Daily Affirmations of the Happy Wife
• I, ___________________, am a happy wife who lives with integrity and gratitude. I am a peacemaker, and I look for the good in every situation. I believe my marriage is my most valuable human relationship, and I will celebrate life with my spouse every day.
• I am filled with hope for the future. I place my trust in God alone and know that my marriage is safe in His hands.
• I am adaptable, not set in my ways. I am willing to learn and change when it’s necessary and beneficial.
• I am a positive and uplifting wife. I choose to smile frequently, forgive easily, and build my husband up daily with my words.
• I am a woman of purpose. I set goals for my marriage and reach them. I am prayerful, disciplined, consistent, and on fire with passion for my marriage. I believe my marriage will impact generations to come.
• I am yielded to God and to my husband. My heart is soft, I am ready to listen. I am humble, not proud. I do not complain. I choose to give thanks.
• I fully intend to live with joy and develop my marriage to bring honor and glory to God.