




My tension leaves the room with Croix. I'm happy to be alone again, though I can't stop thinking about his strange behavior as I go about my day. He's certainly a touchy-feely guy. I'm not sure if I like that or not. On one hand, it makes things interesting. On the other, it's not really fair. Just being around him ignites my desire. I have no idea how I'm going to handle my hormones once this place is flooded with delicious man-meat.

Towards the end of the day, Croix comes into my office again. Seeing him always feels awkward, probably because 99% of what we talk about involves sex. That's the job, though, getting people to bump uglies for charity. I'll have to get used to this eventually. Surely, my brain will become desensitized to the subject of sex, and I'll stop connecting the thoughts to my handsome boss.

“So,” he drags out the word as he takes a long but hesitant stride into my office, “there's something I need to talk to you about.”

“That doesn't sound good.” I turn my chair to face him. “Is this about the Sybian? Because trust me, it's a worthwhile investment.”

“No. It's not about the Sybian.” He closes his eyes, his mouth instantly turning into a toothy grin. “There are a few at the California location.”

“Oh good.” My cheeks flush with embarrassment for even bringing it up.

I expect him to sit, but he doesn't. Instead, he leans over my desk, resting his weight on his forearms. “I know you're getting ready to go, so I won't keep you long. I just wanted you to know that we're having a VIP event here on Friday night to try to bring more billionaires into the fold.”

“How many do we have now?” I redirect my attention to my computer, shutting it down for the night.

“Only two that have committed to the project. A few prospectives.” I can hear the lack of confidence in his voice.

“Hopefully, the event will get more guys wanting to participate. We need ten to open, right?”

“We could probably make do with half that many. But anyway, I want you to be there.” He stands, straightening himself.

“Of course.” I look up at him as if it shouldn't have even been a question.

“It might be a bit uncomfortable for you.” His gaze is eerily icy.

I huff. “Croix, I think I can handle being around a bunch of men. I'm a big girl.”

“Oh, I have no doubt that you can handle being around a bunch of men. But can you handle being around Derrick Wight?”

It feels like he just shoved a stake right through my heart. The name sends all sorts of bad feelings weaving through me, strangling my happiness. I had hoped to never hear that name again. Coming into this business, I should have known better.

“Why would it matter if Derrick Wight was there?” I try my best to hide my connection to the man, hoping that Croix can't tell that I'm shaken.

He tosses his head to the side. “Come on, Raven. Everyone knows you were involved with Derrick Wight. The two of you weren't just in business together. You were fucking. Everyone at The Billionaires Club knows that.”

“How would everyone at The Billionaires Club know that?” anger seeps into my tone.

Derrick had left The Billionaires Club before we started dating. We met one night outside of a club when we had tried to hail the same taxi. Feeling the attraction instantly, we had decided to share one. By the time the driver reached my apartment, our tongues were fighting for space in each other's mouths. I pulled him into my apartment by the tie and then we fell into my bed together.

At the time, I had thought it would just be a one-night stand. Derrick stuck around though. Stuck around to turn my world upside down and ravage me emotionally in a way that no man ever has. He was my best lover but my biggest mistake. Thinking about our past together causes nothing but twisted desires and unbearable pain.

“Derrick talked about you a lot when he was at The Billionaires Club. At first, we thought he had quit volunteering there because things were so good with you that he didn't want anyone else. It wasn't until later we found out that wasn't the case—that he had opened Club Diamond.”

That son of a bitch lied to me. He was still working at The Billionaires Club while we were together. He was still fucking other women.

I shouldn't care about the past. Derrick and I are over. Despite that, I am absolutely fuming. My face feels so hot that I know I must look like a lobster.

“What did he have to say about me?” I ask between gritted teeth.

“He was head over heels for you. He mostly talked about what a good fuck you were, though.” He smirks.

Of course, he did. The sex between us was explosive. Even when things started turning shitty with our relationship, that was one thing that was never off. Just remembering the way he looked writhing on top of me still conjures up stirrings that I'd rather not feel. Part of me hates him, but I know that's only because I'm still deeply hurt by the way things ended between us.

I don't want to talk about our relationship anymore. Memories of the few good times that Derrick and I had together are quickly spiraling me into a depression that I don't want to have to dig myself out of. Besides, there are more important things to discuss.

“If Bruno knows that Derrick opened Club Diamond, then why is he allowing him to come to the VIP event here at The Billionaires Club?” And more importantly, is Derrick planning on volunteering here and staying in Florida? Part of the reason that I moved all the way across the country to get away from the man. Had I known he'd show up here, I would have moved somewhere else.

Croix sighs. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. The fact that we don't have a lot of volunteers makes Bruno more forgiving, I suppose. Besides, Club Diamond flopped. It's been closed for a while. Not only that, Derrick is technically a member in good standing with The Billionaires Club. All of the current and past members of The Billionaires Club that are in good standing were invited to the VIP event, even if they can't volunteer here. It's important to have men with past experience here to mingle with potential new volunteers so that they can help convince them to join.”

“I suppose it is.”

Croix stands, looking down at me with uncertainty. “Will you be able to handle it if Derrick volunteers here?”

No. That's the real answer. The wounds from our breakup are still too fresh. And I have no doubt that Derrick will rub salt in them every chance that he gets. That's just the type of man that he is.

“What other choice do I have?” I hope that the tension in my face masks the defeat beneath the surface.

“None, I'm afraid.” Croix's features soften into a mix of sympathy and concern. “Hopefully, it won't come to that.”



My depression has successfully followed me home. I'm draped across the dining room table, staring out the sliding glass door at the fence in the backyard but not really looking at it. Cindy is in the kitchen whipping up a lima bean dish. I hate lima beans, but I'm so emotionally drained that I probably won't even taste them.

“Are you really going to be able to handle this? Seeing Derrick again, I mean.” I can feel her skeptical gaze without even looking at her.

As soon as I got home, I gushed the entire conversation to her. I needed to vent like nobody's business, and unfortunately for Cindy, she's the only person I have to talk to about these things.

“I have to.” I try to make myself believe those words. Quitting over the possibility of seeing Derrick again isn't an option. I've worked too hard, traveled too far(literally), to give up everything and start over yet again.

“You know I'm always here for you, Raven.” She stops what she's doing to come give me a gentle hug. “You're a strong woman. You're going to get through this.”

I don't feel strong right now. I feel as weak as a kitten. Feel like this is just another piece of a life that's slowly been unraveling over the past year.

“I know I'm going to get through this. I just haven't figured out how yet.” I exhale a deep breath, trying to tap into the strength that she's speaking of—the strength that has kept me standing against all odds.



No amount of giving myself pep talks can quell the nervousness inside of me as I stand outside of The Billionaires Club. It looks like an entirely different place at night with so many cars in the parking lot and spotlights shining on the building. For several minutes, I sit in my car waiting for my heartbeat to stop pounding. Knowing that Derrick is probably inside has me feeling a little lightheaded. That and the fact that I haven't eaten anything but a Nutri-Grain bar today. It was idiocy coming here on an empty stomach, but the stress of tonight's pending confrontation kept my appetite at bay. Food was the farthest thing from my mind as I went about my day obsessively going over imaginary scenarios in my head and how I'd react to each one. I wanted to be prepared for anything tonight.

I try to muster up all of the confidence I can as I step out of my car and walk up to the door. I know I look stunning in my long black and red patterned dress with open sleeves. The sides of the dress are held together with two lengths of gold chain. I wanted to expose as much of my body as possible to remind Derrick of what he's missing—of what he walked away from.

The inside of The Billionaires Club looks just as different as the outside. Waiters walk around with flutes of champagne on trays. Soft classical music from the string quartet that Croix hired billows through the air. There's a richness about The Billionaires Club that I've never felt before, despite it being a high-class resort.

Heads turn as I enter the event room. The smell of men's cologne is like a heady aphrodisiac. I've never seen so many handsome faces in one place before. It's a sausage party, and the sexual part of me wants to sample every morsel. Luckily, anxiety from thoughts of running into Derrick keep my feet firmly planted on the ground.

I immediately scan the crowd for him and Croix. Neither of the men are anywhere to be seen, but I know that doesn't mean they're not around. Croix is here somewhere, probably mingling with the other billionaires. It's about time that I pull my head out of my ass and do the same. I'm supposed to be trying to sell this place too, after all.

“You must be Croix's partner in crime,” a heavily accented male voice says from behind me.

I spin on my heels, coming face to face with a tall Indian man. He has dark olive skin, large brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face. His grin is infectious and charming.

“That I am.” I nod respectfully.

“I'm Raj Sodhi.” He extends his hand to me. When I place mine in his, he draws it up to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

“I'm Raven Tarley, assistant director of The Billionaires Club.”

He releases my hand to look around the room. “This is quite the party you guys have going on here.”

“Are you enjoying it so far?” I watch his expression for a reaction to my question. I can tell that he's nervous.

“Yes. I really wasn't sure what to expect.”

“Neither was I,” I admit. I had known what Croix had planned, but picturing it in my mind and experiencing it in the flesh are two entirely different things.

“How are you enjoying working here so far?” He turns his attention back to me.

“I enjoy it pretty well. It's a great place to work. Better for the volunteers, I imagine.” I wink at him. “Are you planning on signing up?”

“I'm not sure yet. I want to, but this is a little bit outside of my comfort zone.”

“You should,” I reply quickly. “I think you'd be a good fit here.”

“What makes you say that?” There's a twinkle in his eyes.

I feel like I should choose my words carefully. How do I talk about diversity without coming off as offensive aside from admitting that I think he's hot as hell? Which I do. If he approached me at a club, there's no doubt in my mind that I'd be taking his cock down my throat before the end of the night.

“There you are.” Croix comes out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around my shoulder before looking over at Raj. “I see you met my sidekick.”

“I did.” Raj beams at him. “You've very lucky to have such a lovely sidekick.”

“I know I am.” Croix gives my dress a quick once over. “Has she seduced you into joining us yet?”

“Clever man.” Raj shakes his finger at Croix. “Bring a beautiful woman on board to get us stumbling over ourselves so we sign up thinking that all of the clients will look like this.”

“Thankfully, most of the clients are attractive, though admittedly nowhere near as stunning as Raven.”

I want to blush from his compliments, but I know they're all for show. He's selling the place far better than I ever could have. There's an easiness about the way he speaks that I admire.

Raj chuckles. “If they look anything like this one, then sign me up.”