Richard D. Mohr, Gays/Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society, and Law
Gary David Comstock, Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men
Kath Weston, Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship
Lillian Faderman, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America
Judith Roof, A Lure of Knowledge: Lesbian Sexuality and Theory
John Clum, Acting Gay: Male Homosexuality in Modern Drama
Allen Ellenzweig, The Homoerotic Photograph: Male Images from Durieu/Delacroix to Mapplethorpe
Sally Munt, editor, New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings
Timothy F. Murphy and Suzanne Poirier, editors, Writing AIDS: Gay Literature, Language, and Analysis
Linda D. Garnets and Douglas C. Kimmel, editors, Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Male Experiences (2nd edition)
Laura Doan, editor, The Lesbian Postmodern
Noreen O’Connor and Joanna Ryan, Wild Desires and Mistaken Identities: Lesbianism and Psychoanalysis
Alan Sinfield, The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde, and the Queer Moment
Claudia Card, Lesbian Choices
Carter Wilson, Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucátan
Alan Bray, Homosexuality in Renaissance England
Joseph Carrier, De Los Otros: Intimacy and Homosexuality Among Mexican Men
Joseph Bristow, Effeminate England: Homoerotic Writing After 1885
Corinne E. Blackmer and Patricia Juliana Smith, editors, En Travesti: Women, Gender Subversion, Opera
Don Paulson with Roger Simpson, An Evening at The Garden of Allah: A Gay Cabaret in Seattle
Claudia Schoppmann, Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbians During the Third Reich
Chris Straayer, Deviant Eyes, Deviant Bodies: Sexual Re-Orientation in Film and Video
Edward Alwood, Straight News: Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media
Thomas Waugh, Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from Their Beginnings to Stonewall
Judith Roof, Come As You Are: Sexuality and Narrative
Terry Castle, Noel Coward and Radclyffe Hall: Kindred Spirits
Kath Weston, Render Me, Gender Me: Lesbians Talk Sex, Class, Color, Nation, Studmuffins …
Ruth Vanita, Sappho and the Virgin Mary: Same-Sex Love and the English Literary Imagination
renée c. hoogland, Lesbian Configurations
Beverly Burch, Other Women: Lesbian Experience and Psychoanalytic Theory of Women
Jane McIntosh Snyder, Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho
Rebecca Alpert, Like Bread on the Seder Plate: Jewish Lesbians and the Transformation of Tradition
Emma Donoghue, editor, Poems Between Women: Four Centuries of Love, Romantic Friendship, and Desire
James T. Sears and Walter L. Williams, editors, Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work
Patricia Juliana Smith, Lesbian Panic: Homoeroticism in Modern British Women’s Fiction
Dwayne C. Turner, Risky Sex: Gay Men and HIV Prevention
Timothy F. Murphy, Gay Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research
Cameron McFarlane, The Sodomite in Fiction and Satire, 1660–1750
Lynda Hart, Between the Body and the Flesh: Performing Sadomasochism
Byrne R. S. Fone, editor, The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature: Readings from Western Antiquity to the Present Day
Ellen Lewin, Recognizing Ourselves: Ceremonies of Lesbian and Gay Commitment
Ruthann Robson, Sappho Goes to Law School: Fragments in Lesbian Legal Theory
Jacquelyn Zita, Body Talk: Philosophical Reflections on Sex and Gender
Evelyn Blackwood and Saskia Wieringa, Female Desires: Same-Sex Relations and Transgender Practices Across Cultures
William L. Leap, ed., Public Sex/Gay Space
Larry Gross and James D. Woods, eds., The Columbia Reader on Lesbians and Gay Men in Media, Society, and Politics
Marilee Lindemann, Willa Cather: Queering America
George E. Haggerty, Men in Love: Masculinity and Sexuality in the Eighteenth Century
Andrew Elfenbein, Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role
Gilbert Herdt and Bruce Koff, Something to Tell You: The Road Families Travel When a Child Is Gay
Richard Canning, Gay Fiction Speaks: Conversations with Gay Novelists
Laura Doan, Fashioning Sapphism: The Origins of a Modern English Lesbian Culture
Mary Bernstein and Renate Reimann, eds., Queer Families, Queer Politics: Challenging Culture and the State
Richard R. Bozorth, Auden’s Games of Knowledge: Poetry and the Meanings of Homosexuality
Larry Gross, Up from Invisibility: Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Media in America
Linda Garber, Identity Poetics: Race, Class, and the Lesbian-Feminist Roots of Queer Theory