This book is a powerful tool for action. It cuts through the politicized rhetoric that too often clouds public discussion regarding climate change by offering practical and manageable advice as to how each of us can take steps that, collectively, can effect meaningful change. I believe it is exactly the kind of synthesis we need, with accessible, up-to-date scientific knowledge that we all will find useful.

My scientific research has delved into many aspects of climate science for more than three decades. When I began my career, most ocean scientists expected to see little change in the world's oceans over the course of their lives. After all, the oceans are vast, with an average depth of more than 12,000 feet. Moreover, it takes about a thousand years for ocean currents to fully mix the oceans and, because of strong density gradients, most of the deep ocean is influenced only very slowly by what happens near the ocean surface. I simply could never have imagined that I would see the dramatic changes in our oceans that have been documented over the past few decades.

I still vividly remember an eye-opening experience in 1986, while I was at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. I had taken a sabbatical leave from my position at Harvard to start a new scientific journal and launch a new international research program. One day, a colleague walked into my office with new data showing surface ocean temperature over the previous several decades and said, “Jim, it looks like the oceans are warming.” That same year, Antarctic ice core data were first published showing a clear link between atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and temperature over the last 100,000-year glacial-interglacial cycle.

Compelling evidence for human-caused climate change arises from observations of deep ocean warming, recent melting of land ice and ice shelves that had been in place for many thousands of years, an acceleration in sea level rise, ice cores that show how Earth's temperature fluctuated with atmospheric greenhouse gas content in the past, and ocean-wide data documenting unusually rapid changes in ocean chemistry (aka ocean acidification). All of these recent changes are consistent with the unusual rate at which heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide, are being released into and retained within the lower atmosphere.

Developments in climate science have progressed swiftly over the past several decades. We now know that climate change is happening 100 to 1,000 times faster than at any time since humans first inhabited Earth. Textbooks are being rewritten. We now see that climate and the ocean carbon cycle are inextricably linked, and each is highly sensitive to perturbations in the other. We now know with ever-increasing precision that significant change in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations can cause reverberations throughout the entire climate system.

As a scientist, I am acutely aware of the implications of the changes now underway in our climate system and the peril they portend. Sea level rise, for instance, poses a grave danger to the disproportionate number of people who live near coastlines. Analyses demonstrate linkages between global warming trends and an increase in the number and severity of heat waves as well as the severity of intense precipitation events, both of which pose dangers to human health and well-being. As a parent and grandparent, I think often about the consequences of these changes for my children and grandchildren.

Much of my work over the past several decades has involved the science-policy interface, and I am dismayed by the current politicization of the debate surrounding climate policy in the United States. Climate science is complicated, and no one can say with high confidence precisely how climate will change in the future—we are in uncharted territory. But fundamental aspects of climate change science inform us about likely futures and make clear that choices we make today will affect climate decades from now. I am also painfully aware of how poorly scientists have done in communicating some of these fundamental aspects of climate change science to many nonscientists and public officials, who really do need to be aware of the consequences of ignoring this science.

Part of the problem is that very few scientists have had good training in how to communicate with the public. When scientists talk to one another, we tend to focus on the parts of our research we find most interesting: namely, what we don't know and what further research is needed to fill these gaps in our understanding. Good scientists are always questioning everything they have been taught or have themselves discovered. We train our students to go beyond what we can teach them—to use newer methods for gathering evidence, to subject their data to ever more sophisticated analyses, to always keep their minds open to other views in order to advance, in the most genuine sense of the word, the science that intrigues us. In this way, scientific knowledge is always evolving—our understanding of complex science will never be perfect, but it is constantly being improved. Unfortunately, this vital aspect of the scientific endeavor can be confusing to those who are looking for the clearest scientific findings that can be used in the formulation of policy. But at the most fundamental level, we now know unequivocally that climate change is occurring. We also know that by dramatically reducing our emissions of heat-trapping gases we can avoid some very serious consequences for the natural and built environment upon which all of human society depends. This book is important because it is informed by the very latest scientific understanding of the problem and pairs this knowledge with clear and effective strategies.

Unfortunately, it is also true that some people think that when a scientist comments on the implications of scientific findings for policy, this means that the expert has strayed into advocacy and diminished his or her objectivity. This misperception ignores the fact that scientists have a responsibility to share their knowledge, especially when it bears on pressing problems of the day. Given the magnitude of the climate problem we face, climate scientists have a responsibility to use every opportunity we have to share our understanding of climate science with the public and with policy makers across the land and to work with them to arrive at solutions. Here again, this volume makes an important contribution: a collection of expert analysts have teamed up with professional science writers and communications specialists to present the material in an engaging and action-oriented manner that is easy for each of us to understand and implement. It inspires me to take yet another look at my own personal habits to see what more I can do and to share this book's advice with others.

Finally, because global warming is occurring on a planet-wide scale, the solutions can seem overwhelming. To address this issue, we need to work at scales where we can have success. Not long ago, I served on a committee in Boston tasked to address how the city could reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases. We looked into making a 20 percent reduction by 2025 and realized that such a reduction wouldn't be all that difficult to achieve. So, with a go-ahead from Boston's mayor, Thomas Menino, we decided to reach higher—developing a plan for reductions of 25 percent in the same time period. Mayor Menino accepted this plan, and he and his staff found in meeting after meeting that there was wide public support for this trajectory for the city of Boston.

In fact, common-sense suggestions to address climate change have found similar reception across the country. Working for citywide reductions in emissions is on a scale that works. And not just in so-called blue states. Where options for alternative climate futures are clearly presented, people understand that changes are needed and that these make sense. At this level, there is much less opportunity for a variety of confounding special interests to block progress.

We very much need this kind of thinking on the state, national, and international levels as well. But we also need to make changes in our own personal actions. As this volume explains, individuals cannot solve the problems of a warming planet on their own. And yet it is also true that we can never hope to have success without changing our individual behavior to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. This, too, is on a scale at which we can have discernible success. And this book gives each of us the information and inspiration we need to get started.

James J. McCarthy

Alexander Agassiz Professor

of Biological Oceanography

Harvard University