Serratus Pulldowns


Why Is This Exercise So Effective?

The serratus anterior muscles are the little tooth-like ridges that sit between your side abs and your lats, beside your pecs. They are generally not very visible until you have a fairly low level of body fat unless the serratus are very large.

This exercise is one of the few exercises that directly target the serratus muscles. Building these small muscles up can have a dramatic impact on the look of your midsection.

How To Do It


How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts:

The serratus pulldown is a finishing movement.

Common Errors

1. Not feeling the muscle working

You will not get any results whatsoever by just going through the motions with this exercise. You MUST feel the muscle working.

2. Using too much or not enough weight

Using too much weight will reduce your ability to feel the muscle working. Not using enough weight will not work the muscle enough to see any results.

3. Going too fast

With this exercise, the slower you go the better you will feel the exercise. Going too fast will use primarily momentum and the lats will take over. Go slow and feel it.


1. Using a towel

If you are doing serratus pulldowns on a pulldown machine that does not have a proper single-hand handle (such as a high pulley that has an unmovable lat bar), loop a towel around the part where the bar connects to the cable. Grasp both ends of the towel near the top and go from there.

2. Inhale on the way down

To increase the effectiveness of the movement, inhale as you pull the weight down. This will expand your rib cage and help to isolate the serratus muscles.