Unstable Bar Chin-Ups


Why Is This Exercise So Effective?

This exercise takes advantage of the body’s response to working in an unstable environment. That response is to fire many more muscle fibers and to utilize stabilizing muscles.

When you combine this increased muscle fiber activation with the chin-up movement, you get a far more effective chin-up movement.

How To Do It


How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts:

The unstable bar chin-up is a good candidate for early placement in your workouts as it requires stabilization during the movement.

Common Errors

1. Improper body position

Keep your back arched and lean back when you do this exercise. This is the best position for working the lats. They will not be activated as well if your body is straight.

2. Not keeping hands beside bar

You must keep your hands pressed up against the chin-up bar to keep the bar you’re gripping (the one balanced on the chin-up bar) from sliding around.


1. Pulldown bar chins

Pulldown bar chin-ups are another variation of the unstable bar chin-up. They can be done with any grip using any bar.


2. Forced reps

There is a good forced rep trick you can use with the pulldown bar variation.