Introduction: A Shameful Trinity

1Huxley, Aldous, Ends and Means: An Enquiry into the Nature of Ideals and into the Methods Employed for Their Realisation, London, Chatto & Windus, 1937,p. 268. Copyright © 1938 by Aldous Huxley. Reprinted by permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc., for the Estate of Aldous Huxley.

2Author’s interview with Colonel James Braden, April 2008.

3Author’s interview with Joe Dyer, April 2009.

4Author’s interview with Vint Cerf, March 2009.

5Singer, P.W., Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the Twenty-first Century, New York, Penguin Press, 2009, p. 140.

6Author’s interview with George Caporaso, Feb. 2009.

7Reuters, “Global arms spending hits record in ‘08—think tank,” June 8, 2009, USL8101212020090608.

8The Associated Press, “Global arms spending rises despite economic woes,” June 9, 2009, global-arms-spending-rises-despite-economic-woes-1700283.html.

9Wired, “Pentagon’s Black Budget Grows to More Than $50 Billion,” May 7, 2009,

10Singer, Wired for War, p. 140.

11Ibid., p. 247.

12Ibid., p. 239.

13Author’s interview with John Hanke, Feb. 2009.

14Author’s interview with Ed Zywicz, Feb. 2009., “The Great Depression: The Sequel,” April 2, 2008, www.

16CBS News, “The Cost of War: $136 Billion in 2009,” Jan. 7, 2009, www.

17Author’s interview with Brad Casemore, March 2009.

18Author’s interview with Michael Klein, Jan. 2009.

19Author’s interview with Evan Seinfeld and Tera Patrick, March 2009.

20Author’s interview with Stoya, March 2009.

21Author’s interview with Scott Coffman, March 2009.

22Author’s interview with Ali Joone, Jan. 2009.

23Author’s interview with Paul Benoit, March 2009.

24Statistics come from three places: Los Angeles Business Journal, “Family guy: Steve Hirsch followed in his dad’s footsteps by launching his own adult film company, now the leader in a very mainstream business,” Nov. 12, 2007,; Computerworld, “Porn industry may decide battle between Blu-ray, HD-DVD,” May 2, 2006, s/article/print/111087/Porn_industry_may_decide_battle_between_ Blu_ray_HD_DVD_; Top Ten Reviews, “Internet Pornography Statistics,”

25Author’s interview with Jonathan Coopersmith, March 2009.

26Statistics come from a comprehensive study of the 2006 pornography market performed by the Top Ten Reviews website at

27Levenstein, Harvey, Paradox of Plenty: A History of Social Eating in Modern America, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2003, pp. 89–90.

28Ibid., p. 96.


30Index Mundi, “Food and Live Animals Exports by Country in US Dollars,”

31Singer, Wired for War, p. 283.

32Forbes, “The World’s Biggest Industry,” Nov. 15, 2007, sm_1113bigfood.html.

33Author’s interview with Patrick Dunne, April 2009.

34Weasel, Lisa, Food Fray: Inside the Controversy Over Genetically Modified Food, New York, Amacom, 2008, pp. 48–49.


36Author’s interview with Dave Rogers, Nov. 2008.

37Singer, Wired for War, p. 285.

1 Weapons of Mass Consumption

1Coventry City Council,

2From the Blitz Experience Museum in Coventry.

3The New York Times, “‘Revenge’ by Nazis,” Nov. 16, 1940.

4The New York Times, “Bombs on Coventry,” Nov. 16, 1940.

5Rhodes, Richard, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1995, p. 336.

6Earls, Alan R. and Edwards, Robert E., Raytheon Company: The First Sixty Years, Great Britain, Arcadia Publishing, 2005, p. 9.

7Ibid., p. 336.

8Ibid., p. 338

9Author’s interview with Norman Krim, May 2008.

10Reader’s Digest, “Percy Spencer and His Itch to Know,” Aug. 1958, p. 114.


12Earls and Edwards, Raytheon Company, p. 21.

13Norman Krim interview.

14Earls and Edwards, Raytheon Company, p. 21

15According to Norman Krim.

16Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 343.

17According to Norman Krim.

18Bush, Vannevar, Science: The Endless Frontier, New York, Arno Press, 1980, p. 330.

19Radiation Effects Research Foundation frequently asked questions,

20The New York Times, “Radar,” May 23, 1943.

21Budget of the United States Government Fiscal 2009, Historical Tables,, p. 47.

22The New York Times, “Raytheon MFG: Year’s Earnings Off Sharply,” July 13, 1956.

23The New York Times, “Raytheon Shows Increased Profit,” Aug. 29, 1945.

24Author’s interview with Norman Krim.

25The New York Times, “War Instrument Peace-Time Boon,” May 18, 1952.

26According to Norman Krim.

27Inflation calculator at


29The New York Times, “Cooking on No Burners,” May 5, 1957.

30The New York Times, “Microwaves Fail to Lure Home Cooks,” Mar. 31, 1962.


32The New York Times, “Microwave Sales Sizzle as the Scare Fades,” May 2, 1976.


34The New York Times, “Better Homes and Gadgets,” Aug. 7, 2006.

35UK National Statistics, Living in Britain: General Household Survey, 2004.

36The Scotsman, “Microwaves in dire straits as iconic household purchase status is lost,” Mar. 18, 2008.

37DuPont corporate history,

38Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, pp. 431–32.


40Ibid., p. 603.

41Tefal corporate history,

42The New York Times, “Dow Explains Sales Rise,” May 30, 1950.

43The New York Times, “New Uses Shown for Saran Fiber,” Sept. 17, 1952.

44The New York Times, “Peak Net Posted by Dow Chemical,” Aug. 14, 1959.

45Fenichell, Stephen, Plastic: The Making of a Synthetic Century, New York, HarperCollins, 1996, p. 232.


47Ibid., p. 152.

48Ibid., p. 183.

49Ibid., p. 184.

50I.G. Farben trial documents, 97&pageID=1&expand=no.

51Fenichell, Plastic, p. 314.

52From testimony given in the McLibel trial, found at plastics/polystyrene/mclibel_p6.html.

53The New York Times, “Packaging and Public Image: McDonald’s Fills a Big Order,” Nov. 2, 1990.

2 Better Eating Through Chemistry

Opening quotation from Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reprinted by permission of Puffin Books.

1Armstrong, Dan and Black, Dustin, The Book of Spam, New York, Atria Books, 2007, p. 136.


3Ibid., p. 140.

4Ibid., p. 110.

5Ibid., p. 70.

6Levenstein, Paradox of Plenty, p. 85.

7Armstrong and Black, The Book of Spam, p. 73.

8Cleveland Plain Dealer, “Soldiering on: Spam and World War II,” Sept. 14, 2007.

9Armstrong and Black, The Book of Spam, p. 101.

10The Daily Telegraph, “Spam at heart of South Pacific obesity crisis,” Feb. 17, 2008.

11The Cambridge World History of Food, 2000, books/kiple/potatoes.htm.

12Funding Universe,


14The New York Times, “Frozen Food Sales Growing Steadily,” Mar. 9, 1950.

15Schlosser, Eric, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001, p. 114.

16Love, John F., McDonald’s: Behind the Golden Arches, New York, Bantam Books, 1995, p. 329.

17Ibid., p. 330.

18Schlosser, Fast Food Nation, p. 115.

19G.I. Jobs.,

20American Frozen Food Institute,

21Market Line Frozen Food Global Industry Guide, www.

22World Health Organization,

23The Daily Plate, generic/french-fries.

24Journal of Dairy Science, 1956, pp. 844–45.




28Author’s interview with Howard Rogers, Aug. 2008.

29WWII Navy Food Remembered, leftovers/ww2/usn/pla.

30Infoshop report on eggs,

31Leffingwell and Associates report,

32Author’s interview with Scott Smith, June 2009.

33Levenstein, Paradox of Plenty, p. 109.

34Ibid., p. 112.

35Ibid., p. 21.

36Ibid., p. 22.


38Ibid., p. 69.

39Connor, John M. & Schiek, William A., Food Processing: An Industrial Powerhouse in Transition, Second Edition, New York, John Wiley & Sons,1997, p. 33.

40Love, McDonald’s: Behind the Golden Arches, p. 16.

41Ibid., p. 121.

42Ibid., p. 334.

43Company website,

44Love, McDonald’s: Behind the Golden Arches, p. 342.

45Ibid., p. 342.

46Subway is poised to surpass McDonald’s in terms of total outlets but lags far behind in revenue.

47Ibid., p. 347.

3 Arming the Amateurs

1Di Lauro, Al and Rabkin, Gerald, Dirty Movies: An Illustrated History of the Stag Film 1915–1970, New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 1975, p. 52.

2Playboy, “The History of Sex in Cinema: The Stag Film,” Nov. 1976.

3Di Lauro and Rabkin, Dirty Movies, p. 55.

4Ibid., pp. 53–54.

5Playboy, “The History of Sex in Cinema.”

6Di Lauro and Rabkin, Dirty Movies, p. 59.

7Zimmerman, Patricia R., Reel Families: A Social History of Amateur Film, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1995, p. 96.

8Editors of Look, Movie Lot to Beachhead: The Motion Picture Goes to War and Prepares for the Future, Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1945, pp. 58–59.

9Carl Preyer, “Movies Report on Defense Programs,” American Cinematographer, Aug. 1943, p. 445.

10C.E. Eraser, “Motion Pictures in the United States Navy,” Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Dec. 1932, pp. 546–52.

11Zimmerman, Reel Families, p. 97.

12The New York Times, “Fastest Movie Camera Scans the War Machine,” Aug. 15, 1943.

13Zimmerman, Reel Families, p. 108.

14American Cinematographer, “A.S.C. and the Academy to Train Cameramen for Army Services,” June 1942, p. 255.

15Thompson, George Raynor, “Overview: The Signal Corps in World War II,” Army Communicator, Special Edition: The Signal Corps in World War II, vol. 20, no. 4.

16Zimmerman, Reel Families, pp. 115–16.

17Ibid., pp. 120–21.

18Coopersmith, Jonathan, “Pornography, Technology and Progress,” in

Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, volume4, 1998, p. 101.

19Lane, Frederick S., III, Obscene Profits: The Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age, New York, Routledge, 2001, p. 47.

20U.S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, The Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, Washington D.C., GPO, 1970,pp. 129, 190.

21Watts, Steven, Mr. Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream, Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008, p. 59.

22Ibid., p. 70.

23McDonough, Jimmy, Big Bosoms and Square Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer, King of the Sex Film, New York, Crown, 2005, p. 125.

24Ibid., p. 108.

25Ibid., p. 109.

26Ibid., p. 4.

27Lane, Obscene Profits, p. 29.

28McDonough, Big Bosoms and Square Jaws, p. 99.

29Ibid., p. 210.

30Lane, Obscene Profits, p. 29.

31From Lasse Braun’s official website,

32Lane, Obscene Profits, p. 48.

33From the American Presidency Project, index.php?pid=2759.

34Coopersmith, Jonathan, “Do-It-Yourself Pornography,” Ars Electronika, 2008.

35Author’s interview with Gary Cole, May 2009.

36Coopersmith, “Do-It-Yourself Pornography.”

37Chicago Tribune, “The strange allure of photo booths,” May 25, 2005, www.,0,6382269.story.

38Coopersmith, “Do-It-Yourself Pornography.”

39Author’s interview with Jonathan Coopersmith, March 2009.

40Coopersmith, “Do-It-Yourself Pornography.”

41Author’s interview with Brad Casemore, March 2009.

4 A Game of War

1The New York Times, “G.I. Joe Doll Is Capturing New Market,” July 24, 1965.

2Slinky history,

3The New York Times, “Talking Toys with Betty James,” Feb. 21, 1996.

4Slinky history.

5Silly Putty timeline,


7The New Yorker, “Talk of the Town,” Aug. 25, 1950.

8Silly Putty timeline.

9Massachusetts Institute of Technology Inventor of the Week Archive,

10Lord, M.G., Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll, New York, William Morrow, 1994, p. 25.

11Ibid., p. 26.

12Ibid., p. 27.

13Ibid., p. 20.

14Ibid., p. 24.

15Author’s interview with Norman Krim.

16People, “Jack Ryan and Zsa Zsa: A Millionaire Inventor and His Hungarian Barbie Doll,” July 14, 1975.

17Gabor, Zsa Zsa, One Lifetime Is Not Enough, New York, Delacorte Press, 1991, p. 235.

18Lord, Forever Barbie, p. 30.

19Ibid., p. 32.

20BBC News, “Vintage Barbie struts her stuff,” Sept. 22, 2006.

21Hot Wheels history,

22Author’s interview with Norman Krim.

23Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games, “Who really invented the video game?” Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1983.

24”The Manhattan Project, an Interactive History,” me70/manhattan/trinity.htm.

25The New York Times, “There Is No Defense Against Atomic Bombs,” Nov. 3, 1946.

26Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games, “Who really invented the video game?”

27Author’s interview with Dee Katz, Sept. 2008.

28Author’s interview with Robert Dvorak Jr., Sept. 2008.

29Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games, “Who really invented the video game?”

30Author’s interviews with Ralph Baer, Oct. 2008.

31U.S. patent number 3,728,480.

32PBS biography,

33”The Time 100,” shockley.html.

34Computerworld, “The Transistor: The 20th Century’s Most Important Invention,” Jan. 3, 2008, transistor_20th_century_most_important_invention.

35William Shockley, Nobel lecture 1956, see

36The New York Times, “G.I. Joe Doll Is Capturing New Market,” July 24, 1965.

37Seeking Alpha, “The video game industry: An 18-billion entertainment juggernaut,” Aug. 5, 2008,

38CBC News, “U.S. Army forms unit to enlist video games,” Nov. 24, 2008,

39Singer, Wired for War, p. 365.

40Ibid., p. 395.

5 Food from the Heavens

1From Plutarch’s Parallel Lives.

2Annual total comes from The New York Times, “Starship Kimchi: A Bold Taste Goes Where It Has Never Gone Before,” Feb. 24, 2008, www. I’ve divided that consumption by the number of households in 2008, about 16.7 million, from The Hankyoreh, “Household debt soars to record high of 660 trillion won,” Sept. 5, 2008, edition/e_business/308655.html.

3The New York Times, “Starship Kimchi.”



6Allied casualties come from Cooksley, Peter G, Flying Bomb, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1979, p. 175. Concentration camp numbers are from Global Security’s history of weapons of mass destruction,

7Nine countries have developed nuclear weapons: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. Iran is a possible tenth. Twelve countries have launched rockets into space: all of the nuclear powers except Pakistan and North Korea, but including Iran, plus Canada, Australia, Japan and Ukraine.

8Glenn, John, John Glenn: A Memoir, New York, Bantam Books, 1999, p. 264.

9My visit took place on April 1, 2009.

10I have to admit the beans were better at Goode Company.

11White, Terry, The SAS Fighting Techniques Handbook, Guilford, Connecticut, Globe Pequot Press, 2007, p. 28.

12According to Natick’s senior advisor in nutritional biochemistry,

Dr. Patrick Dunne, interviewed in March 2009.

13NASA website, FUNCTIONS.

14Examples taken from NASA’s Spinoff, 2008.

15NASA, “Thought for Food,” Spinoff, 1977, p. 85.

16NASA, “Food Service System,” Spinoff, 1992, pp. 78–79.

17I love camping, but I have yet to find decent-tasting camping food.

18NASA, “Tenderness Tester,” Spinoff, 1977, p. 86.

19NASA, “Poultry Plant Noise Control,” Spinoff, 1982, pp. 94–95.

20NASA, “Spinoff from Space Fuel,” Spinoff, 1982, pp. 46–49.

21Officially known as “Poppin’ Fresh,” the doughboy wasn’t actually conceived until 1965.

22NASA, “A Dividend in Food Safety,” Spinoff, 1991, pp. 52–53.

23Ibid., pp. 53–54.

24NASA, “Space Research Fortifies Nutrition Worldwide,” Spinoff, 2008, pp.106–7.

25NASA, “Eating on Demand,” Spinoff, 1998, p. 73, and an Enersyst report at htm. Cooking times taken from “Enersyst’s Speed Cooling, Thawing Technology Available for Home Use,” Appliance Design, Aug. 22, 2001, 8731be2d0b938010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0____.

26The National Provisioner, “Retort pouches heating up,” May 1, 2005, www.

27Author’s interview with Dave Williams, March 2009.

28Harvey, Brian, The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program: 50 Years After Sputnik, New Frontiers, Chichester, UK, Praxis Publishing, 2007, p. 80.

29Ibid., p. 284.

30Ibid., p. 283., “Russia opens space tech transfer office,” July 6, 2000, 000706.html.

32Cohon, George, with Macfarlane, David, To Russia with Fries, Toronto, McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1997, p. 176.

33Love, Behind the Golden Arches, p. 439.

34Cohon and Macfarlane, To Russia with Fries, p. 178.

35Author’s interview with Shoichi Tachibana, April 2009.

36Author’s interview with Amrinder Singh Bawa, April 2009.

37The Daily Telegraph, “Giant space vegetables ‘could feed the world,’” May 12, 2008,

38The Hindu Business Line, “McDonald’s growth in India hit by poor infrastructure,” Aug. 15, 2004, bline/2004/08/16/stories/2004081600510500.htm. The 2009 figures were taken from the respective corporate websites.

6 The Naked Eye Goes Electronic

1Flynt, Larry, Sex, Lies and Politics: The Naked Truth, New York, Kensington Books, 2004. Reprinted by arrangement with Kensington Publishing Corp., All rights reserved.

2Author’s interview with Lena Sjööblom, Feb. 2008.

3Watts, Mr. Playboy, p. 209.

4Playboy, “Swedish Accent,” Nov. 1972.

5Signal & Imaging Processing Institute history,

6From an estimate made by Jeff Seideman during an interview in Feb. 2008.

7Author’s interview with Alexander Sawchuk, Feb. 2008.

8According to W. Scott Johnston, now a program manager for Raytheon. Johnston originally scanned the photo.

9IEEE Personal Communication Society Newsletter, “Culture, communication and an information age Madonna,” May/June 2001.

10Author’s interview with Jeff Seideman, Feb. 2008.

11Optical Engineering, “Editorial,” Jan. 1992.

12Author’s interview with David Munson, Feb. 2008.

13Author’s interview with Kevin Craig, May 2009.

14Details taken of the IS&T convention appearance are taken from The Journal of the Photographic Historical Society of New England, issue 1, 1999, andthe interview with Jeff Seideman.

15Eastman Kodak corporate history,

16PluggedIn Kodak corporate blog, “We had no idea,” Oct. 16, 2007, default.asp?item=687843.

17Autor’s interview with Steven Sasson, Dec. 2009.

18The Worldwide Community of Imaging Associations, 2001–2002 PMA Industry Trends Report International Markets.

19CNET News, “Cheaper DLSRs to drive digital camera sales,” Aug. 13, 2007,

20National Reconnaissance Project,

21Kroc, Ray, Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s, New York, St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 1987, p. 6.

22Schlosser, Fast Food Nation, p. 66.

23NASA’s Land Remote Sensing Policy, landsat/15USCch82.html.

24Author’s interview with John Hanke, Feb. 2009.

25The New York Times, “The Stock? Whatever. Google Keeps on Innovating,” Oct. 31, 2004.

26The New York Times, “Google Offers a Bird’s-Eye View, and Some Governments Tremble,” Dec. 20, 2005.

27Broadcasting and Cable Yearbook 1995, New Providence, New Jersey, 1995, p. xxi.

28The Economist, “An Adult Affair,” Jan. 4, 1997.

29Los Angeles Times, “Porn quietly becoming pay-TV gold mine,” July 6, 2000.

30The New York Times, “Videotapes for Homes,” June 13, 1979.


32The New York Times, “Sex Films Find Big Market in Home Video,” April 5, 1979.

33Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, volume 4, 1998, p. 105.

34The New York Times, “Sex Films Find Big Market in Home Video,” April 5, 1979.

35Lane, Obscene Profits, p. 51.

36The New York Times, “Company News: Sony, in a Shift, to Make VHS Units,” Jan. 12, 1988.

37The New York Times, “U.S. Move in Video Cameras,” Jan. 5, 1984.

38Forbes, Sept. 18, 1978.

39From a Nov. 29, 2002, radio transcript on

40Video Review, March 1984.

41The New York Times, “Camcorder, CD Sales May Double in 1986,” June 2, 1986.

42Department of Justice, Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography: Final Report, two volumes, Washington, 1986.


44New Society, Sept. 18, 1987.

45The New York Times, “Justices Uphold Businesses’ Right to Sell Phone Sex,” June 24, 1989.

46The Economist, “Heavy breathing,” July 30, 1994.

47The Washington Post, “Money flows into poor countries on X-rated phone lines,” Sept. 23, 1996.

48Family Safe Media pornography statistics, pornography_statistics.

49India Weekly Telecom Newsletter, “Teledensity growing in double digits,” April 2006.

50China Daily, “Ninety-seven phone sex lines closed in China,” Jan. 8, 2005.

51Adult Video News, “Report: Adult mobile market still growing,” May 6, 2009,

52Author’s interview with Michael Klein, Jan. 2009.

53Author’s interview with Kim Kysar, March 2009.

7 The Internet: Military Made, Porn Perfected

1The Dallas Morning News, “Unlikely innovators: Many online technologies were first perfected by the adult industry,” April 26, 2001.

2Author’s interview with Tera Patrick, March 2009.

3Friedman, Thomas L., The World Is Flat, New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005.

4Hafner, Katie, Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1998, p. 20.

5From a speech at DARPAtech by Tony Tether on Aug. 7, 2007.

6From a report given by Tony Tether to the House of Representatives’ subcommittee on terrorism, Mar. 13, 2008.

7Author’s interview with Vint Cerf, Feb. 2009.

8He was also officially made a vice-president.

9Bidgoli, Hossein, The Internet Encyclopedia, Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley & Sons, 2001, p. 118.

10Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, volume 4, 1998, p. 110.

11The Dallas Morning News, “Unlikely innovators,” April 26, 2001.

12The Daily Telegraph, “Three loud cheers for the father of the web,” Jan. 28, 2005.

13Publishing Executive, “Integrated publishing ad sales strategies that work,” Feb. 9, 2007.

14Coopersmith, “Pornography, Technology and Progress,” p. 110.

15Ibid., p. 111.

16The New York Times, “Digital ‘watermarks’ assert internet copyright,” June 30, 1997.

17CNET News, “Playboy wins Net copyright suit,” April 2, 1998, http://

18Coopersmith, “Pornography, Technology and Progress,” p. 113.

19Author’s interview with Steve Orenstein, March 2009.

20The interview took place in April 2009.

21Author’s interview with Paul Benoit, March 2009.

22Author’s interview with Jack Dowland, April 2009.

23ZDNet, “Naughton looks set to escape prison,” http://news.zdnet.,1000000183,2080719,00.htm.

24Techcrunch, “Internet pornography stats,” May 12, 2007, www.

25Coopersmith, “Pornography, Technology and Progress,” p. 113.

26Ibid., p. 112.

27The Independent, “Danni Ashe: Danni’s drive to Net profits,” Aug. 6, 2001.

28The Dallas Morning News, “Unlikely innovators,” April 26, 2001.

29Ibid., “ISPs get an eyeful of porn bonanza,” Sept. 10, 2001.

31BBC News, “Porn and music drive broadband,” May 20, 2003,, “ISPs get an eyeful of porn bonanza.”

33The $3 billion amount comes from a TechCrunch estimate for 2006, The $5 billion global number comes from the Internet Filter Review,

34Adult Video News, “Analysis: Porn cheaper than ever online,” April 21, 2009,

35Techcrunch, “Internet pornography stats,” May 12, 2007, www.

36Adult Video News, “Analysis: Porn cheaper than ever online.”

37Wired, “Turns out porn isn’t recession proof,” business/2008/07/turns-out-por-1.html.

38Author’s interview with Samantha Lewis, April 2009.

39Author’s interview with Kim Kysar, March 2009,

40Author’s interview with Michael Klein, Jan. 2009., Nov. 5, 2006, “Miles away, ‘I’ll have a burger,’” com/business/globe/articles/2006/11/05/miles_away_ill_have_a_ burger.

42Customer Management Insight, “McDonald’s, cell centers and Joe Fleischer,” April 11, 2006, archives/2006/04/mcdonalds_call.html.

43The New York Times, “The long-distance journey of a fast-food order,” April 11, 2006,

8 Seeds of Conflict

1From his 1949 Nobel lecture, laureates/1949/orr-lecture.html., “President George W. Bush’s address on stem cell research,” Aug. 11, 2001, bush.transcript/index.html.

3Wilmut, Ian and Highfield, Roger, After Dolly: The Promise and Perils of Human Cloning, New York, W.W. Norton & Company Ltd., 2006, p. 186., “Bush administration in hot seat over warming,” Jan. 30, 2007,

5The New York Times, “The science of denial,” June 4, 2008.

6United Nations wire, “U.S. mulls action against Europe,” Jan. 10, 2003,

7The Independent, “George Bush: Europe must accept GM food,” May 23, 2003,

8Weasel, Food Fray, p. 61.

9Ibid., pp. 61–62.

10Ibid., p. 62.

11Nobel lecture by Norman Borlaug, “The Green Revolution, peace and humanity,” Dec. 11, 1970, laureates/1970/borlaug-lecture.html.

12National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit, uk/index.htm.

13Daily Mail, “Questions about genetically modified organisms,” June 1, 1999.

14The Wall Street Journal, “McDonald’s, other fast-food chains pull Monsanto’s bio-engineered potato,” April 28, 2000.

15Reuters, “Eli Lilly and Company to acquire Monsanto’s Posilac brand dairy product and related business,” Aug. 20, 2008, article/pressRelease/idUS127863+20-Aug-2008+PRN20080820.

16Weasel, Food Fray, p. 6.

17Statistics are from the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2008.

18Center for Food Safety statistics.


20The Daily Telegraph, “Prince Charles warns GM crops risk causing the biggest-ever environmental disaster,” Nov. 10, 2008.

21Singer, Wired for War, p. 283.

22Singer, P.W., Children at War, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, p. 39.

23A 2009 estimate by the Institute of Food Technologists.

24Wired, “The future of food,” Nov. 2008.

25Living History Farm, “The Green Revolution,” www.livinghistoryfarm. org/farminginthe50s/crops_13.html.

26Woodward, Billy, Shurkin, Joel and Gordon, Debra, Scientists Greater Than Einstein: The Biggest Lifesavers of the Twentieth Century, Fresno, California,Linden Publishing, 2009, chapter 5.

27From the Monsanto website,

28Author’s interview with Peter Singer, May 2009.

29Singer, Children at War, pp. 39–40.

30Ibid., p. 45.

31Ibid., p. 63.


33Author’s interview with Graeme Smith, May 2009.

34USA Today, “Root out seeds of terrorism in sub-Saharan countries,” April 14,2003,

35The New York Times, “War in the Gulf: The troops—blacks wary of their big role as troops,” Jan. 25, 1991.

36The New York Times, “‘Counter-recruiter’ seeks to block students’ data from the military,” Oct. 23, 2008.

37Author’s interview with Eric Darier, May 2009.

38Weasel, Food Fray, p. 68.

39Ibid., p. 69.

40Author’s interview with Bruce Cranny, May 2009.

41Weasel, Food Fray, p. 79.

9 Fully Functional Robots

1The Economist, “Trust me, I’m a robot,” June 8, 2006, www.economist. com/sciencetechnology/tq/displaystory.cfm?story_id=7001829.

2Author’s interview with Bakhtiar Litkouhi, GM’s manager of vehicle control systems, Jan. 2008.

3The 2008 estimate and $21.4 billion projection comes from a report by Publications, “Global robotics market to reach $21.4 billion in 2014,” April 23, 2009, at pages/zone.cgi?a=49647. The $100 billion projection comes from Robotics TCMNet, “S. Korean gov’t aims to turn robot industry into global leader,” April 17, 2008, news/2009/04/17/4137987.htm.

4Scientific American, “A robot in every home,” Jan. 2007, article.cfm?id=a-robot-in-every-home.

5Comments are from a speech at the RoboBusiness conference in Boston, April 2009.

6Author’s interview with Colin Angle, April 2008.

7From full-year 2008 company earnings.

8Author’s interview with Kevin Fahey, April 2008.

9DARPA press release, “DARPA plans grand challenge for robotic ground vehicles,” Jan. 2, 2003, media_news.htm.


11Singer, Wired for War, p. 137.

12The Washington Post, “The Army’s $200 billion makeover,” Dec. 7, 2007, AR2007120602836.html?sid=ST2007120602927., “U.S. Army praises robot makers for help in wars,” April 8, 2008,

14Singer, Wired for War, p. 78.

15Author’s interview with Takayuki Toriyama, April 2009.

16Singer, Wired for War, p. 241.

17The Daily Telegraph, “Cyberlover flits its way to internet fraud,” Dec. 11, 2007,

18Rough Type, “Slutbot aces Turing test,” Dec. 8, 2007, www.roughtype. com/archives/2007/12/slutbot_passes.php.

19Hacker News, Dec. 9, 2007, item?id=87426.

20Author’s interview with Dean Turner, March 2009.

21It typically ranks in the high 500s on

22Author’s interview with Scott Coffman, March 2009.

23From the Real Doll website, Real Doll sales figures come from Levy, David, Love + Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships, New York, HarperCollins, 2007, p. 244.

24Levy, Love + Sex with Robots, p. 175.

25Japan Today, “Plastic fantastic: Japan’s doll industry booming,” May 19, 2008.

26Author’s interview with Le Trung, March 2009.

27Levy, Love + Sex with Robots, p. 215.

28Author’s interview with Douglas Hines, Dec. 2009.

29Author’s interview with R. Craig Coulter, April 2008.

30CNET News, “HyperActive Bob gets fries to go,” Mar. 27, 2007, http://,39029672,49288771,00.htm.

31Author’s interview with David Rogers, senior director of business integration for McDonald’s Canada, April 2008.

32Robotics Business Review, March/April 2009 issue, pp. 30–31.

33The Reuters news video can be found on my blog at www. html

10 Operation Desert Lab

1Wilder, Thornton, The Skin of Our Teeth, New York, Samuel French, 1942, p. 117. Copyright © 1942 The Wilder Family LLC. Reprinted by arrangement with The Wilder Family LLC and the Barbara Hogenson Agency.

2Singer, Wired for War, p. 310.

3The Associated Press, “Video shows direct hit by smart bomb,” Jan. 19, 1991.

4New Scientist, “US gambles on a ‘smart’ war in Iraq,” Mar. 19, 2003, www.

5Global Security, “Night vision goggles,” systems/ground/nvg.htm.

6The Gazette (Colorado Springs), “Military learns from Gulf War glitches, updates space technology,” Jan. 27, 2001, news/2001/010127-space2.htm.

7White House Office of the Press Secretary, “Statement by the President regarding the United States’ decision to stop degrading Global Position System accuracy,” May 1, 2000, OSTP/html/0053_2.html.

8Garmin 2008 annual report., “World GPS market forecast to 2013,” www.

10Singer, Wired for War, p. 58.

11Chronology of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, www.islandnet. com/~kpolsson/windows/win1990.htm.

12Singer, Wired for War, p. 58.

13CBC News, “Honda unveils wearable walking device,” world/story/2008/11/07/walk-assist.html.

14Raytheon press release, rtn08_exoskeleton.

15Wired, “Be more than you can be,” March 2007.

16Michael Goldblatt speech, DARPAtech 2002.

17Wired, “Be more than you can be,” March 2007.

18Author’s interview with Franz-Josef Och, Feb. 2009.



21Google blog, “A new landmark in computer vision,” http://googleblog.

22”Plan for cloaking device unveiled,” May 25, 2006, BBC News, http://

23The Sun, “Boffins invent invisible tank,” Oct. 30, 2007, www.thesun.

Conclusion: The Benevolence of Vice

1Alcott, Amos Bronson, Table Talk, Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1877, p. 90.

2Author’s interview with Ed Zywicz, Feb. 2009.

3Author’s interview with George Caporaso, Feb. 2009.

4Mutsugoto website,

5Author’s interview with Joanna Angel, July 2009.

6Author’s interview with Stoya, March 2009.

7I nicked this subhead from the book of the same name by Harvey Levenstein.

8Chris Rock: Bring the Pain, 1996.

9Hoover Institution Policy Review, “Is Food the New Sex?” Feb. & March 2009,

10CBC News, “Researchers working on natural food preservatives,” Sept. 7, 2009,

11The Independent, “Global arms spending rises despite economic woes,” June 9, 2009,

12USDA, “China’s food service sector continues sustained growth,” July 2006, ChinaHRIOverview.htm.