Hyper Crunches


Why Is This Exercise So Effective?

This variation of the hyperextension is far more effective for training the spinal erectors directly than the typical hyperextension. The secret is not bending at the hips but flexing the spine at the vertebrae themselves.

How To Do It



How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts:

This exercise is best done towards the end of your workout.

Common Errors

1. Not curling the abdomen over the bench

This major advantage of this exercise lies in curling the abdomen, i.e. flexing the spine, over the edge of the bench. If you don’t flex the spine, you won’t fully work the erector spinal muscles through their full range of motion.

2. Using momentum

Never use momentum on any lower back exercise. This can be very dangerous as it places stress on the spine when it’s in a vulnerable position.


1. Imagine extending one vertebra at a time as you come up

This imagery will help you to activate the spinal erectors. When you visualize each one extending in a sequence, each of the small spinal erector muscles will fire in order. You can also visualize yourself curling your back around a ball to achieve the same effect.