t be able to do it on his own. Calum can never find out. There’s also the worry that a break-up will make the boy even more miserable and difficult to handle. It’s starting to sound less fun now. Still necessary, though.