Cleansing, Detox, and Nutrition
To assist in balancing your energy and maintaining your health you need to open up and clean out what are known as the front and back doors of the body. In addition, proper nutrition supports health and strength in every way and following certain nutritional guidelines can be particularly effective in cancer prevention.
The Colon
The key to the health of the back door, and in many ways the health of the whole body, is how well you eliminate the toxins and built-up debris you have ingested. For the colon—which includes the anus, rectum, and the whole lower abdomen—Taoists highly recommend regular cleansing practices to clear out any buildup of toxins. The most important of these practices are colonics and dry skin brushing; also recommended are rectum cleansing, a natural-sponge face wash, and solar bathing. These cleansing practices are described in more detail below.
In general, breathing deeply and mindfully—by expanding the lower abdominals to draw air in and thus expand the lungs, and then flattening the abdominals to push the used air out of the body—helps to activate and repair all of the body’s natural eliminative processes. In this way, any type of aerobic exercise will help elimination by activating the lungs, which then activate their paired organ, the colon. Conversely, when you clean out the back door you will also improve your breathing.
If you have never cleaned out your colon or rectum, and have been building up toxins for twenty or thirty or forty years, you can just imagine what is in there. You need to cleanse this area of the body just as you do the other end of the body (the mouth and the teeth). As you cleanse the colon you will start to eliminate a lot of excess body fat and acids.
Colonics are a method of flushing the colon with water to clear out impacted food waste and debris. There are two main types of colonics—an open-ended type and a closed-end type. The open-ended colonic involves the insertion into the rectum of a thin-tipped hose, which is connected to a container filled with lukewarm water. Other ingredients, known as implants, might be added to the water, including chlorophyll, coffee, garlic, Epsom salts, or a combination of these. A closed-end colonic device is operated by a colon therapist. Its metal insert sends water into the colon and pulls the evacuated debris out.
The process of a colonic is similar to a mouthwash, except that it happens in the colon. You wash the internal skin of the colon and thereby release any blockages. But whereas the closed-end type uses a machine to push water in and flush it back out, the open-ended type relies on gravity and the actual rectal muscles to eliminate the water solution and its accompanying debris. In this book we will be describing methods and practices for open-ended colonics that you can do at home; if you prefer, however, you can have them performed at a professional facility instead (see fig. 4.1).
A colonic series consists of one colonic every other day for a week to two weeks. You should do a series every six months to cleanse out your whole body. The only caution is that colonics will draw out from the digestive wall a lot of the natural bacteria that you need to digest food; you will need to include acidophilus supplements so you can culture the bacteria again within the colon.
Fig. 4.1. Colonic cleansing at a professional colonic facility
With an open-ended colonic you will fill up a bucket of water, put it over the toilet to give it gravity, and sit on a special board as you hook tubing up over the toilet.* As you slowly release water from the tip of the bucket tubing into the rectum, you can massage your abdomen and also do light aerobic exercises to help your body eliminate (figs. 4.2 and 4.3).
*See the resource section at the end of the book for sources of colonic boards, tubing, and other necessary colonic supplies.
One of the problems with the colon is that human beings stand upright—unlike other animals, who are on all fours. Because of our upright stance, our bodies have to move waste up the body in the ascending colon, against gravity. This means that someone with deficient chi may become constipated, further exacerbating any unhealthy condition. Once you are cleaning your colon regularly you will start to realize that how you defecate is important. Odors, gas, and even the way you sit become important details of your daily life. If you have a very cleansing diet that includes a lot of chlorophyll, for instance, there will be no smell at all to defecation, or any gas either. Much of the gas and the smells we associate with our bowels actually come from improper foods that do not agree with the body. It is the horrible combinations of what we put into our bodies—the animal products, the acidic products, the sugars, and starches—that create a chemical reaction as they start to break down; this leads to explosions of gas.
Fig. 4.2. Set-up for an open-ended colonic that can be self-administered
Fig. 4.3. Massaging the abdomen while using a self-operating colonic board
The best position for defecating is a squatting posture. In much of Asia, they do not have toilet seats because they squat on their haunches instead. This is a much more hygienic method because you do not physically sit on anything, so there is no risk of germ transmission. Many traditional Asian cultures also use water to wash the anus instead of toilet paper, which has a tendency to get matted up in the buttocks and prevent proper drying.
Colonic Cleansing
Implants are additives that are placed in the water during a colonic. They can be used to nourish the body and aid cleansing. They can be combined or used individually.
After your colonic series ends, eat only whole fruits and vegetables for 2 days. They can be steamed or cooked into soup. Also take acidophilus twice a day for 2 weeks.
Dry Skin Brushing
In Chinese medicine, the skin is often called a “third lung” because of its connection to the lungs and large intestine. For this reason, a colon cleanse also includes opening and cleaning out the pores of the skin with dry skin brushing and solar bathing. Skin brushing should be done on a regular basis for maintenance, youthfulness, and longevity, and should be included in the periodic colon cleanse (see fig. 4.4).
Fig. 4.4. Dry Skin Brushing
Use a bristle brush or loofah brush before your morning bath and before bed at night. Gently brush with strokes from outer points of the body to the center. The skin should glow with a pink color; it should not turn red. The total process takes about 3 minutes.
Rrectum Cleansing
After defecating on the toilet, it’s a good time to clean the rectum. You will need the following supplies: a surgical glove or plastic finger cot, castor oil, Dr. Bronner’s pure castile soap.
Natural Sponge Face Wash
You can perform this facial wash any time your skin feels tight or dry. When done on a regular basis it can prevent dry skin and signs of aging. You will need a natural sea sponge and cool purified water for this practice.
1. Soak the sea sponge in purified water and gently apply it to your face (see fig. 4.5). You can gently clean, rub, and massage your skin.
Fig. 4.5. Natural Sponge Face Wash
2. After completing the wash do not dry your face. Instead, allow it to dry naturally, so that your facial skin will absorb the purified water.
Solar Bathing
If you are lucky enough to have a sunny area with some privacy, you will probably enjoy this practice (fig 4.6). The sun’s energy is very healing and soothing to the genitals and can be absorbed by the ovaries through the genitals.
1. The best time of day to practice solar bathing is in the early morning (between 7 and 9 a.m.) and in the late afternoon (between 3 and 5 p.m.).
2. If you lie on your back, place your hands under your waist, palms down, thumbs touching, and place the soles of the feet together. This position completes the energy circulation through the hands and feet.
3. Before you begin, massage the mons area and along the outer lips. Open the labia to the sun and use your mind to draw the solar energy into your ovaries. Let this energy mix with your own energy as you circulate it in the Microcosmic Orbit (see chapter 5 for directions on the how to do the Microcosmic Orbit meditation).
Fig. 4.6. Solar bathing—absorbing yang energy
4. Sun for no more than 5 minutes in the beginning, eventually working up to 10 minutes.
Cellular Cleansing
While you are doing a colonic cleanse, we suggest you do a cellular cleanse at the same time to improve your results. This cleanse consists of a 7- to 14-day fast, during which you ingest only vegetable broths and specific herbs and supplements. These supplements will activate your energy and help to loosen the debris in your system, so that it is more easily removed by the colonics.
This cellular cleanse came from natural health pioneer Victor Irons over ninety years ago; it recommends oral bentonite and psyllium for cleansing the colon, and taking supplements to strengthen and build up the cells. Together, the supplements—including chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, and essential fatty acids—draw toxins out of individual cells and into the intestinal system, where they can be effectively eliminated. Then psyllium and bentonite help to pull the debris off of the colon walls, which allows you to eliminate this caked up material from your body.
Bentonite is a form of clay that was once blown into the sky by volcanic action, then sifted down to earth, where it collected in layers or veins that can be mined. Its action is due to three things. First, its large and varied mineral content gives it a negative electrical charge, which attracts positively charged particles. In the human body, much of the toxic poisons are positively charged. Second, the minuteness of the particles of bentonite give it a very large surface area in proportion to its volume, thus enabling it to pick up many times its own weight in positively charged particles such as body acid debris. Third, to obtain maximum effectiveness in the human body, it should be in a liquid colloidal gel state. For information on where to buy colloidal bentonite and the other supplements recommended in this cleanse, see the resource section at the end of this book.
Clays have been used as natural medicines for thousands of years. Nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price found clay in common use among the Yucatan Indians of Mexico, for instance. When an Indian had a cut, bruise, abrasion, or irritation, he would immediately make a “mudpie” with a particular clay and apply it to the affected area to help it heal. The Yucatan people also took clay internally; when they did not feel “up to par” generally, they would immediately mix a special clay into a solution with water and drink it. This seemed to relieve whatever symptoms were present, and in a great many cases, these people seemed to live to a ripe old age.
Indigenous people from places as diverse as the Andes, Central Africa, and Australia have also been known to ingest clay. In many cases people regularly dipped their food into clay to prevent a “sick stomach.”
The Cellular Cleanse (with Colonics)
This is a liquid fasting cell cleanse that uses bentonite, psyllium, and various supplements for a period of 7 to 14 days, with a colonic every other day for greatest results. You should eat nothing for the 7 to 14 days of the cleanse, but you may drink herbal teas or vegetable broths.
Note that you should always consult your physician about your ability to complete this cleanse. If you are able, we recommend that you do this cleanse 2 to 4 times a year.
You will need the following supplies for this cleanse: a pint jar, apple juice, apple cider vinegar, honey, bentonite, psyllium seed husks, and the supplements listed in the table below. Sources for purchasing these supplements are listed in the resource section. You will also need the colonic supplies listed in the resource section.
The cleanse consists of two drinks mixed separately. Drink them in succession 5 times per day.
First Drink
Place all of the ingredients in jar. Shake for 15 seconds. Drink quickly.
2 ounces apple juice, lemon juice, or lime juice for flavor
8 ounces pure water
1 tablespoon colloidal bentonite
1 teaspoon psyllium
Second Drink
Place all ingredients in pint jar. Shake, and drink quickly.
10 ounces pure water
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or other vinegar
1 teaspoon honey or pure maple syrup
Along with the two cleansing drinks, you will need to take the supplements listed in the table below 4 times a day on the days specified. You should separate the cleansing drinks and the supplements by 1½ hours. For example, if you take the cleansing drinks at 7:00 a.m., you should take the supplements at 8:30.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Days 3, 7, 14 | |
Chlorophyll gel tablets | 12 | 18 | 24 |
Vitamin C tablets | 200mg | 200mg | 800mg |
Pancreatic enzyme tablets | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Beet tablets | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Dulse tablets | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Enzymatic tablets | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Niacin tablets | 50mg | 100mg | 200mg |
Wheat germ oil tablets | 1 | 1 | 1 |
The Urinary Tract and Genitals
For the urinary tract, which includes the vagina, ovaries, bladder, and kidneys, most of the cleansing practices focus on the kidneys. As the source of sexual energy, the kidneys are a vital energy center that needs to be kept in good health. To help to keep the kidneys clean and in prime condition, Taoists highly recommend herbal teas, vegetable cleanses, and Sexual Energy Massage on a regular basis. These will help to clear out any debris, blockages, and built-up toxins from the urinary tract. Vaginal douches can also be helpful.
Cleansing the kidneys
The kidneys are extremely delicate, blood-filtering organs that congest easily. Dehydration, poor diet, weak digestion, stress, and an irregular lifestyle can all contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Most kidney grease/crystals/stones, however, are too small to be detected through modern diagnostic technology, including ultrasounds or X-rays. They are often called “silent” stones and do not seem to bother people much. When they grow larger, though, they can cause considerable distress and damage to the kidneys and the rest of the body.
To prevent kidney problems and kidney-related diseases, it is best to eliminate kidney stones before they can cause a crisis. You can easily detect the presence of sand or stones in the kidneys by pulling the skin under your eyes sideways toward the cheekbones. Any irregular bumps, protrusions, red or white pimples, or discoloration of the skin indicates the presence of kidney sand or kidney stones.
Herbal kidney Cleanse
The following herbs, when taken daily for a period of 20 to 30 days, can help to dissolve and eliminate all types of kidney stones, including uric acid, oxalic acid, phosphate, and amino acid stones. If you have a history of kidney stones, you may need to repeat this cleanse a few times, at intervals of 6 weeks (see below for directions).
Marjoram (1 ounce)
Cat’s claw (1 ounce)
Comfrey root (1 ounce)
Fennel seed (2 ounces)
Chicory herb (2 ounces)
Uva ursi (2 ounces)
Hydrangea root (2 ounces)
Gravel root (2 ounces)
Marshmallow root (2 ounces)
Goldenrod herb (2 ounces)
If you experience discomfort or stiffness in the area of the lower back, this is because mineral crystals from kidney stones are passing through the ducts of the urinary system. Normally, the release is gradual and does not significantly change the color or texture of the urine, but any strong smell or darkening of the urine that occurs during the kidney cleanse indicates a major release of toxins from the kidneys.
Note: Support your kidneys during this cleanse by drinking extra amounts of water, a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses per day. However, if the urine is a dark yellow color, you will need to drink more than that amount.
Bone Marrow Soup Kidney Cleanse
Make a bone marrow soup with the following ingredients, and drink it on a regular basis to maintain kidney performance and health.
Cracked organic beef bone (knuckles), marrow exposed
Seaweed (hijiki or nori)
Added vegetables: Carrots, onions, zucchini, celery, burdock root, daikon radish
Kidney Tonics
The following preparations tone the kidneys and increase their ability to filter impurities from the blood.
Cranberry juice (unsweetened) with an equal amount of purified water
1 to 2 lemons juiced in purified water
Vaginal Douching
A douche is a device used to introduce a stream of water into the vagina for medical or hygienic reasons. Douche usually refers to vaginal irrigation, the rinsing of the vagina, but it can also refer to the rinsing of any body cavity. The word douche comes from the French language, in which its principal meaning is “shower” (the French phrase for vaginal douching is douche vaginale, meaning “vaginal shower”). A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching—a bag for holding the fluid used in douching. Today a vaginal bulb syringe is often used. To avoid transferring intestinal bacteria into the vagina, the same bag or syringe must not be used for a vaginal douche and an enema.
Vaginal douches may consist of water, water mixed with vinegar, garlic, acidophilus, or even antiseptic chemicals. Douching has been touted as having a number of supposed but unproven benefits. In addition to promising to clean the vagina of unwanted odors, it can also be used by women who wish to avoid smearing a sexual partner’s penis with menstrual blood while having intercourse during menstruation.
Please do vaginal douching at your own discretion, as it can interfere with both the vagina’s normal self-cleaning and with the natural bacterial culture of the vagina, which could lead to irritation, bacterial vaginosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Frequent douching with water may result in an imbalance of the pH of the vagina, and thus may put women at risk for possible yeast infections.
The three vital functions of food are to rebuild the living tissues, to supply energy, and to preserve a proper medium in which the biochemical processes of the body can take place. To ensure that all three take place, it is important to follow twelve rules of healthful eating.
An elaboration of all twelve keys to good health, along with extensive nutritional guidance for health and longevity, can be found in our book, Cosmic Nutrition (Destiny Books, 2012). Here we focus on maintaining an alkaline-based diet, necessary to achieve the optimum results from the Chi Kung exercises for women’s health.
Balancing acid and alkaline
In order to grasp the significance of acid and alkaline, we must first understand the meaning of pH, which is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in blood, urine, and liquids, and is used as symbol to indicate acidity and alkalinity. A pH of 7 (.0000001 gram atom of hydrogen ion per liter) is considered neutral, the measure of pure water. The acid end of the pH scale is from 1 to 7, and 7 to 14 is the alkaline end. In the human body, a slightly alkaline blood and lymph is a requirement for health and long life.
Solvent type foods such as watery fruits, juices, and nonstarchy vegetables are alkaline. The heavier type foods are acid: all proteins, starches, fats, and sugars, that is, all nuts, seeds, cheeses, bread, potatoes, rice, oils, dried and sweet fruit (like dates, raisins, figs, bananas), and so on.
All ripe fruits are alkaline-reacting within the system. These alkalines neutralize the acid poisons, uric acid, and acidosis, which usually come from a high-protein meat diet. In addition, according to Chi Kung master Jeff Primack, in his book Conquering Any Disease, ellagic acid, which is considered to be a cancer inhibitor, is found in forty-six different fruits. Its richest source is raspberries.
Cancer inhibitors
In Conquering Any Disease, Jeff Primack also specifically recommends certain other foods for their support of overall health and cancer prevention:
Fig. 4.7. Health power foods
As explained by Lino Stanchion in his book Power Eating Program, for cancer prevention foods need to be chewed completely for maximum results and benefits. In addition to promoting a more alkaline condition in the body, chewing activates and balances all the glands, from the pituitary and thyroid to the pancreas, spleen, and ovaries.
Another route is that suggested by Primack in Conquering Any Disease and Smoothie Formulas, in which foods are taken in smoothie form, such as in the Alkalizer Smoothie recipe shown on below.
The Alkalizer Smoothie
Blend together:
1½ cup distilled water
3 stalks of organic celery
½ organic cucumber
½ lime with pith and seeds
1 Fuji apple sliced with skin and seeds
3 leaves of Swiss chard
1 node of cilantro
Special recipes to tone the Ovaries
Women who have any weakness in their sexual organs may wish to try the following simple and delicious recipes.
Strengthening Tonic for the Ovaries
To gradually increase energy flow in the ovaries, try the following mixture.
1 cup whiskey
1 cup honey
1 cup lemon juice
Caution: If you are experiencing a very heavy menstrual flow, refrain from taking the mixture for a few days, until the flow has normalized.
Chicken or Vegetarian Soup with Dong Quai
An herb with numerous valuable properties, dong quai (Angelica sinensis) should be an integral component of a woman’s health care regimen. Because it is loaded with good nutrition for the ovaries and hormones, women can benefit from this herb throughout their lifetimes. It is especially good as a blood tonic, being quite rich in iron, and it is excellent for alleviating a variety of menstrual problems. You can obtain dong quai in Chinese herb stores located in every Chinatown. Such stores often have mail order services. The herb may also be purchased in many natural food stores.