About Arlene Pellicane

Arlene and her happy husband, James, live in San Diego, California, with their three children, Ethan, Noelle, and Lucy. Arlene is also the author of 31 Days to a Happy Husband and 31 Days to a Younger You. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, Arlene worked as the associate producer for Turning Point Television with Dr. David Jeremiah as well as a features producer for The 700 Club. She received her BA in intercultural studies from Biola University and her master’s in journalism from Regent University.

Arlene has appeared as a guest on The 700 Club, Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah, The Better Show, The Hour of Power, TLC’s Home Made Simple, and Family Life Today. An energetic communicator, she shares humorous and compelling stories to guide women to positive life change. For free resources along with information about contacting Arlene to speak at your event, visit www.ArlenePellicane.com.