Side Lying Dumbbell Flyes


Why Is This Exercise So Effective?

There are very few exercises other than the cable cross-over that allow you get a full contraction of the pectoral muscles, especially with free weight. This exercise is a great alternative if you don’t have any cables to work with and you want to get an incredibly strong, full contraction in your pecs.

How To Do It



How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts:

This exercise is best suited as a finishing exercise.

Common Errors

1. Not squeezing hard at the top

The main value of this exercise lies in the squeeze at the top. Try to get the most contraction possible by moving the weight slowly up to that position, squeezing hard for 3 to 5 seconds, then lowering it back slowly to the ground.

2. Not bracing your non-working hand properly

If you don’t place your other hand on the end of the bench (as demonstrated in the pictures and video) you will roll forward and off the bench.


1. Hook your feet around the bench

You may notice as you do the exercise that your lower body starts to fall off the bench even though you’ve braced your hand. You can prevent this by hooking your foot over the opposing end of the bench and pulling with your leg as you do the exercise.

2. Imagine pulling from your inner pec

This exercise targets the inner pec strongly. You can increase the effectiveness of it by visualizing you inner pec fibers pulling the weight up.