Chapter 25


“So you’ve told Kenneth and his wife that I’m coming with you?” her mother asked.

Destiny nodded. “Yes, I told them and I also told them that I wanted to surprise the kids. They agreed not to tell them we were coming.”

“That was nice of them. What’s on the schedule for the time we’re there?”

“We’ll hit some local tourist spots that the kids haven’t visited yet. They haven’t done Disney, so we get to do that with them. Kenneth and Mary Margaret are also trying to get tickets to one of the kids’ TV shows filming this summer. I hope we get to take in a taping of one of their favorite shows. It’s going to be a short trip, so we won’t be able to do a lot. We’ll leave here on Friday night and get back on Monday night. Barely just enough time to see the kids and give them a big hug.”

“You’re right about the short time frame,” her mother said. “I wish we could stay longer. I’d like to make it to one of those game shows myself. Maybe I’ll look into it.”

Destiny nodded. “Go ahead. It can’t hurt and it may work out.”

“Would you go with me?”

“Of course I would, Mom. It would be fun.”

“I think so. I’ll definitely look into it. Is there anything else I need to do?”

Destiny shook her head. “Everything’s covered.”

“You’ve already booked the hotel and you’re buying the tickets soon?” her mother asked.

“Yes, I’ll book them tonight.”

“I’m paying you back for everything,” her mother said, beginning to wash the few dishes they had used.

“I know, Mom,” Destiny said. “I’ll put the tickets on my credit card. When I get ready to pay the bill, I’ll let you know.”

“You’d better, Destiny. I want to pay my way.”

Destiny rolled her eyes when her mother wasn’t looking. “I’ll keep track of everything I spend on you so you can pay me back.”

“Okay,” her mother said. “Now get a towel and dry these dishes. We should be finished in no time.”

Destiny did as she was told.

“I’m glad you came over tonight,” her mother said, handing her a plate.

Destiny took the plate and wiped it with the towel. “I told you I was going to visit more.”

“But I know you’ve been busy, so I appreciate your looking in on your old mom.”

Destiny wanted to laugh at her mother’s reference to herself as old. The woman was anything but.

“How’s school?” her mother asked, handing her a pot to dry.

Taking it, Destiny said, “You may have been right, Mom.”

Her mother stopped washing dishes and turned to her. “What did you say? Did I hear you right?”

Destiny rolled her eyes again. This time she knew her mother saw her. “You heard me. I said you may have been right. Somewhere along the way I think I turned into a good student.”

Her mother turned back to the dishes. “You always had it in you. I’ve always said so.”

Maybe she had been capable back then, Destiny considered. Or maybe she had a different perspective now. Like Mrs. Robinson had told her, having a purpose for her studies made doing the studying much easier.

“How’s the job at the church?” her mother asked. Finished with the dishes, she pulled the plug to let the water out of the sink.

Destiny leaned back against the counter and watched her mother clean the counter. “It’s going well, too.”

Her mother glanced back at her. “So you’re working with that new pastor?”

Destiny refused to ask how her mother knew. “Yes,” she said simply.

“I hear he’s a handsome devil. Single, too.”

Destiny knew where her mother was going. “We work together, Mom. That’s all,” she said, refusing to bring up the open house and reception she and Daniel were attending together next week. She’d hear enough about that from Natalie. She didn’t need her mom’s two cents. Besides, what she and Daniel were starting was new and fresh and she wanted to keep it between them for a while.

“You’re an attractive woman, Destiny,” her mom said. “You could have a man if you halfway tried.”

Oh no, Destiny thought. Her going back to college was not enough. Now her mom thought she needed a man. And if her mom was true to her nature, she’d harp on this point the same way she’d harped on school. Her mom was never satisfied. “Did I tell you that I’m also going to work on getting my natural hair care license?” she offered as a change in the topic of conversation.

“Natural hair care license? Where did this come from?”

Destiny was able to keep from rolling her eyes this time. “You know I do hair.”

Finished with the kitchen cleanup, her mom turned to her. “I know you enjoy doing hair, Destiny, but you need to focus now. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

“I’m not, Mom,” Destiny said, realizing that there were few safe topics for her and her mom. They all seemed to end in conflict.

“When do you have time to work on getting a hair care license? You have a full-time job, you’re working part-time at the church, and you’re going to school. Everything is going well now. I just don’t want you to mess it up.”

Destiny wanted to believe her mother didn’t intend to be negative. It just seemed to always turn out that she was. “It’s not going to be too much, Mom. I’m going to work as an apprentice at a shop nearby. I’ll continue to do my friends’ hair. The only difference is, I’ll do it at the salon and get credit toward my license.”

“I don’t know, Destiny. Are you sure that’s going to work? How can you get a license that way?”

“It’s going to work,” she said.

“Well, I hope you’ve researched it. I’d hate for you to spend all that time and have nothing to show for it.”

“I’ve researched it, Mom,” she said. “Mrs. Robinson, the counselor at the college, told me about it. It’s her shop and I’m going to be her apprentice.”

“Mrs. Robinson?” her mother asked.

Destiny nodded. “Yes. Annie Robinson. Do you know her? She says she’s been at the college for about ten years.”

“The name sounds familiar,” her mother said. “Then again I’m sure there’s more than one Annie Robinson in Atlanta.”

“Probably so,” Destiny said. “This one has been really nice to me. She helped with my classes and she gave me some tips on how to be a good student. I don’t know why, but she has gone out of her way to assist me.”

“That’s what counselors are supposed to do, Destiny. I wouldn’t read too much into it. The woman is only doing her job.”

Destiny thought her mother was wrong about Mrs. Robinson. Destiny knew the woman was going beyond what was required in helping her. Natalie and Bertice saw it as God working all these things together for her good. Why couldn’t her mother see them that way?

“Well, I hope this woman knows what she’s doing. I still think focus is important when you’re in school and working two jobs. Nobody can do everything.”

“I’m not trying to do everything,” Destiny said, wondering what her mother would think if she knew she was working the third job with HR Solutions. “I want to do these things. They’re all related anyway.”

Her mother folded her arms across her midsection. “I don’t see how they are related and I don’t see how you can do them all. It’s too much.”

Destiny thought about trying to explain it to her mother and then decided against it. “You’ll have to trust me, Mom, when I say they are.”

“It’s not about trust, Destiny,” her mother said. “It’s about wisdom. You have all this on your plate and you’re getting ready to take some time off to go to California. Can you even afford to do that given all your commitments?”

“I can afford it, Mom,” she said.

“You know I’m not talking dollars and cents,” her mother said.

“I’ve taken care of my responsibilities,” Destiny said. “Besides, it’s only for one weekend. I’m not going to get behind on anything while I’m away. You really do have to trust that I know what I’m doing.”

Her mother didn’t look convinced but Destiny was glad she let the matter drop. Grateful for the lapse in conversation, she said, “Well, I should be getting home. I have some homework tonight and I want to read ahead a bit so I don’t have to worry about studying when I’m in California.”

“Okay, dear,” her mother said. “You drive carefully.”

“I will,” Destiny said, giving her mother a good-bye hug and a peck on the forehead.

“And don’t forget to book those plane tickets,” her mother called as she walked out the door.

Without looking back, she lifted her hand and said, “I won’t, Mom.” She couldn’t wait until the end of the summer and she and the kids moved into the house in Gwinnett County. Maybe then her mother could see that she was capable of making good decisions.