James Herriot’s children, Rosie Page and Jim Wight; the staff at The World of James Herriot, Thirsk; Kate Croft at Shed Media; Albert DePetrillo and Laura Higginson at BBC Books; Georgia Glover at David Higham; Julian Alexander, Ben Clark, Petra Lewis at Lucas Alexander Whitley; Peter Jinman OBE, MRCVS, President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Ken Mitchell; Nigel Carter; the staff of the Mitchell Library, Glasgow; the staff of the Archives, Glasgow University.
I am also grateful to J. A. Allen for permission to reprint extracts from Eddie Straiton’s Animals Are My Life, and to Sovereign Books for permission to reprint extracts from Hugh Lasgarn’s Vet in Green Pastures.
But my greatest thanks go to my wife, Penny Lewis-Stempel, without whom I would never have started, let alone finished.