Nilsson Curls Forearm Braced Chin-Ups


Why Is This Exercise So Effective?

This is a compound exercise for the biceps that uses the lats as a secondary mover. This allows you to use your own bodyweight as resistance for a biceps exercise, maximizing the effectiveness of the movement. The pull-up movement also works the biceps at two joints rather than just one.

How To Do It

This exercise is best done using the safety rails of a power rack. There are other methods of setting up that you can use that are just as effective. I will detail these at the end of this section.


Now you’re all set!


How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts:

This exercise should be the first biceps exercise you do in your workout. It requires tremendous strength and therefore is best done with fresh biceps.

Common Errors

1. Pulling Straight Up

For best results, pull yourself up in an arc. This will most strongly affect the biceps. Pulling straight up will still work, just not quite as strongly.

2. Using Momentum

Always do this exercise deliberately and under control to maintain maximum tension on the biceps. Moving quickly will only decrease the effectiveness of the exercise.

It is especially important not to use momentum as you come to the bottom of the exercise as your elbows are braced against a rail. You could injure your elbows if you slam down into the bottom of the rep.

3. Letting the Shoulders Hunch Forward

Be sure to keep your shoulders back during the exercise. Letting the shoulders hunch forward can reduce your pulling strength by decreasing the stability of the shoulder joint.


1. Using Barbells To Set Up

If you don’t have access to a rack that uses the removable bottom safety rails you can also use two barbells inside the rack.

Note: You will be doing this exercise from inside the rack so that your forearms are pushing the bottom bar against the rear uprights. If you work from the other side, your forearms will have nothing to push the bottom bar against and it may roll or slide away.

2. Weighted Nilsson Curls

This exercise can also be done weighted with a dumbbell between your feet or with weight hanging from your waist using a hip belt. The execution of the exercise is exactly the same.

If you wish to do negatives with a dumbbell for extra weight, follow these steps:

As a bonus, using a dumbbell between your feet also gives you some really good isometric ab work.

3. Using A Reverse Grip

Doing the Nilsson Curl with a reverse grip will affect the brachialis muscle strongly. Be aware that your elbows will have a tendency to slide out to the sides as you pull yourself up, so you should consciously force them in.