All page number refer to the print edition of this title.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
abnormal Pap smears, 7
acid, 133
Activate the Sacral Pump, 29, 29
adrenal glands, 71
Advanced Chi Weight Lifting
Circulate Energy through the
Microcosmic Orbit, 109–10, 110
Kidneys Help Pull the Weight, 101–2, 101–2
Lifting with the Heart, 106–7, 106–7
Lifting with the Lungs, 104–5, 105
Pulling from the Pituitary and
Pineal Glands, 109
Spleen and Liver Pull the Weight, 103–4, 103
Thymus Gland Adds Power to the
Heart and Lungs, 108, 108
Agaricus blazei, 133
aging process, delay of, 87–88
alkaline, 133
Alkalizer Smoothie, 135
anus, 15–19, 116
five sections of, 15–19
asparagus, 133
Assume the Posture, 24
Attaching the Weight, 92–93, 93
back door, 116–21
back part of anus, 17, 18
bentonite, 126
Bentov, Itzhak, 32
black beans, 133
bladder, 11, 71, 128–32
Bone Breathing and Compression, 85, 153–55
Bone Marrow Nei Kung, 3, 85
Bone Marrow Nei Kung, 3
Bone Marrow Soup Kidney Cleanse, 130–31
brain, stimulation of, 88
Breast Massage, 66–72, 67–71
breast self-examination, 72
Bring Energy into the Ovarian
Palace, 24–25, 25
Bringing Energy to the Brain with
One Action, 45–46
C1, 37–38, 38
C7, 35–37, 37, 60
cancer, 1–2
cancer inhibitors, 133–36
celibacy, 8, 111
Cellular Cleanse, 125–28
cerebrospinal fluid, 12–13
cervical cancer, 1–2
chemotherapy, 2
Chicken Soup with Dong Quai, 136
Chi Muscle, 5–6, 18–19
Ching Chi, 6, 9–10, 55
Chi Weight Lifting, 3, 4
Attaching the Weight, 92–93, 93
benefits of, 85–88, 86–87
Circulate Energy through the
Microcosmic Orbit, 109–10, 110
equipment for, 88–89, 89
external preparations for, 89–90
goals, 90
Increasing Chi Pressure, 91, 91
Increasing Kidney Pressure, 91–92, 92
Kidneys Help Pull the Weight,
101–2, 101–2
Lifting Weights from the
Microcosmic Orbit, 97–101, 97–100
Lifting with the Heart, 106–7, 106–7
Lifting with the Lungs, 104–5, 105
overview of, 83–85, 84
Power Lock and Massage
Techniques, 96
precautions and suggestions for
practice, 111–15
preparatory exercises for, 90–91
Pulling from the Pituitary and
Pineal Glands, 109
Spleen and Liver Pull the Weight, 103–4, 103
summary of, 159–61
Swinging the Weight, 95–96, 95
Testing and Lifting the Weight, 93–94, 94
Thymus Gland Adds Power to the
Heart and Lungs, 108, 108
Using the Internal Organs, 101–2, 101–2
chlorophyll, 126
Circulating Creative Sexual Energy
in the Brain, 41–42, 42
clay, 126–27
Cellular Cleanse, 125–28
Colonic Cleansing, 120–21
Dry Skin Brushing, 121–23, 122
Herbal Kidney Cleanse, 129–31
Implants, 121
Natural Sponge Face Wash, 123–24, 124
Rectum Cleansing, 123
Solar Bathing, 123–25, 125
vaginal douching, 131–32
clitoris, 12, 68
closed-ended colonics, 117
Cloth Massage, 64–65, 65, 77, 80, 157
Collect and Spiral Energy in the
Heart, 44–45, 45
Collect Energy in Navel, 141
Collect Sexual Energy at the Navel, 42–43
colon and colon cleansing, 116–21, 118–19
Colonic Cleansing, 120–21
Conquering Any Disease, 133
Cosmic Detox, 3
Cosmic Nutrition, 3, 132
cranial pump, 12–14, 13, 56–62
Crown Point, 39–41, 41, 60, 61
cryosurgery, 2
daily practices summary, 137–38
Bone Breathing and
Compression, 153–55
Chi Weight Lifting, 159–61
Cloth Massage, 157
Increasing Chi Pressure, 156
Inner Smile, 138–41, 139–41
Internal Egg Exercise, 159
Ovarian Breathing, 151–52
Ovarian Compression, 152–53
Power Lock Exercise, 156–57
Sexual Energy Massage, 158
Six Healing Sounds, 142–51, 143–51
diaphragms, 10–12, 11–12
digestive enzymes, 126
douches, 128, 131–32
Dry Skin Brushing, 121–23, 122
caution about, 75
selection and care of, 74–75
energy, ovarian, 47–48
Energy Recharge, 51
enzymes, 126
exercises, for female reproductive system
Open the Sacral Hiatus, 29
Ovarian Compression, 48–51
overview of, 20–24, 21, 23
Power Lock, 54–62, 61–62
Second Station, 28–33
Sixth Station, 39–41, 41
Spiral the Energy around Your
Navel Center, 43, 43
steps of, 24–46
Third Station, 33–35, 35
exercises, venting, 52–54, 53–54
fallopian tube cancer, 1–2
fascial network, 85–86
female reproductive system exercises, 5–6
Circulating Creative Sexual Energy
in the Brain, 41–42, 42
Collect Sexual Energy at the Navel, 42–43
Fifth Station, 37–38, 38
First Station, 26–28, 26
Fourth Station, 35–37, 37
getting the most from, 23–24
importance of exercise for, 5
Open the Sacral Hiatus, 29–30, 29
Ovarian Compression, 48–51
overview of, 20–24, 21, 23
Power Lock, 54–62, 61–62
Second Station, 28–33
Sixth Station, 39–41, 41
Spiral the Energy around Your
Navel Center, 43, 43
steps of, 24–46
Third Station, 33–35, 35
Fifth Healing Sound, 149–50, 150
Fifth Station, 37–38, 38
First Healing Sound, 144–45, 144–45
First Station, 26–27, 26
Five Stations, 56–62
food, 2–3
Fourth Healing Sound, 148–49, 148–49
Fourth Station, 35–37, 37
Front Door, 128–32
front part of anus, 16–17, 17
Functional Channel, 138–39, 139
gallbladder, 71
Gate of Life and Death, 14
genital massage, 3
genitals, 128–32
glands, massaging with accumulated chi, 66–69, 67–68
Governor Channel, 140–41, 141
headaches, 112
Healing Love, 3
Healing Love through the Tao, 3, 8, 111
Heart Center, opening, 44
Heart Exercise, 148–49, 148–49
hormones, synthetic, 7
hysterectomies, 7
Implants, 121
Increasing Chi Pressure, 91, 91, 156
Increasing Kidney Pressure, 91–92, 92, 156
Inner Smile, 122, 138–41, 139–41
Internal Egg Exercise, 4, 63, 159
caution about, 75
Exercise, 77–82, 77–80
selection and care of egg, 74–75
three areas of contraction, 75, 75
Irons, Victor, 126
Iron Shirt Chi Kung, 111
Jade Pillow, 37–38, 38
kidney beans, 133
Kidney Exercise, 145–46, 146
Kidney meridian, 22
kidneys, 11, 71, 128–32
kidney stones, 129
kundalini, 32–33
Kundalini-Psychosis or Transcendence? 32
large intestines, 11, 69
left part of anus, 17, 18
life-force energy, 32–33
Lifting Weights from the
Microcosmic Orbit, 97–101, 97–100
Lifting with the Heart, 106–7
Lifting with the Lungs, 104–5, 105
liver, 11, 71
Liver Exercise, 146–47, 147
Lung Exercise, 144–45
lungs, 69
lying posture, for Ovarian Breathing, 22–23, 23
menopausal hormone therapy, 2
menopause, 2
menstruation, 7, 8–10, 112
Microcosmic Orbit, 5–6, 9, 21,
97–101, 97–100, 109–10, 110,
111, 112, 142, 143
middle anus, 15–16, 16
Ming Men Point, 52–53, 53
Natural Sponge Face Wash, 123–24, 124
Navel Center, 43, 43
numbness, 112
nuns, 8
nutrition, 132–36
obesity, 2
open-ended colonics, 117
organs, massaging with
accumulated chi, 69–72, 69–71
Orgasmic Draw, 111
Ovarian Breathing, 3, 5–6
Activate the Sacral Pump, 29, 29
Assume the Posture, 24
Bring Energy into the Ovarian
Palace, 24–25, 25
Bringing Energy to the Brain with
One Action, 45–46
Circulating Creative Sexual
Energy in the Brain, 41–42, 42
Collect Sexual Energy at the
Navel, 42–43
Fifth Station, 37–38, 38
First Station, 26–28, 26
Fourth Station, 35–37, 37
getting the most from, 23–24
Open the Sacral Hiatus, 29–30, 29
overview of, 20–24, 21, 23
Second Station, 28–33
Sixth Station, 39–41, 41
Spiral the Energy around Your
Navel Center, 43, 43
steps of, 24–46
summary of, 151–52
Third Station, 33–35, 35
using egg during, 81
ovarian cancer, 1–2
Ovarian Chi, 9–10, 9
Ovarian Compression, 3, 5–6, 112, 152–53
overview of, 48–49, 49
steps of, 50–51
Ovarian Energy, 47–48
Ovarian Palace
Collect Energy into, 33–34, 39–40
Returning to, 26–27
Ovarian Palace, Bring Energy into, 24–25, 25
ovaries, 5–6, 8, 128–32, 135
ovaries, massaging, 73, 73
ovulation, 9, 10
pancreas, 70
Pap smears, 7
parathyroid, 68
PC muscle, 6, 15
pelvic diaphragms, 10–11, 11, 86–87, 86–87
perineum, 14–15, 14
pituitary gland, 68
postures, for Ovarian Breathing, 20–24, 21, 23
Power Eating Program, 134
Power Lock Exercise, 3, 54–62,
55–57, 59, 61–62, 156–57
Price, Weston A., 126
priests, 8
Primack, Jeff, 133
psyllium, 126
Pulling from the Pituitary and Pineal
Glands, 109
Quick Energy Recharge, 51
rectum, 11, 116
Rectum Cleansing, 123
right part of anus, 18–19, 19
sacral hiatus, 29–30, 29
sacral pump, 12–13, 13, 29, 29, 56–62
sacrum, 28–29, 32–33
Sannella, Lee, 32
Second Healing Sound, 145–46, 146
Second Station, 28–29
self-examination, breast, 72
sexual energy, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 32–33
Sexual Energy Massage, 3, 64–65, 65, 158
Breast Massage, 66–72, 67–71
Ovary Massage, 73, 73
overview of, 63–64
silk cloths, 64–65
sitting posture, for Ovarian
Breathing, 20–22, 21
Six Healing Sounds, 111, 112, 142–51, 143–51
Sixth Healing Sound, 150–51, 151
Sixth Station, 39–41, 41
small intestines, 11
Solar Bathing, 124–25, 125
Spiral the Energy around Your Navel
Center, 43, 43
spleen, 70
Spleen and Liver Pull the Weight, 103–4, 103
Spleen Exercise, 149–50, 150
Stalking the Wild Pendulum, 32
Stanchion, Lino, 134
standing posture, for Ovarian
Breathing, 22
Station Five, 61, 61
Station Four, 60
Station One, 58–59, 59
Station Three, 60
Station Two, 60
stomach, 11, 70
Strengthening Tonic for the Ovaries, 135
supplements, 128
Swinging the Weight, 95–96, 95
T11, 33–35, 35, 40, 60
Testing and Lifting the Weight, 93–94, 94
Third Healing Sound, 146–47, 147
Third Station, 33–35, 35
thoracic diaphragm, 10
thymus gland, 108
thyroid, 68
tongue, 32–33
Triple Warmer Exercise, 150–51, 151
tumors, 2
Two Egg Technique, 82, 82
Universal Healing Tao, ix–x
urethra, 10–11, 12
urinary tract, 128–32
urogenital diaphragms, 10, 12, 12, 86–87, 86–87
uterine cancer, 1–2
vagina, 10–11, 14–15, 128–32
vaginal bleeding, 2
vaginal cancer, 1–2
vaginal infections, 7
Vegetarian Soup with Dong Quai, 136
vulvar cancer, 1–2
yang energy, menstrual cycle and, 8–10
yellow body, 8
yin energy, 14
Yung Chuan Point, 53–54, 54