The flat bench dumbbell press doesn’t allow for full rib cage expansion, which is essential for most effectively working the pecs. In order to get full rib cage expansion on the dumbbell press, try doing them with only your upper back resting on the bench.
How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts:
You can place this exercise anywhere in your chest workouts. It doesn’t require tremendous skill, balance or stability to execute properly.
1. Too much of your back is on the bench
The end of the bench should be hitting you just below the shoulder blades. If you have much more of your back on the bench, you will lose the opening up of the rib cage, which is the major benefit of this position.
2. Thrusting your hips up and down during the exercise
Allowing your hips to come up also negates the benefits of the opening up of the rib cage. You will flatten your torso as though you are doing a regular flat bench. Keep your hips down!
3. Raising your head off the bench
Be sure to keep your head on the bench during the exercise. Raising it up and off can lead to neck strain.
1. Getting the weights into position
A good way to get heavy dumbbells up into position is to set them on your knees at the start of the exercise. After you drop into your initial squat, kick one knee up hard, throwing the dumbbell up into position, then kick the other dumbbell up and into position. Be sure to practice this movement with light weight before attempting with heavy dumbbells.
2. Taking the shoulders out of it
At the start of the rep when you are holding the dumbbells at arm’s-length above you, try to wriggle your shoulders together underneath you. This will reduce anterior deltoid involvement in the exercise by forcing your shoulders back. Imagine you are trying to touch your shoulder blades together behind your back.
3. Expand your rib cage
At the bottom of every rep, take in a huge breath and try to expand your rib cage as much as possible to maximize the stretch on the pecs. Your body position on the end of the bench will allow you to get a greater stretch than is possible in the regular position.