It takes a lot of people to write a book and I struggle with acknowledgements because I fear I will forget to mention someone!

Here are the highlights of folks who helped me bring this book to life, whether they helped me keep plugging along early in my journey or they helped directly with making Adam and Darby’s story shine.

First, I must thank my number one champion, Ronald Watson. Ron, you’ve kept me going even through the strongest temptations to quit. You helped ground me when I catastrophized. You always make me feel better about myself and my writing. And you always make me laugh. Thank you for your undying support; I really need it! PS: It’s your turn now—get on it, manager! ;)

Momma, you’re my ultra number one champion. You’ve always believed in me from day one. I know it’s your job, but I also know it’s genuine. So, THANK YOU for being the BEST MOM EVER. * hugs *

Thanks to Brenda Drake and #PitchWars. Without this, Adam and Darby would never have met the world. And thank you, Cole Gibsen, for taking me on as a mentee. I still feel SO blessed that you chose my book. WOOT! I learned a lot from you, lady.

I have long time friends/supports—too many to mention, really—but the folks who’ve stayed with me along the way since the beginning of my writing days include: Mary Lindsey, Lydia Kang, Sarah Fine, Jennifer Armentrout, Vicki Tremper, Amie Borst, Karen Bynum, Brinda Berry, Theresa McClinton, Lisa Amowitz, Jennifer Nelson, and a whole bunch of others. (I’m sure I’ll think of someone to add after this is published and I’ll think myself a total heel for a long time … )

Here’s a shout out for my work family. CIU, CIP, MCT, FS and Safety ROCKS! I’m a lucky gal to get to work with such talented, caring, devoted people. It really means a lot when you ask about my writing and when you show up to signings.

PS: High five Emily P. aka M. (or is it M aka P?)!!! #nerdsunite #youremindmeofthebabe

I’m extremely grateful for Georgia McBride who took a chance on Adam and Darby’s story. I remember getting teary eyed on the phone when she explained just how much she “got” the characters. It’s what every writer wants to hear. Thank you, Georgia.

Also thanks to the team at GMMG and Swoon Romance, for editing, proofreading, cover designing, etc.

Finally, thanks to my readers. This story is in your hands now. I hope you enjoy!