After the crowd had gone back from me and as the “snail never leave his shell behind whenever he is going on journey”. Therefore I stopped on the roadside I took out all the jujus which were inside the hunting bag, just to make sure whether they were there. But it was a great pity that the “drunkard had forgotten poverty”. I had forgotten the most important of all my jujus at home. I did not remember to take it back after the sacrifice had given to it. And I forgot that I would need the help of it throughout my journey.

Anyhow, I continued to travel along as hastily as I could so that I might be travelled very far away before the nightfall. Although this jungle was about one hundred miles away from my town. But when I travelled up to ten miles and when the darkness of the nightfall did not allow me to see well then I stopped. I made the fire under a small tree which was at the roadside. I roasted one small yam and I ate it, after that I slept without fear of any danger of the night, because that day was the “Day of New Creation” which was Thursday.

Very early in the morning, I woke up, I did not wait to eat anything but I continued to travel along at once. But when I travelled for two hours on this road, I came to where several roads crossed themselves. This was the junction of roads that which used to confuse the stranger, because I did not know which of these roads to travel to the jungle. Then I stopped there and I was thinking in mind how to distinguish the right one which led to the jungle. I was so sad as the rat which was sent to the cat, when I was forced to stop there by this junction. At last when I did not know which was the right one that led to the jungle, I slept there till following morning which was “The Day of three Resolutions” Saturday.

But when it was morning, I took my gun, hunting bag, and cutlass and then I simply took one of these roads, I was travelling along as quickly as possible. To my fear when I travelled for about four hours on this road I travelled to the end of it. There was no real road on which to travel again. But instead to stop I started to travel along in the forest, and when it was three o’clock p.m., I entered a small semi-jungle as I could call it because it was not a real jungle.