


There are 1,411 tigers

left in India.

The Greek

for “left-handed”

also means “better.”

The “Heil Hitler” salute

is legal in Switzerland

as long as it’s an expression

of personal opinion.

Qatar is the only country

that begins with a Q, and

Iraq is the only country

that ends with one.

The letter Q

was illegal in Turkey

for 85 years.


are illegal in Texas.


is illegal in India.

In New Zealand,

snakes of any kind

are illegal.

In the Second World War,

the Allies had a plan to drop

boxes of poisonous snakes

on enemy troops.

On D-Day,

J. D. Salinger fought

with six chapters of

The Catcher in the Rye

in his backpack.

Charles Darwin let his children

use the original manuscript

of On the Origin of Species

as drawing paper.

Charles Dickens’s family had

a cat, seven dogs, two ravens,

a canary called Dick, and

a pony called Newman Noggs.

Theodore Roosevelt

had guinea pigs called

Admiral Dewey, Bishop Doane,

Dr. Johnson, Father O’Grady, and

Fighting Bob Evans,

and a small bear

called Jonathan Edwards.

Anton Chekhov

had a pet mongoose.

In 1849,

the Viceroy of Egypt

gave London Zoo a hippo

in exchange for a greyhound.

There are more

plastic flamingos

in the USA than

real flamingos.

There are more

statues of lions in the world

than there are real lions.


of the world’s polar bears

live in Canada.

When Canada

held a competition

to design its national flag,

more than 10% of the entries

featured a beaver.

The biggest dam

built by beavers

is twice as long

as the Hoover Dam.

There is enough concrete

in the Hoover Dam

to build a road across the USA

from coast to coast.

The first motor insurance policy

issued by Lloyd’s of London

described the car as a

“ship navigating on land.”

The car

in the world’s first

fatal traffic accident

was moving at

4 mph.


of drivers

deliberately swerve

to kill animals.

The world’s

fastest lawnmower

can travel at 116 mph.

In 2007,

210,000 Americans

were injured by lawnmowers.

The lawnmower is

the most dangerous item

in the garden.

The second most dangerous

is the flowerpot.

When Edwin Beard Budding

invented the lawnmower,

he tested it at night

so no one would think

he was mad.

Using a gasoline-driven lawnmower

for one hour

produces as much air pollution

as a 100-mile car trip.

It is illegal in Chicago

for lawns to have weeds

more than ten inches tall.

Plants suffer from

sexually transmitted diseases.

Orchids can get

jet lag.

In Mogadishu,

the capital of Somalia,

there is only one flower shop.

There is only one stop sign

in the whole of Paris.

The name sign for

the town of Lost

in Aberdeenshire

is the only one in Britain

that is welded to its pole.

Female strawberry poison frogs

have only one way of choosing

a male to mate with:

which one is closest.

A male capuchin monkey

will have sex with any female

that throws a stone at him.

In 2003,

Morocco offered Iraq

2,000 monkeys

to help them

detonate mines.

The Burmese sneezing monkey

sneezes uncontrollably

whenever it rains.

5% of cats

are allergic to humans.

Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler

were all scared of cats.

If cats don’t encounter people

by the time they’re 10 weeks old,

they will always be scared of them.

Human beings

have as many brain cells

in their stomachs

as cats have in their brains.

A cat’s brain can store

1,000 times more data

than an iPad.

The human brain has

the same percentage of fat

as clotted cream.

Camel urine

is as thick as syrup.

Whale milk

has the consistency

of toothpaste.


is addictive for bears

but toxic to dogs.

New-car smell

is toxic to humans.

The human nose

can recognize over


different smells.

You can tell

if a duck has bird flu

by smelling its droppings.

The smell of a man

is as stressful to mice

as a three-minute swim.

The smell of women

doesn’t bother them.

Only 293 of the

more than 1,910,000

Purple Hearts have been

awarded to women.

Until the First World War,

offices for women had

separate entrances and staircases,

for reasons of “morality.”


weren’t allowed to serve

on Royal Navy submarines

until 2011.

Girls in the UK

have been getting

higher grades than boys

at school and university

for nearly a century.

Female students in China

outperform men

to such an extent that

some universities have

introduced a male quota.

There are enough

empty homes in China

for everyone in California

and Texas to have one each.

If they were countries,

the Chinese provinces of

Guangdong, Shandong,

Henan, Sichuan, and Jiangsu

would be among the

world’s 20 most populous.

China gets a new skyscraper

every five days.

China is

the world’s largest consumer

of red wine.

More wine is drunk per head

in Vatican City

than in any other country on Earth.

The crew of the Marie Celeste

left 1,700 barrels of alcohol

behind them.

Between 1908 and 1965,

Winston Churchill drank

42,000 bottles of champagne.

By the time

a glass of champagne goes flat,

two million bubbles

will have popped.

In Beijing,

two million people

live underground.

In 1870,

two million rabbits

were killed every year in Australia,

all descended from just 24

released in 1859.

The soil in

your back garden is

two million years old.

Oxford University

was over 300 years old

when the Aztec Empire

was founded.

When Harvard University

was founded,

Galileo was still alive.

Charles Darwin

and Abraham Lincoln were

born on the same day

in 1809.

In 1941,

there were only

11 democracies

in the world.

When the pyramids were built,

woolly mammoths still

roamed the Earth.

George H. W. Bush

is four years older

than sliced bread.

Yoko Ono

is exactly 21 years

older than Scientology.

Nobody knows

how old the

Grand Canyon is.

From 1974 to 1976,

Shirley Temple was

US ambassador to Ghana.

Shirley Temple

always had exactly

56 curls in her hair.

An acersecomic

is a person who

has never had a haircut.

Wealthy ancient Egyptians

slept with neck supports

rather than pillows

to preserve their hairstyles.

Bedtime in Brooklyn

is an hour and a half

later on average

than in Maui.

Two-thirds of parents

who sing their children to sleep

prefer pop music

to lullabies.


is the need to

get up in the night

and urinate.

One o’clock in the morning

is the peak time

for moth activity.


in North America

outnumber butterflies

by 15 to 1.

The greater wax moth

can hear sounds that are

more high-pitched than

any known animal

can make.


speak more languages

than there are species of mammal.

The more rivers an area has,

the more languages will

evolve there.

Esperanto is the only language

with no irregular verbs.

Black Americans and white Americans

have different versions of

American Sign Language.

The sign for the female sex images

represents the hand mirror

of the Roman goddess Venus.

The inventor of roller skates

first demonstrated them

by hurtling into a party

while playing the violin

and crashing into a huge mirror.

Police cars

in Dubai

can go

267 mph.

A cheetah

that sprints for

more than 30 seconds

can suffer brain damage.


can fly

as fast as racehorses

can run.

When threatened,

a limpet can run away

at a speed of

two inches an hour.

The Chilean word achaplinarse

means to run about in

the style of Charlie Chaplin.

The Chilean word

for “plumber”

is gasfiter.


the Sanskrit word for “war,”

literally translates as

“desire for more cows.”

Greece is

the only country in the world

whose name contains

none of the letters

in the word “Olympiads.”

George Eyser,

who won three golds,

two silvers, and a bronze

at the 1904 Olympics,

had a wooden leg.

Olympic medal-winners

live almost three years

longer than the rest of us.

Sports journalists were banned

from the first modern Olympics

as they were considered to be

professional sportspeople.

Michael Phelps

has won more Olympic golds

than India, Nigeria, North Korea,

Portugal, Taiwan, and Thailand


Olympic swimmers

routinely pee in the pool.

In wine-tasting,

a “cat-pee aroma” is

a compliment.

Tomcat urine

smells like

cheddar cheese.

Cheese is

the most shoplifted

food in the UK.

Americans eat

three times as much cheese

as they did in 1970.

Americans eat

nine times more broccoli

than they did in 1970.

1 in 8 Americans

has worked at McDonald’s.

1 in 10 Americans

thinks HTML is

a sexually transmitted disease.

In 2011, the United Nations

declared that

access to the Internet

is a basic human right.

The original purpose

of the United Nations was

to win the Second World War.

The name “United Nations”

was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s idea.

He rushed to tell Winston Churchill,

who was towelling himself

stark naked in his bathroom.

When catering staff at the UN

went on strike in 2003,

$10,000 worth of food

and silverware

was stolen.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

celebrated his election by singing

“Ban Ki-moon Is Coming to Town”

to the tune of

“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.”

“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”

was first sung in November 1934.

By Christmas, it had sold

400,000 copies.

You are more likely to

die over Christmas than at

any other time of year.

Jon Bon Jovi

used to make

Christmas decorations

for a living.

Little Richard

was a dishwasher

at a bus station.

Edward Elgar

was the bandmaster

in a lunatic asylum.

Leo Fender

couldn’t play the guitar.

Rapper Ice-T’s

real name is

Tracy Lauren Marrow.

Johnny Cash’s estate

once refused permission

for his hit “Ring of Fire” to be

used in a commercial for

hemorrhoid cream.

The original advertisement

to recruit band members

for the Village People read,

“Macho types wanted:

must have mustache.”


used to be called


The band Oasis

is named after

an aquatics center

in Swindon, UK.

There are more people

living in mobile homes

in the USA than live in

the whole of the Netherlands.

According to Julius Caesar,

the most civilized people in Britain

lived in Kent.

A 2011 opinion poll

found that 51% of Britons

want the reinstatement

of the death penalty.

1 in 5 of the

world’s security cameras

is in Britain.

There are more

security cameras

in the Shetland Islands

than in San Francisco.

The word “British”

is the most common word

used by people in the UK

searching the Internet for porn.

The annual awards ceremony

of the UK porn industry

is called the SHAFTAs.

Until 1910,

film studios didn’t credit actors

in case they asked for

more money.

71% of

Oscar-winners’ tears

have been shed

since 1995.

Oscar Hammerstein II

is the only Oscar

ever to win

an Oscar.

Harvey Weinstein

has been thanked

12 times at the Oscars—

once more than God.

Nigeria is

the world’s third-largest

movie-producing country

but has only eight cinemas.


is the only country in the world

ruled by a Grand Duke.

The appropriate response to

“How are you?”

in Luxembourgish

is “Tip-Top.”

The English word “squirrel”

is particularly difficult for

Germans to pronounce.

The most difficult

tongue twister in English is

“pad kid poured curd pulled cod.”

The giant palm salamander

can stick its tongue out

50 times faster than

you can blink.

The eyes of a giant squid

are the size of


90% of all jellyfish

are smaller than

a human thumbnail.


born on the

Columbia space shuttle

suffered from vertigo

when they returned to Earth.

The idea that sitting

too close to the TV

is bad for your eyes

was started by a

lamp manufacturer.

René Descartes

had a fetish for

cross-eyed women.

Reindeer have

golden eyes

in summer

and blue eyes

in winter.

Rats get

more depressed

in summer than in winter.

The smell of freshly cut grass

is a plant distress call.

In 2012,

the fifth-oldest tree in the world

was burned down by a

crystal-meth addict.

The second episode

of the The Muppets

was called “Sex and Violence.”

In some parts of Germany,

it is illegal to show

The Life of Brian

on Good Friday.

The first Academy Award

for Best Picture in 1927

featured an all-male kiss.


a small fishing town in the Philippines,

changed its name in 1991 to


The Lego company

was originally called

Billund Maskinsnedkeri.

By 2019, there will be

more Lego figures

on Earth than people.

There are more than

915,000,000 ways

to combine six standard

Lego bricks.

There are about


leaves in the world;

for every leaf

there are 340 ants.

If you feed silkworms

mulberry leaves

sprayed with pink fabric dye,

they make pink silk.

Until the 19th century,

champagne was pink

and had no bubbles.

UK house spiders include

the pink prowler, the spitting spider,

and the missing sector orb weaver.

95% of the spiders

in your house have

never been outside.

The daddy longlegs

flosses after meals by

pulling each of its eight legs

through its jaws.

Frogs’ legs were eaten in Britain

for 7,000 years before

they were eaten

in France.

French toast

is thousands of years older

than France.

Lake Baikal in Russia

is a thousand times older

than any other lake on Earth.

If the rest of the planet’s

fresh water disappeared,

there would be enough

left in Lake Baikal

to supply humanity

for 50 years.

Modern humans

evolved 80,000 years

after javelins were invented.

Anne Boleyn was

the only British monarch

beheaded with a sword.

The three Russian cosmonauts

whose spacecraft depressurized

just before re-entry in 1971 are the

only human beings to have died

outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

In space you can cry,

but your tears won’t fall;

they just puddle up

under your eye.

If all the salt in the oceans were

spread evenly over the land,

it would be 500 feet deep.


can live inside

sharks’ hearts.

Whales’ vaginas

can be large enough

to walk through.

Gray whales

always mate in a threesome:

two males to one female.

Male squirrels

can perform fellatio

on themselves.

The Empress Josephine

had a pet orangutan

that joined her for dinner

dressed in a white cotton blouse.

A salamander

can have its brain removed,

cut into slices, shuffled, minced,

put back in again, and

still function as normal.

As soon as they find

a rock to anchor themselves to,

young sea squirts

eat their own brains.


of an octopus’s brain

is in its limbs.

A stressed or sick octopus

will sometimes bite

its own limbs off.

The world-record holder

of the longest accurate

archery shot

has no arms.

In 1986, Michael Foot’s appointment

as chair of a disarmament committee

prompted the Times headline

“Foot Heads Arms Body.”

The body of the sea otter

has a pouch across the front

where it keeps rocks

to break open shellfish.

Louis XIV’s

favorite seasoning

was soy sauce.

The volume of soy sauce

brewed in the Netherlands each year

is greater than that of all the gold

mined in human history.

In 2011, Australia minted

a giant “A$1 million” gold coin.

It weighed over a ton

and used gold worth

A$52 million.

In 1988, there were

600,000 illegal

gold prospectors

in Brazil.

In Brazil,

“Rio” is pronounced


“Dr. Seuss”

should be pronounced

“Dr. Zoice.”

The ancient Egyptian word for “cat”

was pronounced


Lettuce was sacred to Min,

the ancient Egyptian god of fertility,

because it grew long and straight

and oozed a milky substance

when rubbed.

Aristotle thought

small penises were better

because semen got cold

in large ones.

Ancient Greeks

declared their love for a woman

by throwing an apple at her.

To eat every

different variety of apple

at a rate of one a day

would take 20 years.

In 1976,

Ron Wayne,

co-founder of Apple,

sold his shares for $800;

today they would be worth

$35 billion.

James and the Giant Peach

was originally called

James and the Giant Cherry.


was originally called


The Boy Scouts’

motto “Be prepared”

was originally followed by

“to die for your country.”

Homer’s epics

were originally

set to music.

Classical music

played in restaurants

increases the amount

people spend on wine.

Drinking wine

before a meal

makes you eat 25% more.

Wine drinkers

pour 12% more wine

into a glass they’re holding

than one that’s sitting on the table.

“Response to Those who

Criticize Me for Spending Money

on Old Wine & Prostitutes”

is a lost work by Aristippus,

a disciple of Socrates.

The ancient Greek philosopher

Heraclitus attempted to cure

a serious illness by lying in

the sun covered in cow dung.

He died the following day.

An Egyptian cure for insanity

was to eat snake meatballs

under a full moon.

In the Himalayas,

the smoke from burning millipedes

is used to treat hemorrhoids.

Queen Elizabeth I

owned two “unicorn horns”

that were supposed to

purify water and cure sickness.

23 Nobel Prizes for Medicine

have been won as a result of

research on guinea pigs.

Eight million years ago,

guinea pigs were

the size of cows.

American cows

produce four times as much milk

as they did in 1942.

British fishermen

work 17 times harder

than they did in the 1880s,

to catch the same number of fish.

It’s illegal in Saudi Arabia

for men to work

in lingerie shops.

Franz Liszt

was the first musician

to have women’s underwear

thrown at him.

In 2014,

a pair of underpants

donated by the mayor of Brussels

was stolen from the

Brussels Underpants Museum.

The manager of the

England soccer team

collects mementos of the

assassination of JFK.


was wearing a corset

when he was shot.

Hugo Chávez,

former president of Venezuela,

hosted the chat show Aló Presidente

every Sunday from 1999 to 2012.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow,

the president of Turkmenistan,

sacked 30 TV news staffers in 2008

after a cockroach was spotted

walking across the set

during a bulletin.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

has released three pop-song albums

since becoming the

president of Indonesia.

The Royal Navy uses blasts of

Britney Spears’s “Oops! . . . I Did It Again”

to scare off Somali pirates.

94% of terrorist campaigns

fail to achieve a single one of

their strategic goals.

Saudi law defines atheists

as terrorists.

Saudi Arabia is considering

stopping execution by beheading

due to a shortage of

official swordsmen.

At his execution,

Louis XVI was too fat

to fit into the guillotine.

Oliver Cromwell was

dug up and beheaded

two years after his death.

In 1944, nine US airmen were

shot down over Chichi Jima.

Eight of them were executed

(four of whom were also eaten),

and one (George H. W. Bush)

went on to become president.

The Red Baron’s final word

was “kaput.”

Paro Airport in Bhutan

is so dangerous that only eight pilots

are qualified to land there.

More US Air Force pilots

are training to fly drones

than are training to fly planes.

Fighter pilots

in stressful situations

release such large amounts

of hormones that they

may ejaculate.

56% of British airline pilots admit

to having fallen asleep on the job,

and 29% say they’ve woken up

to find their copilot asleep.

A quarter of

American couples

sleep in separate beds.

The Japanese

sleep two hours

a night less than

the Chinese.

Blind people

are twice as likely to

smell things in their dreams

as sighted people.

Blind people

are four times more likely

to have nightmares

than sighted people.

In 2013, China’s only female

Mao Zedong impersonator

was divorced by her husband, who

“got tired of feeling that he was

sleeping with the Chairman.”

Sleeping on your stomach

is the most likely position

to produce erotic dreams.

Duck-billed platypuses

do not have stomachs.

The eyes of the

celestial eye goldfish

really are bigger than

its stomach.

The pupils of human eyes

are at their biggest as an

adolescent and slowly

get smaller until

the age of 60.

Human brains

are 10% smaller

than they were

20,000 years ago.

Einstein’s brain was

smaller than average.

In 1939, the US Army

was smaller than the

armies of Portugal or Romania

and ranked 17th in the world;

by 1945, it numbered 8.3 million.

In the 1930s,

the US Army drew up plans

to invade Mexico and Canada.

Alternative names proposed for

Canada in 1867 were Tuponia,

Borealia, Cabotia, Transatlantica,

Victorialand, and Superior.

When Canada’s Northwest Territories

were divided in two in 1999, people

voted to keep the old name.

The runner-up

was “Bob.”

For 500 years

from the 13th century,

70% of Englishmen were called

Robert, John, Thomas, Richard,

or William.

252 people

are born every


“Last shake o’ the bag”

was Victorian slang for

“youngest child.”

When having their photograph taken,

Victorians said “prunes”

rather than “cheese”

to make themselves

look more serious.

When Danes pose for photos,

they say “orange,” the Chinese say

“aubergine,” and the Germans

say “ant shit.”

There are beetles

named after Darth Vader,

Kate Winslet, and Adolf Hitler.


were invented by a man

named Nacho.

Men whose initials

have positive connotations,

like LOV or WIN,

live 4½ years longer

than those with negative ones,

like BAD or PIG.

In 1883, a man named Jack Ferry

crossed the English Channel

on a floating tricycle.

The father of Jeff Bezos,

founder of Amazon,

was a unicyclist in a circus.

There are 100,000

more bicycles in Amsterdam

than there are people.

In 2009,

a search of Loch Ness

for the Loch Ness monster

located 100,000

golf balls.

At any one time

there are 100,000

ships at sea.

The world’s largest

container ships can carry

746 million bananas.


are considered unlucky

on fishing boats.

In 1923,

the sheet music for

“Yes, We Have No Bananas”

sold 1,000 copies a day.

There are more than

1,000 species of banana.

We eat only one of them.


20 million bananas

would give you a fatal dose

of radioactivity.


are used to make


Queen Victoria

had a novelty bustle

with a music box that played

“God Save the Queen”

when she sat down.

The Masters in Lunacy

were Victorian officials who

investigated whether people

claiming to be insane

were faking it.

When he enlisted in the army,

J. R. R. Tolkien’s son Michael

put down his father’s profession

as “Wizard.”

New Zealand

has an official

National Wizard.

The New Zealand badminton team

was nicknamed the “Black Cocks,”

but had to drop it after complaints.

New Zealand’s 90-Mile Beach

is 55 miles long.

Over the last 10,000 years

Niagara Falls has moved

seven miles upstream.

The United States

doubled in size in 1983,

when the Reagan administration

expanded its coastal waters

from three to 200 nautical miles.

In 2011, scientists

re-measured Norway’s

beaches, islands, and fjords,

adding 11,000 miles

to its coastline.

The coastline of Norway

is long enough to

circle the planet

2½ times.

Iceland gets

four-fifths of an inch

wider every year.


has 25 puffins

for every person.




in Vatican City

by 17 to 1.

There are as many bacteria

in two servings of yogurt

as there are people on Earth.

The ice lost in

Antarctica every year

would be enough to give

each person on Earth

1,360,000 ice cubes.

The technical name for

an ice-cream headache is

sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.


is the fear of Greek terms.

A musophobist

is a person who

distrusts poetry.


Nelson Mandela’s favorite poem,

was written by the man who

inspired the character of

Long John Silver.

80% of pirates

caught by the

European Union’s

naval police

are released.

People who pirate music

also buy more legal music

than those who don’t.

Barry Manilow’s No. 1 hit

“I Write the Songs”

wasn’t written by

Barry Manilow.

When the Arctic Monkeys formed,

none of them could play

a musical instrument.

The real

Maria von Trapp

wasn’t invited to the premiere

of The Sound of Music.

The Duke of Wellington

played cricket for


The current

Earl of Sandwich

runs a chain of

sandwich shops called

Earl of Sandwich.

If you ate in a

different New York eatery

every day for 12 years,

you still wouldn’t have visited

all of the city’s restaurants.

November 25, 2012, was

the first day since 1960 that

there was no murder

or manslaughter in

New York City.

During its restoration in 1982,

the Statue of Liberty’s head

was accidentally installed

two feet off-center.

New buildings in New York

must have twice as many

women’s toilets as men’s.

Toilet Duck, cellophane,

and the division sign (÷)

were all invented

in Switzerland.

The first sketch

for the design of the Mini

was drawn on a napkin

in Switzerland.

Switzerland monitors

its airspace around the clock

but only intercepts illegal flights

during office hours.

In 2006,

the most popular name for

cows in Switzerland

was Fiona.

A cow with a name

will produce 450 more

pints of milk a year than

one without a name.

The guts of

250,000 cows

were used to make

the balloon lining

for every Zeppelin.

The Spanish for

“when pigs fly” is

“when hens piss.”

In German,

things don’t

“sell like hot cakes,”

they “go like warm rolls.”

German mothers-to-be

have “roast dinners” not “buns”

in their “ovens.”

Pregnant women

are 42% more likely

to be in a car crash

but less likely to die

than men of the same age.

Only two countries

have not ratified

the UN Convention on

the Rights of the Child:

Somalia and the USA.

The USA, Papua New Guinea,

Swaziland, Liberia, and Lesotho

are the only countries without

mandatory maternity leave.

A lully-prigger was

an 18th-century thief

who caught children and

stole their clothing.

By the time they are eight,

children have forgotten

60% of what happened

before they were three.

In 1922,

Ernest Hemingway’s wife

lost his entire life’s work

by leaving it on a train.

In 1989, a Russian psychic

was run over by a train and killed

while attempting to prove

he could stop one using

the power of his mind.

American tank crews

have a superstition that will

not allow them to eat apricots,

allow apricots on board, or even

say the word “apricot.”

The crunch

of a potato chip or an apple

in your mouth

is a mini sonic boom.

Apple Inc.

didn’t invent the mouse.

They bought the rights

for $40,000.


can’t see

red light.


is creeping forward

while waiting for a

red light to change.

Herds of sheep

moved at night must have

a white light at the front

and a red light at the rear.

Coyotes in the USA

have learned how traffic lights work

so they can cross the road safely.

Traffic lights

were introduced

18 years before

the car was invented.

In 1990, there were

no traffic rotaries in the USA;

today there are more than 3,000.

40% of

pedestrian-crossing buttons

in Manchester, England,

don’t work.

A group of pigeons

regularly boards

the London Underground

at Hammersmith and alights

at Ladbroke Grove.

The average London pigeon

has 1.6 feet.

Deliveries by pigeon post

during the Second World War

were 95% successful.

In 1910,

the average Briton

sent 116 items by mail.

The longest letter

ever printed in the Times

was 11,071 words long.

Today, the whole letters page

carries only 2,000 words.

84% of writers to

the letters page of the Times

are men.

During his lifetime

Lewis Carroll wrote

98,721 letters.

Philip Larkin and Kingsley Amis

signed off letters to each other

with the word “bum.”


can identify each other

by looking at photographs

of their bottoms.

People can recognize

each other 90% of the time

just from the way they walk.

To perfect

Hercule Poirot’s walk,

actor David Suchet

clasped a coin

between his buttocks.


can’t breathe and walk

at the same time.


can hear with their



listen with their


A lobster’s brain

is in its throat.

The human brain

cannot feel pain.

When neuroscientist James Fallon

studied the brain scans of murderers

using his own scan as a control,

he discovered he was a psychopath.

John F. Kennedy’s brain

was removed during his autopsy

and is still missing.

9,000 books

are listed as missing

from the British Library.

Lee Harvey Oswald

still owes an overdue book—

The Shark and the Sardines

by Juan José Arévalo—

to the Dallas Public Library.

Cleopatra wrote a book

about makeup.

50,000 Korans

are buried in the

mountains of Pakistan,

each one in a white shroud.


of Pakistani soldiers have



of Greek children have

dimpled cheeks.


of the exhibits in

Peru’s Museum of Gold

are fakes.


of the thermostats

in American offices

don’t work.

Davy Crockett

was a US congressman.

Whoopi Goldberg

used to be a bricklayer.

Jerry Springer

was born in Highgate

Tube station.

Phil Collins

divorced his second wife

by fax.

Nobody knows

how big Pluto is.

If you stood on the

Martian equator at noon,

it would feel like

summer at your feet

and winter at your head.

From 2000 BC to AD 1992,

astronomers discovered

three new planets.

In 2014, 700 were found

in a single day.

The notebooks of

US astronauts were

fireproofed with seaweed

from the Isle of Lewis.

When the Lewis Chessmen

were discovered in 1831,

the man who found them ran away,

terrified he’d interrupted

an assembly of elves.

Dublin is home to

Ireland’s National

Leprechaun Museum.

All the chickens’ eggs

produced in the world each year

would make an omelette

the size of Northern Ireland.

Hummingbirds lay eggs

the size of peas.


beat their fins

almost as fast as


beat their wings.

The Milky Way

gives birth to a new star

every 50 days.

Almost 1%

of American mothers

claim to have been virgins

when they gave birth.

The closer a woman

is to the equator,

the more likely she is to

give birth to a girl.

Newborn babies

of both sexes can

produce milk.

Flor de Guia cheese

from the Canary Islands

must only be made by women;

otherwise it is not considered

the genuine article.

Britons are

the most lactose-tolerant people

in the world.


originally meant


The word “suffragette”

started out as an insult

coined by the Daily Mail.


was first used as slang for


Charlotte Brontë was

the first person to use the terms

“cottage-garden,” “raised eyebrow,”

“Now, now!,” “kitchen chair,”

and “Wild West.”

“Sexpert,” “cushty,” “freebie,”

“makeover,” “comfort zone,”

and “dream team”

all date from the 1920s.

In 1921, a Detroit man

killed himself so he could

send a message back

from beyond the grave.

After the first recorded

hurling match,

the losing team was

brutally murdered.

In 1920, Clarence Blethen

retired hurt from a baseball match

after biting himself on the bottom

with the false teeth he kept

in his back pocket.

Louis X and Charles VIII of France

both died as a result of

playing tennis.

After the Battle of Hastings,

King Harold’s body was identified

by the tattoo of his wife’s name

over his heart.

90% of the men in Paraguay

died in the War of the Triple Alliance.

From 1864 to 1870 they fought

Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina


A refereeing decision

in a soccer match between

Argentina and Peru in 1964

led to a riot in which

300 fans were killed.

A fight between chameleons

is more likely to be started by

the one with brighter stripes.

The 10-spot ladybug

has between 0 and 15 spots.

William Buckland was expelled

from the shrine of St. Rosalia,

patron saint of Palermo, Sicily,

for pointing out that her bones

were actually those of a goat.

Vultures can turn

a dead body into a

skeleton in under

five hours.

A walrus’s

penis bone

is as long as a

human thigh bone.

There are at least

600 men in the world

with two penises.

The penis of the

Argonaut mollusk

snaps off during sex:

it can only mate


Chinese eunuchs

kept their testicles in a jar

in the hope they will

reattach themselves

in the next world.

The world has

two earthquakes

every minute.

The Northern Hemisphere

is three degrees hotter than

the Southern Hemisphere.

90% of people live

in the Northern Hemisphere.


a leaf is in the world,

its internal temperature

is always 70°F.

When it gets too hot,

some cacti move underground

to cool down.

Prisoners on Alcatraz

always had hot showers so

they didn’t get acclimatized

to cold water and try to

escape by swimming.

In Inuit languages,

the closest word to “freedom”

is annakpok, which means

“not caught.”

In the French Revolution,

prisoners were taken to the

guillotine on wagons used

to transport manure.


is telling the future

by looking at turds.

Henry VIII’s lavatory

at Hampton Court was known as

“The Great House of Easement.”

Predicting the death

of Henry VIII was

punishable by death.

The bell rung to mark the death

of Ivan the Terrible’s son Dmitri

was tried for treason, found guilty,

and exiled to Siberia.

The drugs used

for a lethal injection in Texas

cost $83.

In 2013,

Detroit stopped

issuing death certificates

because it ran out of paper.

In 2013,

the Venezuelan government

accused the opposition of

hoarding toilet paper and

causing a national shortage.

12% of a

sloth’s energy

is used to climb

up and down trees

to go to the bathroom.

A single sloth

can be home to

980 different beetles.

Your kitchen sink harbors

100,000 times more germs

than your toilet bowl.

There are 20 million

sea containers in the world.

The ships’ crews have no idea

what is in them.

The Just Missed It Club

was for people who almost

sailed on the Titanic.

Two weeks after it sank,

it had 118,337 members.

Jenny, the ship’s cat

on the Titanic, did not

survive the sinking.

Over 200 mice are reported in

the Houses of Parliament each year,

but the authorities won’t get a cat

because no one can be trusted

to look after it responsibly.

According to his wife, Mary,

Abraham Lincoln’s hobby

was cats.

Édouard Manet’s cat

was eaten during

the Siege of Paris in 1870.

Karl Lagerfeld’s cat has

two maids who write down

everything it does

in a special book.

In the 1741 General Election,

candidates in London were

pelted with dead cats and dogs.

69% of the cocaine

sold in the USA contains

de-worming medication.

During the Vietnam War,

each US soldier took 40

amphetamine tablets a year.

The phrase “pipe dream”

originates from the fantasies

induced by smoking opium.

There are more

marijuana dispensaries

in Denver, Colorado,

than there are branches

of Starbucks.

Because of its Happy Meals,

McDonald’s is the world’s largest

distributor of toys.

The first McDonald’s

only sold hot dogs.

In 2002,

the US military developed

a sandwich that stays fresh

for three years.

Human rights

were invented in Iran

in the sixth century BC.

Vegetarian sausages were

first patented in Britain in 1918,

by the future German chancellor

Konrad Adenauer.

If they don’t care

about something,

Germans say,

“It’s sausage to me.”

Rice Krispies

in Germany go

“Knisper! Knasper! Knusper!”

At the end of

the Second World War,

US censors kept the news of

Germany’s unconditional surrender

secret from the public for 11 hours.

The Hindenburg airship

was almost named

the Hitler.

When the Hindenburg exploded,

62 of the 97 passengers survived.

80% of people who are

struck by lightning


A single lightning bolt

produces enough energy

to power a family home

for a month.

The energy released by

a bolt of lightning is about

the same as that stored in

30 gallons of gasoline.

The energy needed

to manufacture a new car

is equivalent to

260 gallons of gasoline.

Forest fires

can be sparked by sunlight

magnified by water on

dried-out leaves.

The 45-foot-long V2 rocket

carried enough alcohol to make

66, 130 dry martinis.

Pee Cola

is a popular soft drink

in Ghana.

In China,

Burger King sells

PooPoo Smoothies.

The word for “carp”

in Montenegro

is krap.


is Persian for


The snow at the South Pole

reflects sound so well

you can hear people

talking a mile away.

The first snow goggles

were made of slices of

polished caribou antler.


make a crackling sound

known as “bergy seltzer.”

The world’s largest iceberg

set off from Antarctica in 2000.

It was larger than Jamaica, and

parts of it still haven’t melted.

The world’s largest

and most complete

Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton

is called Sue.

Britain’s largest pig

is called Boris. He contains

enough pork to make

6,000 sausages.

The largest lizard

in Australia

can run as fast as

Usain Bolt.


Japan’s largest pop group,

has 89 members.

Japan has twice as many

bank holidays as the UK,

including Greenery Day and

Respect for the Aged Day.

In 18th-century America,

Thanksgiving was celebrated

with a day of fasting and prayer.

In 2013,

Hanukkah and Thanksgiving

began on the same day.

The next time this will happen

will be in AD 79811.

In the year 20860,

the Islamic and Christian calendars

will finally agree.

According to

the Mayan calendar,

the next time the

“world is going to end”

is May 3, 7138.

There is a 12% chance

that a game of Monopoly

will go on indefinitely.

If you exposed

a diamond on a tanning bed,

it would eventually evaporate,

but you wouldn’t notice any change

for 10 billion years.

On June 28, 2009,

Stephen Hawking hosted a party

for time travelers from the future.

Nobody showed up.

Black holes

are not black.

Robins’ “red” breasts

are orange.

Ripe limes

are yellow.


isn’t black;

it’s very dark red.


isn’t suitable

for vegetarians;

it contains traces

of fish bladder.

Human teeth

evolved from

fish scales.


don’t need to

learn how to swim

in schools.

By tapping canes,

stamping feet, and

making clicking sounds,

humans can learn to

echolocate like bats.

Species of bat include

the wrinkle-faced bat,

the thumbless bat,

the Antillean ghost-faced bat,

the flower-faced bat, and

the big-eared woolly bat.

Without bats

there would be no tequila.

It’s made from the agave plant,

which is pollinated by bats.

Tequila heated to 1,472°F

can be made into diamonds.

The hairs

on a raspberry

are female.


are apples that

taste like grapes.


are poisonous to



are toxic to




“horse lover”

in Greek.

Falling in love

costs you, on average,

two close friends.

Valentine’s Day

is banned in

Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia,

and Uzbekistan.

More than 5,000 Swedish men

have the first name Love.

There are

60 people in Venezuela

whose first name is Hitler.

The place where

Hitler killed himself

is now a children’s playground.

In ancient Rome,

fathers had the legal right

to kill their children.

In J. M. Barrie’s novel,

Peter Pan ruthlessly

“thinned out” the Lost Boys

when they got too old.

In the winter of 1918,

half the children in Berlin

were suffering from rickets.

The population of Ireland

is still smaller than it was

before the Great Famine

of 1845.

The laborers who built

the Great Wall of China

were fed on sauerkraut.

Before eating,

Nikola Tesla,

the “father of electricity,”

polished each piece of cutlery

with 18 napkins.

Ancient Romans

ate puppies.

Eating dogs

is legal in

44 US states.

2.8 million

American dogs

are on antidepressants.


can hear

dog whistles.

Dog yawns

are infectious.

You can tell if

someone is yawning

from their eyes alone.

No one knows

why we yawn.

Hamsters blink

one eye at a time.

Hamsters can store

half their own weight in food

in their cheeks.

Tomato frogs

secrete a glue that

causes a predator’s lips

to stick together.

By the time they

leave high school,

American children

will have eaten 1,500



Alan Shepard took

a peanut to the Moon.

When he brought it back,

Steve McQueen tried to eat it.

Astronauts’ hearts

become rounder

in space.


Harrison Schmitt

is allergic to

the Moon.


John Young smuggled

a corned-beef sandwich

into space.

A third of British

office workers have

the same thing for

lunch every day.

American families

throw away a quarter

of the food they buy.

Americans over 75

watch twice as much TV

as teenagers.


drink more wine

than the French.

A quarter

of all the vegetables

eaten in the USA are

french fries.

Vegetables are four times

healthier than fruit.

Corn, avocados,

cucumbers, peas,

beans, and peppers

are fruits, not


There is

a variety of carrot

beginning with every letter

of the alphabet

except X.

The Aztecs

wore necklaces

made of popcorn.


popcorn kernels

are called “old maids”

or “spinsters.”

A “singlewoman”

was medieval slang

for a prostitute.

88% of women

routinely wear shoes

that are too small

for their feet.

British feet

have grown by

two shoe sizes

in the last 40 years.

Our little toes

were much stronger

before shoes became


In 1967,

Picoazá, Ecuador, elected

a brand of foot deodorant

as the town’s mayor.

New research shows that,

for luxury brands,

the ruder the sales staff,

the higher the sales.


are attracted by

Calvin Klein’s

Obsession for Men.


like the smell

of newspaper ink.

An Atlantic salmon’s

sense of smell is 1,000 times

better than a dog’s.

There are

one billion dogs

in the world.

Every day,

the human body makes

300 billion new cells,

three times as many as there are

galaxies in the universe.

NASA estimates that

the near-Earth asteroid Eros

contains 20 billion tons of gold.

The opening ceremony

of the Beijing Olympics

was the first time a billion people

have watched a sporting event.

At the 1932 Olympics,

the 3,000-meter steeplechase

was run over 3,400 meters

because an official lost count

of the number of laps.

Croquet was dropped

as an Olympic sport after 1900

because only one spectator

turned up to watch.

The first man to swim

the whole length of Britain

grew a beard to protect his face

from jellyfish stings.

Each person in a swimming pool

leaves behind

between 8 and 20

teaspoonfuls of urine.


chemical compounds

have been identified

in human urine.

Mosquito sperm

have a sense of smell.

Virtually all Koreans

lack the gene that

produces smelly armpits.

The tobacco hornworm

uses its terrible breath

to fend off predators.

The first

commercial chewing gum

was made from

spruce-tree resin.

Only 1% of a tree

is actually alive.

The mortality rate

of pop stars is 1.7 times

higher than the average.

1 in 9

Honduran men

will be murdered.

Boys in Bronze Age Russia

had to slay their own dogs

to prove they were ready

to become warriors.

There are more

Internet hosts in Manhattan

than there are in

the whole of Africa.

88% of working adults

in sub-Saharan Africa

don’t have a bank account.

Charitable donations

of clothing to Africa

have led to the collapse

of its textile industry.

40 million tons of dust

are blown from the Sahara

to the Amazon every year.

Lebanon is the only country

in Africa or the Middle East

that doesn’t have a desert.

The only desert

in Britain is

Dungeness Nature Reserve

in Kent.

Everyone on Palmerston Island,

in the middle of the Pacific,

speaks with a

Gloucestershire accent.

Accents in Britain

change noticeably

every 25 miles.


has the largest bog

in Europe.

There are more

stretch limos in Glasgow

than in Los Angeles.

There are more

Catholics in Scotland

than in Northern Ireland.

In 2007, Scotland

spent $186,000 devising

a new national slogan.

The winning entry was

“Welcome to Scotland.”

In 2013,

6,000 papal medals were

withdrawn by the Vatican

after it was found they

read “Lesus” instead

of “Jesus.”


was originally spelled



was originally spelled



is one of the most

commonly misspelled words

in the English language.

The number “2”

is known by 42% of

Slovenian two-year-olds

but only 4% of

English two-year-olds.

The word “twelve”

is worth 12 points

in Scrabble.


each letter of the word “yes”

16 places farther up the alphabet

produces the word oui.

The words “ace, two, three,

four, five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten, jack, queen, king”

contain 52 letters.

The largest known

prime number is

17 million digits long.

The longest English word

with all its letters in

alphabetical order is “Aegilops,”

a flowering grass

whose name means

“an herb liked by goats.”

Both Google and Yahoo

use goats to

trim their lawns.


can’t cry.

If you tickle a rat every day,

it’ll start laughing

as soon as it sees you.


can feel regret.

Being lonely is

as bad for your health as

smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

There are enough

viruses on Earth

to fill 150

Super Bowl stadiums.

The first Cannes Film Festival

closed after only one night,

due to the outbreak of

the Second World War.

In night-time power outages

during the Second World War,

people in Japan read books by

the light of phosphorescent

marine animals.

Some Japanese aircraft

in the Second World War

ran on pine-tree sap.

During the Second World War,

the Polish army recruited

a bear called Wojtek,

a name that means

“he who enjoys war.”

In 1384,

a 10-year-old Hungarian girl

called Hedwig

was crowned

King of Poland.

Offa’s Dyke

was built 200 years before

King Offa was born.

Cleopatra’s Needle

was 1,000 years old when

Cleopatra was born.

Seven US presidents

were born

in log cabins.

For the last

three months of his life,

President James Garfield

had to be fed everything

through his anus.

George H. W. Bush

wears socks with

his own face on them.

The first armored

presidential car was

a Cadillac that had

previously belonged

to Al Capone.

In 1924,

half the cars

in the world were


Half the world’s cork

comes from


In Sweden,

an Indian burn

is known as the

“thousand-needle prank.”

A man in China

hired virtual assassins

to kill his son’s

World of Warcraft character

so he’d stop playing.

In 2013,

police in the Maldives

arrested a coconut

on suspicion of vote-rigging.

In 2007,

police in Iran

detained 14 squirrels

suspected of spying.

In 2012,

the New Zealand government

took legal action to prevent

a couple calling their child


In the Norwegian town

of Longyearbyen,

it is illegal to die.

In 17th-century Virginia,

missing three Sunday masses in a row

carried the death penalty.

In 19th-century Maryland,

it was illegal to

sell mineral water

on a Sunday.

In Singapore,

it’s illegal to

use a public lavatory

and not flush it.

A 1571 law stated that

all Englishmen must wear

knitted hats on Sundays.

In 2013, a judge in Michigan

found himself in contempt of court

when his mobile phone went off

during a trial.


is Spanish for


“Trampoline” comes from

the Spanish for

“diving board.”

It is possible

to travel by zip wire

from Spain to Portugal.

For 14 years

during the Napoleonic wars,

the capital of Portugal was

Rio de Janeiro.


was introduced to Japan

by Portuguese missionaries

in the 16th century.

George Washington

is worshipped as a god

by Japanese Shinto priests

in Hawaii.

The Mayans

had a God of Cocoa.

8 out of 10 vegetarians

eventually go back to

eating meat.

The world’s tallest statue,

currently being built in India,

is of a deputy prime minister.

1 in 6

of the world’s cows

lives in India.

India has more honor-roll students

than America has students in total.

A third of adults in India

play chess at least once a week.

Haile Gebrselassie,

the Ethiopian distance runner,

ran six miles to and from

school each day. He still runs

with a crook in his arm,

as if he’s carrying his books.

The Persians

invented horse-riding

and trousers.

Mozart kept

a fart diary.

1 in 6

Google searches

has never been

searched for before.

A googolplex is a number

so vast it can’t be written down:

there’s not enough room

in the universe for

all the zeros.

Google employees

are encouraged to use

a fifth of their time at work

on their own non-Google projects.

Everyone has at least

50,000 thoughts a day but

95% of them are the same

as the day before.

Three-quarters of Britons

have a drawer at home

full of miscellaneous junk.

At the Vancouver Winter Olympics,

the medals were made from

recycled televisions and

computer circuit boards.


is a chemical compound that

makes things softer and bouncier,

including yoga mats, flip-flops, and

the buns in Big Macs.

Dry cleaning was invented when

someone knocked over a

kerosene lamp and noticed it

removed stains from their clothes.

It’s impossible

to set fire to a pool of gasoline

by throwing a lit cigarette into it.

Before granting the patent in 1891,

the US Patent Office

insisted on proof that the

Ouija board worked.

To save lives,

Volvo gave away the patent

for its seatbelt.

1 in 4 people

killed on British roads was

not wearing a seatbelt.

You are four times more likely

to drown in your bath

than you are to die

of food poisoning.

95% of people don’t wash

their hands properly

before leaving a

public toilet.

Japanese companies advertise on

packs of tissues given out free at

train stations, because the toilets

there often don’t have toilet paper.

People with higher incomes

generally prefer their toilet paper

to unravel over the roll,

while those with lower incomes

prefer it to go under.

In the Second World War,

British troops were issued with

three sheets of toilet paper a day;

American soldiers got 22.

Jack Kerouac

typed his novel On the Road

on a 120-foot roll of paper

in three weeks.

According to the

India Book of Records,

the longest garland

made of cattle dung

was 1¼ miles long.

Modern fishing lines

can be up to

75 miles long.

The 3.4 million coins

in the longest-ever

line of coins stretched

for over 40 miles.

The first coin

minted in the USA

bore the slogan

“Mind Your Business.”

In the Great Depression,

old tires and fish skin

were used as money in the USA.


of all $100 bills

are held outside the USA.

$1,200,000,000,000 of

US money is in circulation,

but nobody knows

where 85% of it is.

Most people walk 12 steps

carrying a piece of litter

before they drop it.

400 million gallons of raw sewage

flow out of New York every year,

the same as the volume of gasoline

Americans use every day.

Mexican households

generate 30% more rubbish

than American households.

Sweden is

so good at recycling

that it has run out of rubbish

and imports 80,000 tons a year

from Norway.


makes biofuel

from dead rabbits.

Pope Gregory I

declared rabbit fetuses

were marine animals

and could be eaten

during Lent.

Pope Francis I

used to work as a bouncer

in a Buenos Aires nightclub.

The Greek god Atlas

had an aunt

called Doris.

Before being elected president,

Abraham Lincoln failed five times

to get elected to Congress.

In 80% of

US presidential elections

the taller candidate has won.

The Somali word for “president”

also means “big head,”

and the candidate with

the biggest head

usually wins.

If a Hong Kong

election ends in a tie,

the candidates draw from a bag

of numbered Ping-Pong balls.

Five years before

he won Wimbledon,

Fred Perry was

world table-tennis champion.

Before he became a spy,

John le Carré washed elephants

for the Swiss National Circus.

Before he became president,

Bashar al-Assad was head of

the Syrian Computer Club.

In 2013, a mobile-phone app

allowing Azerbaijanis to track

the presidential election reported

the president’s massive victory

24 hours before the polls opened.

To be appstracted

is to be distracted

by an app.

The French equivalent

of LOL is MDR:

mort de rire—dead from laughing.

The 1989 article that proposed

the acronym “LOL”

also suggested using

H to mean “Huh?”

The word “huh” is understood

in all known languages.

Hawaiian, Icelandic, and Zulu

have given more words to English

than Welsh or Cornish.

When Columbus

“discovered” the New World,

there were at least 50 million people

living in the Americas.

Before humans reached Hawaii,

the dominant animals there

were giant ducks.

At the 1928 Olympics,

oarsman Henry Pearce stopped to let

a family of ducks cross his lane,

and went on to win the gold medal.

At the 1956 Olympics,

Russian rower Vyacheslav Ivanov

was so excited at winning gold that

he dropped his medal into the lake,

and it was never found.

Toshers were

men who earned a living by

searching London’s sewers

for lost valuables.

People in India

panning for gold in sewers

make four times the average wage.

“You have a turd in your teeth”

was a common insult in

17th-century England.

The terms

“Tory,” “Labour,”

and “prime minister”

all began as insults.

The House of Lords

has a rifle range

in the basement.

Membership of

the Conservative Party

has fallen by 97%

since the 1950s.

The surname Cameron

means “crooked nose.”

The facial expressions

on Lego figures

have become increasingly angry

over the last 30 years.

A “rough-and-tumble”

was originally a boxing bout

without any rules.

In the 1890s,

Samoan cricket matches

had teams of up to 150 a side

and lasted more than two weeks.

Clinton, Montana,

holds an annual testicle festival.

Known as Testy Fest, it includes

Ball Eating, Miss TestyFest,

Itty Bitty Titty, Mr. Fun Buns,

and Nicest Arms.

A manatee’s nipples

are in its armpits.

Despite producing milk,

neither the platypus nor the echidna

has nipples.


are the only primates

with permanent


The largest

bra size is



Dayak fruit bats


Breast milk is

a laxative.

Women’s breast tissue

ages faster than the

rest of their


Victorian slang

for breasts was

“Cupid’s kettledrums.”


are more likely

to cooperate with you

if you give them something

warm to hold.


hug trees

to keep cool.

Spider silk

conducts heat

better than most metals.


seem bigger

the more scared

you are.

1 in 6 Americans

over seven feet tall is

a professional basketball player.

Joseph Goebbels

was the same height

as Lindsay Lohan.

In the 1980s,

Hollywood planned

a version of Doctor Who

starring Michael Jackson

as the Doctor.

Doctor Who’s Daleks

were based on

the Nazis.

In 2001,

the town of Southend-on-Sea

scrapped its traffic-warden outfits

after it was pointed out they were

emblazoned with the letters SS.

The first time

Hitler and Mussolini met,

Mussolini described Hitler as a

“mad little clown.”

The clown

Joseph Grimaldi

was seen by 1 in 8 people

in Victorian London.

Charles Dickens’s son Francis

was a Canadian Mountie

for 12 years.


banned baby walkers

in 2004.

Pay toilets

were banned in Chicago

in 1974.


were banned in Norway

between 1978 and 1989.

In 1948,

a single law in Spain

banned blasphemy,


and keeping poultry.

There was a law

in Sparta against having an

unmanly complexion.

King Archidamus of Sparta

was fined for marrying a short wife

because officials believed she

would give birth to “kinglets”

rather than kings.

The jockey Frankie Dettori

is four inches shorter

than rugby player Tom Youngs,

but only half his weight.

People eating in a

group of seven or more

eat twice as much as

people eating alone.

A newborn blue whale

puts on 196 pounds

every day.

Whales can’t

taste anything

but salt.

Full-fat milk

contains only

3.5% fat.

A one-year-old baby

is 30% fat.

A newborn baby

sucks in air with

50 times the power

of an adult.

Over your life,

you take 850 million


Potato aphids

will not have sex

if they detect a drop

in air pressure.

The “soul-sucking” wasp,

Ampulex dementor,

is named after the

Dementors in Harry Potter

because of the way it

paralyzes cockroaches.

The oldest known

parasitic worm

was found protruding

from the backside of a

25-million-year-old cockroach.

A nematode worm’s brain

is shaped like

a doughnut.

Penis worms

do not have heads

(or penises).


don’t have

taste buds.

Adult burying beetles

punish offspring

who nag for food

by eating them.

Ancient Egyptian bakers

who cheated their customers

were punished by having their ear

nailed to the door of the bakery.

The English word “dinner”

comes from the French word disner,

meaning “breakfast.”

In Hindi,

a chummery

is a house shared by

two or more bachelors.

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s time,

a “cockney” meant

a spoiled child.

In the Middle Ages,

the word “comical”

meant “epileptic.”

The longest bout of

hiccups lasted

67 years.

In the 15th century,

English “sweating sickness”

killed thousands of people

and then disappeared;

nobody knows what it was.


are used to cure


In Greece

between 1920 and 1983,

leprosy was

grounds for divorce.

In 2013,

the US Navy recorded

its first case of scurvy

since the Civil War.

In Nelson’s navy,

it took 2,000 mature oak trees

to build a 74-gun ship.


modern Spanish Navy

is still called

the Armada.

In spite of

“women and children first,”

men have been twice as likely

as women to survive

shipwrecks since 1852.

St. Lucia is the only

country in the world

named after a woman.


has 7,575 streets

named after men

but only 580 after


59 of the 60

oldest living people

are women.

The oldest person

in the world dies,

on average,

every eight months.

When asked what they want

to be when they grow up,

1 in 5 children under

the age of ten

says “rich.”

A quarter of

unmarried Japanese


are still virgins.

More than

50,000 people in Japan

are over 100 years old.

The average

Japanese farmer

is 70 years old.

A common form of

public apology in Japan

is shaving one’s head.

Most Britons say “sorry”

almost two million times

in their lives.

The first soccer rulebook

in Argentina stated that

a player who had been fouled

could accept an apology

rather than involve the referee.


speak Spanish with

a strong Italian accent.

In Washington, DC,

the Slovakian and Slovenian

embassies meet once a month to

exchange wrongly addressed mail.

Slovenian men do

twice as much housework

as Italian men.

80% of Italians

aged between 18 and 30

live with their parents.

If Prince Charles

becomes king, he will be

the oldest monarch

ever crowned

in Britain.

Prince Charles

runs his car on biofuel

made from wine.

Wine can be “aged”

by passing it through

an electric field

for three minutes.

A $10 bottle of wine

tastes better if you’ve paid

$90 for it.

In 2014, a beer in Virginia

made with 35-million-year-old

fossilized yeast was said to

“taste Belgian.”


(the Behavioral Equilibrium

Exchange Rate)

was invented by a

Scottish economist named

Ronald MacDonald.

Abraham Lincoln

was a licensed bartender.

20 million barrels of whisky

are maturing in warehouses

in Scotland.

In 14th-century England,

children were

baptized in cider.

More than 80%

of American two-year-olds

have an online presence.

1 in 10 passwords

used on the Internet

is either “Password,”

“123456,” or “12345678.”

The least common

PIN number

is 8068.

Alternative names

considered for Twitter were

FriendStalker and


85% of Twitter’s content

comes from

15% of users.

Half of all tweets

are pointless babble.

One-third of

the population of China

can’t speak the country’s

official language.

Only a fifth

of the Sahara desert

is sand.

At least a tenth

of the population of Mauritania

are slaves.


didn’t prohibit slavery

until 1995.

The Tightwad Bank

serves the town of

Tightwad, Missouri.


of all bankruptcies in the USA

are caused by medical bills.

More than 80,000

bartenders in America

have university degrees.

As a nuclear-safety inspector,

Homer Simpson earns

$20,000 more than

the average American.

Americans today

work for the equivalent of

one month more each year

than they did in 1976.

There is a French law

that stops people from

answering work emails

after 6 p.m.

Apple Inc.

is worth more than

Sweden, Poland, or Nigeria.

The founders of Hewlett-Packard

flipped a coin to decide

which of them would come first

in the company name.

Facebook is cited

in one-third of

UK divorce cases.

A survey in Britain in 1943

found that the top tip for a

successful marriage was

“liking” your partner.

The Nobel Prize–winning novelist

Gabriel García Márquez

was married for 55 years.

Every day his wife, Mercedes, put

a yellow rose on his desk.

The first person

to go over Niagara Falls

in a barrel and survive was

a 63-year-old widow.


with female names

are deadlier than ones

named after men.

All New Mexico

whiptail lizards

are female.

The German phrase

Eierlegende Wollmilchsau,

literally, “egg-laying wool-milk-sow,”

describes a woman who

can do anything.

In Saudi Arabia,

it is illegal for women

to enter hospitals

unaccompanied by men.

Saudi Arabia

has an official

anti-witchcraft unit.

The last English woman

tried for witchcraft

was convicted in 1944.

A quarter of


believe in zombies.

Winston Churchill

was a druid.

Jimi Hendrix was a



was sacked from

Dunkin’ Donuts for

squirting customers with jam.

Sylvester Stallone

was so broke before his

script for Rocky was accepted

that he sold his dog for $25.

A few weeks later, he bought it back

for $15,000.

Pavarotti holds the world record

for the most curtain calls:

he bowed 165 times

over the course

of an hour.

Regardless of household income,

children of authoritarian parents

are a third more likely to be obese.

1 in 3 children

can use a tablet

before they can speak.

Toddlers who

tell lies early on

are more likely to

do well later in life.


are born with a

sweet tooth.

80% of food

has sugar added

to it.

The caffeine

extracted from decaf coffee

is sold to soft-drinks


Sugary drinks

kill 180,000 people

a year.

East African

vampire spiders

drink human blood

by eating mosquitoes

that have just bitten humans.

Every three seconds,

50 million cells in your body

die and are replaced.

A parking ticket

is issued in Britain

every four seconds.

The universe

is expanding

at 230 miles a second.

Clams can live

for more than

400 years.

An 80-year-old’s fingernails

grow half as quickly

as a 30-year-old’s.


is the technical term

for biting your nails.

People with

a rare genetic disorder known as

“immigration delay disease”

have no fingerprints.

The expression

“the big C” as a

euphemism for cancer

was coined by John Wayne.

The first person

to smoke in Europe

was sent to prison for

being possessed by the devil.

Most people in the 18th century

only had a proper wash

twice a year.

In the 19th century,

circumcision was used to treat

epilepsy, hernia, lunacy,

and paralysis.

“Manchester United

induced Addisonian crisis”

is a rare medical condition

involving heart palpitations

during Man United games.

1 in 4 people has

a hole in their heart.

The hole in the ozone layer

over Antarctica is

twice the size of Europe.

The hole in a guillotine

through which you stick your neck

is called a “lunette.”

The rules of golf

once provided that

if your ball hit your opponent,

he would lose the hole.

Celine Dion

owns a golf course.

Bill Murray

was once pulled over

by the Swedish police

for driving a golf cart

under the influence of alcohol.

In a 1776 version

of the rules of golf,

any ball falling in human excrement

could be removed for

a one-stroke penalty.

Golfers can get

“golf ball liver”

from licking their balls.

Alfred Lyttelton,

the first man to represent England

at both cricket and soccer,

was killed by a cricket ball.

William Hotten,

who wrote the first dictionary

of English slang in 1859,

died after eating too many

pork chops.

Human flesh

tastes like pork

but looks like beef.

518-pound Les Price was made to buy

two tickets for his flight from

Ireland to England, only to find that

the seats weren’t in the same row.

Fat Man

was the name of

the bomb dropped on


You can burn 20% more fat

by exercising in the morning

on an empty stomach.

Taking the stairs

one step at a time

burns more calories than

taking them two at a time.

Having sex

uses the same number of

calories as there are

in one small


Medieval peasants

ate twice as many calories

as we do today.

Medieval English

surnames included

Crakpot, Halfenaked, Swetinbedde,

and Gyldenbollockes.

Viking names included

“desirous of beer,” “squat-wiggle,”

“lust-hostage,” “short penis,”

“able to fill a bay with fish by magic,”

“the man who mixes his drinks,” and

“the man without trousers.”

The Romans split France into

“Trousered Gaul” in the south

and “Hairy Gaul” in the north.

Lewstery means

“to bustle about

like a lusty wench.”

Leint is an old

northern word meaning

“to add urine to ale

to make it stronger.”


is a Hindi word meaning

“to wash with water

and cow dung.”

Logodiarrhea means

“talking too much.”

The human brain

has enough memory

to hold three million

hours of television.

Ross from Friends

celebrated his 29th birthday

in three consecutive seasons.

Matt LeBlanc

was down to his last $11

when he got the part of

Joey in Friends.

In most countries,

the most popular

program on TV is

the weather forecast.

Not one of the Star Trek

TV shows or films

contains the words

“Beam me up, Scotty.”

The 1960s US TV show

Lost in Space

was set in 1997.

Fewer people

have been in space

than climbed Mount Everest

last year.

For every 25 people

who have reached the summit

of Mount Everest,

one person

has died trying.

47-year-old Mark Inglis

climbed Everest in 2006,

despite having no legs and

one of his prostheses snapping

in half at 21,000 feet.


is a combination of

“virility” and “Niagara.”


was the only ancient Egyptian

who was mummified with

an erect penis.

Tutankhamun’s parents

were brother and sister.

“Double cousins” share

all four grandparents.

This happens when

a pair of sisters marries

a pair of brothers.

1 in 5 marriages

in the world is

between first cousins.

1 in 20 couples argues

so much on their wedding night

they fail to consummate

their marriage.

George IV

got so drunk on his wedding night

he passed out on the floor

in front of the fireplace.

When Peter the Great

found out his wife had had an affair,

he had her lover’s head chopped off

and presented to her in a jar.

In 2013,

al-Qaeda apologized for

accidentally beheading

one of their own men.

More than twice as many people

were guillotined by the Nazis

as during the French Revolution.

The first violence

of the French Revolution

took place at a

luxury wallpaper factory.

Before having their chests cut open

and their hearts pulled out,

Aztec human-sacrifice victims

were given a cup of hot chocolate.

As well as humans,

the Aztecs sacrificed

wolves, turtles, snakes,

hummingbirds, woodpeckers,

and shellfish.

In 2002, Norwegian soccer player

Kenneth Kristensen signed for

third-division team Floey

and was paid his weight in shrimps.

Louis XIV ate 400 oysters

on his wedding night.

To improve their ability

to swallow hot dogs,

the International Federation of

Competitive Eating

is studying black holes.

Slum dwellings

made up 20% of the houses

in London in 1949.

It is illegal in Vancouver

to build a new house

with doorknobs.

Brass doorknobs

disinfect themselves

in a process known as

the “oligodynamic effect.”

Bacteria live for only three hours

on Croatia’s currency, the kuna,

but for more than a day on the

Romanian leu.

It is as difficult

for a bacterium

to swim through water

as it is for a human

to swim through syrup.

The world’s oceans

contain 20 million billion

tons of chlorine.

A chemical in ships’ paint

causes female snails

to grow penises

and explode.

4% of the sand on

Normandy beaches

is made up of tiny metal particles

from the D-Day landings.

Half the world’s population

has a genetic mutation that

makes brussels sprouts

taste extremely nasty.

As a boy,

Roald Dahl taste-tested

new chocolate bars

for Cadbury’s.

People who try to

stop thinking about chocolate

eat more of it than

those who don’t.

1 in 5 British children

thinks fish fingers

are made of chicken.

1 in 5 kidneys

donated in the USA

is thrown away because a

suitable recipient can’t be found.

1 in 5 people in 2005

admitted to taking Derbisol

—a drug that doesn’t exist.


is a 17th-century word

for “indigestion.”

In Turkey,

the word for “turkey” means

“Indian bird.”

The Indian word

for “turkey” means

“Peruvian bird.”

In Greece,

the word for “turkey” means

“French bird.”

The Malaysian word

for “turkey” means

“Dutch chicken.”

The world’s largest

chicken nugget is

twice the size of the

world’s largest chicken.

The world’s largest water slide,

in Kansas City,

is taller than

Niagara Falls.

The dish of

the world’s largest

single-aperture radio telescope is

large enough to hold the contents

of 357 million boxes of cornflakes.

The world’s smallest ad

was stenciled onto

a bee’s knee.

Piranha soup

is a popular aphrodisiac

in Brazil.


were served as aphrodisiacs

in Elizabethan brothels.


was an aphrodisiac

in 17th-century London.

Frog juice,

made by putting

frogs in a blender,

is an aphrodisiac in Peru.

Before fridges were invented,

Russians and Finns

kept their milk fresh

by putting live frogs in it.

In 1998,

a swarm of jellyfish

in New Zealand

killed 56,000 salmon

in half an hour.

The national bird of Peru

is the Andean

cock of the rock.

The scientific name

for a llama

is Lama glama.

The first jerky

was called “charqui”

and was made from llama.

Male llamas having sex

make a strange gargling noise

called an “orgle.”

The French word

for “sexting”

is textopornographique.

The French name for the

constellation Ursa Major is

Le Casserole.

The word louche

is French for


The French

for “rehearsal”

is répétition.

In French episodes of

The Simpsons,

Homer’s catchphrase “D’oh!”

is dubbed as “T’oh!

French names for trenches

in the First World War

included The Snail,

Place de L’Opéra,

and Headache.

Due to a computer error in 1989,

41,000 Parisians received letters

charging them with murder,

extortion, and prostitution

instead of traffic offenses.

In 2013, a PayPal computer error

briefly made a man in Pennsylvania

the richest person in the world.

Until he died in 2015,

the richest man in Italy

was the inventor

of Nutella.

The most common occupation

for the wife of a millionaire

is teacher.

If Nikola Tesla

hadn’t sold his royalties,

he would have been the

world’s first billionaire.

Thomas Edison


the tattoo pen.

The man who invented the

water bed was unable to patent it

because it had already appeared

in science-fiction novels.

Titanic was the first movie

made by James Cameron that

didn’t include any mention of

nuclear weapons.

For his role in Terminator 2,

Arnold Schwarzenegger earned

$30,000 per word.

India’s Mars probe cost less

than the movie Gravity.

The B-movie The Blob

is based on a real-life

police report

from 1950.

The movie Blade Runner was

based on a novel by Philip K. Dick.

Director Ridley Scott never

finished the book, and Dick

never saw the film.

The last film

rented out by Blockbuster

was the 2013 comedy

This Is the End.

The Domesday Book

wasn’t known as

the Domesday Book

for a hundred years

after it was written.

The Bible’s

Book of Esther

doesn’t mention God once.

There is no evidence

that Geoffrey Chaucer

ever visited Canterbury.

Not one of

the 500 references

to Geoffrey Chaucer

written in his lifetime

refers to him as a poet.

The first collection

of poetry published by

the three Brontë sisters

sold fewer copies

than it had authors.

Edgar Allan Poe

received only $9

for the publication of

“The Raven.”


bought Edgar Allan Poe’s

writing desk.

The novelist

Kurt Vonnegut

ran America’s first

Saab dealership.

J. M. Barrie founded

a celebrity cricket team with

Arthur Conan Doyle, H. G. Wells,

Jerome K. Jerome, G. K. Chesterton,

A. A. Milne, Rudyard Kipling,

and P. G. Wodehouse.

Cricket was allowed

under the Taliban,

but applause by the crowd

was banned.

Russell Brand’s

My Booky Wook is banned

from Guantanamo Bay.

All glossy magazines

are radioactive.

Mouse sperm

is bigger than

elephant sperm.

The amniotic fluid

in the human womb

renews itself completely

every three hours.

The last entry in the

official Scrabble dictionary

is “zzz.”

William Morton,

the father of anesthesia,

first experimented on himself but

kept falling asleep before he could

describe the results.

To sleep for one night

in every bed in Las Vegas

would take 288 years.

The Bloody Mary has

been scientifically proved to be

the best alcoholic drink to

enjoy on an airplane.

Guglielmo Marconi,

the inventor of radio,

was the great-grandson

of the inventor of

Jameson’s Irish whiskey.

It takes 700 grapes

to make one bottle of wine.

It takes a million

cloud droplets

to make one raindrop.

A planet called

HD 189733b,

63 light-years from Earth,

is lashed by rain

made of molten glass

and 4,000 mph winds.

The word “weather”

originally just meant


The Khasi Hills in India,

once known as the

wettest hills in the world,

are now having to import water.


is Urdu for


Although Australia is

the driest inhabited continent,

Australians use more water

than anyone else.

The busiest polling station

in Australian elections

is in London.

Nobody won

the Nobel Peace Prize

in 1972.

J. R. R. Tolkien was rejected

for a Nobel Prize in Literature

on the grounds of his

“poor storytelling.”

Game of Thrones author

George R. R. Martin

adopted the “R. R.” as

a homage to Tolkien.

In 2012,

146 girls in the USA

were named Khaleesi.

In 2012,

five babies in the UK

were named Sherlock.

Chinese fans of Sherlock call

Benedict Cumberbatch

and Martin Freeman

“Curly Fu” and “Peanut.”

The leader of the city council

in Brighton, England,

is called Jason Kitcat.

The original KitKat

was an 18th-century

mutton pie.

Ruth Wakefield,

inventor of chocolate-chip cookies,

sold her idea to Nestlé in exchange

for a lifetime supply of chocolate.

Lava lamps

were invented by an accountant

whose hobby was making

underwater nudist films.

For inspiration,

D. H. Lawrence liked to climb

mulberry trees naked.

The world’s oldest living tree

was already 100 years old

when Stonehenge

was built.

There’s a tree

in South Africa so big that

a pub has been built

inside its trunk.

Palm trees

are a type of grass.

A grasshopper

becomes more sociable

if you stroke its hind legs.


a fruit fly’s front legs

makes it bisexual.

Male fruit flies

given alcohol develop

homosexual tendencies.

Fruit flies

take their time

making difficult decisions.

After mating,

a pair of lovebugs

can stay stuck together,

even in flight,

for several days.

Male woodlice

can change sex,

but females can’t.

Every leech

has 18 testicles

and two ovaries.

The largest-ever leech

was 18 inches long and

went by the name of

Grandma Moses.

There is a species of leech

that can survive 24 hours

in liquid nitrogen.

A leech can

take up to 200 days

to digest

a meal.


is a 16th-century word

meaning “enamel.”

The Dutch Crown jewels

are made of fake pearls,

fish scales, and

colored foil.

The Pantone color chart

has 104 shades of gray.

Fifty Shades of Grey

was originally titled

Masters of the Universe.

The first baseball gloves

were flesh-colored in case

spectators noticed and accused

players of cowardice.

According to England’s

leading brain surgeon,

it is more dangerous

to wear a cycle helmet

than not to wear one.

St. George

is the patron saint of

England, leprosy, and syphilis.

The largest sperm bank in the world

does not accept donations

from redheads because of

“insufficient demand.”


are not mice.


can yawn.


tickle each other.

The technical term for

guffawing is


The Norwegian word

for smelly feet is tåfis,

which means “toe-fart.”

Conversesjukan is Swedish for

foot problems caused by

wearing trendy sneakers.

It is illegal

to wear a bikini in Barcelona,

except on the beach.


are illegal in Uganda.

It is illegal

to take mineral water

into Nigeria.


the former Nigerian

electric power authority,

was popularly known as

“Never Electric Power Anytime.”

From 1934 to 1948,

the motto of the BBC was

Quaecunque, Latin for


The original

BBC license fee

cost the equivalent of


The price the

tooth fairy pays for a tooth

went up by 42% between

2011 and 2013.

Queen Victoria

had jewelry made out of

her children’s milk teeth.

The Romans used

powdered mouse brains

as toothpaste.

At the 2012 London Olympics,

55% of the athletes were found

to have tooth decay.

Lipstick in the USA

may legally contain lead,

arsenic, and mercury.

At the court of Louis XIV

women used lemons

to redden their lips.

The Romans

used lemons as



used half a lemon

as an improvised


At 21,

Mussolini was

homeless and living under

a bridge in Switzerland.

Waterloo Bridge is

called the “Ladies Bridge”

because it was built

mainly by women.

Kissing was

banned in England

in 1439.

It takes five people

to extract semen

from a vulture.

In 1859,

a moral panic swept America

over young people playing

too much chess.

In 1937,

ukuleles were banned in Japan

on the grounds that they

“weakened young people’s will.”

In 1816,

the Times warned its readers

that the waltz was

“a fatal contagion.”

In 1916,

New Jersey banned the Charleston

because it was thought to cause

broken shins.

More than a third

of all sick leave

is taken on Mondays.


don’t work

on octopuses.

Hermit crabs

form gangs

to steal shells from

other hermit crabs.

In 2006,

the average bank heist

made just $4,330.

If you earn

$30,000 a year,

you’re one of the

world’s richest 1%.

In 2000,

it cost $3 billion to

sequence a human genome.

By 2014, the cost had fallen

to under $1,000.

There are 65% more people

over 100 years old in the USA than

there were in 1980.

By 2050,

70% of people

will live in cities.

The dawn chorus

starts five hours earlier

in cities than in

the countryside.

Alligators balance

twigs on their noses,

to lure birds looking for

nest-building materials.

Dogs with

ADHD make

the best sniffer dogs.

Only one dog

was ever registered as

a Japanese prisoner of war.

During the First World War,

German and Russian troops agreed to

a cease-fire and joined forces to

fend off attacks by wolves.

To make them less conspicuous,

white horses in the British army

in the First World War were

dyed brown with food coloring.

Aristotle advised

Alexander the Great

not to let his soldiers drink mint tea

because it would make them

think more of love than war.

In the Hundred Years War,

dead soldiers had their

faces burned off with hot irons

to prevent identification.

London burned down in 1077, 1087,

1132, 1136, 1203, 1212, 1220,

and 1227, as well as in 1666.

A search for “singular coincidence”

in the British Newspaper Archive

brings up more than 10,000 articles.

On April 17, 2011,

Emmanuel Mutai

won the London Marathon.

The next day, Geoffrey Mutai

won the Boston Marathon.

The two men are not related.

In April 1971,

the headmaster of

a Japanese primary school

found a new species of salamander

in the school drains.



eternally young.

In 1899,

Dr. Horace Emmett revealed

that the secret of eternal youth

was injections of ground-up

squirrel testicles.

He died later that year.

The world’s shortest snake

is four inches long

and often mistaken

for an earthworm.

The curly part

of a corkscrew

is called the “worm.”

Kiwi fruit

used to be called


Humans are not at

the top of the food chain

but near the middle,

on a level with pigs

and anchovies.

Dorothy Parker

had a pet canary

she called Onan

because he spilled his

seed on the ground.

Salvador Dalí

had a pet anteater.

Giant anteaters

eat 30,000 ants a day.

There are

1.6 million people

in Manhattan

and 1.2 billion ants.

The total amount of adrenaline

in half a million people

weighs images of an ounce.

The richest 85 people in the world

have as much money as

the poorest 3.5 billion.

Sir Francis Drake

left all his money to the

poor people of Plymouth.

When Handel died,

he left the equivalent of $128,000

to build a monument to himself

in Westminster Abbey.

The amount of money you get

at the start of Monopoly ($1,500)

is the current average weekly rent

in central London.

In London SW3,

£100 would buy you

a piece of property

the size of a

credit card.

1 in 11 people on Earth

earns their money

from tourism.

The Great Wall of China

was funded by a state lottery.

The lottery of the

Zimbabwe Banking Corporation

was won in 2000 by the

president of Zimbabwe.

President Mugabe has

been in power 50% longer

than the lifetime of

the average Zimbabwean.

Saddam Hussein’s regime

destroyed 90% of

Iraq’s marshes.

Members of the

Yazidi religion of Iraq

are forbidden to

eat lettuce.

Varieties of lettuce include

Amish Deer Tongue,

Drunken Woman,

Midnight Ruffles, and

Red Leprechaun.


ate leeks

to improve his

singing voice.

Edward II

employed a “tumbler”

who fell off his horse

to amuse the king for

20 shillings each time.

King Francis I of France

hung the Mona Lisa

in his bathroom.

Queen Elizabeth II had a

special shelf installed in her car

so there was somewhere

to put her handbag.

King Olav V of Norway

preferred to travel

by public transport.

John Lennon and George Harrison

once took a bus across Liverpool

to visit a man who could

teach them the

chord B7.


buy three times as

many false eyelashes

as the national average.

In the 18th century,

people with facial scars

filled them in with lard

and painted them over

with white lead.

Two teaspoonfuls of Botox

are enough to kill

everyone in Britain.

A “quarter pounder”

weighs less than

a fifth of a pound

when cooked.

The tastiest part of

a cooked hippopotamus

is its breasts.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts

make more money each year

than the world’s five smallest

countries combined.


is a Georgian word meaning

“to eat past the point of fullness

because the food is so delicious.”

In Georgian,

mama means “father”

and deda means “mother.”

The Inuit word iktsuarpok

means “to keep going outside

to see if anyone’s coming.”

The Japanese word tsundoku

means buying books

and not getting around

to reading them.


is German for “losers”:

literally, an

“army of cucumbers.”

The world’s first nudist colony,

founded in India in 1891, was called

the Fellowship of the Naked Trust.

The expression “flash mob”

was first used in 1832 and meant

a group of petty criminals.

Libya was the first country to

issue an arrest warrant

for Osama bin Laden.

The first-ever webcam

was in the computer lab

at Cambridge University.

It was trained on the

coffee pot in the corridor

to save the scientists from

making pointless trips

when it had run out.

Coffee beans

are actually seeds.

Sunflower seeds

are actually fruits.


are the ovaries

of plants.

In order to be

light enough to fly,

birds have

only one ovary.

Men with smaller testicles

tend to be better fathers.

Ramajit Raghav became

the world’s oldest father

at 96 years old.

At least 10%

of all the adult cheetahs

in the southern Serengeti

have the same mother.

A male cheetah

can make a female ovulate

by barking at her.

An elephant call

can be heard anywhere

within 100 square miles.

Elephants can tell different

human languages apart.

Elephants have

more muscles in their trunks

than adult humans have

in their entire body.

Over 80 international brands

feature the word “Maasai.”

Collectively worth billions,

none has sought permission

from the Maasai people.

Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan

was inspired by

the last words

of a murderer.

Six streets in London

had their names changed

after murders took place there.

The villains in Psycho,

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,

and The Silence of the Lambs

are all based on the same man.

In 2002, an American bomber

attempted to plant 18 bombs

that, when exploded,

would form a giant smiley face.

In 1552,

Henry Pert died after

shooting himself in the face

with his own bow and arrow.

Head lice

will die if they don’t

eat six times a day.

Theodore Roosevelt

thought it was a shame

diplodocuses had died out:

he’d have liked to hunt one.

When a pope dies,

his seals are defaced and

his ring is split in two.

Sigmund Freud

treated Gustav Mahler

for impotence.

A popular way to cure impotence

in the 14th century

was to wear your trousers

on your head for 24 hours.

The Duke of Wellington

was kicked out of his club in 1814

for wearing trousers

instead of pantaloons.

“Extraordinary affair,”

said the Duke of Wellington

after his first Cabinet meeting.

“I gave them their orders and they

wanted to stay to discuss them . . .”

The Duke of Wellington’s horse,

Copenhagen, died from eating

too many sponge cakes, bath buns,

and chocolate creams.

Przewalski’s horses,

a rare, wild breed

native to Mongolia,

have never been domesticated.

The two pandas

in Edinburgh Zoo

eat $60,000 worth

of food a year.

Pandas defecate

50 times a day.

In Bolivia,

llama droppings are

used to purify water.

Polluted water

kills children at a rate

equivalent to a fully laden

jumbo jet crashing

every four hours.

Since 1948,

100 planes have

gone missing in flight

and never been recovered.

In the UK,

one child goes missing

every five minutes.

It’s impossible to

get lost in a labyrinth:

unlike mazes, labyrinths have

only one possible route.

Fearing a German invasion,

in 1940 Alan Turing converted

his assets into silver ingots and

buried them in Buckinghamshire.

He spent the rest of his life

failing to find them.


of all time capsules

have been lost.

11,000 keys are lost

on London’s subway trains

and buses every year.

Every year,

New York subway cars

travel farther than the

distance from Mars

to the Sun and back.

Since the 1960s,

the cost of a subway ticket

in New York has

remained the same

as a slice of pizza.

Che pizza

is Italian for

“What a bore!”


is German for


The British Royal Family

follows the German tradition

of opening their gifts

on Christmas Eve.

The Queen

took her corgi, Susan,

on her honeymoon.

1 in 4 American dogs

is overweight.

People who kiss their dogs

have lower blood pressure

than those who don’t.

1 in 5 people in Wales

hasn’t been kissed

for a year.

People who

believe in luck

are luckier than

those who don’t.

The chances

of finding a

four-leaf clover

are 10,000 to 1.

The most leaves

ever found on

a clover

is 12.

Frank Sinatra

took a shower

12 times a day.

Months that

begin on a Sunday

will always have a

Friday the 13th.

Stan Laurel was

originally called Stan Jefferson.

He changed his name because

it had 13 letters in it.

Stan Laurel once

successfully cross-bred

a potato with an onion,

but he couldn’t persuade

anyone to eat one.

The racehorse


got its name from

a stablehand who

couldn’t spell


One-third of

British potatoes

are made into french fries.

Two-thirds of the

bagged salad sold in

British supermarkets

never gets eaten.

Nicknames for stinging nettles

include “the devil’s leaf”

and “naughty man’s plaything.”

The Forme of Cury,

a 14th-century English cookbook,

has a recipe for

porpoise haggis.

Archibald Clark West,

the inventor of Doritos,

had them sprinkled

on his grave.


was invented by

Alfred Nobel’s father.

Abraham Lincoln’s wife

was an opium addict.

Dmitri Mendeleev

was working as a

cheese consultant

when he had the idea

for the periodic table.

In 2013,

nine babies born in the UK

were named


Lady cheese

is cheese made from

human breast milk.


in the UK

is legal.

A 175-pound man


110,000 calories.

People eat less

in subdued lighting.

The record number

of live goldfish swallowed

at a single sitting

is 210.

The seventh

most common sentence

in The Hunger Games trilogy is

“I swallowed hard.”


are the fastest eaters in nature.

They swallow their prey

in 0.006 second.

The International Space Station

travels at five miles a second.

A day on the

International Space Station

is 1½ hours long.

The universe

is getting less blue

and more red.

Martian sunsets

are blue.

When humans

first evolved on Earth,

there was water on Mars.

Craters on Mars

less than 37 miles in diameter

are named after towns on Earth

with populations under 100,000.

The first choice of a name for

Disney’s Hannah Montana

was Alexis Texas, but it

was already taken

by a porn star.

Before he started eating cookies,

the Cookie Monster’s name

was Sid.

The name Chewbacca

is from saboka,

the Russian for “dog.”

Chewbacca’s voice

was created by combining

the sounds of a bear, a walrus,

a lion, and a badger.

Disney was sued

by a biologist for

defaming the character of hyenas

in The Lion King.

The mayor of the city

of Batman in Turkey

threatened to sue Warner Bros.

for not asking permission to use

the city’s name in the Batman movies.

To equip yourself

as a real-life Batman

would cost about

$300 million.

Christian Bale’s

father’s uncle’s cousin

was the Edwardian actress

Lily Langtry.

Clark Kent is two inches

shorter than Superman;

to finesse his secret identity

he compresses his spine.

When the infant Mozart

first rose to prominence,

some members of the Royal Society

thought he was a dwarf in disguise.

Mozart’s sister

was also a musician,

who sometimes took top billing

as they toured Europe together.

As a child,

Mozart was terrified

of trumpets.

An ear trumpet

is technically known as

an “otacousticon.”

A wheeple

is an ineffectual attempt

to whistle loudly.

An ass-pipe

is a musical instrument

from the British Virgin Islands,

made from a car exhaust

and played like a tuba.

The izikhothane

are South African youths

who meet in car parks,

cover themselves in custard,

and burn wads of cash.

“Bitch the pot”

was 19th-century slang for

“pour the tea.”

Perfect coffee

should consist of

17.42 parts of water

for every part of coffee.


drink twice as much coffee

as Americans.

In 1820, the average American

drank half a pint of whisky

every day.

The longer a whisky is aged,

the longer it takes for your body

to get rid of the alcohol.

The average Belarusian

drinks 4.6 gallons

of alcohol a year.

Belarus has the

same infant-mortality rate

as Birmingham, England.

Chemicals caused

female munitions workers

in the First World War to

give birth to yellow babies.


have more trade


than AK-47s.

There are more species of plant

on Cape Town’s Table Mountain

than in the whole of the UK.

Five times as many

Cadbury’s Creme Eggs

are eaten in Britain every year

as there are people.

A kiwi’s egg is

so large it’s equivalent to

a human mother giving birth

to a six-year-old.

Dr. Seuss wrote

Green Eggs and Ham

to win a bet with his publisher

that he couldn’t write a book

using just 50 different words.

The French phrase au gratin

literally means

“with scrapings.”

There are no mentions

of salad in the Bible.

You are more likely

to believe a statement

that is printed in bold.

Taking a photo of something

reduces your ability

to remember it.

90% of people

remember their first kiss

more vividly than

the first time they had sex.

A woman who is

bitten by a cat has

a 50% chance of

being diagnosed

with depression.

83% of pet owners

refer to themselves

as their pet’s

“mom” or “dad.”

More than 60% of

pandas born in captivity

die within a week.

The UK

turtledove population

has declined by 95%

since 2005.

In 2013,

160 sheep were stolen

from the Dorset village

of Wool.

In 1557,

Robert Calf

was mauled to death

by a cow.


was invented by a

chicken salesman.

Colonel Sanders’s

career as a lawyer came to an end

when he assaulted his

client in court.

There is a law firm

in Leeds called

Godloves Solicitors.

The real name of

the rapper Aloe Blacc is

Egbert Nathaniel Dawkins III.


is an acronym for







first name

is Minch.

The last name of

Woody from Toy Story

is Pride.

Matt Groening’s mother

was called Marge Wiggum.

The 2003 world poker champion

who won $2.5 million

for a $39 entry fee

is called Chris Moneymaker.

In 1910,

a man called Morton Norbury

was killed after an argument

over who had the most

handsome mustache.

In the 19th century,

pious Spaniards grew mustaches

in the shape of a cross.

Abraham Lincoln

only had a beard for

the last five years of his life.

Charles Darwin

only grew his famous beard

in his mid-fifties to

relieve his eczema.


is banned by the Bible.

The prophet Muhammad

dyed his beard

with henna.

The Paris Exhibition of 1855

had a life-sized picture

of Queen Victoria

made of hair.

John Constable

was 39 when he sold

his first landscape painting.


painted using

ordinary house paint.

The US Army

keeps Hitler’s watercolors in

a high-security warehouse

in Virginia.

“Mummy Brown” paint was

discontinued in the 1960s

when the supply of

Egyptian mummies ran out.

The ancient Egyptians

mummified beef ribs,

sliced duck, and goat meat

to eat in the afterlife.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

was built by 100,000 people

working 10 hours a day

for 20 years.

The ancient Egyptians

invented the will

and the business handshake.

Ancient Egyptian lettuce

contained the same

active ingredient

as cocaine.

Old English medicines included

Allan’s Nipple Liniment,

Grimston’s Eye Snuff,

Miller’s Worm Plums, and

Italian Bosom Friend.

People suffering from

superior canal dehiscence syndrome

can hear their own eyeballs moving.

An eye-baby

is the tiny reflection of yourself

in someone else’s eye.

Reflectors on

pedestrians’ clothing are

a legal requirement in Estonia.

It is against the law

for anyone in Barbados

to wear camouflage.

Until January 2013,

it was illegal for

women in Paris

to wear trousers.

Women called Eleanor

are 100 times more likely

to get into Oxford University

than women called Jade.


was written by

a 16-year-old girl.

More than a million square feet

of forest are used every year

to make chopsticks.

It is cheaper

to send Scottish cod to China

to be filleted and sent back again

than to fillet the fish

in Scotland.

Fewer than

five cod eggs in a million

survive to become fish.

Only 6 out of 22

crocodile species present

any danger to humans.

When Barack Obama visited

Australia’s Northern Territory,

he was given a $50,000

crocodile-attack insurance policy.


will gamble more

if they are holding a crocodile.

Male chess players

adopt riskier strategies when

playing against beautiful women.

Only 2,000 women

in the world buy

haute-couture dresses.

It takes 2,200


to make them.

In 13th-century France,

it was illegal to sew

more than 50 silver buttons

onto your clothes.

The Scottish Official Board

of Highland Dancing

says that under their kilts

Scotsmen should wear

dark underpants.

In 1320, Scotland

was excommunicated

by the pope.

There are eight million

Jehovah’s Witnesses on Earth,

but according to their teachings,

only 144,000 people will be

saved at the end of the world.

Lloyd’s of London

once offered reduced premiums

for missionary ships because

they had divine protection.

In 2005,

a Romanian murderer sued God

for not doing enough to

protect him from Satan.

The world’s best-selling

genre of literature

is self-help books.

The most common sentence

in the Harry Potter books is

“Nothing happened.”

The five most common

first names of taxi drivers

in New York City are Md,

Mohammad, Mohammed,

Muhammad, and Mohamed.

The most commonly

awarded grade

at Harvard

is an A.

The most commonly asked question

at Hanna-Barbera’s head office is

“What did Barney Rubble

do for a living?”

The first-ever comic strip

was published at the suggestion of

Wolfgang von Goethe.

The original Popeye

got his strength from

rubbing a magic hen.

The DC Comics character


got his superpowers

from cocaine.

Until 1916,

cocaine and heroin

could be bought

over the counter

at Harrods.

Potato chip bags

aren’t full of air;

they’re full of nitrogen.

Hula Hoops

are not kosher.

Orthodox Jews

can buy kosher

sexual lubricants.

The Hebrew

for “usury” is


Male Darwin frogs

store their tadpoles

in their vocal sacs,

then cough up

fully formed frogs.

There is a drug

made from the saliva

of the Gila monster that

stops you from feeling hungry.

Anole lizards

do push-ups

to get attention.

If you fire lasers

at the brain of a fly,

you can make it have sex

with a ball of wax.

2014 was

the International Year of

the Salamander,

the Family, the Secretary,

and the Spine.

In its first year,

the human brain

grows to 75%

of its full size.


was a pirate

for two years.


can sleep for

three years.

The British army’s

Cyclist Corps

lasted four years.

Five baby girls

in the USA in 2012

were named


Baby chickens

use their right eye

to look for food

and their left eye

to look out for predators.

A baby porcupine

is called a “porcupette.”

The genome of wheat

is five times larger

than the human genome.

Before the

invention of electricity,

human beings slept

90 minutes longer

than they do now.

Elizabeth I

always slept with

another woman in her bed.

Elizabeth I

owned 3,000 dresses

and the world’s first

wire coat hanger.

Elizabeth I


gingerbread men.

Robert Louis Stevenson

dreamed the plot of

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Joseph Conrad

died leaving an

unfinished novel

called Suspense.

It took 17 takes

for E. B. White to

record the death scene for the

audiobook of Charlotte’s Web

without breaking down.

Hugh Hefner

has someone preselect

his potato chips so he

doesn’t have to eat

broken ones.

Franz Kafka

liked to exercise naked

in front of a window.


are the only animals

that blush.


don’t have eyelids.


get tan lines.


don’t have ears.

All the ants in the world

weigh about the same

as all the people.

There are more stars

in the universe

than words have been spoken

by all of the humans

who have ever lived.

It would take

225 million years

to walk a light-year.

Swinging your arms

when walking

makes it 12% easier.

70% of all train journeys

in England start or finish

in London.

The London Underground

was originally intended

to terminate in Paris.

In 2014,

a single parking space

in London was sold

for $593,000.

Oxford Street in London

has the most polluted air

in the world.

Archers Way

in Doncaster

was formerly called

Butt Hole Road.

The first T-shirt

was aimed at bachelors

who couldn’t sew on buttons.

Charles Darwin’s

cousin Francis Galton

invented underwater spectacles

so he could read in the bath.

After getting out of the bath,

the ancient Greeks

covered themselves

with olive oil.

If everyone washed

their hands properly with soap,

it would save 600,000

lives a year.

Every year,

around 3,000 people

get bubonic plague.

Medical mistakes kill

enough Americans each week

to fill four 747s.

13 Americans

have died as a result of

laxative overdose.

If the US national debt were

stacked in $5 bills, it would reach

three-quarters of the way

to the Moon.

If Bill Gates gave his entire fortune

to the US government, it would

only cover the national deficit

for 15 days.

If you have no debts

and $15 in your pocket,

you are wealthier than

a quarter of Americans.

The Pentagon

is successfully hacked

250,000 times a year,

and unsuccessfully hacked

10 million times a day.

28% of Americans

believe a secret elite is

conspiring to run the world.

70% of the silent movies

made in America

have been lost.

The cross-eyed

silent-film comedian

Ben Turpin

had his eyes insured

against uncrossing.

None of an octopus’s limbs

knows what any of the

others are doing.

The Lord of the Rings

holds the record for the

greatest number of false feet

used in a single movie:


The cast of


have worn out

14,000 pairs of shoes.

The Victoria and Albert Museum

has a 1,500-year-old pair of socks

designed to be worn with sandals.

The world’s first GPS shoes

are activated by clicking

the heels three times.

Shoes with

five eyelets on each side

can be laced up

51,840 different ways.

There are


ways to tie a tie.

In imperial Japan,

high-born women

peed standing up

so as not to crease

their kimonos.

Louis XIV

announced his engagement

from the lavatory.

At Stalin’s funeral

500 people were

trampled to death.

Of the 142 million deaths

caused by an ideology

in the 20th century,

94 million were due

to communism.


owned nine Rolls-Royces.

According to the International

Trade Union Confederation,

British workers have

fewer rights than

Albanians, Russians,

or Rwandans.

The chairman of a company

is four times more likely

to be a psychopath

than the doorman.

Members of the Mafia

are much less likely

to be psychopaths than

other Italian criminals.

Prison inmates in Chile

have better mental health

than the average American.

There are more libraries

in Britain’s prisons

than there are in its schools.

A year in a

juvenile detention facility

costs four times as much as

a year at Harvard.

The annual cost to the UK economy

of re-offending by ex-prisoners

is equivalent to staging

the Olympics

every year.

In 19th-century Britain,

prisoners were let out for the day

if they paid a fee of £5

(equivalent to $444 today).

Australia’s first police force

was composed of the

best-behaved convicts.

Before 1902,

it was illegal for Australians

to swim at the beach

during the day.

In 1907,

Australian dancer Victor Goulet

had one of his Achilles tendons

replaced with a wallaby’s.

Crop circles in Australia

are caused by frenzied wallabies

who get high in the poppy fields

used to grow legal opium.

A peppier is a waiter

whose sole job is

to go around with a

pepper grinder.

78% of


never do any exercise.

The average

Internet user

goes online

34 times a day.

A group of hackers

once took down

Papa John’s website

because their pizza was late.

90% of Britons

eat pizza

at least once a week.

24% of Britons

eat cereal for supper

at least once a week.

Until the 1940s,

fake snow in the movies

was made by painting

cornflakes white.

It’s a Wonderful Life

won just one Oscar:

for Technical Achievement

in developing a new kind

of artificial snow.

Frank Capra

had a lucky raven called Jimmy

who appeared in all his movies

between 1938 and 1946.

The lapwing has more names than

any other British bird, including

Pie-wipe, Chewit, Toppyup,

Peasiewheep, Tee-ick, Tee-ack,

Tee-o, Teewhup, Ticks Nicket,

Tieve’s Nacket, Wallock, Wallop,

Wallopie Wep, Horneywink,

Horny Wick, and Hornpie.

“At sparrowsfart”

is British slang for

“very early in the morning.”

The Anna’s hummingbird

chirps with its bottom.

The scientific name

for the milk thistle

is Silybum.

There is a genus of

tiny sea snails called Bittium,

and a genus of even tinier ones

called Ittibittium.

The Gelae genus

of slime mold beetles includes

Gelae baen, Gelae belae,

Gelae donut, Gelae fish,

and Gelae rol.

There are chemicals called

“arsole,” “urantae,” “fucol,”

“dogcollarane,” “apatite,”

and “cummingtonite.”

The largest molecule in nature

is chromosome 1.

All human beings have two of them,

and each contains 10 billion atoms.

Half of all human beings

have mites living

in their eyelashes.

The California mite

Paratarsotomus macropalpis

can run 300 of its own

body lengths per second:

20 times faster than a cheetah.

A cheetah

can go from 0 to 40 mph

in three strides.


can get hairballs

the size of soccer balls.

385 million years ago,

fish had fingers.

Four million years ago,

rats in South America

were the size of hippos.

The world’s oldest rose bush

is 1,000 years old.

Apples, strawberries,

plums, and almonds

are all types of rose.

A whole orange

floats on water

but sinks if you peel it.

All tardigrades

live in water,

but none of them

can swim.

Because the Pacific island

of Guam has no sand,

all the roads are

made of coral.

Coral reefs

make up only 1%

of the ocean floor

but are home to 25%

of all ocean life.

95% of the

underwater world

is yet to be explored.

If Mount Everest

stood on the bottom

of the Marianas Trench,

there would be over a mile

of water between its summit

and the surface of the sea.

Emperor penguins

can dive deeper

than the height of the

Empire State Building.

There is more water

in the Earth’s core

than in all of its oceans.

If the Earth

had no clouds,

the sea would


The floods in Australia

in 2010 and 2011 caused

world sea levels to drop

by a quarter of an inch.

If you removed the water

from every life form on Earth,

it would be enough to

cover the Isle of Man

to a depth of half a mile.

In the California gold rush,

water cost more than gold.

If you hold your breath

and put your face in cold water,

your heart will immediately

slow down by 25%.

Squirting cold water

into your left ear

will make you feel

less optimistic.

When a country

is in recession,

its life expectancy

goes up.

40% of humanity

lives in countries where

it’s illegal to be


The age boys reach puberty has

dropped by 2½ months

every decade since

the mid-1700s.

A bite from a Russell’s pit viper

can send the victim

back through puberty.

Frogs find their way back

to their breeding grounds

by following the smell

of the pond’s algae.

Photographs of Algae,

published in 1845,

was the first book

ever to contain


Charles Darwin’s

last book was called

The Formation of Vegetable Mould

through the Action of Worms.

1 in 10 Icelanders

will publish a book

at some time in their life.

It’s illegal in Iceland

for parents to threaten children

with fictional characters.

In the French

Harry Potter books,

Voldemort’s middle name

is Elvis.


was naturally blond.

Blond soccer players

are 15% more likely

to score in penalty shootouts

than dark-haired ones.

Dolly Parton

once lost a Dolly Parton

look-alike competition

to a drag artist.

A leading comedian in Iran

was banned from acting

for eight years because

he looked too much

like the president.

The president of North Korea

is Kim Il-sung, who

died in 1994.

Kim Jong-un,

Supreme Leader of North Korea,

is the world’s youngest

head of state.

The film

Gone with the Wind

is banned in North Korea,

but virtually every adult there

has read the book.

“Gangnam Style” has been watched

for four times more hours than

it took to build the Great Pyramid.



lived closer

in time to the

Moon landings

than to the building

of the Great Pyramid.

The world’s oldest building

is a Japanese hut built

half a million years before

the Great Pyramid.


is the sound that

Japanese sheep make.

Sheep can

see behind themselves

without moving their heads.

Human beings

had been keeping

sheep for 7,000 years

before it occurred to anyone

to use their wool.


of takeout lamb curries

contain meat

other than lamb.

The average Briton

passes 32 fast food outlets

between home and work.

More people in the world

recognize the McDonald’s symbol

than the Christian cross.

When the first McDonald’s

drive-through in Kuwait opened,

the line was seven miles long.

Usain Bolt

ate 1,000 chicken nuggets

during the Beijing Olympics

because he didn’t like

Chinese food.


were the size of

large chickens.

On average, Britons will eat

1,126 chickens

in their lifetime.

During its lifetime,

the International Space Station

will be hit by 100,000 meteoroids.

There are 1,397

known asteroids capable of

causing “major devastation”

if they hit Earth.

The theoretical process of

knocking a meteoroid off course

with a nuclear explosion

is called an “X-ray slap.”

In 1958, the US Air Force

planned to detonate

a nuclear bomb on the Moon to

demonstrate US military supremacy.

In 1971, 100 copies

of the Bible were

taken to the Moon.

The Moon has earthquakes

that last for up to 10 minutes.

Because it’s so dry and dense,

they make it vibrate

like a tuning fork.

The dark side of the Moon

is turquoise.

In China,

the Man in the Moon

is known as

the Toad in the Moon.

One-third of toads

crossing roads

are fatally run over.

Polar bears

cannot be seen by using




can feel it

if you touch

their shells.

Only 1 in 1,000

leatherback turtles

survives to adulthood.

In 1860,

girls in the West

reached puberty at 16½.

Now they get there

before they’re 10.

According to Catholic tradition,

the “Limbo of the Children”

is a nursery on the edge of Hell

for unbaptized infants.

70% of Americans

believe in the existence

of the devil.


operates a daily flight

666 to HEL.

Neil Armstrong’s


was made by a

bra manufacturer.

Neil Armstrong’s

boots are still

floating around

in space.

Humans spend

13% of their lives

not focusing on

anything in


44% of women prefer

reading Fifty Shades of Grey

to actually having sex.

Male ladybugs can spend

up to four hours mating with a

dead female before realizing

something is wrong.

Ladybug orgasms

last for 30 minutes.




time as




Time Person of the Year”

contains the first, second, and third

most commonly used nouns

in English, in order.

Kurt Cobain’s

first band was called

Fecal Matter.

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,

has towns called

Intercourse and Paradise.

It takes six minutes to get from

one to the other.

Michigan has towns called

Paradise and Hell

that are less than

300 miles apart.

The world’s most expensive

phone number is 666-6666.

It was sold in 2006

for $2.2 million.

The most common bacteria

found on banknotes are

the ones that cause acne.

There are more than

$150 million worth of 1-pence coins

in circulation in the UK.

In 2009,

Zimbabwe issued a

new range of banknotes,

from 1 cent up to

100 trillion dollars

($30 USD).

Singapore, Brunei, Palau,

Liechtenstein, and Taiwan

have no national debt at all.


a village in Ireland,

doesn’t have

a hospital.

The IKEA store

on Calle Me Falta un Tornillo

(“I’ve Got a Screw Loose Street”)

in Valladolid, Spain, is hard to find

because people keep stealing

the street signs.

Spanish police are called “smurfs”

because they wear pale-blue hats.

Tipping the hat

comes from the military salute,

which in turn comes from

men in armor lifting the visor

to show their faces.

The long black ribbon

around a funeral director’s

top hat is called

a “weeper.”

The Queen Mother

once turned up unannounced

to watch a top-secret rehearsal

of her own funeral.

The ashes of

1 in 50 people

who are cremated

are never collected

by relatives.

Cremation causes

silicone breast implants

to explode.

Only Spartans

who died in battle

were named on tombstones.

Vikings who died in bed

rather than in battle

went to a special afterlife

where it was always foggy.

The oldest person in history

smoked for 96 years.

One-third of babies

born in Britain in 2013

are expected to live

for a century.

Emperor Hirohito’s

final speech to the Japanese nation

was the first time his subjects

had ever heard his voice.

Einstein’s last words

were spoken in German to a

nurse who didn’t speak German,

and they are lost for ever.

Bing Crosby’s

last words were

“That was a great

game of golf, fellers.”

The last words of

General John Sedgwick at

the Battle of Spotsylvania were

“They couldn’t hit an

elephant at this distance.”