Amulets, Talismans, and Other Magical Methods


Amulets and talismans are different names for the same thing. They are symbolic emblems that have illustrations or inscriptions on them, and when they are “charged,” they help their owners achieve their desires.

Amulets can be made from any natural thing, such as fine wood chips and small wooden blocks, or from stones, rocks, or finely polished metal disks. The amulet needs an illustration or description imbedded into it that represents the thing that the owner requires. Some carry an image on one side and a written inscription on the reverse. Amulets, talismans, and charms are not confined to witches. Indeed, male, non-Pagan individuals carry a lucky charm around with them when they feel the need for it or if they feel that they might be in any kind of danger. Many will choose to carry a particular image without realizing the power it portrays or its Pagan significance.

If you carve or inscribe the amulet yourself, this will increase its power and give better results. You don't need to be a brilliant artist to engrave or draw a picture on an amulet, because it will work well however you do it. You can chisel, draw, or paint your chosen symbol. It is quite acceptable to make or design an amulet for someone else—with his or her permission, of course. If you do this, not only do you need to believe in your magic, but the person you are doing it for also needs to understand what you are doing and believe in its properties as well. Added to a ritual, this can help to produce a positive outcome.

When I was in my early twenties, a lady who was desperate to conceive came to see me. After many years of trying, and in spite of everything she did, she still remained barren. I toyed with the idea of performing a spell for her, but I decided to create an amulet instead, because it had been a long time since I had had the satisfaction of making one of these wonderful items.

While I was creating it, I entered a positive thinking mode. I created an amulet from a small stone that I had picked up on the beach some months before. I used enamel to paint a figure of a pregnant woman on one side and the name of the lady on the reverse. While making the amulet, I concentrated intently on the idea of the woman becoming a mother. When the amulet was ready, I charged the stone on my altar and then gave it to her with instructions for her to keep it on her person at all times.

Magic sometimes doesn't work in the way we would like it to. In this instance, I couldn't help laughing, because she telephoned me six weeks later to say that she still hadn't managed to conceive, but her treasured pet cat had! Sometime later, she was the proud owner of three kittens that she subsequently mothered like crazy. You can't always change the laws of destiny, and it was not hers to be a parent in this lifetime—but the amulet had certainly done its job for one whose fate it was.

You need to charge your amulet, and this can be done in a variety of ways. If your object is solid and made from metal, wood, or stone, an appropriate method of cleansing and charging can be by way of placing the amulet in a stream for a few minutes. It will then absorb the natural forces of life and draw their strength and power into itself. Naturally, you will need to use a different method if you have made your amulet from paper. Paper is a good substance for those who need a quick and effective charm. Place your amulet in the middle of your pentagram on your altar. A simple five-minute ritual will get it up and running.

Designing and Charging an Amulet

If you want to make a quick and easy amulet, you will need some sturdy paper. Cut this into your choice of shape, something that will fit inside a wallet or pocket. When you have done this, set out your altar with your pentagram in the center and your amulet sitting comfortably in the middle of it.

Light two white candles. Sit very quietly in front of your altar, focusing all of your energies on the amulet before you. Focus intensely on it, soaking up every detail that you created. Take the amulet in your left hand (the hand closest to your heart) and imagine that a brilliant white light surrounds you. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the amulet and visualize its future purpose.

If money is the problem, visualize yourself paying your bills with ease. If you want a new job, imagine the kind of job or the specific company that you want to work for. If you are doing this correctly, you will actually be able to see the light from the candle charging your amulet. At this point, you should get a strong feeling of emotional comfort and security. You may feel slightly light-headed, but don't worry; this is quite normal. Next place the amulet on your pentagram in front of the lit candle, and look directly at the burning flame. Repeat the following invocation:

I summon thee, angels of the cosmos,

To bring magical power to the symbol before me.

Clear it of negative and cleanse it with positive.

Let it shine forever.

So mote it be.


Leave the amulet on the altar for about half an hour, letting the candles burn merrily away; then your amulet will be charged. If you find that for some reason your amulet isn't working for you, or your situation hasn't improved, then recharge it in the same way. Once charged properly, the process shouldn't need to be repeated again; but it may not always work the first time, so be prepared to do it a second time if necessary.

All spells and magical methods work best if they are kept secret. I have quite a collection of amulets and decided that I needed a permanent home for them, so I decorated a small box in which to keep them. I charge them first and then leave them untouched until I feel the need to use one.

If you decide to use a box, find one that is large enough to hold about twelve amulets—for instance, something the size of a chocolate box would be ideal. Your next task is to hunt for about six stones. The best would be those that you find in the garden or pick up from the ground or the beach. Don't buy fancy stones, because you will need those that possess the properties and energies of the earth, so raw stones that have not been touched are ideal.

There are many ancient inscriptions that you will find in books, but it is best to design your own amulets, thus making them completely personal to you. Amulets are fun and inexpensive, and when charged properly, they really do work.

Lucky Charms

Most people possess a lucky charm at some point in their lives. These are objects that are believed to enhance your life in some way or to bring you luck and good fortune. They are very similar to amulets and talismans; but whereas amulets tend to be descriptive, charms tend to be more personal to the owner.

Some people keep a lucky penny, a soft toy, a four-leaf clover, or gemstones. The list is endless. Not many actually know how the charm works, but they believe in it nonetheless, and they carry it with them when they go to job interviews or on any other occasion that may need some extra luck.

Charms work because the owner subconsciously charges the object by believing in its magic. If the individual knew how to charge the charm correctly, it would do even better for them. By charging the item in a similar way to charging your pentagram or amulet, the charm becomes personal to you. By believing in it, you are inadvertently transporting the energy and magic directly to the charm.

If you don't already own a lucky charm, look around the shops and purchase something small enough to carry with you when you are in need of a bit of luck. There are no rules attached to acquiring this object, because you only need to like it, but once it's safely in your care, try charging it.


Place your charm in the center of your pentagram. It will automatically gain strength from this and from the altar. Bless and anoint five small white candles. Place a candle on each of the five points of the pentagram and light them. Sit in front of your altar and recite the following:

Archangels of the universe, bring power to this object before me;

Send your vibration and enhance the luck that it possesses.

Work this magic for me today.

So mote it be.


Whenever you need some extra luck, carry your charm with you, and things should improve. Over the years, you may find that you acquire quite a few charms, so it's a nice idea to house them properly. Find yourself a fancy box to keep them in; alternatively, pop them in with your amulets.

Verbal Rituals

Repetitive chanting can be a successful method of performing verbal spells. When I want something really badly, I chant or sing the name of the thing, over and over again. If someone were to eavesdrop while I was doing this, they would think I had gone soft in the head. Mostly I try to avoid being overheard, but even if someone does inadvertently overhear me—well, it works, so what the heck!

This exercise can be a time-saver, because once you have the knack, there will be less necessity for you to rush to your altar every time you need to carry out a spell. You can chant away to your heart's content while doing some chore that doesn't require mental concentration. Verbal rituals work in a similar way to candle rituals. Some of these rituals require you to recite an invocation seven times—in a similar way to candle rituals, but without the candle. For example, when I need to drive somewhere and my automobile is packed to the brim with dogs and children, I say the protection prayer of the day in my head and silently focus on this before starting my journey. I have even used this on occasion when my auto refused to start.

You need to shut yourself off from the situation around you for a few moments if you want to obtain the best results. A parent who is trying to get a meal ready when her children are arguing with each other can shut out the noise of a harmless squabble, so you can also shut out the world for a few moments when you need to. In short, this concentration on what you need is a kind of mind-over-matter technique that brings results.

There are situations during which you can use your mind to influence others. Try this example. One day when you are sitting in a restaurant or when you are traveling on a train, stare intently at the back of some stranger's head and focus your mind on them. It won't be long before they turn around to see who wants them! Here is a story that shows the opposite, which is not so much how to attract someone's attention as how to divert it.

One day during my youth, I went to a disco club with some girlfriends. A man who was frankly dreadful decided that I was to be his catch of the night. For over an hour this crude, uncouth man persisted in trying to talk to me. I made several excuses and tried to walk away from him, but each time he grabbed my arm or followed me. I finally escaped to the safety of the ladies' room and spent the regulation young woman's half hour or so rearranging my face and hair in the mirror. When I emerged—the man was lying in wait and sporting a big smile.

Not being the confident and assertive woman I am today, I put up with this. Looking back on the situation from the distance of time, I realize that I should have called the security man or asked one of my friends to help me out. But I decided to banish him with magic. I calmly looked down at my feet and silently willed him over and over again to go away. For a while, the man continued to harass me, then all of a sudden he shook my hand and said he had to leave. To this day, I swear that Mr. Obnoxious had no idea what happened, or why. If you do this kind of thing, it must be because you really need something, and it must never be to wish someone ill will.

When you become an experienced witch, you will be able to conduct some spells without a candle. Instead of physically lighting it, you will be able to visualize yourself lighting it, and then you can say your prayer of protection and recite your ritual in the usual way. Obviously, your spell is likely to be more effective with the use of an actual candle, but this alternative method does come in handy on some occasions. Try something like this when simple things aggravate you—for example, if you want to get rid of a neighbor who has outstayed his or her welcome. Do be careful though, because once you have mastered this technique, your thoughts will become like missiles.


Sometimes we need to fix an immediate situation, but we haven't the time to perform a long-winded ritual. The following will suit almost any quick-fix situation.

Bless, anoint, and inscribe a small white candle in the usual way. Place the candle directly in the center of your pentagram. Alternatively, bless, anoint, and inscribe five small white candles and place one on each point of the pentagram. Next, say your protection prayer for the day over the lit candle or candles. Think about what it is that you want, and imagine your wish being reality. Then ask for what you want nine times. For instance, if your car won't start, try the following:

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

I desire for the car to start

So mote it be


Believe that your desire will be accomplished, and you will find that the spell works. However, it is not a good idea to become lazy and use this method for everything, because when you need to do something thoroughly, you will find that you have forgotten the proper procedure.

An Unusual Use for Electrical Appliances

Several years ago, I was busy in the kitchen, but my mind was on the fact that I needed to get into contact with someone fairly urgently. I broke every rule in the book and simply lit a candle, placing it on the top of the microwave oven while defrosting a chicken. Focusing my mind on the person, I mentally asked them to contact me. Within a short space of time, the phone rang, and my friend was on the line.

I put this down to coincidence, but sometime later I did the same thing again—with the same result. I discussed this with Mamma, and we came to the conclusion that the proximity of the candle to an electrical appliance that was doing something at the time might just have accelerated the magic. Silly? Perhaps so. However, we tested the system many times and with many different electrical appliances and it always worked. This might come in handy for people at work, where you can't rush home to use your altar. You could try this with the photocopier or on some other electrical appliance while it is in action.

It is not a good idea to use your computer as an altar or to do anything magical when in close proximity to it, because this will make the computer go wrong. There may be people around who find it hard to believe in the power of magic, but computers are more sensitive than humans are, and they will definitely go haywire in response to the power of magic. If your computer is acting up for no good reason (even without having been in the close proximity of magical acts), treat it to one of those pink quartz stones that are sold in spiritual shops and gift shops. Place this on the part of the computer that houses the “works,” and you will quickly notice that this will calm your machine, and it should prevent further problems.