You could do trivia night at a bar, or in the comfort of your own home. Gather some friends, pick a trivia master, and have fun! Answers are on page 501, but each question contains a hint.

1.What do these five words have in common: panther, purple, wolf, twelfth, toilet?

Hint: The thing they share is a thing they lack.

2.Which candy was taken to the South Pole in the 1930s?

Hint: It was discontinued in 2018.

3.Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was a part of another military branch until 1947?

Hint: Its name ended in “Corps” before it split off on its own.

4.What’s unique about the hyoid bone?

Hint: If it’s broken, it helps forensic investigators determine the cause of death.

5.In what two recent decades were the most popular baby names Michael and Jessica?

Hint: The names that took over the top spots next were Jacob and Emily.

6.Singer Bruno Mars was named after Bruno Sammartino, a legend of what sport?

Hint: The sport’s abbreviation was changed by one letter in 2002.

7.Farriers put what things on what animals?

Hint: They probably have good fortune.

8.What famous action movie prop is a depiction of a woman giving birth?

Hint: The prop is discovered at the beginning of the movie, then it’s lost, and it’s never spoken of again.

9.Which U.S. state has the most pickup trucks?

Hint: It’s not Texas.

10.India is the world’s largest democracy, and the U.S. is #2. Which country has the third largest democracy?

Hint: Waterfront property is plentiful there.

11.If an animal has albinism, what color are its eyes?

Hint: They’re neither red nor white.

12.Recorded in 1966 and ’67, what two #1 songs by the Monkees have the same word in their titles?

Hint: Faithful fans will know. (Shrek fans might also know.)

13.Which two pop divas famously feuded when they were both American Idol judges in 2013?

Hint: In 2010 the singers collaborated on the hit single “Up Out My Face.”

14.Who invented champagne?

Hint: His name should be familiar, even if you don’t drink champagne.

15.Puck, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon are some of the moons of what planet?

Hint: The planet is blue.

16.Though technically not its capital, what city is the seat of government of the Netherlands?

Hint: It also begins with “The.”

17.What food name comes from the Arabic word for “chickpea”?

Hint: It’s what you eat when you don’t know the words.

18.How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?

Hint: It would be difficult to accurately measure out half a tablespoon using a teaspoon.


What’s the difference between a puma, mountain lion, panther, and cougar? Nothing.



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Drink as Much as You Want and Live Longer, by Frederick M. Beyerlein

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Rarest blood type: Rh-null, also called golden because it’s so rare. Only about 40 people worldwide have it.