The biggest and best hamstrings are built with extreme tension. The traditional leg curl exercise is good but it has limitations. This exercise works the hamstrings using bodyweight, placing an incredible of amount of sheer, muscle-building tension directly onto your hamstrings. You’ll learn a variation that will allow you to remove some of your bodyweight from the exercise, allowing you to get even more power-packed reps.
Most leg curl machines target the contracted position of the exercise (with your knees bent). There is very little tension placed on the hamstrings during the stretch position, limiting the muscle-building potential of the exercise. This variation emphasizes the stretched portion of the leg curl to ensure full hamstring development.
This leg extension exercise variation takes advantage of the extreme contraction you get from the positioning but reduces the knee strain that is associated with the leg extension machine. It is a far more natural extension that doesn’t force you into an artificial movement pattern as a machine does.
If you are looking for an exercise that targets the upper hamstrings and glutes, this is the one for you. This unique version of the lunge places most of the stress on those two muscle groups in a way that the regular lunge don’t.
The One-Legged Squat has the potential to improve strength and balance in any athletic endeavor. When done properly, it can be one of the most challenging leg exercises around. You will also discover several variations of the one-legged squat that will both increase and decrease the difficulty of the exercise, depending on your training needs.
Trying to build incredible total-body strength and power? This version of the squat will have you lifting weights you’ve only seen pictures of in magazines. Imagine the results you could get by placing over 1000 lbs of free weight on your back!
This variation of the lunges is extremely useful for athletes who wish to build lateral-movement power and explosive strength. This movement is excellent for essentially any sport that requires quick, powerful sideways movement (almost all of them!). It is also excellent from a bodybuilding perspective for working the outer hips and thighs.