Summary of Chi Kung Practices for Women’s Health and Sexual Vitality
The exercises and practices in this book are meant to enhance and heal the body’s sexual energies through Chi Kung for the prevention of any type of gynecological cancer while rejuvenating your sexual vitality. In addition to the exercises summarized below, your health and vitality will be supported by the cosmic detox and nutritional practices detailed in chapter 4.
You should proceed with caution and patience when doing these Chi Kung practices, allowing the body to respond in a timely manner.
Chi Kung Daily Practices for Women:
- Inner Smile
- Microcosmic Orbit
- Six Healing Sounds
- Ovarian Breathing
- Ovarian Compression
- Bone Breathing
- Bone Compression
- Increasing Chi and Kidney Pressure
- Power Lock
- Sexual Energy Massage
- Internal Egg Exercise
- Chi Weight Lifting
These practices are described here in a condensed format so you can practice them using these pages as guidelines to help you master the formulas of Chi Kung for women’s health and sexual vitality.
The energy from your mother that formed your body entered it through the umbilical cord, then moved from the navel down to the sacrum, then up the spine to the crown (Governing Channel), then down the front of the body (Functional Channel), back to the navel. As long as you are alive your energy moves within this Microcosmic Orbit. Once you become aware of this flowing energy, you can use it to heal any internal energy blockage in your body.
The Microcosmic Orbit meditation is initiated by the practice known as the Inner Smile, which draws positive energy to the internal organs and glands. For both, sit on the edge of a chair with your hands held together and eyes closed. Full descriptions of these practices can be found in The Inner Smile (Destiny Books, 2008) and Healing Love through the Tao (Destiny Books, 2005).
Inner Smile
Front Line: The Functional Channel
1. Be aware of smiling cosmic energy in front of you and breathe it into your eyes.
Fig. 5.1. Front line smile: major vital organs
2. Allow smiling energy to enter the point between your eyebrows. Let it flow into your nose and cheeks, and let it lift up the corners of your mouth, bringing your tongue to rest on your palate.
3. Smile down to your neck, throat, thyroid, parathyroid, and thymus (fig. 5.1).
4. Smile into your heart, feeling joy and love spread out from there to the lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and genitals.
Middle Line: The Digestive Tract
- Bring smiling energy into the eyes, then down to the mouth.
- Swallow saliva as you smile down to your stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), large intestine (ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon), rectum, and anus (see fig. 5.2 ).
Fig. 5.2. Middle line smile: digestive tract
Back Line: The Governor Channel
- Smile, and look upward about 3 inches into your mid-eyebrow point and pituitary gland.
- Direct your smile to the Third Room, the small cavity deep in the center of your brain (fig. 5.3). Feel the room expand and grow with the bright golden light shining through the brain.
- Smile into the thalamus, pineal gland (Crystal Room), and the left and right sides of the brain.
- Smile to the midbrain and the brain stem, then to the base of your skull.
- Smile down to the seven cervical vertebrae, the twelve thoracic vertebrae, the five lumbar vertebrae, then the sacrum and the tailbone.
- Refresh the loving, soothing smile energy in your eyes, then smile down the front, middle, and back lines in succession. Now do all of them at once, feeling bathed in a cooling waterfall or glowing sunshine of cosmic energy, smiles, joy, and love.
Fig. 5.3. Back line smile: Governor Channel
Collect Energy in Navel
- Gather all the smiling energy in your navel area—about 1½ inches inside your body. Spiral that energy with your mind or your hands from the center point to the outside. (Don’t go above the diaphragm or below the pubic bone.)
- Women spiral outward counterclockwise 36 times, then inward clockwise 24 times, returning energy toward the center. Finish by storing energy safely in the navel.
Microcosmic Orbit
- After smiling down, collect the energy at the navel (fig. 5.4).
- With the tongue touching the roof of the mouth, let the energy flow down to the sexual center.
- Move the energy from the sexual center to the perineum.
- Draw the energy up from the perineum to the sacrum.
- Draw the energy up to the Ming Men, opposite the navel.
- Draw the energy up to the T11 vertebrae.
- Draw the energy up to the base of the skull.
- Draw the energy up to the crown and circulate it.
- Move the energy down from the crown to the mid-eyebrow.
- Pass the energy down through the tongue to the throat center.
- Bring the energy down from the throat to the heart center.
- Bring the energy down to the solar plexus.
- Bring the energy back to the navel.
- Circulate the energy through this entire sequence at least 9 or 10 times.
- Collect the energy at the navel. Cover your navel with both palms, right hand over left. Collect and mentally spiral the energy outward from the navel in a counterclockwise direction, making 36 revolutions. Once you have completed the counterclockwise revolutions, spiral the energy inward in a clockwise direction 24 times, ending and collecting the energy at the navel.
The Six Healing Sounds are produced subvocally and correspond to five specific organs: the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, and spleen. The sixth sound is the “triple warmer,” which evenly distributes energy throughout the body. Each sound creates its own energy to enhance and detoxify the internal system. All six sounds and their related postures decelerate the body after practice and remove excess heat accumulated in vital areas. A full description of this practice can be found in The Six Healing Sounds (Destiny Books, 2009).
Fig. 5.4. Energy circulating in the Microcosmic Orbit
Lung Exercise: The First Healing Sound
The lungs are associated with: the large intestine, the metal element, autumn, dryness, white color, pungent flavor, the nose, sense of smell, and the skin, as well as sadness, grief, courage, and justice.
1. While sitting in a chair with your eyes open, rest your hands—palms up—on your thighs.
2. Breathe in slowly and deeply and bring awareness to your lungs. Inhale and raise your arms until hands are at eye level, then rotate palms inward and continue to raise them above your head (fig. 5.5). Feel all along the arms into your shoulders, and feel the lungs and chest open.
Fig. 5.5. Lung exercise
Fig. 5.6. Lungs’ sound: sss-s-s-s-s-s
3. Close teeth and make the lungs’ sound: “sss-s-s-s-s-s” slowly and evenly as you exhale (fig. 5.6). Picture the lungs exhaling a dark murky color, excess heat, and sick energy, sadness, sorrow, and grief.
4. Float palms down to lungs and then to your lap, facing up. Breathe in pure white light and the quality of righteousness. Close your eyes and smile to your lungs, imagining that you are still making the lungs’ sound. Repeat these steps 3 to 6 times.
Exercise: The Second Healing Sound
The kidneys are associated with: the urinary bladder, the water element, winter, cold, blue color, salty flavor, ears, hearing, and the bones, as well as fear and gentleness.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply and bring awareness to your kidneys. Bend forward and clasp your hands together around your knees (see fig. 5.7). Pull back on arms, feeling a stretch on your back, over the kidneys. Look up.
- Round your lips and make the kidneys’ sound: “choo-oo-oo-oo,” while pulling your mid-abdomen in toward your spine (see fig. 5.8). Blow out a dark murky color along with any excess heat, wet, sick energy, and fear.
- Breathe in bright blue energy and the quality of gentleness. Separate your legs and rest your hands, palms up, on your thighs. Close your eyes and smile to your kidneys, imagining that you are still making the kidneys’ sound. Repeat these steps 3 to 6 times.
Fig. 5.7. Kidney exercise
Fig. 5.8. Kidneys’ sound: choo-oo-oo-oo
Liver Exercise: The Third Healing Sound
The liver is associated with the gallbladder, the wood element, spring, moistness, the color green, the sour flavor, the eyes, and eyesight, as well as with anger, aggression, kindness, and forgiveness.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply, becoming aware of the liver and its connection to the eyes. Beginning with your arms at your sides, palms out, slowly swing your arms up and over your head, following them with your eyes (fig. 5.9). Then interlace your fingers and push palms up toward the ceiling, feeling the stretch through arms and shoulders. Bend slightly to the left.
- Open your eyes wide and exhale the sound “sh-h-h-h-h-h-h” subvocally (fig. 5.10), while breathing out a dark murky color filled with excess heat and anger.
- Press the heels of your palms outward as you lower your shoulders, then place your hands in your lap, palms up. Breathe in a bright green energy and its quality of kindness. Let this energy fill your liver. Close your eyes and smile down to your liver. Repeat these steps 3 to 6 times.
Fig. 5.9. Liver exercise
Fig. 5.10. Liver’s sound: sh-h-h-h-h-h-h
Exercise: The Fourth Healing Sound
The heart is associated with the small intestine, the fire element, summer, warmth, the color red, the bitter flavor, the tongue, and speech, as well as with joy, honor, love, creativity, and enthusiasm.
1. Breathe in slowly and deeply while focusing your awareness on your heart. Beginning with palms in your lap, inhale and swing your arms overhead, then clasp fingers together and push palms toward the ceiling, as in the liver exercise (fig. 5.11). This time, bend slightly to the right.
Fig. 5.11. Heart exercise
Fig. 5.12. Heart’s sound: haw-w-w-w-w-w
2. Open your mouth, round your lips, and exhale the sound “haw-w- w-w-w-w” subvocally (fig. 5.12), while expelling dark murky energy along with any excess heat, impatience, arrogance, or cruelty.
3. Press palms outward and return hands to your lap, with palms facing upward. Breathe in bright red energy along with its qualities of joy, love, and respect. Smile down to your heart. Repeat these steps 3 to 6 times.
Exercise: The Fifth Healing Sound
The spleen is associated with the stomach and the pancreas, the earth element, Indian summer, dampness; the sweet flavor, the yellow color, the mouth, and taste, as well as with worry, compassion, balance, and openness.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply, focusing your awareness on the spleen. Inhale and place the fingers of both hands beneath the left side of the rib cage, just below the sternum (see fig. 5.13). Press your fingers inward as you push your middle back outward.
- Exhale as you round your lips and make the sound of the spleen: “who-o-o-o-o-o” from your vocal cords (see fig. 5.14). Expel any excess heat, dampness, worry, or pity.
- Breathe a bright yellow light into your spleen, stomach, and pancreas, filling them with fairness, compassion, and centeredness. Lower your hands slowly to your lap, palms up, and smile down to your spleen. Repeat these steps 3 to 6 times.
Fig. 5.13. Spleen exercise
Fig. 5.14. Spleen’s sound: who-o-o-o-o-o
Triple Warmer Exercise: The Sixth Healing Sound
The triple warmer consists of the upper warmer (hot: includes the brain, neck, thymus, heart, lungs), the middle warmer (warm: includes the liver, stomach, and spleen), and the lower warmer (cool: includes the intestines, kidneys, and genitals).
Fig. 5.15. Triple Warmer exercise
Fig. 5.16. Triple Warmer’s sound: hee-e-e-e-e-e-e
- Lie on your back, close your eyes, and take a deep breath (fig. 5.15). Inhale fully into all three heaters.
- Exhale with the sound “hee-e-e-e-e-e-e” made subvocally (fig. 5.16). Imagine a large roller pressing out your breath from the top of your chest and rolling down toward your lower abdomen. Imagine your chest and abdomen are flat-feeling light, bright, and empty.
- Rest by breathing normally, then repeat these steps 3 to 6 times.
These two Healing Love practices rechannel sexual energy to heal the internal system. Full descriptions can be found in Bone Marrow Nei Kung (Destiny Books, 2006) and Healing Love through the Tao (Destiny Books, 2005).
Ovarian Breathing
- Sit with your vagina and perineum unconstricted, with no drafts, or sit on ball against the clitoris; palms on knees; chin tucked in. Or stand, hands at sides; feet shoulder-width apart.
- Place both thumbs on the navel and use your index fingers to form a triangle. The place where the index fingers touch is the Ovarian Palace. Spread out your little fingers evenly: underneath the points where they rest are the ovaries. Breathe into the ovaries.
- Rub the ovaries as you use the PC muscle to open and close the vagina; inhale and bring energy from the ovaries to the Ovarian Palace; exhale.
- Inhale and pull the energy of the ovaries to the Ovarian Palace, then down to the perineum; retain the energy there; exhale. Repeat 9 times.
- Inhale as you collect the energy from the ovaries in the Ovarian Palace, then pull it down to the perineum, and from there up to the sacrum. Hold the attention at the sacrum and exhale slowly. Repeat 9 times.
- Inhale and guide the energy from the ovaries to the Ovarian Palace to the perineum and through the sacrum up to T11 in the same manner, then relax and exhale. Repeat 9 times. Repeat the process 9 times at each of the following stations in turn: C7, Jade Pillow at the base of the skull, and crown.
- At the crown, spiral the energy in your brain 9 to 36 times counterclockwise, then 9 to 36 times clockwise. With your tongue on your palate, allow the energy to flow down to the third eye, tongue, throat, heart, solar plexus, and the navel. Collect the energy at the navel.
Ovarian Compression
- Sit on the edge of a chair, feet flat on the floor, or stand, hands at sides; feet shoulder-width apart.
- Inhale deeply and compress the energy into an imaginary energy (chi) ball at the solar plexus; roll it down to navel, pelvic region, and the ovaries.
- Compress air into the ovaries and down into the vagina for as long as you can. Contract the lips of the vagina tightly, squeeze the anus, and tighten the perineum to prevent energy loss.
- While maintaining the compression, keep your tongue pressed against your palate; swallow deeply into the sexual center.
- Exhale and relax. Rest by taking quick, shallow breaths through the nose. Relax by rotating the waist with arms at shoulder level several times.
- Repeat 9 to 18 times morning and evening.
Bones are extremely porous, and they are always “breathing.” The pores allow the passage of oxygen, blood, and nutrition through the bones in the same way a sponge absorbs and releases water. Bone Breathing draws external chi into the bones through the skin, muscles, and tendons. After external energy has been breathed into a particular area, Bone Compression is used to force the combined energies into the bones to burn the fat out of the marrow, thereby assisting in the marrow’s regeneration. Step-by-step detailed instructions for the performance of Bone Breathing and Bone Compression, along with further information regarding their health benefits, can be found in Bone Marrow Nei Kung (Destiny Books, 2006).
While Bone Breathing is a mental process used in conjunction with long, soft breath cycles, Bone Compression is a physical process of contracting the muscles, thereby squeezing chi into the bones. This energy is used to complement previously stored sexual energy, which is released into the body through the Sexual Energy Massage or Chi Weight Lifting.
The techniques should initially be practiced from a seated position.
Bone Breathing
Before beginning the Bone Breathing exercise, you should first be certain that the Microcosmic Orbit is clear of any blockages. Regulate your breathing, then circulate your energy through the Microcosmic Orbit for several cycles.
- Create a sensation of coolness in the fingers of either hand. Inhale, and draw warm external energies into that hand through the fingers. Apply this to the opposite hand. Exhale, and release the energy.
- Pull up your perineum region slightly as you breathe chi further up into the ulna and radius bones of the lower arm. Practice first on each arm, then on both together. Exhale, and release.
- Apply the same procedure to the upper arms, drawing chi to the humerus bones. Exhale, and release the energy. Remember to draw energy in with more force with each new inhalation, thereby accessing further points within each limb.
- Draw chi up through the scapulae and collarbone to reach the C7 point and the cranium but do not leave it there. Either combine it at T11 with the energy drawn from the legs or store it in the navel.
- Create a sensation of coolness in the toes of either foot. Inhale and draw the warm external energies into that foot through the toes. Apply this to the opposite foot. Exhale, and release the energy.
- Pull up your perineum region slightly as you breathe chi further up into the tibia and fibula bones of the lower legs. If necessary, practice on each leg individually, and then draw chi into both legs together. Exhale, and release.
- With each breath, draw the chi further up into the femur bones of the upper legs, into the hips, and then to the sacrum. Exhale, but retain the energy you have breathed into these areas.
- If you choose to combine the procedures for the arms and legs, do not draw the energy to the skull from the arms directly, but instead combine it with the energy from the legs at the center of the spine. First breathe into both hands and feet simultaneously. Inhale chi all the way up to the shoulders and scapulae through the arms, and up to the thigh and hip bones through the legs. Combine this energy at the middle of the spine after it has reached the sacrum and the scapulae from their respective sources. From the center of the spine, move the energy up to the head, and then back down the spine to where the ribs begin. Exhale as needed.
- Breathe the energy outward through the twelve ribs, encompassing the rib cage from the front to the back, and recombine the chi at the sternum. Breathe into the sternum. Exhale.
Bone Compression
- Use the same steps as in Bone Breathing, but retain the chi by spiraling it throughout the limbs. Inhale, pulling up the perineum region, then spiral the energy up from the fingers and toes throughout the arms and legs to meet at the center of the spine.
- Having combined the external energy drawn from both sources at the center of the spine, expand the chi outward through the twelve ribs, spiraling it into the sternum.
- The body’s capacity has been reached when you can no longer spiral new chi into the arms. Begin to pack the chi, condensing it into the same space as the energy that has been accumulated.
- Contract the muscles of the hands and arms with each breath. Hold the breath with each contraction.
- Exhale as you release the contraction. When you release your hold, use your mind to absorb energy into the bones through the pores of the skin. During resting periods, the sensation of drawing in energy through the skin should be felt throughout the body. Bones, muscles, and tendons should begin to feel as though they are wrapped in cotton.
- After you have practiced for a while, feel the sensation inside your bones. If you have a lot of fat, the feeling will be very hot. This is the fat beginning to melt.
- It is a good idea to practice with the tongue on the palate because the energy will begin to move through the Microcosmic Orbit; touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth enables the energy to flow in a circle up the spine and down the front of the body.
These two practices, presented in chapter 3, should precede the Power Lock and Chi Weight Lifting. A full description can be found in Bone Marrow Nei Kung (Destiny Books, 2006).
Increasing Chi Pressure
- Place the middle finger of each hand about 1½ inches below the navel at the lower tan tien.
- Concentrate on the lower tan tien as you inhale chi into it, expanding the point with the resulting pressure.
Increasing Kidney Pressure
- Stand in a Horse stance with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Rub your hands together until they are warm, and then apply their warmth to the kidneys by placing your energized palms on them from the back.
- Bend your upper body forward slightly as you inhale, and pull up the left and right sides of the anus as you draw chi up to the kidneys.
- Exhale, and deflate the kidneys.
- Follow this sequence up to 36 times, and finish by warming the hands and again placing them on the kidneys.
More detail on this practice can be found in chapter 1 of this book and in Bone Marrow Nei Kung (Destiny Books, 2006). The Power Lock should be practiced before and after the Sexual Energy Massage.
- Begin with Ovarian Breathing, slightly contracting the vagina to accumulate Ching Chi in the Ovarian Palace.
- Use short inhalations to draw the energy from the Ovarian Palace through each successive point leading up to the first station: inhale a sip of air and contract the perineum, drawing the energy there; then inhale again as you contract the anus and draw the energy there; then with the next sip of air, pull up the back part of the anus as you draw the energy up to the sacrum. Use your fingers to press on the perineum point each time you inhale and contract, releasing them briefly before each subsequent contraction. Use 9 contractions with 9 sips of air to draw Ching Chi from the Ovarian Palace to the sacrum. Hold the energy at the sacrum as you exhale and return your attention to the Ovarian Palace.
- Repeat this entire sequence for each subsequent station: T11, C7, Jade Pillow, and the crown.
- Spiral the energy at the crown 9 to 36 times outward, then inward.
- Bring the energy down and store it in the navel.
The Sexual Energy Massage and Internal Egg Exercise are preceded by the Cloth Massage to activate Ching Chi. Below are summaries of the practices presented in chapter 2 of this book. A full description of these practices can be found in Bone Marrow Nei Kung (Destiny Books, 2006).
Preparation: Cloth Massage
Massage the mons, labial area, and vaginal muscles, then, in turn, the perineum, the coccyx, and the sacrum with a silk cloth. Spiral at each location 36 times clockwise and 36 times counterclockwise. Feel enlarged breasts and moist vagina.
Energy Massage
Rub your hands together briskly to warm them up before performing each of the following steps, which together make chi comprised of energy from the organs, the glands, and the sexual center available for your practice.
- Breast Massage: Sit naked or loosely clothed, with some pressure on the vagina. Pull up the middle and back parts of the anus, drawing the chi up the spinal cord. Pull up the left and right sides of the anus, bringing the chi into your nipples. Place the second joint of the middle fingers on your nipples. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
- Massaging the Glands with Accumulated Chi: Place three fingers on each breast and circle outward from the nipples—clockwise for the right hand, and counterclockwise for the left hand. Then circle inward. Repeat the outward and inward circles with the right hand moving counterclockwise and the left hand moving clockwise. Continue massaging as you draw chi to the pituitary gland, then return that chi to the breasts. Repeat this process with the thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus gland, pancreas, and adrenal glands, each time bringing the energy back to the breasts.
- Massaging the Organs with Accumulated Chi: Place your hands on your breasts. Let the chi from the thymus and the breasts activate the chi of the lungs, then return that chi to the breasts. Direct the accumulated chi to activate the heart, then return it to the breasts, and repeat this process with the spleen, kidneys, and liver. Then place your palms on your knees and focus attention on your breasts, letting energy expand into the nipples, then flow down into the ovaries. Breathe directly into the ovaries as you lightly move the lips of the vagina open and closed. Merge energy from both ovaries and concentrate in the Ovarian Palace as you squeeze the genital area in slightly.
- Massaging the Ovaries: Place your fingertips on your ovaries and massage them in small circles—36 times clockwise and 36 times counterclockwise.
Internal Egg Exercise
- Insert the egg into your vagina large end first. Stand in Horse stance and tightly contract the muscles that close the vaginal orifice to hold the egg in the vaginal canal.
- Inhale and contract the muscles immediately in front of your cervix while keeping the first set of muscles contracted.
- Using the muscles in the middle of the vaginal canal, lightly squeeze the egg. Inhale and squeeze harder, then move the egg up and down. When you are out of breath, exhale and rest.
- Use the top set of muscles—those in front of the cervix—to move the egg left and right, then rest. Now use the bottom set of muscles (controlling the vaginal orifice) to move the egg left and right.
- Use the top set of muscles, then the bottom set, to tilt the egg up and down. Combine all of the movements, then slide the egg up to touch the cervix, and down to the vaginal orifice. Release.
- Increase the speed of motion until you feel the need to rest. Take a deep breath and draw the accumulated energy into the Microcosmic Orbit.
- Remove the egg and do the Cloth Massage.
- Rest and practice the healing sounds of the lung and heart and the Microcosmic Orbit.
We wish to remind our readers that Chi Weight Lifting is included in this text for the documentation of its procedure as a guide for instructors and trained students of the Universal Healing Tao. It is not intended for beginning students. Universal Healing Tao cannot and will not be held responsible for any reader of this book who attempts Chi Weight Lifting without first receiving qualified instruction. A more extensive description can be found in
Bone Marrow Nei Kung (Destiny Books, 2006).
Preparation for Chi weight lifting
To maintain safety, Chi Weight Lifting should always be done after doing the following exercises:
1. Increasing Chi Pressure: Practice from 9 to 81 times.
2. Increasing Kidney Pressure: Practice from 6 to 36 times.
3. Power Lock Exercise: 2 to 3 times up to the crown.
4. Cloth Massage of sexual center, perineum, and sacrum.
5. Sexual Energy Massage:
a. Breast Massage
b. Massage the Glands with Accumulated Chi
c. Massage the Organs with Accumulated Chi
d. Massage the Ovaries
6. Internal Egg Exercise (optional)
Chi weight lifting
- Prepare the weight on the floor or a chair. (After inserting the string through the egg, tie it to the weight or the weight-lifting apparatus.)
- Insert the egg into the vagina, larger end first.
- Hold the weight with your hands while standing up to assume the Horse stance. While testing the weight with your index and middle fingers, inhale as you contract the anus and perineum, then contract and hold first the lower and then the middle and upper vaginal muscles, so that the egg pushes deeply up into the vaginal canal.
- If the weight does not feel too heavy, gently release the string from the fingers, until you are holding the weight with the contracted muscles of the vagina. Pull up from the cervix.
- When you feel you are holding the egg and the weight securely, swing the weight from 36 to 60 times, inhaling as you pull up with each forward swing. Exhale as the weight moves backward.
- Lift the weight from each station of the Microcosmic Orbit: sacrum, Door of Life, T11, C7, base of the skull, Crown point, third eye, and let it flow down the front channel; collect the energy at the navel.
- Rest as you hold the weight manually, or place it on a raised surface, such as a chair. (You may prefer to remove it while resting, and then attach it again to resume lifting.)
- Gently release the weight between your legs once again to lift it with the power of the organs and glands, starting with the kidneys.
- Lower the weight to the chair or the floor, and then remove the egg.
Concluding exercises
- Power Lock Exercise: 2 to 3 times up to the crown.
- Cloth Massage of the sexual center, perineum, and sacrum.
- Sexual Energy Massage.
- Use at least two or three of the Six Healing Sounds, especially the heart and lung sounds. All of them are useful if you have the time to do them.
- Practice the Microcosmic Orbit meditation for several minutes. In conjunction with this meditation, you can also practice Bone Breathing. Use your mind to absorb the released Ching Chi into the bones.
With these practices of Chi Kung for women’s health and sexual vitality you now have the opportunity to heal and balance yourself. May the Tao be with you.