FOR permission to reprint the stories specified we are indebted to Harold Ober Associates Inc. for Sherwood Anderson’s ‘Death in the Woods’ (Copyright © The American Mercury Inc., 1926; copyright renewed by Eleanor Copenhaver Anderson, 1953); Hamish Hamilton Ltd for Truman Capote’s ‘Children on their Birthdays’ from Selected Writings of Truman Capote; Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. for Willa Cather’s ‘Neighbor Rosicky’ from Obscure Destinies; Chatto and Windus Ltd for William Faulkner’s ‘Delta Autumn’ from Go Down, Moses; The Bodley Head for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Rich Boy’ from The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Other Stories; Jonathan Cape Ltd for Ernest Hemingway’s ‘The Battler’ from In Our Time; Chatto and Windus Ltd for Ring Lardner’s ‘Who Dealt?’ from The Best Short Stories of Ring Lardner; Eyre and Spottiswoode for Bernard Malamud’s ‘The Jewbird’ from Idiots First; Jonathan Cape Ltd for Katherine Anne Porter’s ‘Flowering Judas’; André Deutsch for John Updike’s ‘Wife-Wooing’ from Pigeon Feathers.