
FIRST, THE WRITER is especially indebted to Philip E. Howard Jr., editor of the Sunday School Times, who first proposed the writing of a series of articles for that valued paper on “The Cross in the Life of the Believer.” This request was taken by the author as a call from God to prepare in book form the teachings herein set forth. Mr. Howard had granted very gracious permission that the chapters which appeared in the Sunday School Times be reprinted in this manner.

The writer acknowledges the great kindness of various authors and publishers, who have granted permission to use extracts from their copyrighted publications. Among these are the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, for selections from the books of Miss Amy Carmichael; Christian Publications, Inc., for selections from The Way of the Cross, by J. Gregory Mantle; Zondervan Publishing House and Marshall, Morgan and Scott, Ltd., for excerpts from the writings of F. J. Huegel, Dr. Ernest Gordon, and Dr. Samuel Zwemer; Moody Publishers for selections from The Two-Fold Life, by Dr. A. J. Gordon, and Romans, by William R. Newell; the China Inland Mission for a selection from The Growth of a Soul; Harper Brothers for a selection from The Progress of Worldwide Missions, by Dr. R. H. Glover.

We are also deeply indebted for brief quotations from the writings of various great saints such as Madame Guyon, Gerhard Ter Steegen, Charles Simeon, William Law, Andrew Murray, Bishop Moule, Mrs. Penn-Lewis, Oswald Chambers, and others. So familiar have we become with the writings of some of the leaders in the deeper truths of the Spirit that we find ourselves quoting them verbatim.