
PLATE 1: Flowers and guide-mark patterns

Plate 1a

Alpine clover, Trifolium alpinium

Plate 1b

A sun rose, Halimium lasianthum

Plate 1c

Half section of flower of common dog violet, Viola riviniana

Plate 1d

Androsace sarmentosa: the flowers have a yellow ring round the mouth of the corolla tube when newly opened, which changes to red as the flower ages

Plate 1e

Bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara, a flower adapted to vibratory pollen collection: the anther-cone contrasts in colour with the rest of the flower

Plate 1f

Bastard balm, Melittis melissophyllum

Plate 1g

A lousewort, Pedicularis oederi

Plate 1h

Half section of flower of foxglove, Digitalis purpurea


Plate 2a

Sawfly, Tenthredo, on marsh marigold, Caltha palustris

Plate 2b

Solitary bee, Colletes daviesanus, on Anthemis tinctoria(PFY)

Plate 2c

Solitary bee, Andrena haemorrhoa on pear blossom

Plate 2d

Solitary bee, Anthophora plumipes, approaching a garden comfrey, Symphytum

Plate 2e

Bumblebee, Bombus pratorum, on rayed form of common knapweed, Centaurea nigra

Plate 2f

Bee-fly, Bombylius major, visiting primrose, Primula vulgaris(J E Bebbington)


Plate 3a

Hoverfly, Rhingia campestris, visiting red campion, Silene dioica

Plate 3b

Common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus, on fleabane, Pulicaria dysenterica

Plate 3c

Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, on hemp agrimony, Eupatorium cannabinum

Plate 3d

Lulworth skipper butterfly, Thymelicus acteon, sucking nectar of red valerian, Centranthus ruber

Plate 3e

Broad-bordered bee hawkmoth, Hemaris fuciformis, hovering at field scabious, Knautia Dordogne, (J E Bebbington)

PlATE 4: Wind Pollination

Plate 4a

Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris: male cones shedding pollen

Plate 4b

Scots pine, young female cones at the receptive stage

Plate 4c

Norway spruce, Picea abies: young female cones at the receptive stage (the cones turn brown and hang down from the branches at maturity)

Plate 4d

the yellow male catkins and the red female flowers of hazel, Corylus avellana

Plate 4e

A spikelet of couch grass, Elymus repens, showing the large freely-exposed stamens and feathery stigmas

PLATE 5: Fly-pollinated flowers

Plate 5a

Aristolochia elegans, a liana, with a U-shaped tube and large entrance funnel

Plate 5b

A. certica, cut open to show entrance to prison guarded like a lobster pot, receptive stigmas and undehisced anthers (PFY)

Plate 5c

Stapelia hirsuta (Asclepiadaceae): a carrion-like flower borne near the ground, with blowfly eggs

Plate 5d

Arisaema propinquum (Araceae), W. Himalyas: the translucent veins of the spathe show up brightly behind the entrance

Plate 5e

Mouse plant Arisarum probocideum (Araceae): inflorescence with half of the spathe removed, showing the fungus-like spadix appendage, a female flower and several male flowers

Plate 5f

Umbels of hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium (Apiaceae), with flies and an ichneumon wasp (PFY)

PLATE 6: Sexually-deceptive orchids

Plate 6a

Male solitary wasp, Argogorytes mystaceus, on fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera, Wiltshire (H Jones)

Plate 6b

Mirror orchid, Ophrys speculum

Plate 6c

Yellow bee orchid, Ophrys lutea

Plate 6d

Self-pollination of bee orchid, Ophrys apifera: one pollination is hanging from the anther, a second is adhering to the stigma

Plate 6e

Ichneumon wasp, Lissopimpla excelsa, visiting Australian tongue-orchid, Cryptostylis leptochila (J A L Cooke/OSF)

Plate 6f

Thynnine wasp visiting W. Australian hammer orchid, Drakaea glyptodon (Babs and Bert Wells/OSF)

PLATE 7: Flower-visiting birds

Plate 7a

Bronzy hermit hummingbird, Glaucis aenea, at passion flower, Passiflora vitifolia, Costa Rica (Michael Fogden/OSF)

Plate 7b

Broad-tailed hummingbird, Selasphorus platycercus, at scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata, USA (Claude Steelman/OSF)

Plate 7c

Male purple sunbird, Nectarinia asiatica, at aloe, Oman (Mike Brown/OSF)

Plate 7d

Cape sugar bird, Promerops cafer, on Protea, S. Africa (E & D Hosking/FLPA)

Plate 7e

Tawny-crowned honeyeater, Phylidonyris melanops, at Melaleuca W. Australia (Babs and Bert Wells/OSF)

PLATE 8: Flower-visting mammals

Plate 8a

Queensland blossom bat, Syconycteris australis, on Mucuna macropoda, Papua New Guinea (M J G & H C F Hopkins)

Plate 8b

Short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx , visiting wild banana inflorescence (merlin D Tuttle/OSF)

Plate 8c

Honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus, on Banksia coccinea, W. Australia (Babs and Bert Wells/OSF)

Plate 8d

Namaqua rock mouse, Aethomys namaquensis, feeding at Protea South Africa (J A L Cooke/OSF)